Dissecting John Stossel's Anti-Communist Lies

were you the guy chiarman mao kept around to clean his ass after a shit
Western anti-communist polemicists and propagandists, see those who died at the hands of communists as "victims". Even the Nazis that invaded Soviet Russia are considered "victims", and counted as part of the death toll of communism.

VIETNAM - Americans massacred children:

  • My Lai Massacre (1968):
    This was a mass murder of unarmed South Vietnamese civilians by U.S. troops in Sơn Tịnh District, South Vietnam, on March 16, 1968. During the massacre, between 347 and 504 unarmed people were killed by U.S. Army soldiers from Company C, 1st Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment and Company B, 4th Battalion, 3rd Infantry Regiment, 11th Brigade, 23rd (Americal) Infantry Division. Victims included men, women, children, and infants. Some of the women were gang-raped, and their bodies were mutilated. The event led to global outrage when it became public knowledge in November 1969.
  • Operation Speedy Express (1968-1969): This operation by the 9th Infantry Division in the Mekong Delta resulted in a large number of civilian deaths. The U.S. Army claimed 10,899 enemy KIAs, but it also estimated that 5,000 to 7,000 civilian casualties occurred during the operation, although this number is believed to be a low estimate.
  • Operation Wheeler/Wallowa (1967-1968): During this operation, American forces were accused of indiscriminate bombing, shelling, and the burning of houses, leading to significant civilian casualties.

No one counted nazis as victims of communism

Thde people considered victims of communism were in fact civilains within the USSR murdered by their own government and their number is tens of millions. Worse even than the holocaust.

Pointing out something the USA did is not a defense of communism
The regimes of Mussolini and Hitler, which set as their ultimate goal the re-creation of the New Roman Empire and the Third Reich, respectively, are characterized by the most terribly obscurantist reaction. They saw in technical innovations nothing more than a "time machine" designed to provide a return to the social past, perceived and recreated in the most slave-owning and grabbing version.
This is for those who like to compare communists with fascists.
The regimes of Mussolini and Hitler, which set as their ultimate goal the re-creation of the New Roman Empire and the Third Reich, respectively, are characterized by the most terribly obscurantist reaction. They saw in technical innovations nothing more than a "time machine" designed to provide a return to the social past, perceived and recreated in the most slave-owning and grabbing version.
This is for those who like to compare communists with fascists.

Exactly! Communists are worse than fascists.
You'd have to be a complete idiot not to see the fundamental difference between Nazism-Fascism and Communism. But the West is full of such people. If bourgeois propaganda has convinced a huge number of people that sexual perversions, which are repugnant to the very biological essence of people, are the norm, then equating Nazism with Communism goes more easily for simpletons, of which there are enough on this forum
You'd have to be a complete idiot not to see the fundamental difference between Nazism-Fascism and Communism. But the West is full of such people. If bourgeois propaganda has convinced a huge number of people that sexual perversions, which are repugnant to the very biological essence of people, are the norm, then equating Nazism with Communism goes more easily for simpletons, of which there are enough on this forum

There are a bunch of queers prancing around.

Commies still suck.
You'd have to be a complete idiot not to see the fundamental difference between Nazism-Fascism and Communism. But the West is full of such people. If bourgeois propaganda has convinced a huge number of people that sexual perversions, which are repugnant to the very biological essence of people, are the norm, then equating Nazism with Communism goes more easily for simpletons, of which there are enough on this forum
Oh there is a big difference between the two..but very little between socialism and national socialism.

The reality is Communism, despite folks calling their party communist, has never actually existed as a system in a nation

Folks can’t get past the socialist stage
Oh there is a big difference between the two..but very little between socialism and national socialism.
Of course! An ideology that assumes the existence of a master race and a slave race, while destroying some peoples completely, so similar to an ideology that proclaims the brotherhood of all peoples and the destruction of the conditions for the exploitation of man by man...
Hitler used the word socialism for demagogic purposes because of the popularity of socialism among the people. But even after all the deeds of the nazis, who proved to even an imbecile that nazism is the exact opposite of communism, the ideology of the slave owners, there are still simpletons who can't get their head out of their ass and think.
You'd have to be a complete idiot not to see the fundamental difference between Nazism-Fascism and Communism. But the West is full of such people. If bourgeois propaganda has convinced a huge number of people that sexual perversions, which are repugnant to the very biological essence of people, are the norm, then equating Nazism with Communism goes more easily for simpletons, of which there are enough on this forum

There IS no fundamental difference. They are both AUTHORITARIAN. They are both leftist ideologies.

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