Dissecting John Stossel's Anti-Communist Lies

Stalin's millions of victims deserved it?

Western anti-communist polemicists and propagandists, see those who died at the hands of communists as "victims". Even the Nazis that invaded Soviet Russia are considered "victims", and counted as part of the death toll of communism.

VIETNAM - Americans massacred children:

  • My Lai Massacre (1968):
    This was a mass murder of unarmed South Vietnamese civilians by U.S. troops in Sơn Tịnh District, South Vietnam, on March 16, 1968. During the massacre, between 347 and 504 unarmed people were killed by U.S. Army soldiers from Company C, 1st Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment and Company B, 4th Battalion, 3rd Infantry Regiment, 11th Brigade, 23rd (Americal) Infantry Division. Victims included men, women, children, and infants. Some of the women were gang-raped, and their bodies were mutilated. The event led to global outrage when it became public knowledge in November 1969.
  • Operation Speedy Express (1968-1969): This operation by the 9th Infantry Division in the Mekong Delta resulted in a large number of civilian deaths. The U.S. Army claimed 10,899 enemy KIAs, but it also estimated that 5,000 to 7,000 civilian casualties occurred during the operation, although this number is believed to be a low estimate.
  • Operation Wheeler/Wallowa (1967-1968): During this operation, American forces were accused of indiscriminate bombing, shelling, and the burning of houses, leading to significant civilian casualties.
  • Fake News

See how easily you capitalist-"Americans" dismiss all of your own crimes against the innocent? Of course, you don't care. You're all a bunch of hypocrites. Scum. Crying about Stalin and communists fighting wars against those who wanted to destroy the Soviet Union, and yet don't bat an eye for the genocide that the US government under its capitalist ruling elite, committed in Iraq. So my response to assholes like you who cry about Stalin is:

American mass graves...

During the American Civil War, the death toll was extremely high, with estimates ranging from 620,000 to 750,000 soldiers killed. Many of these deaths occurred in large battles, and it was common for the dead to be buried quickly in mass graves. For example, after the Battle of Gettysburg, one of the deadliest battles of the Civil War, mass graves were used for many of the thousands of dead. In recent years, efforts have been made to identify these sites and honor those buried there.

As for the Indian Wars, the term refers to a series of conflicts between European settlers (and later the U.S. government) and various Native American tribes from the 17th century through the late 19th century. Mass graves related to these conflicts have also been found. One well-known example is the Wounded Knee Massacre site in South Dakota, where U.S. soldiers killed hundreds of Lakota Sioux people in 1890, many of whom were buried in a mass grave.
Americans massacre Indians:

  1. Gnadenhutten Massacre (1782):
    During the American Revolutionary War, Pennsylvania militiamen killed 96 peaceful Christian Delaware (Lenape) Indians, including men, women, and children.
  2. Battle of Tippecanoe (1811): This battle between U.S. forces and Tecumseh's Confederacy could be seen as a massacre, considering the disparity in force and the aggressive tactics employed by the U.S.
  3. Sand Creek Massacre (1864): Colorado Territory militia attacked and destroyed a peaceful village of Cheyenne and Arapaho on the eastern plains, killing and mutilating an estimated 70–163 Native Americans, about two-thirds of whom were women and children.
  4. Bear River Massacre (1863): U.S. Army attacked Shoshone gathered at the confluence of the Bear River and Beaver Creek in what was then southeastern Washington Territory. The number of Shoshone victims reported by local settlers was higher than that reported by soldiers.
  5. Marijuana Massacre (1863): California volunteer cavalrymen led by Patrick Edward Connor attacked a Shoshone encampment, killing around 250-300 Shoshone, including women and children.
  6. Washita River Massacre (1868): Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer's 7th U.S. Cavalry attacked a village of sleeping Cheyenne led by Black Kettle. U.S. troops killed women and children in addition to warriors, although this was often disputed later.
  7. Wounded Knee Massacre (1890): The U.S. 7th Cavalry Regiment intercepted a band of Lakota people and ended up killing an estimated 150-300 men, women, and children near Wounded Knee Creek in South Dakota.

Holomodor anyone?
Lies against the Soviet Union exposed:

CIA Officers Admit to fabricating lies against Communists:

Most billionaires had a wealthy daddy or received help from their upper-middle class parents to start the business. The government also helped several billionaires grow their fortunes, protecting their patents, providing contracts and subsidies, among many other resources.

No individual or single-family in society should have so much money and power. They undermine democracy with their money. As far as the old worn-out "utopia" argument. Do you want dystopia? I prefer utopia to dystopia. In truth, what socialism provides is just a better system not a perfect one. We're not utopians but if you want to pretend we are. I then charge you with being dystopian. the extreme opposite of utopianism. Why not? You're being disingenuous with me, so you're fair game.

But you automatically paint all billionaires as horrible. There are likely many horrible billionaires, but I know a bunch of horrible bums who don't have two cents to rub together. I know that Trump used to give millions and millions to St. Jude's Children's Hospital. He's actually been very generous with his money in many cases.

If I had an invention or some talent that afforded me the opportunity to become a billionaire, I'd capitalize on it. I'd buy myself a nice cabin deep in the woods and live my life there. But having a billion dollars wouldn't change who I am.
But you automatically paint all billionaires as horrible. There are likely many horrible billionaires, but I know a bunch of horrible bums who don't have two cents to rub together. I know that Trump used to give millions and millions to St. Jude's Children's Hospital. He's actually been very generous with his money in many cases.

If I had an invention or some talent that afforded me the opportunity to become a billionaire, I'd capitalize on it. I'd buy myself a nice cabin deep in the woods and live my life there. But having a billion dollars wouldn't change who I am.
But you automatically paint all billionaires as horrible.

It's horrible for society, but I wouldn't say all billionaires are bad people.

There are likely many horrible billionaires, but I know a bunch of horrible bums who don't have two cents to rub together.

I know that Trump used to give millions and millions to St. Jude's Children's Hospital. He's actually been very generous with his money in many cases. If I had an invention or some talent that afforded me the opportunity to become a billionaire, I'd capitalize on it. I'd buy myself a nice cabin deep in the woods and live my life there. But having a billion dollars wouldn't change who I am.

He also gave millions to politicians. Billionaires are a liability, undermining democracy. The tax rate should be 100% after $12,000,000 yearly.
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Stossel Comes from Long Island, where he's a social butterfly. For all his "capitalism" hot air, when his 2.5 Mil Hamptons mansion was blown away years ago, he had no problem getting Gov't agencies to pay for the loss. Some say, he was "underinsured". He's the ultimate 'Bankster': "Socialism for me, capitalism for the peasants".

were you the guy chiarman mao kept around to clean his ass after a shit
Of course not, because I was born and raised here in the United States. It's illegal for me to live in a communist country, under American sanctions and threats of war. But anyways, why would I live in another country, when I can live here in the United States and do whatever I can to make it more socialist and communist?
the red in your bowel movements arent communism dear
It's not how you start the race, it's how you finish it that matters. It took centuries for capitalism to replace chattel slavery and feudalism, and it will take time for socialism and then communism to replace capitalism. It's just a matter of time.
Over my dead body! Give me freedom or give me death! You communists go live in China and leave freedom and liberty loving American to our capitalist way of life.

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