Distraction From the GOP

Obama FAIL. Pronounces "corpsman", "corpse man": [ame=http://youtu.be/bNr66HHhMjs]Obama FAIL. Pronounces "corpsman", "corpse man" - YouTube[/ame]

Ignorant arrogant incompetent fraud.
What accomplishments would you expect to see from the GOP with Democrats controlling the legislative process?
Now we can expect accomplishments from the left, but sorry, a poor attempt to address healthcare who's implementation was one of the biggest administrative disasters in history is hardly an accomplishment to be proud of.

Well, Republicans did manage to shut down government. Maybe they can run on that
Republicans shut down government? How did they do that? Doesn't the DNC control the Senate and the White House? Why is a stalemate on policy the GOP's fault?

The GOP believes the direction Democrats are moving the country is dangerous. Giving in to bad policy is akin to arguing with a would be killer over his weapon of choice.

What ever happened to the party of personal responsibility?

Of course you shut down government. Be proud, shout it from the rooftops
You know your party doesn't believe we need a government. Run on that in 2014.
A Montage of Obama's "If You Like Your Plan Keep …: [ame=http://youtu.be/iGAdrQ2RpdM]A Montage of Obama's "If You Like Your Plan Keep It" Lies - YouTube[/ame]

Ignorant arrogant incompetent lying fraud.
UNBELIEVABLE OBAMA GAFFES, Mistakes, Lies, and Co…: [ame=http://youtu.be/t4-AKcH3eC8]UNBELIEVABLE OBAMA GAFFES, Mistakes, Lies, and Confusion - YouTube[/ame]

Ignorant arrogant incompetent lying fraud.
Denial the only defense Democrats have for the Obama record.
You want to talk about the Obama record? Let's Talk About the Obama Record! I suggest you and your Republican cronies read this carefully.

Professor lists Obama accomplishments: Over 244 and growing » peoplesworld

99% of that stuff no one cares about if they did the Democrats would be running on it for the midterms which they are not. What people do care about is 7 trillion dollars in new debt, one of the weakest economic recoveries in history, the worst labor participation in about thirty years, a healthcare law rammed down their throats that is highly unpopular, massive government overreach, multiple scandals from the I.R.S. to the VA and everything in between, and foreign policy screw up's that grow by the day.
I seem to remember 30-40 Obamacare sucks threads a day when they had problems with the websites. Now that 10 million plus are covered under Obamacare, I don't see any threads today

Republicans were counting on running against Obamacare in 2014. What do they have now? ummmm. Benghazi.....No, no......VA Hospitals......now wait.....Iraq

We must have something to run on. You know we can't run on Republican accomplisments

What accomplishments would you expect to see from the GOP with Democrats controlling the legislative process?
Now we can expect accomplishments from the left, but sorry, a poor attempt to address healthcare who's implementation was one of the biggest administrative disasters in history is hardly an accomplishment to be proud of.

Well, Republicans did manage to shut down government. Maybe they can run on that

Who is it that controls the purse strings? And so what. It's about time the Government start living within it's means and cease being everything to everyone and bilk the taxpayers for their pet projects. That's NOT their purpose.

First George W. Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a derivatives based Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy in 2008.

Then Republicans on the Supreme Court voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions in the Citizens United decision.

Then Republicans in Congress voted against infrastructure spending that would have lowered unemployment.

Then Republicans in the House shut down the government and threatened the country with default.

Why would anyone vote for a party that hates government and continually tries to damage our country?
What accomplishments would you expect to see from the GOP with Democrats controlling the legislative process?
Now we can expect accomplishments from the left, but sorry, a poor attempt to address healthcare who's implementation was one of the biggest administrative disasters in history is hardly an accomplishment to be proud of.

Well, Republicans did manage to shut down government. Maybe they can run on that

Who is it that controls the purse strings? And so what. It's about time the Government start living within it's means and cease being everything to everyone and bilk the taxpayers for their pet projects. That's NOT their purpose.


The government is the greatest force for good in America.

Look at all the good they do...all our roads, all our public schools and universities, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the military, the police, firefighters, EPA, NASA, CDC, NIH, FDA, FBI, etc...

It was greedy corporations that destroyed the world economy in 2008 with a derivatives based Ponzi scheme.....not the government.
You got that, it's a forgone conclusion

talk about trying for distraction, that article fall's right in line for distraction and posted by an Obot cult member..

gotta take the heat of Obama's ass, gotta take the heat off our Dear wonderful Leader
First George W. Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a derivatives based Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy in 2008.

Then Republicans on the Supreme Court voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions in the Citizens United decision.

Then Republicans in Congress voted against infrastructure spending that would have lowered unemployment.

Then Republicans in the House shut down the government and threatened the country with default.

Why would anyone vote for a party that hates government and continually tries to damage our country?

You might want to read this and then stick around for some questions.
Who Shut Down the Government? - Thomas Sowell - Page full
Well, Republicans did manage to shut down government. Maybe they can run on that
Republicans shut down government? How did they do that? Doesn't the DNC control the Senate and the White House? Why is a stalemate on policy the GOP's fault?

The GOP believes the direction Democrats are moving the country is dangerous. Giving in to bad policy is akin to arguing with a would be killer over his weapon of choice.

The House doesn't have a Constitutional role in passing budgets, didn't you know that, Ernie?

It isn't in the Constitution at all. Various Congressional Budget legislation has been duly enacted in US hiistory, since the beginning of the nation.The House controls revenue, Art, I. s. 7. All three, President, Senate & House are involved.
We've known this for decades! It's a foregone conclusion! The GOP can't get anything done right therefore distraction works Best for them!

The GOP's Distraction Meme: The 'Real' Scandal Is Always Another One

Do they actually think spending years attacking Obama has accomplished anything positive for the country? Yes he's liberal, yes he's black, but he's been President for over 5 years. You'd have hoped they would have accepted reality by now, found some way to deal with it and get on with the country's business at least most of the time. Didn't happen, they've wasted years being the party of "no!" to reality. Oh well, if conservatives want to commit slow suicide by demonstrating to the voters the only issue they really care about is "Obamascare" it might end up to be a positive accomplishment for the country after all.
The TP far right can be a positive force for American populism (from the people up} if it will (1) stop allowing itself to be manipulated by neo-corporatists for its votes and (2) get rid of its own racists and sexists and nativists.
Denial the only defense Democrats have for the Obama record.
You want to talk about the Obama record? Let's Talk About the Obama Record! I suggest you and your Republican cronies read this carefully.

Professor lists Obama accomplishments: Over 244 and growing » peoplesworld

You call appointing 2 progressives to SCOTUS an accomplishment? Sorry I can see from the first 6 or 7 Accomplishments, that he did little good and a whole lot of harm.
The TP far right can be a positive force for American populism (from the people up} if it will (1) stop allowing itself to be manipulated by neo-corporatists for its votes and (2) get rid of its own racists and sexists and nativists.

You first. Get rid of your racists, sexists, and corporatists.
It says is all about the idiotic scum we are dealing with in liberals....when they constantly claim every disaster which turns into a scandal is "fake."

Yeah, the GOP just invented the VA scandal, IRS scandal, Iraq scandal, Libya scandal, Boko Haram scandal, Fast & Furious scandal, etc.....according to a demented inbred.
One of you smart democrats need to tell us why didn't Obama and congress fix immigration when they had the opportunity in 2009.

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