Diversity Is Not A Strength

The philosophical beliefs of the Age of Enlightenment that underpin our entire society and government, for one important example,

that is very much under attack by the left.
Stop trying to act like you're deep

"Age of Enlightenment"

Get the fk out my face.

You have Donald Trump running the government. When former KKK imperial Wizard David Duke embraced a president, that says something significant about Trump.

It's significant that white supremacists (like you) are excited about the president. It's significant because Trump did something to win all that approval.

When white supremacists in general are like “whoa, this Trump guy is our dream come true and doing things we never thought we’d see from a president,” that signifies something about Donald Trump.

You have a white man in charge who is going to favour white people at every turn, in every area of life

And you still complain.
You are playing the role what Globalists assigned for you in the theater of life. You are duped by them perpetuating racial discord while they are doing their dirty deeds because we are to busy to fight each other instead of keeping an eye on them. Wake up to their machinations.
yeah man, nobody has the internet. everyones asleep to the nwo boogy man except enlightened folks who realize diversity is bad :rolleyes:
So you prefer racial discord. Interesting, while you are displaying a meditating enlightened person filled with the eternal splendor of the limitless light in your avi.
typically, when small minded folks start a sentence with "so" its followed by a lie or a strawman.

and you followed that precedent.
Small minded folks. I like that. Getting personal there? Did you miss me or something? If you are as philosophical as your avi suggests you just threw away all those things you've had your mind training on. Now, let's get back to topic. There are places for being personal in other Zones.
Funny you should mention prison. Prison is a forced microcosm, that quite aptly shows, at an accelerated rate, the inevitable result of cultural, and racial diversity.
yeah but ellis island and then fast forward fast forward...

Biggest Super power the world has ever known.

lacking diversity is literally limiting knowledge. the less diverse, the dumber. thats just math.
No it isn't "the math". The math shows that as whites continue to be displaced in their own nations, the overall quality of life in those nations slows, and then declines, as they get edged out. Again... Why is this outstanding idea of "diversity being strength" pushed only upon white founded nations?
Thats not true, its subjective White Supremacist brain washing.
Im not a jealous insecure lil bitch.
Why not? If you are white; you are the only race who is being pressured, and forced to assimilate. Why aren't you insecure? If you are white; your races future is anything but secure so long as non whites, and their self hating white counterparts would stand idly by, while the future that was built by their ancestors is discarded. So again... No one wants to answer... Why is this onus of "diversity" only placed upon whites?
i think you need to pop your bubble it sounds like.

youre reading too much brainwashing material, and not quite living life enough. this small minded piddly bullshit is a waste of your time.
You apparently don't understand what a "bubble" is.

Dissident ideologies are formed by free thinkers who reject the dogma of the status quo.
You are playing the role what Globalists assigned for you in the theater of life. You are duped by them perpetuating racial discord while they are doing their dirty deeds because we are to busy to fight each other instead of keeping an eye on them. Wake up to their machinations.
I don't split white people up into groups

It's all white supremacy
Stop trying to act like you're deep

"Age of Enlightenment"

Get the fk out my face.

You have Donald Trump running the government. When former KKK imperial Wizard David Duke embraced a president, that says something significant about Trump.

It's significant that white supremacists (like you) are excited about the president. It's significant because Trump did something to win all that approval.

When white supremacists in general are like “whoa, this Trump guy is our dream come true and doing things we never thought we’d see from a president,” that signifies something about Donald Trump.

You have a white man in charge who is going to favour white people at every turn, in every area of life

And you still complain.
You are playing the role what Globalists assigned for you in the theater of life. You are duped by them perpetuating racial discord while they are doing their dirty deeds because we are to busy to fight each other instead of keeping an eye on them. Wake up to their machinations.
yeah man, nobody has the internet. everyones asleep to the nwo boogy man except enlightened folks who realize diversity is bad :rolleyes:
So you prefer racial discord. Interesting, while you are displaying a meditating enlightened person filled with the eternal splendor of the limitless light in your avi.
typically, when small minded folks start a sentence with "so" its followed by a lie or a strawman.

and you followed that precedent.
Small minded folks. I like that. Getting personal there? Did you miss me or something? If you are as philosophical as your avi suggests you just threw away all those things you've had your mind training on. Now, let's get back to topic. There are places for being personal in other Zones.
not because you say so, sorry.

you ascribed a sentence to me beginning with "so" and followed by a strawman that i neither said, nor implied.

my conclusion is that you are small minded. its a reasonable conclusion based on the facts in evidence.
By 2045 most humans will be half robot..

You say that like its a bad thing ...

You are playing the role what Globalists assigned for you in the theater of life. You are duped by them perpetuating racial discord while they are doing their dirty deeds because we are to busy to fight each other instead of keeping an eye on them. Wake up to their machinations.
yeah man, nobody has the internet. everyones asleep to the nwo boogy man except enlightened folks who realize diversity is bad :rolleyes:
So you prefer racial discord. Interesting, while you are displaying a meditating enlightened person filled with the eternal splendor of the limitless light in your avi.
typically, when small minded folks start a sentence with "so" its followed by a lie or a strawman.

and you followed that precedent.
Small minded folks. I like that. Getting personal there? Did you miss me or something? If you are as philosophical as your avi suggests you just threw away all those things you've had your mind training on. Now, let's get back to topic. There are places for being personal in other Zones.
not because you say so, sorry.

you ascribed a sentence to me beginning with "so" and followed by a strawman that i neither said, nor implied.

my conclusion is that you are small minded. its a reasonable conclusion based on the facts in evidence.
Like I said, there are other forums on this board to get personal. Derailing the thread with personal engagements is low IQ indicating a no-valid-argument tactic. Have a great day.
yeah man, nobody has the internet. everyones asleep to the nwo boogy man except enlightened folks who realize diversity is bad :rolleyes:
So you prefer racial discord. Interesting, while you are displaying a meditating enlightened person filled with the eternal splendor of the limitless light in your avi.
typically, when small minded folks start a sentence with "so" its followed by a lie or a strawman.

and you followed that precedent.
Small minded folks. I like that. Getting personal there? Did you miss me or something? If you are as philosophical as your avi suggests you just threw away all those things you've had your mind training on. Now, let's get back to topic. There are places for being personal in other Zones.
not because you say so, sorry.

you ascribed a sentence to me beginning with "so" and followed by a strawman that i neither said, nor implied.

my conclusion is that you are small minded. its a reasonable conclusion based on the facts in evidence.
Like I said, there are other forums on this board to get personal. Derailing the thread with personal engagements is low IQ indicating a no-valid-argument tactic. Have a great day.
Dont strawman people if you dont like the blowback..Its called the golden rule. Its rude, what you did. Dont be shocked when karma is rude back.
You still haven't answered the question.
So. Tell us... Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
ask the arbiter of labels

your whine is whiney

be you, youre too insecure in caring what your label is...thats pathetic
Rather than answer the question; you slink away, and cower behind aspersions. What's the matter. You thought you had a lot to say on the matter...? But when pressed for specifics, and detail; your zeal really loses steam. Why is that? Again...

Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
are you too fucking stupid to realize that i dont speak for others and why they label shit the way they do??? or...

i dont wake up and think about this insecure phony issue cornball shit
Feel free to speak for yourself on the matter. Directly...
Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
i attend italian and irish pride parades and see lots of black people there.

you need to go outside more.

white cultures where im from arent called supremacists for celebrating...

this is only an issue when you DECLARE supremacy as a group....THEN youre called supremacist...is my observation.

cuz i dont see any other groups except self proclaimed supremacists called supremacist

not where im from

you should move
More Democrat anti-white bullshit from your little bubble....

There are plenty supremacists that aren't called such because they aren't white. There is a reason why the SPLC only calls genocidal maniacs like Farrakhan a "black separatist", and even that is just tokenism that most contemporary leftist groups won't dare do.

Irish and Italian parades are either based on the old cultures of Ireland and Italy that are now thought to be long gone, or they are based on the cultures that exist today in those countries, which vaguely resemble what they were because other peoples have now appropriated them.

Celebrating a thriving white people and culture is not allowed.
ask the arbiter of labels

your whine is whiney

be you, youre too insecure in caring what your label is...thats pathetic
Rather than answer the question; you slink away, and cower behind aspersions. What's the matter. You thought you had a lot to say on the matter...? But when pressed for specifics, and detail; your zeal really loses steam. Why is that? Again...

Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
are you too fucking stupid to realize that i dont speak for others and why they label shit the way they do??? or...

i dont wake up and think about this insecure phony issue cornball shit
Feel free to speak for yourself on the matter. Directly...
Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
i attend italian and irish pride parades and see lots of black people there.

you need to go outside more.

white cultures where im from arent called supremacists for celebrating...

this is only an issue when you DECLARE supremacy as a group....THEN youre called supremacist...is my observation.

cuz i dont see any other groups except self proclaimed supremacists called supremacist

not where im from

you should move
More Democrat anti-white bullshit from your little bubble....

There are plenty supremacists that aren't called such because they aren't white. There is a reason why the SPLC only calls genocidal maniacs like Farrakhan a "black separatist", and even that is just tokenism that most contemporary leftist groups won't dare do.

Irish and Italian parades are either based on the old cultures of Ireland and Italy that are now thought to be long gone, or they are based on the cultures that exist today in those countries, which vaguely resemble what they were because other peoples have now appropriated them.

Celebrating a thriving white people and culture is not allowed.
Rather than answer the question; you slink away, and cower behind aspersions. What's the matter. You thought you had a lot to say on the matter...? But when pressed for specifics, and detail; your zeal really loses steam. Why is that? Again...

Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
are you too fucking stupid to realize that i dont speak for others and why they label shit the way they do??? or...

i dont wake up and think about this insecure phony issue cornball shit
Feel free to speak for yourself on the matter. Directly...
Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
i attend italian and irish pride parades and see lots of black people there.

you need to go outside more.

white cultures where im from arent called supremacists for celebrating...

this is only an issue when you DECLARE supremacy as a group....THEN youre called supremacist...is my observation.

cuz i dont see any other groups except self proclaimed supremacists called supremacist

not where im from

you should move
More Democrat anti-white bullshit from your little bubble....

There are plenty supremacists that aren't called such because they aren't white. There is a reason why the SPLC only calls genocidal maniacs like Farrakhan a "black separatist", and even that is just tokenism that most contemporary leftist groups won't dare do.

Irish and Italian parades are either based on the old cultures of Ireland and Italy that are now thought to be long gone, or they are based on the cultures that exist today in those countries, which vaguely resemble what they were because other peoples have now appropriated them.

Celebrating a thriving white people and culture is not allowed.
You are a moron.
are you too fucking stupid to realize that i dont speak for others and why they label shit the way they do??? or...

i dont wake up and think about this insecure phony issue cornball shit
Feel free to speak for yourself on the matter. Directly...
Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
i attend italian and irish pride parades and see lots of black people there.

you need to go outside more.

white cultures where im from arent called supremacists for celebrating...

this is only an issue when you DECLARE supremacy as a group....THEN youre called supremacist...is my observation.

cuz i dont see any other groups except self proclaimed supremacists called supremacist

not where im from

you should move
More Democrat anti-white bullshit from your little bubble....

There are plenty supremacists that aren't called such because they aren't white. There is a reason why the SPLC only calls genocidal maniacs like Farrakhan a "black separatist", and even that is just tokenism that most contemporary leftist groups won't dare do.

Irish and Italian parades are either based on the old cultures of Ireland and Italy that are now thought to be long gone, or they are based on the cultures that exist today in those countries, which vaguely resemble what they were because other peoples have now appropriated them.

Celebrating a thriving white people and culture is not allowed.
You are a moron.
cool, dude
So you prefer racial discord. Interesting, while you are displaying a meditating enlightened person filled with the eternal splendor of the limitless light in your avi.
typically, when small minded folks start a sentence with "so" its followed by a lie or a strawman.

and you followed that precedent.
Small minded folks. I like that. Getting personal there? Did you miss me or something? If you are as philosophical as your avi suggests you just threw away all those things you've had your mind training on. Now, let's get back to topic. There are places for being personal in other Zones.
not because you say so, sorry.

you ascribed a sentence to me beginning with "so" and followed by a strawman that i neither said, nor implied.

my conclusion is that you are small minded. its a reasonable conclusion based on the facts in evidence.
Like I said, there are other forums on this board to get personal. Derailing the thread with personal engagements is low IQ indicating a no-valid-argument tactic. Have a great day.
Dont strawman people if you dont like the blowback..Its called the golden rule. Its rude, what you did. Dont be shocked when karma is rude back.
It is not about what I like or what I don't like it is about your post to me (the first one) where you indicated you liked racial tensions. My post you addressed was to somebody else when you started your mild ad hom. Now, I am pretty much done with you on this thread. You lack the intelligence to address anything in a civil manner. The FZ is your stomping ground, don't bring that attitude upstairs. Derailing a thread what you do best, so I am not going to feed your trolling.
typically, when small minded folks start a sentence with "so" its followed by a lie or a strawman.

and you followed that precedent.
Small minded folks. I like that. Getting personal there? Did you miss me or something? If you are as philosophical as your avi suggests you just threw away all those things you've had your mind training on. Now, let's get back to topic. There are places for being personal in other Zones.
not because you say so, sorry.

you ascribed a sentence to me beginning with "so" and followed by a strawman that i neither said, nor implied.

my conclusion is that you are small minded. its a reasonable conclusion based on the facts in evidence.
Like I said, there are other forums on this board to get personal. Derailing the thread with personal engagements is low IQ indicating a no-valid-argument tactic. Have a great day.
Dont strawman people if you dont like the blowback..Its called the golden rule. Its rude, what you did. Dont be shocked when karma is rude back.
It is not about what I like or what I don't like it is about your post to me (the first one) where you indicated you liked racial tensions. My post you addressed was to somebody else when you started your mild ad hom. Now, I am pretty much done with you on this thread. You lack the intelligence to address anything in a civil manner. The FZ is your stomping ground, don't bring that attitude upstairs. Derailing a thread what you do best, so I am not going to feed your trolling.
My post didnt indicate that I "like racial tensions," and I cant even imagine the lack of wherewithall it would take to conclude such a thing.
If you can't defend your position without having to call people racists

If your position calls depends on singling out a race as superior, that's the text book definition of a racist. So, don't be put of by the word, own it.

Which I have not done at all. So, shove it up you ass.

So you're arguing the white race must remain pure because it's inferior?
Are you arguing that the white race must be obliterated because it is inferior?
A quick breakdown on how diversity has failed, and is failing the native people's of Britain...

What have you been dispossessed from?

Well for one thing... Proportionate representation in government positions. The percentage of minorities in both government jobs, and even elected positions is not proportionate to their actual numerical representation in society. The ability to have freedom of association, is another. Try starting a United White Peoples College fund. Let me know how it works out.

The White Males-Only College Scholarship Fund

An insignificant and now defunct program that doesn't even begin to compete with the millions of specifically non-white programs....
What follows is a rather simple explaination, as to why the perpetuated lie that "diversity is our strength"; is not a strength at all. But rather a liability.

You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.
Marcus Aurelius

Yes, it is. Hitler merely needed an Army Group in reserve; diversity would have made that possible.

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