Diversity Is Not A Strength

Indeed. It is one of them.
People remember Hitler you dumb fuck. What a contribution he made to "white culture".
Come back when you are an adult.

So, now you're admitting to White culture?

In Tommy's narrow and obsessive mind, there is no White Culture per se, the ONLY White Culture is Hitler and ANYONE who has pride in White Culture is literally Hitler.


I seem to recall people from diverse cultures coming together to kick his arse. All races and religions. Diversity saved the world from a wicked ideology.
Its a shame that the notion of "white supremacy" didnt die with Hitler as the world would be a better place.

It doesn't seem that much more or less non-Whites fought Hitler, than fought for Hitler.

The fact of the matter is most of those who defeated Hitler were also White.
Quite to the point. That conflict on the whole was one of intracultural rivalry. Not the product of external cultural attempts at displacement/replacement.
People remember Hitler you dumb fuck. What a contribution he made to "white culture".
Come back when you are an adult.

So, now you're admitting to White culture?

In Tommy's narrow and obsessive mind, there is no White Culture per se, the ONLY White Culture is Hitler and ANYONE who has pride in White Culture is literally Hitler.


I seem to recall people from diverse cultures coming together to kick his arse. All races and religions. Diversity saved the world from a wicked ideology.
Its a shame that the notion of "white supremacy" didnt die with Hitler as the world would be a better place.

It doesn't seem that much more or less non-Whites fought Hitler, than fought for Hitler.

The fact of the matter is most of those who defeated Hitler were also White.
Quite to the point. That conflict on the whole was one of intracultural rivalry. Not the product of external cultural attempts at displacement/replacement.

Not a whole lot of non-Whites defeated Hitler....In fact, I don't recall this great non-White nation, which fully got involved in defeating Hitler.
Basically just a few non-White regiments against Hitler.
There is a reason we are in separate nations.

If you even TRIED to unify all, it would splinter into groups as this is our human nature. Forcing this would be devastating.
So, now you're admitting to White culture?

In Tommy's narrow and obsessive mind, there is no White Culture per se, the ONLY White Culture is Hitler and ANYONE who has pride in White Culture is literally Hitler.


I seem to recall people from diverse cultures coming together to kick his arse. All races and religions. Diversity saved the world from a wicked ideology.
Its a shame that the notion of "white supremacy" didnt die with Hitler as the world would be a better place.

It doesn't seem that much more or less non-Whites fought Hitler, than fought for Hitler.

The fact of the matter is most of those who defeated Hitler were also White.
Quite to the point. That conflict on the whole was one of intracultural rivalry. Not the product of external cultural attempts at displacement/replacement.

Not a whole lot of non-Whites defeated Hitler....In fact, I don't recall this great non-White nation, which fully got involved in defeating Hitler.
Basically just a few non-White regiments against Hitler.
No, you are wrong.
White people brought black people here as slaves, then their descendants whine and bitch about diversity.


You didn't watch the video... It's obvious. Diversity is fine, until it reaches a level that it overtakes the native culture. If you must troll, find another thread. This one is for serious discussion about the fallacy that is perpetuated by the globalist left, that claims "diversity is our strength". Which is categorically not true. That is... Unless your sole goal is to win Olympic gold medals...

Nativists made the same argument against different waves of European migrants in the 19th century as well. They argued that the Irish, Italians and Eastern European immigrants brought the papacy and Jews to America, which threatened Protestantism and the American way of life. They were wrong.

FTR, I don't disagree with you that immigration should be controlled and that immigrants should be strongly encouraged to integrate into the local culture. But there is no intrinsic "white" culture. White Europeans who migrated here had very different cultures in the past and were discriminated against by the locals. However, over time, they integrated and that discrimination went away.
However the overwhelming majority of those you mention came from nations of familiar, similar, and to an extent shared heritage. In addition to that, they also readily assimilated to American life. They didn't leech of the system the same way our current third world invaders do. Who incidentally pump out kids they cannot afford, that we feed. Big. Big difference.

We have these type of people in the UK and they make the same bullshit points that you do.

Firstly it is the immigrants taking our jobs and then it is the immigrants living on our benefits.

It is stoked by a right wing media on to a low information public.

There is no logic behind it , just hate.

So the natural pattern is as follows. Lots of people come over to work. We are told that they are "swamping our culture". And then they assimilate. Then the next wave "swamps our culture".

The success of the Ugandan Asians pretty much refutes any point you care to make.

They fled with nothing but built a new empire

Ironically, the success of the Ugandan Asian community could see it die out. So well has it assimilated to life in Britain that memories of its African past are disappearing. Kapasi has two children and their links to Africa mean little to them. 'They are more British than the British themselves,' he said.
OK, you are contradicting your own argument here, Tammy ;)

So, they have fully assimilated to the point their African past (and culture) is practically irrelevant to the children as they have become 'more British than the British' - i.e. the diversity that came with their arrival is minimised to the point of non existence - they have become 'more British than the British.

I would suggest therefore that their successful assimilation has negated the diversity aspect and this makes for a more UNIFIED society because their interests and loyalty no longer lie with where they came from but with their new home country.

However, this is not ever what the Left wanted or sought - nor what they ensured would happen.
Instead, they created a divided and fractured society. The lefts open door policy (admitted to by Mandelson), their obsessive commitment to multiculturalism and their derision for 'assimilation' (much like Erdogan :eek-52: ) created ghettoisation and entire communities that have so little loyalty to their new country, and so little desire to assimilate that they live entirely separate lives.

Some don't even bother to learn English, and others identify so much more with the countries their parents were born in, or with the religion they brought with them, that they see us as their enemy and as trash that they can groom, drug, rape, bomb, mow down and stab en masse.

So, diversity can (and in the UK and much of Europe has) produced a dangerously weakened society in which it does not engender unity but disunity - particularly when coupled with the utterly failed ideology of multiculturalism - which we have not abandoned - where assimilation is a dirty word - and especially so when the new culture is completely alien to the host culture.

Unity, on the other hand, is strength, but there can be no unity when sifpgnificant numbers of society won't even side with the nation they live in during difficult times, or during war, but instead train and fight with the enemy against our own, and act as a fifth column within.

THAT IS DISTINCTLY A WEAKNESS, and a hugely dangerous one - one that we now pay for with the lives of innocent children and adults on an increasingly regular basis.
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You are a moron Mr. Tainted. White Europeans do have common heritage and culture. The philosophical giants are taught or at least were taught in the halls of higher education (what you know nothing about) regardless of the country they were located such as Plato, Aristoteles, Pyhtagoras, Socrates, Lucretius, Cicero enumerating just a few. From their philosophy later giants emerged in Christianity, Metaphysics...Then, Composers, Play Writers, Scientists... etc...just look into it you imbecile. That's common heritage that's European Culture.
Greeks are not white.

How do I know this ?

How many whites who try to claim ‘Ancient Greece’ as a white civilization, never claim to be of Greek descent ?

How many whites who try to claim ‘Ancient Roman’ as a white civilization, never claim to be of Roman descent ?

White supremacist are hell on who is really white and who isn't, all that Northern Euro's Vs Southern Euro's

But even though the The Ancient Greeks are southern Euro because they they make whites look good. Now the white supremacist want to give them a pass.

Yeah right

Read this article "When Did the Greeks Become White"

Civilization isn't a white invention.

Greek civilization comes from Egypt and the Middle East. You're taught to turn a blind eye to the Egyptian roots of Greek civilization: the columns, the paper, the science and mathematics all came straight out of Egypt.

Even before Alexandria became the centre of Greek learning, people like Plato, Pythagoras, Solon and Thales all studied in Egypt.

The glory that was Greece was built not on some kind of amazing Greek grey matter but sailing times to Egypt.

It's also funny that ancient Greeks are seen as universal not ethnic” and you play up what they have in common with the Ancient Greeks but you do not apply that kind of thinking to the Greeks of the past 1500 years, who many whites look down on as unimportant, even the Byzantine Empire.
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We have these type of people in the UK and they make the same bullshit points that you do.

Firstly it is the immigrants taking our jobs and then it is the immigrants living on our benefits.

It is stoked by a right wing media on to a low information public.

There is no logic behind it , just hate.

So the natural pattern is as follows. Lots of people come over to work. We are told that they are "swamping our culture". And then they assimilate. Then the next wave "swamps our culture".

The success of the Ugandan Asians pretty much refutes any point you care to make.

They fled with nothing but built a new empire

Ironically, the success of the Ugandan Asian community could see it die out. So well has it assimilated to life in Britain that memories of its African past are disappearing. Kapasi has two children and their links to Africa mean little to them. 'They are more British than the British themselves,' he said.

"What else would you have them do ? Bleach their skin ?"

Stay the fuck home, or at the very least; go "enrich" another third world shithole slightly worse off than the one they come from. They need it more than western civilization does...

What else would you have them do ? Bleach their skin ?
Stay the fuck home, or at the very least; go "enrich" another third world shithole slightly worse off than the one they come from. They need it more than western civilization does..

What else would you have them do ? Bleach their skin ?
Stay the fuck home, or at the very least; go "enrich" another third world shithole slightly worse off than the one they come from. They need it more than western civilization does.

"What else would you have them do ? Bleach their skin" ?

Stay the fuck home, or at the very least; go "enrich" another third world shithole slightly worse off than the one they come from. They need it more than western civilization does.
Ive heard this shit from others on here before. You are just an inadequate,scared little fellow.
You are a moron Mr. Tainted. White Europeans do have common heritage and culture. The philosophical giants are taught or at least were taught in the halls of higher education (what you know nothing about) regardless of the country they were located such as Plato, Aristoteles, Pyhtagoras, Socrates, Lucretius, Cicero enumerating just a few. From their philosophy later giants emerged in Christianity, Metaphysics...Then, Composers, Play Writers, Scientists... etc...just look into it you imbecile. That's common heritage that's European Culture.
Greeks are not white.

How do I know this ?

How many of whites who try to claim ‘Ancient Greece’ as a white civilization, never claim to be of Greek descent ?

How many of whites who try to claim ‘Ancient Roman’ as a white civilization, never claim to be of Roman descent ?

White supremacist are hell on who is really white and who isn't, all that Northern Euro's Vs Southern Euro's

But even though the The Ancient Greeks are southern Euro because they they make whites look good. Now the white supremacist want to give them a pass.

Yeah right

Read this article "When Did the Greeks Become White"

Civilization isn't a white invention.

Greek civilization comes from Egypt and the Middle East by way of Greece and Rome. But you see it as starting with Greece because it was the first “white” country to be civilized. And it was first only because it was closest to Egypt. You're taught to turn a blind eye to the Egyptian roots of Greek civilization: the columns, the paper, the science and mathematics, etc, all came straight out of Egypt.

Even before Alexandria became the centre of Greek learning, people like Plato, Pythagoras, Solon and Thales all studied in Egypt.

The glory that was Greece” was built not on some kind of amazing Greek grey matter but sailing times to Egypt.

It's also funny that ancient Greeks are seen as “universal”, not “ethnic” by Anglos, who play up what they have in common with the Ancient Greeks but you do not apply that kind of thinking to the Greeks of the past 1500 years, who they look down on as unimportant, even the Byzantine Empire.

if Southern Euros aren't White, than most of the Atlantic slave trade was done by non-Whites.
In Tommy's narrow and obsessive mind, there is no White Culture per se, the ONLY White Culture is Hitler and ANYONE who has pride in White Culture is literally Hitler.


I seem to recall people from diverse cultures coming together to kick his arse. All races and religions. Diversity saved the world from a wicked ideology.
Its a shame that the notion of "white supremacy" didnt die with Hitler as the world would be a better place.

It doesn't seem that much more or less non-Whites fought Hitler, than fought for Hitler.

The fact of the matter is most of those who defeated Hitler were also White.
Quite to the point. That conflict on the whole was one of intracultural rivalry. Not the product of external cultural attempts at displacement/replacement.

Not a whole lot of non-Whites defeated Hitler....In fact, I don't recall this great non-White nation, which fully got involved in defeating Hitler.
Basically just a few non-White regiments against Hitler.
No, you are wrong.

So, why don't you tell us what's right?
You're taught to turn a blind eye to the Egyptian roots of Greek civilization: the columns, the paper, the science and mathematics, etc, all came straight out of Egypt.

Gold mining, metal smelting, Copper age tech, salt mining, these are a few things which started in Eastern Europe, as the evidence supports, and were used in ancient Egypt

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