Distraction From the GOP

Well, Republicans did manage to shut down government. Maybe they can run on that
Republicans shut down government? How did they do that? Doesn't the DNC control the Senate and the White House? Why is a stalemate on policy the GOP's fault?

The GOP believes the direction Democrats are moving the country is dangerous. Giving in to bad policy is akin to arguing with a would be killer over his weapon of choice.

The House doesn't have a Constitutional role in passing budgets, didn't you know that, Ernie?
They seem to think their Dear Leader should get everything he desires.
The House's role is to propose budgets which they have done every year as mandated by the Constitution. The fact that Harry Reid has not brought one up for vote is hardly the Republicans fault.

Let's see. The House did their Constitutional duty and the Senate refused to act. Do I have that right?

Would one of you Democrats then please tell me how that constitutes the GOP shutting down government?
Republicans shut down government? How did they do that? Doesn't the DNC control the Senate and the White House? Why is a stalemate on policy the GOP's fault?

The GOP believes the direction Democrats are moving the country is dangerous. Giving in to bad policy is akin to arguing with a would be killer over his weapon of choice.

The House doesn't have a Constitutional role in passing budgets, didn't you know that, Ernie?

It isn't in the Constitution at all. Various Congressional Budget legislation has been duly enacted in US hiistory, since the beginning of the nation.The House controls revenue, Art, I. s. 7. All three, President, Senate & House are involved.

You may want to click the needle on your sarcasm detector, I think it's stuck
Well, Republicans did manage to shut down government. Maybe they can run on that
Republicans shut down government? How did they do that? Doesn't the DNC control the Senate and the White House? Why is a stalemate on policy the GOP's fault?

The GOP believes the direction Democrats are moving the country is dangerous. Giving in to bad policy is akin to arguing with a would be killer over his weapon of choice.

What ever happened to the party of personal responsibility?

Of course you shut down government. Be proud, shout it from the rooftops
You know your party doesn't believe we need a government. Run on that in 2014.
How did WE shut down government? By refusing to pass a continuing resolution written by the Senate?

In case you are unfamiliar with the US Constitution, spending bills are to originate in the US House of Representatives. Multiple budgets have, since obama took office. The Senate failing to act is what shut down government.
We've known this for decades! It's a foregone conclusion! The GOP can't get anything done right therefore distraction works Best for them!

The GOP's Distraction Meme: The 'Real' Scandal Is Always Another One

I realize it get tiring to hear about one scandal after another but let's face it none of them were made up out of sail cloth. Obama and company are the most incompetent administration since...well forever. Of course when one side blunders as much as has Obama they are going to bring it up. Look how long GWB has been out of office and to listen to liberals you would think he was still president. So don't think this kind of thing is unfair, think to yourself, why does Obama screw up so much what in the hell is wrong with him?
First George W. Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a derivatives based Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy in 2008.

Then Republicans on the Supreme Court voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions in the Citizens United decision.

Then Republicans in Congress voted against infrastructure spending that would have lowered unemployment.

Then Republicans in the House shut down the government and threatened the country with default.

Why would anyone vote for a party that hates government and continually tries to damage our country?

Do you just copy and paste that? I've seen you post the same bullshit word for word a half dozen times. Guess what? It's STILL bullshit.
Republicans shut down government? How did they do that? Doesn't the DNC control the Senate and the White House? Why is a stalemate on policy the GOP's fault?

The GOP believes the direction Democrats are moving the country is dangerous. Giving in to bad policy is akin to arguing with a would be killer over his weapon of choice.

The House doesn't have a Constitutional role in passing budgets, didn't you know that, Ernie?
They seem to think their Dear Leader should get everything he desires.
The House's role is to propose budgets which they have done every year as mandated by the Constitution. The fact that Harry Reid has not brought one up for vote is hardly the Republicans fault.

Let's see. The House did their Constitutional duty and the Senate refused to act. Do I have that right?

Would one of you Democrats then please tell me how that constitutes the GOP shutting down government?

Yep. The Senate Democrats and our dear leader refused to negotiate with the House. It was they who shut down government. However, they knew the liberal media would pound the Republicans, which is why they did it. It worked. Their minions are still parroting the lie.
Obama and the media convinced the ignorant masses that the New Age was here. It was Christmas morning and all the faithful were expecting a pony, but all they got was a donkey with diarrhea.
Republicans shut down government? How did they do that? Doesn't the DNC control the Senate and the White House? Why is a stalemate on policy the GOP's fault?

The GOP believes the direction Democrats are moving the country is dangerous. Giving in to bad policy is akin to arguing with a would be killer over his weapon of choice.

What ever happened to the party of personal responsibility?

Of course you shut down government. Be proud, shout it from the rooftops
You know your party doesn't believe we need a government. Run on that in 2014.
How did WE shut down government? By refusing to pass a continuing resolution written by the Senate?

In case you are unfamiliar with the US Constitution, spending bills are to originate in the US House of Representatives. Multiple budgets have, since obama took office. The Senate failing to act is what shut down government.

Continuing resolution bills are a chance to keep the government operating at existing spending levels not an opportunity for extortion
The House doesn't have a Constitutional role in passing budgets, didn't you know that, Ernie?
They seem to think their Dear Leader should get everything he desires.
The House's role is to propose budgets which they have done every year as mandated by the Constitution. The fact that Harry Reid has not brought one up for vote is hardly the Republicans fault.

Let's see. The House did their Constitutional duty and the Senate refused to act. Do I have that right?

Would one of you Democrats then please tell me how that constitutes the GOP shutting down government?

Yep. The Senate Democrats and our dear leader refused to negotiate with the House. It was they who shut down government. However, they knew the liberal media would pound the Republicans, which is why they did it. It worked. Their minions are still parroting the lie.

Negotiate what?

Defund Obamacare or shut down government
They seem to think their Dear Leader should get everything he desires.
The House's role is to propose budgets which they have done every year as mandated by the Constitution. The fact that Harry Reid has not brought one up for vote is hardly the Republicans fault.

Let's see. The House did their Constitutional duty and the Senate refused to act. Do I have that right?

Would one of you Democrats then please tell me how that constitutes the GOP shutting down government?

Yep. The Senate Democrats and our dear leader refused to negotiate with the House. It was they who shut down government. However, they knew the liberal media would pound the Republicans, which is why they did it. It worked. Their minions are still parroting the lie.

Negotiate what?

Defund Obamacare or shut down government

"Give us airtime or we are gonna destroy the USA". :D
The economy is doing great
Obamacare is working

Republicans have to have some crisis to run on. Not like they have any plans of their own. Want to talk immigration reform?

Sure! Let's talk immigration reform. We'll start right after we deport all the illegal immigrants and secure our borders, OK?

Obamacare is working? You mean as obama intended? It's a monster fuck up and soon he will be telling us that the only way to fix it is the single payer system he wanted to begin with.

I seem to remember 30-40 Obamacare sucks threads a day when they had problems with the websites. Now that 10 million plus are covered under Obamacare, I don't see any threads today

Republicans were counting on running against Obamacare in 2014. What do they have now? ummmm. Benghazi.....No, no......VA Hospitals......now wait.....Iraq

We must have something to run on. You know we can't run on Republican accomplisments
Of course they can't run on Republican accomplishments because they don't have any! What they ARE doing is running away from their record of non-accomplishments!
Sure! Let's talk immigration reform. We'll start right after we deport all the illegal immigrants and secure our borders, OK?

Obamacare is working? You mean as obama intended? It's a monster fuck up and soon he will be telling us that the only way to fix it is the single payer system he wanted to begin with.

I seem to remember 30-40 Obamacare sucks threads a day when they had problems with the websites. Now that 10 million plus are covered under Obamacare, I don't see any threads today

Republicans were counting on running against Obamacare in 2014. What do they have now? ummmm. Benghazi.....No, no......VA Hospitals......now wait.....Iraq

We must have something to run on. You know we can't run on Republican accomplisments
Of course they can't run on Republican accomplishments because they don't have any! What they ARE doing is running away from their record of non-accomplishments!

Give me one example of an accomplishment by Obama.
I seem to remember 30-40 Obamacare sucks threads a day when they had problems with the websites. Now that 10 million plus are covered under Obamacare, I don't see any threads today

Republicans were counting on running against Obamacare in 2014. What do they have now? ummmm. Benghazi.....No, no......VA Hospitals......now wait.....Iraq

We must have something to run on. You know we can't run on Republican accomplisments
Of course they can't run on Republican accomplishments because they don't have any! What they ARE doing is running away from their record of non-accomplishments!

Give me one example of an accomplishment by Obama.

Stopped the Bush Depression in its tracks
Talking points memo? Commie propaganda at it's best.

OK commies you have your marching orders, carry on.

Atheists or Muslims? I read one poster this A.M. accuse Obama of being a neocon. At least liberals agree on this-you guys are idiots.

Commies/Liberals/Muslims/Terrorists, interchangeable with RWNs.

Wasn't it Harry Reid who called republicans terrorists?
Wasn't it Obama who called the republicans the enemy? :eusa_whistle:

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