Disturbing Letter from Jan 6 Political Prisoner Details Deep State’s Efforts to Destroy Patriots

What I am telling you is that the FBI does know what the fuck they are doing and that their investigation may not have been complete, based on what has come out since. Many insurrectionists have been arrested since, and some may have new information. Also, some of tumps inner circle may also have information that the commission should have access to.
According to your chart, many maga morons have the IQ of a "Joe Biden" voter.
Nobody in their right mind would attempt to take over the Capitol Building without firearms. Lots of firearms.

The DOJ and the FBI know this but have been weaponized to attack Trump Deplorables.
We treated WWII German prisoners of war better than we are treating Jan 6th “insurrectionists’.”

Its doubtful that much (if any) of that letter was authentic.

Jordan Mink, for example, had all discovery TAKEN by ERT officers on August 23rd despite the objection of his attorney.

They handcuffed him, searched his room, and then proceeded to take all video evidence in his possession. Additionally, legal visits take 2-3 WEEKS or more to be scheduled, leaving little time to discuss our defense and prepare for trial

The prisoner had video evidence in his cell? Seems odd...seems ridiculous...seems made up.

The idea that German POWs were treated better is asinine. Unfortunately 23 hour lockdowns are a way of life in corrections. Its good you guys are starting to notice.
Nobody in their right mind would attempt to take over the Capitol Building without firearms. Lots of firearms.

The DOJ and the FBI know this but have been weaponized to attack Trump Deplorables.
Those insurrectionists obviously were not in their right mind, and did it anyway with whatever weapons they could get their hands on.
Those insurrectionists obviously were not in their right mind, and did it anyway with whatever weapons they could get their hands on.
Which does not negate the fact that, if they agreed with you politically, you'd be calling them patriots.
Those insurrectionists obviously were not in their right mind, and did it anyway with whatever weapons they could get their hands on.
At least 50 to 60 percent of those protesters owned firearms since they were conservatives who “cling to their Bibles and guns.” A fair percentage were likely ex military, some with combat experience.

If they actually had planned to take over the Capitol Building and hold it they would have been armed to the teeth. Any intelligent person would realize that simple fact. You don’t overthrow a government or hold a captured building with improvised weapons. You won’t stop a SWAT team by throwing a fire extinguisher at them.

Plus it appears it was the Feds who were stirring up the crowd and why the rioters were as you say, “not in their right mind.”

At least 50 to 60 percent of those protesters owned firearms since they were conservatives who “cling to their Bibles and guns.” A fair percentage were likely ex military, some with combat experience.

If they actually had planned to take over the Capitol Building and hold it they would have been armed to the teeth. Any intelligent person would realize that simple fact. You don’t overthrow a government or hold a captured building with improvised weapons. You won’t stop a SWAT team by throwing a fire extinguisher at them.

Plus it appears it was the Feds who were stirring up the crowd and why the rioters were as you say, “not in their right mind.”

At least 50 to 60 percent of those protesters owned firearms since they were conservatives who “cling to their Bibles and guns.” A fair percentage were likely ex military, some with combat experience.

If they actually had planned to take over the Capitol Building and hold it they would have been armed to the teeth. Any intelligent person would realize that simple fact. You don’t overthrow a government or hold a captured building with improvised weapons. You won’t stop a SWAT team by throwing a fire extinguisher at them.

Plus it appears it was the Feds who were stirring up the crowd and why the rioters were as you say, “not in their right mind.”

You got this info from the "Revolver News"? If they had marched to the Capitol while packing weapons, there would have been more deaths than there were. Nah, they went to make a scene and see how far they could take it. It morphed as scenes usually do. There were some armed and organized groups who churned up the crowd, which was their purpose.
You got this info from the "Revolver News"? If they had marched to the Capitol while packing weapons, there would have been more deaths than there were. Nah, they went to make a scene and see how far they could take it. It morphed as scenes usually do. There were some armed and organized groups who churned up the crowd, which was their purpose.
My father advised me to avoid riots when I was a child. He said. “A mob develops a mind of its own.”

Of course there were some instigators — the Feds.
I know — you can always trust the Feds as they have your best interests at heart.

Those protesters should have thought twice about participating in the January 6 event.

Anyone arrested there would be brutally treated by some guards, who are proud Democrats and dedicated Trump haters.

And it was in Washington, D.C.! Did the protesters think that the guards were highly educated and cultured people who would respect their constitutional rights to humane treatment?

Heck! A lot of guards are salivating at the thought that they might soon get a prisoner named Donald J. Trump. Can you imagine what they would do to him?

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