Disproportionate criminal behavior


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
Why do blacks commit more violent crime than whites? Is it because of a culture of violence and anti-authority taking? Is it because of socio-economic factors that are all the White man's fault? Is it all a lie, the result of a racist legal system? is it tghe political atmosphere that encourages many of them to blame their actions of the previous?

Prof. Richard Lynn says that black criminality is related to low black intelligence and black inability to control impulses. Both of these are evolutionarily dictated.


The inherent nature here means that you can't "educate" blacks out of criminal behavior... they're just inherently criminal. Social factors might contribute somewhat, but the biggest social factors going now aren't anti-black racism but a culture that accepts the criminality.
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Maybe the "whites" were responsible for holding blacks back 60 years ago but those excuses are not legitimate anymore. Blacks have all the opportunity whites have and probably more now a days. Bill Cosby has it right on this one......stop blaming everyone else but yourselves and take responsibility for your own lives.
Twin studies have shown that genetics play a large role in behaviors. One set of twins raised apart met each other for the first time and were amazed to see that both of them were wearing seven rings. Personally I believe that genetics will be experimentally proven to have a profound influence on culture in addition to the obvious profound influences on physical and mental characteristics.
Since race is not a genetic trait, it can not be tied to any genetic distinctions.

I would think that socio-economic pressure, counter culture brainwashing, and racism within the justice system are the major factors when dealing with the disproportions.
Since race is not a genetic trait, it can not be tied to any genetic distinctions.

I would think that socio-economic pressure, counter culture brainwashing, and racism within the justice system are the major factors when dealing with the disproportions.

Race isn't genetic? I've never seen a white couple conceive a black child, have you? Speaking of brainwashing, I think I figured out your problem.
Since race is not a genetic trait, it can not be tied to any genetic distinctions.

I would think that socio-economic pressure, counter culture brainwashing, and racism within the justice system are the major factors when dealing with the disproportions.

Race isn't genetic? I've never seen a white couple conceive a black child, have you? Speaking of brainwashing, I think I figured out your problem.

Pity you missed the points made though.
Since race is not a genetic trait, it can not be tied to any genetic distinctions.

I would think that socio-economic pressure, counter culture brainwashing, and racism within the justice system are the major factors when dealing with the disproportions.

Race isn't genetic? I've never seen a white couple conceive a black child, have you? Speaking of brainwashing, I think I figured out your problem.

Yes race is not genetic. The amount of melanin one has in their skin is genetic. But I'm sure you are aware that someones race isn't just the color of their skin. You couldn't look at a persons DNA and say that they are this or that race. Another thing to think about is that if there were genetic differences at the level that, I believe, you are implying than children of mixed race couldn't have children. Since thats not the case it would stand to reason that in fact races are genetically the same. We're all the same species.

And yes black people do have albino babies from time to time so whats you point?
Why do blacks commit more violent crime than whites? Is it because of a culture of violence and anti-authority taking? Is it because of socio-economic factors that are all the White man's fault? Is it all a lie, the result of a racist legal system? is it tghe political atmosphere that encourages many of them to blame their actions of the previous?


There certainly could be a genetic element. One thing that is obvious is that if children don't have the proper guidance from a mother and father during their formulative years, they are more likely to engage in criminal behavior. It is much more likely for a black child to grow up in a fatherless household than all other races, so where do these kids get the guidance they need? Most don't. And a sad statistic in the South is that it is more likely for a black female teenager to get pregnant (out of wedlock, of course) than to not get pregnant. They need to get their act together and it's my opinion that the government is just making matters worse by trying to 'help'. (Good intentions gone bad...)

When I take my daily walk, I worry more when I pass black teenagers as opposed to teenagers of other races because I know statistically that the likelihood for them to become violent is greater. That's why I always carry a gun with an extra clip just in case I have to defend myself.
Since race is not a genetic trait, it can not be tied to any genetic distinctions.

I would think that socio-economic pressure, counter culture brainwashing, and racism within the justice system are the major factors when dealing with the disproportions.

Race isn't genetic? I've never seen a white couple conceive a black child, have you? Speaking of brainwashing, I think I figured out your problem.

Pity you missed the points made though.

I may have missed some points, but I was addressing the one made here that race isn't a genetic trait. I disagree with that notion.
Since race is not a genetic trait, it can not be tied to any genetic distinctions.

I would think that socio-economic pressure, counter culture brainwashing, and racism within the justice system are the major factors when dealing with the disproportions.

Race isn't genetic? I've never seen a white couple conceive a black child, have you? Speaking of brainwashing, I think I figured out your problem.

Yes race is not genetic. The amount of melanin one has in their skin is genetic. But I'm sure you are aware that someones race isn't just the color of their skin. You couldn't look at a persons DNA and say that they are this or that race. Another thing to think about is that if there were genetic differences at the level that, I believe, you are implying than children of mixed race couldn't have children. Since thats not the case it would stand to reason that in fact races are genetically the same. We're all the same species.

And yes black people do have albino babies from time to time so whats you point?

I may not always be able to define race but I can always tell race when I see it. Tell me these albino babies you speak of, did they have straight blonde hair? Roman noses? Can you provide evidence that a white couple conceved a black child? Albinism itself is hereditary, passed on through genes. So it's also a genetic trait.

Human Genetics
I may not always be able to define race but I can always tell race when I see it. Tell me these albino babies you speak of, did they have straight blonde hair? Roman noses? Can you provide evidence that a white couple conceved a black child? Albinism itself is hereditary, passed on through genes. So it's also a genetic trait.

You are aware of what albinism is so why do I have to show you what it is? I agree that albinism is a genetic trait. I also never said that white people have had a black child. But I'm willing to bet that there is some genetic mutation that can cause a higher level melanin in someones skin.

What are the genetic differences you speak of with regards to race? Again there are no genetic distinctions or markers within the human genome that can identify race.
I may not always be able to define race but I can always tell race when I see it. Tell me these albino babies you speak of, did they have straight blonde hair? Roman noses? Can you provide evidence that a white couple conceved a black child? Albinism itself is hereditary, passed on through genes. So it's also a genetic trait.

You are aware of what albinism is so why do I have to show you what it is? I agree that albinism is a genetic trait. I also never said that white people have had a black child. But I'm willing to bet that there is some genetic mutation that can cause a higher level melanin in someones skin.

What are the genetic differences you speak of with regards to race? Again there are no genetic distinctions or markers within the human genome that can identify race.

Consistent physical distinctions between groups of people from different areas, some of which can be readily observed (skin color, average build, etc.) and some of which can not (blood type distribution, etc.) are caused by genetic variation between those groups. Cultures divide people into races based on these physical, ultimately genetic differences.

We are proud to introduce to the forensic community DNA WITNESS 2.0, a genetic test for the deduction of the heritable component of race, called Biogeographical Ancestry (BGA).

Racial Identification

Probable Race of a Stain Donor
Both of those links describe races very differently so how can they coincide with your statement?

The first states races as Indo European, Sub-Saharan African, East Asian or Native American

The second only refers to whites, African Americans and Hispanics. Stating "As a rough conclusion, distinguishing Caucasian from African-American source can usually be done confidently. Distinguishing Caucasian from Hispanic is more problematic."

So one is saying there are four races when the other is stating there are three.

So how many races do you believe there are? Are Arabs different from Nubians? Asians different from Indians? Are Aborigines different from Africans? What are these factors you refer to that differentiate races? (Color, body types, size etc...)
What's the point here -- that certain groups are disproportionately inclined to certain behaviors?

I grant that. For instance, heterosexuals commit more crimes against children, and conservatives are more likely to beat their wives. Glenn Beck's crimes against that woman almost twenty years ago is a prime example.
Both of those links describe races very differently so how can they coincide with your statement?

The first states races as Indo European, Sub-Saharan African, East Asian or Native American

The second only refers to whites, African Americans and Hispanics. Stating "As a rough conclusion, distinguishing Caucasian from African-American source can usually be done confidently. Distinguishing Caucasian from Hispanic is more problematic."

So one is saying there are four races when the other is stating there are three.

So how many races do you believe there are? Are Arabs different from Nubians? Asians different from Indians? Are Aborigines different from Africans? What are these factors you refer to that differentiate races? (Color, body types, size etc...)

Those links reinforce my point that race is genetic. Unless you think that DNA sampling and testing isn't based on genetics. I believe there are three races, just off the top of my head, there's mongaloid (which is the asian, native American), negroid ( the african sub-saharan)and caucazoid( indo-European).The spelling may be off, but I'm sure you get the general idea. Hispanics is not a race but an ethnicity.
Both of those links describe races very differently so how can they coincide with your statement?

The first states races as Indo European, Sub-Saharan African, East Asian or Native American

The second only refers to whites, African Americans and Hispanics. Stating "As a rough conclusion, distinguishing Caucasian from African-American source can usually be done confidently. Distinguishing Caucasian from Hispanic is more problematic."

So one is saying there are four races when the other is stating there are three.

So how many races do you believe there are? Are Arabs different from Nubians? Asians different from Indians? Are Aborigines different from Africans? What are these factors you refer to that differentiate races? (Color, body types, size etc...)

Those links reinforce my point that race is genetic. Unless you think that DNA sampling and testing isn't based on genetics. I believe there are three races, just off the top of my head, there's mongaloid (which is the asian, native American), negroid ( the african sub-saharan)and caucazoid( indo-European).The spelling may be off, but I'm sure you get the general idea. Hispanics is not a race but an ethnicity.

So what race are Hispanics than? What other species of animal have races?

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