Dissecting John Stossel's Anti-Communist Lies

Remember how they divided up Poland?
Remember how they give away Austria and Czechoslvakia to Hitler, while the USSR was trying to build a coalition against Hitler and helping Republican Spain?
Of course not, because you were educated in the US, you pathetic fool.
It's crystal clear that you have nothing of value to offer any topics on this forum. A true waste of bandwidth and resources.
Remember how they give away Austria and Czechoslvakia to Hitler, while the USSR was trying to build a coalition against Hitler and helping Republican Spain?
Of course not, because you were educated in the US, you pathetic fool.

The WESTERN powers gave away those countries, you moronic clod. Germany trained and developed their Panzer forces in RUSSIA!

Dumbass! As Operation Barbarossa started off there was a train load of coal heading in to Germany from Russia, you boob.
The WESTERN powers gave away those countries, you moronic clod. Germany trained and developed their Panzer forces in RUSSIA!
Dumbass! As Operation Barbarossa started off there was a train load of coal heading in to Germany from Russia, you boob.
Pathetic and hopeless....
That is correct, it takes the money generated by the capitalists to fund the programs put forth by the socialists.

No, money is NOT generated by the Capitalists. It is horded by the Capitalists.

Wealth is created by the productive labor of the workers. Money is a representation of that wealth. Money is then horded by the capitalists, who are then forced by the socialists to pay for the inherent unfairness of the capitalism.

Most 'Capitalists' haven't done one day of productive labor in their life.
No, money is NOT generated by the Capitalists. It is horded by the Capitalists.

Wealth is created by the productive labor of the workers. Money is a representation of that wealth. Money is then horded by the capitalists, who are then forced by the socialists to pay for the inherent unfairness of the capitalism.

Most 'Capitalists' haven't done one day of productive labor in their life.
Real socialists get rid of capitalism.
Real socialists get rid of capitalism.

True, the term 'socialist' originally meant for the complete seizure of property and doesn't allow at all for capitalism.

However, since that was a complete failure everywhere it was tried, a more modern and realistic definition of socialism is supporting government regulations, liberal policies, taxing the wealthy and supporting government assistance programs.

In rare and extreme cases modern socialists support seizure or absolute government control of some industries - usually on a temporary basis.

Sorry your Communist bubble has been burst, but you can only blame the Communists for that.
No, money is NOT generated by the Capitalists. It is horded by the Capitalists.

Wealth is created by the productive labor of the workers. Money is a representation of that wealth. Money is then horded by the capitalists, who are then forced by the socialists to pay for the inherent unfairness of the capitalism.

Most 'Capitalists' haven't done one day of productive labor in their life.
Define productive labor.
True, the term 'socialist' originally meant for the complete seizure of property and doesn't allow at all for capitalism.

However, since that was a complete failure everywhere it was tried, a more modern and realistic definition of socialism is supporting government regulations, liberal policies, taxing the wealthy and supporting government assistance programs.

In rare and extreme cases modern socialists support seizure or absolute government control of some industries - usually on a temporary basis.

Sorry your Communist bubble has been burst, but you can only blame the Communists for that.

That's not socialism, that's social democracy. Socialism is indeed the abolishment or seizure of private property (not personal property) and when it was tried at a national scale in Russia, under Stalin, it worked beautifully, despite all of the challenges. It's what allowed the Soviet Union to beat the Nazis and become a world nuclear superpower with the second largest economy in the world. It turned a backwater, under-industrialized, agrarian society of illiterate peasants, into an industrial juggernaut and nuclear superpower. It did that, without modern computers and advanced 21st century automation.

It was people like you in the Soviet government, after the death of Stalin, that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. The 20th Congress of the Soviet Union, enacted new economic policies and "reforms" that 30 years later resulted in the dissolution of the USSR. You're a disingenuous, treacherous tool of the bourgeoisie.
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Define productive labor.

Productive labor is labor that produces surplus value, which is the value of a product in excess of the cost of labor and materials required to produce it. This surplus value is appropriated by capitalists as profit. In this context, productive laborers are those who are directly involved in the production process and whose labor can be exploited to generate profit for the capitalist.

We believe those who work the productive enterprise, should own and run it together. Human beings shouldn't be commodified in a wage-labor market, nor reduced to the means of production for capitalists. Mass production is a social endeavor not a private one, hence it should be in the hands of those who do the actual work, not the capitalist parasites who exploit and live off the labor of others.
That's not socialism, that's social democracy. Socialism is indeed the abolishment or seizure of private property (not personal property) and when it was tried at a national scale in Russia, under Stalin, it worked beautifully, despite all of the challenges. It's what allowed the Soviet Union to beat the Nazis and become a world nuclear superpower with the second largest economy in the world. It turned a backwater, under-industrialized, agrarian society of illiterate peasants, into an industrial juggernaut and nuclear superpower. It did that, without modern computers and advanced 21st century automation.

It was people like you in the Soviet government, after the death of Stalin, that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. The 20th Congress of the Soviet Union, enacted new economic policies and "reforms" that 30 years later resulted in the dissolution of the USSR. You're a disingenuous, treacherous tool of the bourgeoisie.

"treacherous tool of the bourgeoisie"
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

You really are brainwashed!

Stalin committed mass murder at a level equal to Hitler. If you kill a huge percentage of your people, then enslave the rest, yes you may see some improvements in the economic output. But the standard of living for your people will be barely above torture.

Hitler got a whole lot of work from his slave labor camps too.

BTW - The Soviet Union's economy was never close to the U.S. economy - and we did it without the mass murder and enslavement of the majority of our citizens. The only slavery that there was was ended by the U.S. Government.

Perhaps Communism did improve the standard of living for some Soviet Citizens, but that's only becaus ethe standard of living was so bad under the Czar.

Also, The German economy under Hitler was far better then the Soviet economy under Stalin. If it weren't for the Soviet's allies, the Germans would have won the war.
"treacherous tool of the bourgeoisie"
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

You really are brainwashed!

Stalin committed mass murder at a level equal to Hitler. If you kill a huge percentage of your people, then enslave the rest, yes you may see some improvements in the economic output. But the standard of living for your people will be barely above torture.

Hitler got a whole lot of work from his slave labor camps too.

BTW - The Soviet Union's economy was never close to the U.S. economy - and we did it without the mass murder and enslavement of the majority of our citizens. The only slavery that there was was ended by the U.S. Government.

Perhaps Communism did improve the standard of living for some Soviet Citizens, but that's only becaus ethe standard of living was so bad under the Czar.

Also, The German economy under Hitler was far better then the Soviet economy under Stalin. If it weren't for the Soviet's allies, the Germans would have won the war.

You really are brainwashed!

Ironically, you're the one who is a "brainwashed" tool of the bourgeoisie/capitalists. Serving their interests at the expense of the proletariat/working class. You perpetuate the capitalist system, rather than abolishing it, hence you're not a socialist. Stop identifying yourself as one, and be truthful and sincere. You're a social democrat, a liberal, not a socialist.

Stalin committed mass murder at a level equal to Hitler

More proof, that you're a brainwashed tool of Western imperialism. Stalin saved the West and Russia from Nazi Germany, by beating them and building the USSR into a world superpower. There is zero evidence, that Stalin committed the crimes attributed to him by Western, CIA bought academia. Here are some books you can read to de-program yourself:

If you kill a huge percentage of your people, then enslave the rest, yes you may see some improvements in the economic output. But the standard of living for your people will be barely above torture.

You're just spewing a bunch of Cold War bullshit propaganda about Stalin and the USSR. You expose yourself as a mindless tool of capitalist imperialists.

Hitler got a whole lot of work from his slave labor camps too.

The USSR wasn't built by slave labor. Just more of your ignorant imperialist propaganda.

BTW - The Soviet Union's economy was never close to the U.S. economy - and we did it without the mass murder and enslavement of the majority of our citizens. The only slavery that there was was ended by the U.S. Government.

The US economy was built upon the backs of slaves and a highly exploited and abused workforce, not to speak of all of its holdings and dirt cheap labor in Latin America. The US also had a 120 year head start of industrialization over the USSR (a new country established in 1922), and invaded Russia with Britain, France, and several other capitalist powers in 1918, to eliminate the Bolshevik socialists. Over 200 thousand foreign troops were deployed in Soviet Russia, including 14 thousand Americans (both army and marines).

The Soviet red army, had to fight not just with foreign invaders but with Russian capitalists and their "white army", which had about 300 thousand troops. So from its very beginning, the Soviets were fighting a huge contingent of capitalist forces, both foreign and domestic. By the late 1920s, the Soviets had defeated the white army and expelled all of the foreign troops, through sheer grit, winning one fierce battle after another. Class warfare is bloody, that's what "socialists" like you fail to acknowledge, always blaming the USSR for everything, like a pathetic capitalist propagandist. The capitalist elites always use people like you against real socialists.

Perhaps Communism did improve the standard of living for some Soviet Citizens, but that's only becaus ethe standard of living was so bad under the Czar.

"Perhaps" no, it actually did. It turned Russia into a nuclear superpower with the second largest economy in the world and a military that rivaled the United States. It accomplished this despite all of the obstacles it was forced to overcome. It did all of this without modern computers or advanced automation.

Also, The German economy under Hitler was far better then the Soviet economy under Stalin. If it weren't for the Soviet's allies, the Germans would have won the war.

Hardly, you have zero evidence for any of these claims.

“We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.”

– Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn

You cite the above and ironically, you're the one who is lying.
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It's not how you start the race, it's how you finish it that matters. It took centuries for capitalism to replace chattel slavery and feudalism, and it will take time for socialism and then communism to replace capitalism. It's just a matter of time.
garbage there has never been a communist country to this day and there never will be. And in a capitalistic country, what would be the response of the population if you said you think that the means of production should be owned and controlled by the state and that the sales of that production should be designated to the state. Yup you would be laughed at completely.
The USSR helped, by joining with Hitler.
What the f are you talking about, dumbass?
The USSR would be the last country in Europe to conclude a Non-Aggression Act, after virtually all European countries had concluded one with Germany during the 1930s and after it became clear that neither France nor England were interested in creating collective security, that would includ the USSR.

Hitler rattled his saber against Poland, France and England refused to conclude an alliance against Germany in the summer, and Poland categorically refused to allow soviet troops to pass through its territory, while at the same time during 1930s tried hard to conclude an alliance with the nazis against the USSR.
Under these conditions of an inevitable German war against Poland, which England and France might well have ignored, as they did with Czechoslovakia, the USSR could have been involved in a war with Germany, for which the USSR was not yet ready, and who knows whose side in this war England and France might take, the USSR accepted the German proposal to conclude an Act of Non-Aggression.
Thus, the USSR had almost two years to prepare for war with Germany. The annexation, as a result of the rapid collapse of Poland, of the lands of Western Belorussia and Western Ukraine, pushed the border with Germany back hundreds of kilometers, which was also important in the future war.
But you smart ass, of course would prefer that the nazis take over all of Poland.
Ironically, you're the one who is a "brainwashed" tool of the bourgeoisie/capitalists. Serving their interests at the expense of the proletariat/working class. You perpetuate the capitalist system, rather than abolishing it, hence you're not a socialist. Stop identifying yourself as one, and be truthful and sincere. You're a social democrat, a liberal, not a socialist.

More proof, that you're a brainwashed tool of Western imperialism. Stalin saved the West and Russia from Nazi Germany, by beating them and building the USSR into a world superpower. There is zero evidence, that Stalin committed the crimes attributed to him by Western, CIA bought academia. Here are some books you can read to de-program yourself:

You're just spewing a bunch of Cold War bullshit propaganda about Stalin and the USSR. You expose yourself as a mindless tool of capitalist imperialists.

The USSR wasn't built by slave labor. Just more of your ignorant imperialist propaganda.

The US economy was built upon the backs of slaves and a highly exploited and abused workforce, not to speak of all of its holdings and dirt cheap labor in Latin America. The US also had a 120 year head start of industrialization over the USSR (a new country established in 1922), and invaded Russia with Britain, France, and several other capitalist powers in 1918, to eliminate the Bolshevik socialists. Over 200 thousand foreign troops were deployed in Soviet Russia, including 14 thousand Americans (both army and marines).

The Soviet red army, had to fight not just with foreign invaders but with Russian capitalists and their "white army", which had about 300 thousand troops. So from its very beginning, the Soviets were fighting a huge contingent of capitalist forces, both foreign and domestic. By the late 1920s, the Soviets had defeated the white army and expelled all of the foreign troops, through sheer grit, winning one fierce battle after another. Class warfare is bloody, that's what "socialists" like you fail to acknowledge, always blaming the USSR for everything, like a pathetic capitalist propagandist. The capitalist elites always use people like you against real socialists.

"Perhaps" no, it actually did. It turned Russia into a nuclear superpower with the second largest economy in the world and a military that rivaled the United States. It accomplished this despite all of the obstacles it was forced to overcome. It did all of this without modern computers or advanced automation.

Hardly, you have zero evidence for any of these claims.

You cite the above and ironically, you're the one who is lying.

You are truly a fruitcake!

Millions of people - including my family members - bore witness to Stalin's atrocities. The schools in the USSR even taught about it.

Do you really think that by publishing a couple of books you can hide the truth?

Guess again!
garbage there has never been a communist country to this day and there never will be. And in a capitalistic country, what would be the response of the population if you said you think that the means of production should be owned and controlled by the state and that the sales of that production should be designated to the state. Yup you would be laughed at completely.

garbage there has never been a communist country to this day and there never will be.

Communism is inevitable due to advanced automation and artificial intelligence.

And in a capitalistic country, what would be the response of the population if you said you think that the means of production should be owned and controlled by the state and that the sales of that production should be designated to the state. Yup you would be laughed at completely.

Now in the near future, when intelligent automation takes a significant % of jobs. The state, under the authority of democratically-run worker-councils:


..would collaborate with the workers:


Using the latest advanced automation technology, would provide everyone with an abundance of goods and services. Intelligent robots, unlike human beings, work 24/7 without rest. Technology ensures the future adoption of communism, making it the successor of capitalism.
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You are truly a fruitcake!

Millions of people - including my family members - bore witness to Stalin's atrocities. The schools in the USSR even taught about it.

Do you really think that by publishing a couple of books you can hide the truth?

Guess again!

You're definitely the fruit cake, by slandering and demonizing Stalin, with your Khrushchev, "social democracy" propaganda bullshit.

Advanced automation technology will force society by necessity to adopt a non-profit, communist system of production. Without it society will be unable to survive.

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