Disney threatens to stop filming in Georgia if anti-gay bill becomes law

Everyone who works for Disney is imperiling their soul. Disney was a good man, but his business was taken over by evil men, and now they're using his business to tempt our children into homosexuality, which is a self-destructive and dangerous lifestyle.
Have you ever had an original thought?
Have you?

All I hear from liberals is how much they think we shouldn't really blame the Islamic religion for all the evil done it's name, and how real Communism has never been tried, and how unborn babies are blobs of tissue that deserve to be violently torn from the womb.
Conservatives have abortions. They call them a D&C.
I know what a D&C is, asshole. And I'm sure some conservatives have abortions and don't tell their friends. But that changes nothing.

Liberals have a credibility problem because they argue that only God should have the power of life or death when it comes to capital punishment of first degree murderers, but God doesn't exist, and therefore the Fifth Commandment doesn't exist, when it comes to unborn children.
but God doesn't exist
not to change the subject.....but can you prove that a god of some sort does not exist?....
The State of George stands to lose... what?... a dollar-twenty-five? Somehow, I doubt they're overly concerned.

Much better to absorb a few lightweight punches by corporate whores whose moral compasses are tied to the bottom line, than to cave-in to sexual deviants and perverts (a.k.a. homosexuals)...

Try billions of dollars. And that is from the film and tv industry alone.
So let's all boycott Disney if they boycott Georgia's right to sovereignty when it comes to behaviors? We aren't talking about race. Disney needs to figure that out.

Disney is struggling financially as it is. Attendance is down. And as the economy continues to shrink, it will get worse for them. They just announced they're going to outsource to cheap foreign labor so let's repay their audacity and bluff with a boycott of our own?

I'm out. Will not be visiting Disney, watching any of their networks or buying any of their products. Bye Bye Disney!

I'll be vacationing in Georgia instead... :popcorn: Mmm...peach pie, delicious seafood and that slow southern charm. Can't wait!
thats not true for Disneyland.....if their attendance is down why is that parking lot i go by always full?....and this is even with many attractions down for maintenance....and their revenue is up not down....here anyways......
The only thing Christian bakers want is that they are not forced at gun point to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding. Why is that unreasonable? Why can't you people bend for that one accommodation of a Christian's whose conscience won't allow him/her to bake a same-sex wedding cake.

If the military can accommodate people who don't want to fight and kill because their religion is against killing, why can't you liberals allow this?

It doesn't make sense how totally ruthless you are being oppressing Christians.

the bakers are paid to make cakes not make judgement about the people being married.
"Oh, we can't make cakes for bi-racial, bi-religious couples or for religions other than my own, or for couples from other states....."
Ion 1949, Disney wrote in Guideposts magazine: "I believe firmly in the efficacy of religion, in its powerful influence on a person's whole life. It helps immeasurably to meet the storm and stress of life and keep you attuned to the Divine inspiration. Without inspiration, we would perish. All I ask of myself, 'Live a good Christian life.' To that objective I bend every effort in shaping my personal, domestic, and professional activities and growth."
walt died years ago.....
died??? I didn't even know he was sick.
the philosophy today at disney is just a tad different than what it was when walt was alive.....
The only thing Christian bakers want is that they are not forced at gun point to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding. Why is that unreasonable? Why can't you people bend for that one accommodation of a Christian's whose conscience won't allow him/her to bake a same-sex wedding cake.

If the military can accommodate people who don't want to fight and kill because their religion is against killing, why can't you liberals allow this?

It doesn't make sense how totally ruthless you are being oppressing Christians.
This is as ignorant as it is ridiculous and wrong.

Public accommodations laws with provisions for sexual orientation are necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory policy as authorized by the Commerce Clause.

No one is being ‘forced’ to do anything, no one’s religious liberty is being ‘violated’ – one cannot use religious beliefs as ‘justification’ to ignore a just and Constitutional law, such as public accommodations laws (Employment Division v. Smith).

Governments have the authority to regulate and maintain the stability of the markets, where businesses open to the general public refusing to accommodate patrons based solely on their sexual orientation is disruptive to the local market and all other interrelated markets.

Businesses open to the general public are subject to all manner of regulatory laws and policies – and appropriately so; public accommodations laws are no different.
The only thing Christian bakers want is that they are not forced at gun point to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding. Why is that unreasonable? Why can't you people bend for that one accommodation of a Christian's whose conscience won't allow him/her to bake a same-sex wedding cake.

If the military can accommodate people who don't want to fight and kill because their religion is against killing, why can't you liberals allow this?

It doesn't make sense how totally ruthless you are being oppressing Christians.

the bakers are paid to make cakes not make judgement about the people being married.
"Oh, we can't make cakes for bi-racial, bi-religious couples or for religions other than my own, or for couples from other states....."
The bakers are not judging anyone but themselves and refusing to commit a sin. Attending a gay wedding is a sin to them. It's like forcing them to watch kiddie porn.
The only thing Christian bakers want is that they are not forced at gun point to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding. Why is that unreasonable? Why can't you people bend for that one accommodation of a Christian's whose conscience won't allow him/her to bake a same-sex wedding cake.

If the military can accommodate people who don't want to fight and kill because their religion is against killing, why can't you liberals allow this?

It doesn't make sense how totally ruthless you are being oppressing Christians.

the bakers are paid to make cakes not make judgement about the people being married.
"Oh, we can't make cakes for bi-racial, bi-religious couples or for religions other than my own, or for couples from other states....."
The bakers are not judging anyone but themselves and refusing to commit a sin. Attending a gay wedding is a sin to them. It's like forcing them to watch kiddie porn.

Once again, why is it so horrible to bake a cake for a gay wedding, but somehow acceptable to bake one for a Hindu or Pagan wedding?
The only thing Christian bakers want is that they are not forced at gun point to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding. Why is that unreasonable? Why can't you people bend for that one accommodation of a Christian's whose conscience won't allow him/her to bake a same-sex wedding cake.

If the military can accommodate people who don't want to fight and kill because their religion is against killing, why can't you liberals allow this?

It doesn't make sense how totally ruthless you are being oppressing Christians.

the bakers are paid to make cakes not make judgement about the people being married.
"Oh, we can't make cakes for bi-racial, bi-religious couples or for religions other than my own, or for couples from other states....."
The bakers are not judging anyone but themselves and refusing to commit a sin. Attending a gay wedding is a sin to them. It's like forcing them to watch kiddie porn.

Once again, why is it so horrible to bake a cake for a gay wedding, but somehow acceptable to bake one for a Hindu or Pagan wedding?
Being hindu or pagan is not a sin. Gays can buy any cake they want. The sin is not baking the cake. It is participating in the perversion.
The only thing Christian bakers want is that they are not forced at gun point to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding. Why is that unreasonable? Why can't you people bend for that one accommodation of a Christian's whose conscience won't allow him/her to bake a same-sex wedding cake.

If the military can accommodate people who don't want to fight and kill because their religion is against killing, why can't you liberals allow this?

It doesn't make sense how totally ruthless you are being oppressing Christians.

the bakers are paid to make cakes not make judgement about the people being married.
"Oh, we can't make cakes for bi-racial, bi-religious couples or for religions other than my own, or for couples from other states....."
The bakers are not judging anyone but themselves and refusing to commit a sin. Attending a gay wedding is a sin to them. It's like forcing them to watch kiddie porn.

Once again, why is it so horrible to bake a cake for a gay wedding, but somehow acceptable to bake one for a Hindu or Pagan wedding?
Being hindu or pagan is not a sin. Gays can buy any cake they want. The sin is not baking the cake. It is participating in the perversion.

Following another God is most certainly a sin. In fact, it is listed as #1 in the 10 Commandments.

What about grocery stores that sell food to gays? It is the homosexuality itself that is supposedly the sin. Aren't the grocers supporting homosexuality?

What about the power company, cable company and phone companies? If selling a wedding cake is "supporting" gays, then isn't providing electricity, cable and phone service to gays also a sin?
Does this mean if I go to Atlanta....a Muslim cab driver MUST allow my grocery bag full of bacon in it???
It means that this post is yet another example of the hate, bigotry, and stupidity common to most on the right.
And your answer is typical of the Left's diversion when presented with a difficult question.

It's a stupid question since bucs can't afford a whole bag of bacon.
More diversion. Whodathunk?
The only thing Christian bakers want is that they are not forced at gun point to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding. Why is that unreasonable? Why can't you people bend for that one accommodation of a Christian's whose conscience won't allow him/her to bake a same-sex wedding cake.

If the military can accommodate people who don't want to fight and kill because their religion is against killing, why can't you liberals allow this?

It doesn't make sense how totally ruthless you are being oppressing Christians.

the bakers are paid to make cakes not make judgement about the people being married.
"Oh, we can't make cakes for bi-racial, bi-religious couples or for religions other than my own, or for couples from other states....."
The bakers are not judging anyone but themselves and refusing to commit a sin. Attending a gay wedding is a sin to them. It's like forcing them to watch kiddie porn.

Once again, why is it so horrible to bake a cake for a gay wedding, but somehow acceptable to bake one for a Hindu or Pagan wedding?
Being hindu or pagan is not a sin. Gays can buy any cake they want. The sin is not baking the cake. It is participating in the perversion.

Following another God is most certainly a sin. In fact, it is listed as #1 in the 10 Commandments.

What about grocery stores that sell food to gays? It is the homosexuality itself that is supposedly the sin. Aren't the grocers supporting homosexuality?

What about the power company, cable company and phone companies? If selling a wedding cake is "supporting" gays, then isn't providing electricity, cable and phone service to gays also a sin?
Did you know that you exude stupidity? Remarkable!
The only thing Christian bakers want is that they are not forced at gun point to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding. Why is that unreasonable? Why can't you people bend for that one accommodation of a Christian's whose conscience won't allow him/her to bake a same-sex wedding cake.

If the military can accommodate people who don't want to fight and kill because their religion is against killing, why can't you liberals allow this?

It doesn't make sense how totally ruthless you are being oppressing Christians.

the bakers are paid to make cakes not make judgement about the people being married.
"Oh, we can't make cakes for bi-racial, bi-religious couples or for religions other than my own, or for couples from other states....."
The bakers are not judging anyone but themselves and refusing to commit a sin. Attending a gay wedding is a sin to them. It's like forcing them to watch kiddie porn.

Once again, why is it so horrible to bake a cake for a gay wedding, but somehow acceptable to bake one for a Hindu or Pagan wedding?
Being hindu or pagan is not a sin. Gays can buy any cake they want. The sin is not baking the cake. It is participating in the perversion.

Following another God is most certainly a sin. In fact, it is listed as #1 in the 10 Commandments.

What about grocery stores that sell food to gays? It is the homosexuality itself that is supposedly the sin. Aren't the grocers supporting homosexuality?

What about the power company, cable company and phone companies? If selling a wedding cake is "supporting" gays, then isn't providing electricity, cable and phone service to gays also a sin?
Selling food, selling cakes, cookies and flowers to gays is not a sin. Participating in a gay wedding is a sin. It is not a commentary on someone's life choices. It is a personal sin. It is the same as forcing someone to look at kiddie porn. It is strongarming an innocent person to commit a violation of their soul.
the bakers are paid to make cakes not make judgement about the people being married.
"Oh, we can't make cakes for bi-racial, bi-religious couples or for religions other than my own, or for couples from other states....."
The bakers are not judging anyone but themselves and refusing to commit a sin. Attending a gay wedding is a sin to them. It's like forcing them to watch kiddie porn.

Once again, why is it so horrible to bake a cake for a gay wedding, but somehow acceptable to bake one for a Hindu or Pagan wedding?
Being hindu or pagan is not a sin. Gays can buy any cake they want. The sin is not baking the cake. It is participating in the perversion.

Following another God is most certainly a sin. In fact, it is listed as #1 in the 10 Commandments.

What about grocery stores that sell food to gays? It is the homosexuality itself that is supposedly the sin. Aren't the grocers supporting homosexuality?

What about the power company, cable company and phone companies? If selling a wedding cake is "supporting" gays, then isn't providing electricity, cable and phone service to gays also a sin?
Did you know that you exude stupidity? Remarkable!

Thank you for that concise, factual comment on the topic.
Imagine what liberals would think if the Westboro Baptist Church came into the bakery and ordered a cake that said, "God hates fags" on top.

And if the bakery said, I can't do that, putting that message on a cake violates my conscience based on my religious belief that God doesn't hate fags.

Westboro Baptist Church Home Page

Liberals would be singing a very different tune, wouldn't they?
the bakers are paid to make cakes not make judgement about the people being married.
"Oh, we can't make cakes for bi-racial, bi-religious couples or for religions other than my own, or for couples from other states....."
The bakers are not judging anyone but themselves and refusing to commit a sin. Attending a gay wedding is a sin to them. It's like forcing them to watch kiddie porn.

Once again, why is it so horrible to bake a cake for a gay wedding, but somehow acceptable to bake one for a Hindu or Pagan wedding?
Being hindu or pagan is not a sin. Gays can buy any cake they want. The sin is not baking the cake. It is participating in the perversion.

Following another God is most certainly a sin. In fact, it is listed as #1 in the 10 Commandments.

What about grocery stores that sell food to gays? It is the homosexuality itself that is supposedly the sin. Aren't the grocers supporting homosexuality?

What about the power company, cable company and phone companies? If selling a wedding cake is "supporting" gays, then isn't providing electricity, cable and phone service to gays also a sin?
Selling food, selling cakes, cookies and flowers to gays is not a sin. Participating in a gay wedding is a sin. It is not a commentary on someone's life choices. It is a personal sin. It is the same as forcing someone to look at kiddie porn. It is strongarming an innocent person to commit a violation of their soul.

So it is not about them being gay. It is about the actual marriage ceremony? Any Biblical reference to go with that claim?
The Christians should support one another when they are forced into abhorrent acts. Protest. Get up, go to the venue and have a very noisy, legal protest. The injured party can pay for an ad in the paper explaining how they have been violated, complete with names and addresses.

If the gay mafia cannot be stopped, make it hurt.
Imagine what liberals would think if the Westboro Baptist Church came into the bakery and ordered a cake that said, "God hates fags" on top.

And if the bakery said, I can't do that, putting that message on a cake violates my conscience based on my religious belief that God doesn't hate fags.

Westboro Baptist Church Home Page

Liberals would be singing a very different tune, wouldn't they?

First of all, almost everyone hates the Westboro Baptists.

Second of all, what someone cries about or whines about is irrelevant. Follow the law, be prepared to accept the punishment for breaking the law, or try to change the law. That is it. Those are your choices. There are laws that businesses open to the public musty follow.
The bakers are not judging anyone but themselves and refusing to commit a sin. Attending a gay wedding is a sin to them. It's like forcing them to watch kiddie porn.

Once again, why is it so horrible to bake a cake for a gay wedding, but somehow acceptable to bake one for a Hindu or Pagan wedding?
Being hindu or pagan is not a sin. Gays can buy any cake they want. The sin is not baking the cake. It is participating in the perversion.

Following another God is most certainly a sin. In fact, it is listed as #1 in the 10 Commandments.

What about grocery stores that sell food to gays? It is the homosexuality itself that is supposedly the sin. Aren't the grocers supporting homosexuality?

What about the power company, cable company and phone companies? If selling a wedding cake is "supporting" gays, then isn't providing electricity, cable and phone service to gays also a sin?
Selling food, selling cakes, cookies and flowers to gays is not a sin. Participating in a gay wedding is a sin. It is not a commentary on someone's life choices. It is a personal sin. It is the same as forcing someone to look at kiddie porn. It is strongarming an innocent person to commit a violation of their soul.

So it is not about them being gay. It is about the actual marriage ceremony? Any Biblical reference to go with that claim?
It is about the personal belief of the believer that participating in sin makes them as much of a sinner as those welcoming the wrongful conduct.
The only thing Christian bakers want is that they are not forced at gun point to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding. Why is that unreasonable? Why can't you people bend for that one accommodation of a Christian's whose conscience won't allow him/her to bake a same-sex wedding cake.

If the military can accommodate people who don't want to fight and kill because their religion is against killing, why can't you liberals allow this?

It doesn't make sense how totally ruthless you are being oppressing Christians.

the bakers are paid to make cakes not make judgement about the people being married.
"Oh, we can't make cakes for bi-racial, bi-religious couples or for religions other than my own, or for couples from other states....."
The bakers are not judging anyone but themselves and refusing to commit a sin. Attending a gay wedding is a sin to them. It's like forcing them to watch kiddie porn.

Why not make wine for a wedding, a la Jesus, instead of saying what is and is not a sin as if they are god

Wouldn't it be the pip if god was actually gay and Mary was artificially inseminated, oh,wait she was

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