Diversity declining in baseball

Except the Libs here look for anything they can to blame on race...
They get that from their Leader....

Bizarre point, since you're the only one try8ing to make it.

It's all about the marketing. Turn on ESPN on a random day; there's your media bias-- they don't seem to be aware baseball even exists. You'll see news in August about whether Brett Favre might unretire (who the fuck cares?) while baseball gets only a grudging mention.

It's all about marketing. For reasons known only to them, the PTB who determine what qualifies as sports news have chosen to grovel before football and basketball, two sports clearly inferior to baseball.
Very interesting. You say that you notice today more than in the past that sports seems to be highly structured, organized and geared towards upper class. You also mention the Olympics in your response. Let me suggest another explanation here. I believe that America was at the top of her game in the 80's in the Sports world. We crushed the Soviets at Lake Placid while the entire world cheered on the USA Hockey team! Anyone who has not seen the movie, Miracle, with Kurt Russell should rent it because this game was historical in many ways.

The Soviets were utterly humiliated when an American coach ripped a page out of their own play book and used it on them full on. The results were devastating. Soviets were crushed by the American Hockey team during the Olympics at Lake Placid 1980.

The humiliation was so great that the Soviets sent their own people into our colleges and universities - inflitrated the politics of how we select teams over here and behind the scenes implemented something called "the dream teams"... according to top coaches in the USA this is NOT the way to pick a team and the USA has never again had a team such as that Hockey team because of it. The Russians could not beat us on the ice so they went behind the scenes to make sure the USA would no longer select teams as they did for that American Hockey Team.

If you have not seen the movie you won't understand what I am getting at. You have to see the attitude of these Soviets and the oppression the Soviet coach used over his team. It crushed their spirits and they were not able to beat the spirit of the Americans. There are many important lessons we can learn from that period and it would probably serve us well to go back and examine what we were doing before and get back to it. - Jeremiah

If you're deriving your philosophies from movies, that explains a lot.
It isn't just about race. Baseball has been in decline for everyone for a long time, even before the Steroid scandals. I believe it started after the strike in the 90's.

You speak for yourself, not "everyone". Ironically I was aware of this thread earlier but waited to post pending the outcome of today's game (which ended 2-1, we won :D ).

Whatever turned some off is not so much the strike (which is over, this just in) -- I'd say the biggest nuisance in Major League Baseball is the greedy bastards of MLB Inc. But that's a business, not a sport, and represents only one dimension of the Game.
It isn't just about race. Baseball has been in decline for everyone for a long time, even before the Steroid scandals. I believe it started after the strike in the 90's.

You speak for yourself, not "everyone". Ironically I was aware of this thread earlier but waited to post pending the outcome of today's game (which ended 2-1, we won :D ).

Whatever turned some off is not so much the strike (which is over, this just in) -- I'd say the biggest nuisance in Major League Baseball is the greedy bastards of MLB Inc. But that's a business, not a sport, and represents only one dimension of the Game.
Baseball is still part of our intrinsic identity as Americans...I suppose I have to politcally-correct myself

Baseball is still an intrinsic part of American culture, and will remain so for even your lifetime.
It isn't just about race. Baseball has been in decline for everyone for a long time, even before the Steroid scandals. I believe it started after the strike in the 90's.

You speak for yourself, not "everyone". Ironically I was aware of this thread earlier but waited to post pending the outcome of today's game (which ended 2-1, we won :D ).

Whatever turned some off is not so much the strike (which is over, this just in) -- I'd say the biggest nuisance in Major League Baseball is the greedy bastards of MLB Inc. But that's a business, not a sport, and represents only one dimension of the Game.
Baseball is still part of our intrinsic identity as Americans...I suppose I have to politcally-correct myself

Baseball is still an intrinsic part of American culture, and will remain so for even your lifetime.

Yeah uh, that's what I just said.

I'm a baseball fan. Does the avatar not give a hint? :bang3:
You speak for yourself, not "everyone". Ironically I was aware of this thread earlier but waited to post pending the outcome of today's game (which ended 2-1, we won :D ).

Whatever turned some off is not so much the strike (which is over, this just in) -- I'd say the biggest nuisance in Major League Baseball is the greedy bastards of MLB Inc. But that's a business, not a sport, and represents only one dimension of the Game.
Baseball is still part of our intrinsic identity as Americans...I suppose I have to politcally-correct myself

Baseball is still an intrinsic part of American culture, and will remain so for even your lifetime.

Yeah uh, that's what I just said.

I'm a baseball fan. Does the avatar not give a hint? :bang3:
Saw that, but you. I thought you'd understand that I cross-posted.
Being a baseball fan is like racism. It is learned behavior.

Teach your children well.

Especially Cubs fans, where my neice and her husband are raising their kids to be Fourth Generation Cub Fans.

Big professional sports is a branch of show biz. So there is less diversity in professional baseball? No matter, there's lots of minority participation in other sports, music, movies, acting, ...
Big professional sports is a branch of show biz. So there is less diversity in professional baseball? No matter, there's lots of minority participation in other sports, music, movies, acting, ...

There are Japanese, Hispanics, white and black playing baseball. There aren't many Japanese or Hispanics playing football and basketball. Mostly just white or black, and there's that one Chinese guy playing basketball.

What's true diversity?

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