Disturbing video shows cops attack dad, taser him as he held his 2mo old baby


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

(Support Free Thought) - Inkster, MI — A deeply disturbing video has been shared with the Free Thought Project showing multiple police officers surround a man — who was holding his two-month old baby — and taser him.
Disturbing Video Shows Cops Attack Dad, Taser Him As He Held His 2-month-old Baby

Well whatever the case was or is, what ever parts were left out before and after cops like that give the good ones bad names. Taze him with a baby in his hands!! Reallyeeee, and no that baby was not out of his hands yet.
I don't care. I live with blacks. They are their own worst enemies. This stubborn obstinate reactionary anti-white establishment stuff tends to alienate and not unite. I am like : Blacks are so sophisticated and intellectual, why can't they get past 1865? They seem like a broken record player skipping to the same old grove. ZZZZ RAZIZZZM, ZZZZRAZIM. Shhh, I am still trying to listen to the wind in the willows.
I don't care. I live with blacks. They are their own worst enemies. This stubborn obstinate reactionary anti-white establishment stuff tends to alienate and not unite. I am like : Blacks are so sophisticated and intellectual, why can't they get past 1865? They seem like a broken record player skipping to the same old grove. ZZZZ RAZIZZZM, ZZZZRAZIM. Shhh, I am still trying to listen to the wind in the willows.
They got past 1865. We don't have slavery.
Problem is black neosegregationists and democrats can't get past 1965.
I don't care. I live with blacks. They are their own worst enemies. This stubborn obstinate reactionary anti-white establishment stuff tends to alienate and not unite. I am like : Blacks are so sophisticated and intellectual, why can't they get past 1865? They seem like a broken record player skipping to the same old grove. ZZZZ RAZIZZZM, ZZZZRAZIM. Shhh, I am still trying to listen to the wind in the willows.

That is 100% fucked up.
I don't care. I live with blacks. They are their own worst enemies. This stubborn obstinate reactionary anti-white establishment stuff tends to alienate and not unite. I am like : Blacks are so sophisticated and intellectual, why can't they get past 1865? They seem like a broken record player skipping to the same old grove. ZZZZ RAZIZZZM, ZZZZRAZIM. Shhh, I am still trying to listen to the wind in the willows.
They got past 1865. We don't have slavery.
Problem is black neosegregationists and democrats can't get past 1965.
Yeah. You know that. I know that. Blacks know that. Why can't blacks get past the PAST? Jim crow and segregation, lone gone. Bye Bye. Adios. Why do blacks cling to past wrongs to excuse their failure to thrive? Don't confuse making lots of babies with "thriving". They do like to pro create. I digress. The high black on black murder rate, who's fault is that? Blame da whitey, it's that perennial white devil to blame.
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The taser is indeed a flawed technique to control a perp. Half the time they do not work. Did the perp say it was his property and then the perp's friend say they could not afford bail money? Folks it is about time everyone be required to pay rent instead of being subsidized by Whitey to make more idiots, paid by Whitey.

One of the rare encounters with Blacks and cops in which the Blacks are not "standing their ground as "taxpaying homeowners." :p The young female is preggy, around $50,000 for taxpayers and insurance payers, the young male had back surgery, around $100,000 for taxpayers and insurance payers. The obese, drunk female probably cost taxpayers and insurances payers $3,000 for this assuming it was not an overnight stay in the hospital.

FF to 30:50 :p

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That ratchet mouth woman is lucky that cop didn't taser her big mouth. That is how trouble gets started and out of control. But the cop shouldn't have tasered the guy holding the baby.
I don't care. I live with blacks. They are their own worst enemies. This stubborn obstinate reactionary anti-white establishment stuff tends to alienate and not unite. I am like : Blacks are so sophisticated and intellectual, why can't they get past 1865? They seem like a broken record player skipping to the same old grove. ZZZZ RAZIZZZM, ZZZZRAZIM. Shhh, I am still trying to listen to the wind in the willows.

I don't care. I live with blacks. They are their own worst enemies. This stubborn obstinate reactionary anti-white establishment stuff tends to alienate and not unite. I am like : Blacks are so sophisticated and intellectual, why can't they get past 1865? They seem like a broken record player skipping to the same old grove. ZZZZ RAZIZZZM, ZZZZRAZIM. Shhh, I am still trying to listen to the wind in the willows.

Interesting that in July you said you also lived with illegal Mexicans.

Do you believe it bolsters your claims and gives a proper reason for your blatant racism?
The "baby" should have been taken away from those savages after this incident and put in a foster home. The savages tried to use it as human shield and then a supposed female thrust the "baby" in a cops face. Grotesque behavior by the welfare savages.
Wayback machine time here, 198something. I am riding in a bus, going home , its winter and early January in Denver, Colorado and the roads are sheer ice. I share that RTD clunker with a bunch of loud mouth black teenagers crack wise siting tight in the back seat, how stereotyped can you get?

They think they are center of the universe. We come up to a stop. It's gotten dark and the windows on the bus are like mirrors, you can only see your reflections, mostly. I am STANDING behind the driver, because it's rush hour. And because chivalry is dead.

I see this shadow run up to the bus after it pulls from it's stop. The shadow disappears, and I feel this sickening thud and the bus and the universe came to this slow motion halt...WE hit this man! Jesus. . The bus comes to a halt , all of us exit the front of the bus. We all go back to the rear of the bus, this multi-ton monster. There lay this old black man, broken . A poor old black man, run over like a dog. But when the police and the media showed up, WHO do they listen to FIRST? The driver was White.

Backs, er, the media that played that up as a racial incident. "White man kills innocent elderly black man"! MORE outrageous news to follow! Those kids were later sighted for perjury. Allegedly claiming this was a hate crime, when it obviously wasn't. It was an accident.
But the press, er, media, sort of played UP played the racial angle. They always seem to do that. Later, they just blew it off. And forgot about it. I see the games the media plays. I don't forget shit like that and the clusterfu*ck the press makes of things.
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I don't care. I live with blacks. They are their own worst enemies. This stubborn obstinate reactionary anti-white establishment stuff tends to alienate and not unite. I am like : Blacks are so sophisticated and intellectual, why can't they get past 1865? They seem like a broken record player skipping to the same old grove. ZZZZ RAZIZZZM, ZZZZRAZIM. Shhh, I am still trying to listen to the wind in the willows.

I don't care. I live with blacks. They are their own worst enemies. This stubborn obstinate reactionary anti-white establishment stuff tends to alienate and not unite. I am like : Blacks are so sophisticated and intellectual, why can't they get past 1865? They seem like a broken record player skipping to the same old grove. ZZZZ RAZIZZZM, ZZZZRAZIM. Shhh, I am still trying to listen to the wind in the willows.

Interesting that in July you said you also lived with illegal Mexicans.

Do you believe it bolsters your claims and gives a proper reason for your blatant racism?
Hmm. Is this a sly offhanded criticism? Where the hell do you live? I am flattered you pay so much attention. Actually, because people like you don't get this, America isn't divided into neat little ghettos Blacks, over here, Mexicans, over there, poor whites, over yonder...Really? you don't get it, do you? None of my beeswax, but WHERE THE HELL DO YOU LIVE? Never- Never land?
I don't care. I live with blacks. They are their own worst enemies. This stubborn obstinate reactionary anti-white establishment stuff tends to alienate and not unite. I am like : Blacks are so sophisticated and intellectual, why can't they get past 1865? They seem like a broken record player skipping to the same old grove. ZZZZ RAZIZZZM, ZZZZRAZIM. Shhh, I am still trying to listen to the wind in the willows.

I don't care. I live with blacks. They are their own worst enemies. This stubborn obstinate reactionary anti-white establishment stuff tends to alienate and not unite. I am like : Blacks are so sophisticated and intellectual, why can't they get past 1865? They seem like a broken record player skipping to the same old grove. ZZZZ RAZIZZZM, ZZZZRAZIM. Shhh, I am still trying to listen to the wind in the willows.

Interesting that in July you said you also lived with illegal Mexicans.

Do you believe it bolsters your claims and gives a proper reason for your blatant racism?
Hmm. Is this a sly offhanded criticism? Where the hell do you live? I am flattered you pay so much attention. Actually, because people like you don't get this, America isn't divided into neat little ghettos Blacks, over here, Mexicans, over there, poor whites, over yonder...Really? you don't get it, do you? None of my beeswax, but WHERE THE HELL DO YOU LIVE? Never- Never land?

It's not offhand or sly criticism. Flat out, you're a racist. Don't be flattered. I don't pay that much attention. I just remembered calling you out on your hateful crap before.
What a bunch of loudmouth assholes. But...with that said...the dude holding the baby was white. Or looked white to me. So what does race have to do with the BAD decision to taze someone holding a baby?
The "baby" should have been taken away from those savages after this incident and put in a foster home. The savages tried to use it as human shield and then a supposed female thrust the "baby" in a cops face. Grotesque behavior by the welfare savages.
Amen to this. If that baby was being used as leverage, the blame should not in any way go falling on the law.

God bless you always!!!

I don't care. I live with blacks. They are their own worst enemies. This stubborn obstinate reactionary anti-white establishment stuff tends to alienate and not unite. I am like : Blacks are so sophisticated and intellectual, why can't they get past 1865? They seem like a broken record player skipping to the same old grove. ZZZZ RAZIZZZM, ZZZZRAZIM. Shhh, I am still trying to listen to the wind in the willows.
Disturbing post.
Why would you give your baby to a person in the middle of a heated confrontation with the police!? Any reasonable parent snaps their kids up and heads in the opposite direction to ensure the safety of their children. That woman is a dumb fuck.

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