Diversity Is Not A Strength

Germany is European
Italy is European
Ireland is European

See a trend to prior immigration, sparky?

Liberals lying to the American people about the effects of the 1965 Immigration Act:

"First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same … Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset … " Senator Edward Kennedy

“In fact, the distribution of limited quota immigration can have no significant effect on the ethnic balance of the United States. …"
Senator Robert Kennedy

"Our cultural pattern will never be changed as far as America is concerned.… It will become more cosmopolitan but still there is that fundamental adherence to European culture. …"Senator Hugh Scott

"The opportunities here in the United States, the opportunities which attract immigration, are the more sophisticated opportunities, for the educated, for the trained, for the industrial worker, for the technician, for those who can enter into a more sophisticated part in our life than they could if they came in without skills and without any training..." Senator Dean Rusk


1965 Immigration Law Changed Face of America

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White people brought black people here as slaves, then their descendants whine and bitch about diversity.


You didn't watch the video... It's obvious. Diversity is fine, until it reaches a level that it overtakes the native culture. If you must troll, find another thread. This one is for serious discussion about the fallacy that is perpetuated by the globalist left, that claims "diversity is our strength". Which is categorically not true. That is... Unless your sole goal is to win Olympic gold medals...

Nativists made the same argument against different waves of European migrants in the 19th century as well. They argued that the Irish, Italians and Eastern European immigrants brought the papacy and Jews to America, which threatened Protestantism and the American way of life. They were wrong.

FTR, I don't disagree with you that immigration should be controlled and that immigrants should be strongly encouraged to integrate into the local culture. But there is no intrinsic "white" culture. White Europeans who migrated here had very different cultures in the past and were discriminated against by the locals. However, over time, they integrated and that discrimination went away.
They were actually very right. Protestants are now just a powerless and weak generalized "Christianity", while Catholics and even Jews are distinct and influential religious sects.

BTW, did the Human Genome Project exist back then by any chance?
However the overwhelming majority of those you mention came from nations of familiar, similar, and to an extent shared heritage. In addition to that, they also readily assimilated to American life. They didn't leech of the system the same way our current third world invaders do. Who incidentally pump out kids they cannot afford, that we feed. Big. Big difference.

We have these type of people in the UK and they make the same bullshit points that you do.

Firstly it is the immigrants taking our jobs and then it is the immigrants living on our benefits.

It is stoked by a right wing media on to a low information public.

There is no logic behind it , just hate.

So the natural pattern is as follows. Lots of people come over to work. We are told that they are "swamping our culture". And then they assimilate. Then the next wave "swamps our culture".

The success of the Ugandan Asians pretty much refutes any point you care to make.

They fled with nothing but built a new empire

Ironically, the success of the Ugandan Asian community could see it die out. So well has it assimilated to life in Britain that memories of its African past are disappearing. Kapasi has two children and their links to Africa mean little to them. 'They are more British than the British themselves,' he said.
There is logic behind it. Logic called facts...

"The success of the Ugandan Asians pretty much refutes any point you care to make."...

That success is precisely the point... Foreigners using the foundational success of the native group, for the betterment of their own.
And so proving that diversity is a strength.
Not to the native group. It merely represents an opportunity for those who can take advantage of the native group. Nor does said diversity ensure the long term survival, success and continuity of said native group. In point of fact diversity is a liability.
So they came over with just a suitcase. Worked hard,created businesses, created jobs, assimilated with the locals and became more British than the British themselves.

What else would you have them do ? Bleach their skin ?
They did what the vast majority of European colonists did in America...
You are a moron Mr. Tainted. White Europeans do have common heritage and culture. The philosophical giants are taught or at least were taught in the halls of higher education (what you know nothing about) regardless of the country they were located such as Plato, Aristoteles, Pyhtagoras, Socrates, Lucretius, Cicero enumerating just a few. From their philosophy later giants emerged in Christianity, Metaphysics...Then, Composers, Play Writers, Scientists... etc...just look into it you imbecile. That's common heritage that's European Culture.
Greeks are not white.

How do I know this ?

How many whites who try to claim ‘Ancient Greece’ as a white civilization, never claim to be of Greek descent ?

How many whites who try to claim ‘Ancient Roman’ as a white civilization, never claim to be of Roman descent ?

White supremacist are hell on who is really white and who isn't, all that Northern Euro's Vs Southern Euro's

But even though the The Ancient Greeks are southern Euro because they they make whites look good. Now the white supremacist want to give them a pass.

Yeah right

Read this article "When Did the Greeks Become White"

Civilization isn't a white invention.

Greek civilization comes from Egypt and the Middle East. You're taught to turn a blind eye to the Egyptian roots of Greek civilization: the columns, the paper, the science and mathematics all came straight out of Egypt.

Even before Alexandria became the centre of Greek learning, people like Plato, Pythagoras, Solon and Thales all studied in Egypt.

The glory that was Greece was built not on some kind of amazing Greek grey matter but sailing times to Egypt.

It's also funny that ancient Greeks are seen as universal not ethnic” and you play up what they have in common with the Ancient Greeks but you do not apply that kind of thinking to the Greeks of the past 1500 years, who many whites look down on as unimportant, even the Byzantine Empire.
The Greeks did not believe themselves to be white.

The human genome project proved them wrong.

Benjamin Franklin didn't believe that some Europeans were white either.

The human genome project proved him wrong as well.

Native European = white
ask the arbiter of labels

your whine is whiney

be you, youre too insecure in caring what your label is...thats pathetic
Rather than answer the question; you slink away, and cower behind aspersions. What's the matter. You thought you had a lot to say on the matter...? But when pressed for specifics, and detail; your zeal really loses steam. Why is that? Again...

Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
are you too fucking stupid to realize that i dont speak for others and why they label shit the way they do??? or...

i dont wake up and think about this insecure phony issue cornball shit
Feel free to speak for yourself on the matter. Directly...
Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
i attend italian and irish pride parades and see lots of black people there.

you need to go outside more.

white cultures where im from arent called supremacists for celebrating...

this is only an issue when you DECLARE supremacy as a group....THEN youre called supremacist...is my observation.

cuz i dont see any other groups except self proclaimed supremacists called supremacist

not where im from

you should move
More Democrat anti-white bullshit from your little bubble....

There are plenty supremacists that aren't called such because they aren't white. There is a reason why the SPLC only calls genocidal maniacs like Farrakhan a "black separatist", and even that is just tokenism that most contemporary leftist groups won't dare do.

Irish and Italian parades are either based on the old cultures of Ireland and Italy that are now thought to be long gone, or they are based on the cultures that exist today in those countries, which vaguely resemble what they were because other peoples have now appropriated them.

Celebrating a thriving white people and culture is not allowed.
You are such a fraud. White people celebrate their culture all over the world. Why do you need to lie about this ?
The philosophical beliefs of the Age of Enlightenment that underpin our entire society and government, for one important example,

that is very much under attack by the left.
Stop trying to act like you're deep

"Age of Enlightenment"

Get the fk out my face.

You have Donald Trump running the government. When former KKK imperial Wizard David Duke embraced a president, that says something significant about Trump.

It's significant that white supremacists (like you) are excited about the president. It's significant because Trump did something to win all that approval.

When white supremacists in general are like “whoa, this Trump guy is our dream come true and doing things we never thought we’d see from a president,” that signifies something about Donald Trump.

You have a white man in charge who is going to favour white people at every turn, in every area of life

And you still complain.
Black supremacists loved Obama, dipshit.

Including Obama's black supremacist pastor.
that conquered an inferior culture,

So, by that argument, if you fear being conquered yourself, you must believe your culture to be inferior.

Western European culture has become inferior sappy multiculturalists.
To a point yes. However... As nationals from all corners of western civilization come to the realization (as they are) that they are being displaced/replaced, our kinship, and cultural foundations will be the factor which unites us, and nationalism will take a back seat to culturalism.

The irony is the fringe of Western culture (Eastern Europe)
have come to fight most vigorously against such a replacement of Western culture.
You are a moron Mr. Tainted. White Europeans do have common heritage and culture. The philosophical giants are taught or at least were taught in the halls of higher education (what you know nothing about) regardless of the country they were located such as Plato, Aristoteles, Pyhtagoras, Socrates, Lucretius, Cicero enumerating just a few. From their philosophy later giants emerged in Christianity, Metaphysics...Then, Composers, Play Writers, Scientists... etc...just look into it you imbecile. That's common heritage that's European Culture.
Greeks are not white.

How do I know this ?

How many whites who try to claim ‘Ancient Greece’ as a white civilization, never claim to be of Greek descent ?

How many whites who try to claim ‘Ancient Roman’ as a white civilization, never claim to be of Roman descent ?

White supremacist are hell on who is really white and who isn't, all that Northern Euro's Vs Southern Euro's

But even though the The Ancient Greeks are southern Euro because they they make whites look good. Now the white supremacist want to give them a pass.

Yeah right

Read this article "When Did the Greeks Become White"

Civilization isn't a white invention.

Greek civilization comes from Egypt and the Middle East. You're taught to turn a blind eye to the Egyptian roots of Greek civilization: the columns, the paper, the science and mathematics all came straight out of Egypt.

Even before Alexandria became the centre of Greek learning, people like Plato, Pythagoras, Solon and Thales all studied in Egypt.

The glory that was Greece was built not on some kind of amazing Greek grey matter but sailing times to Egypt.

It's also funny that ancient Greeks are seen as universal not ethnic” and you play up what they have in common with the Ancient Greeks but you do not apply that kind of thinking to the Greeks of the past 1500 years, who many whites look down on as unimportant, even the Byzantine Empire.
The Greeks did not believe themselves to be white.

The human genome project proved them wrong.

Benjamin Franklin didn't believe that some Europeans were white either.

The human genome project proved him wrong as well.

Native European = white

Genetic PCA plots say it all.

You are a moron Mr. Tainted. White Europeans do have common heritage and culture. The philosophical giants are taught or at least were taught in the halls of higher education (what you know nothing about) regardless of the country they were located such as Plato, Aristoteles, Pyhtagoras, Socrates, Lucretius, Cicero enumerating just a few. From their philosophy later giants emerged in Christianity, Metaphysics...Then, Composers, Play Writers, Scientists... etc...just look into it you imbecile. That's common heritage that's European Culture.
Greeks are not white.

How do I know this ?

How many whites who try to claim ‘Ancient Greece’ as a white civilization, never claim to be of Greek descent ?

How many whites who try to claim ‘Ancient Roman’ as a white civilization, never claim to be of Roman descent ?

White supremacist are hell on who is really white and who isn't, all that Northern Euro's Vs Southern Euro's

But even though the The Ancient Greeks are southern Euro because they they make whites look good. Now the white supremacist want to give them a pass.

Yeah right

Read this article "When Did the Greeks Become White"

Civilization isn't a white invention.

Greek civilization comes from Egypt and the Middle East. You're taught to turn a blind eye to the Egyptian roots of Greek civilization: the columns, the paper, the science and mathematics all came straight out of Egypt.

Even before Alexandria became the centre of Greek learning, people like Plato, Pythagoras, Solon and Thales all studied in Egypt.

The glory that was Greece was built not on some kind of amazing Greek grey matter but sailing times to Egypt.

It's also funny that ancient Greeks are seen as universal not ethnic” and you play up what they have in common with the Ancient Greeks but you do not apply that kind of thinking to the Greeks of the past 1500 years, who many whites look down on as unimportant, even the Byzantine Empire.
The Greeks did not believe themselves to be white.

The human genome project proved them wrong.

Benjamin Franklin didn't believe that some Europeans were white either.

The human genome project proved him wrong as well.

Native European = white

Genetic PCA plots say it all.


I remember my first Etch-a-Sketch
You are a moron Mr. Tainted. White Europeans do have common heritage and culture. The philosophical giants are taught or at least were taught in the halls of higher education (what you know nothing about) regardless of the country they were located such as Plato, Aristoteles, Pyhtagoras, Socrates, Lucretius, Cicero enumerating just a few. From their philosophy later giants emerged in Christianity, Metaphysics...Then, Composers, Play Writers, Scientists... etc...just look into it you imbecile. That's common heritage that's European Culture.
Greeks are not white.

How do I know this ?

How many whites who try to claim ‘Ancient Greece’ as a white civilization, never claim to be of Greek descent ?

How many whites who try to claim ‘Ancient Roman’ as a white civilization, never claim to be of Roman descent ?

White supremacist are hell on who is really white and who isn't, all that Northern Euro's Vs Southern Euro's

But even though the The Ancient Greeks are southern Euro because they they make whites look good. Now the white supremacist want to give them a pass.

Yeah right

Read this article "When Did the Greeks Become White"

Civilization isn't a white invention.

Greek civilization comes from Egypt and the Middle East. You're taught to turn a blind eye to the Egyptian roots of Greek civilization: the columns, the paper, the science and mathematics all came straight out of Egypt.

Even before Alexandria became the centre of Greek learning, people like Plato, Pythagoras, Solon and Thales all studied in Egypt.

The glory that was Greece was built not on some kind of amazing Greek grey matter but sailing times to Egypt.

It's also funny that ancient Greeks are seen as universal not ethnic” and you play up what they have in common with the Ancient Greeks but you do not apply that kind of thinking to the Greeks of the past 1500 years, who many whites look down on as unimportant, even the Byzantine Empire.
The Greeks did not believe themselves to be white.

The human genome project proved them wrong.

Benjamin Franklin didn't believe that some Europeans were white either.

The human genome project proved him wrong as well.

Native European = white

Genetic PCA plots say it all.


I remember my first Etch-a-Sketch

Not Kvetch-a-Sketch, in your case?
You are a moron Mr. Tainted. White Europeans do have common heritage and culture. The philosophical giants are taught or at least were taught in the halls of higher education (what you know nothing about) regardless of the country they were located such as Plato, Aristoteles, Pyhtagoras, Socrates, Lucretius, Cicero enumerating just a few. From their philosophy later giants emerged in Christianity, Metaphysics...Then, Composers, Play Writers, Scientists... etc...just look into it you imbecile. That's common heritage that's European Culture.
Greeks are not white.

How do I know this ?

How many whites who try to claim ‘Ancient Greece’ as a white civilization, never claim to be of Greek descent ?

How many whites who try to claim ‘Ancient Roman’ as a white civilization, never claim to be of Roman descent ?

White supremacist are hell on who is really white and who isn't, all that Northern Euro's Vs Southern Euro's

But even though the The Ancient Greeks are southern Euro because they they make whites look good. Now the white supremacist want to give them a pass.

Yeah right

Read this article "When Did the Greeks Become White"

Civilization isn't a white invention.

Greek civilization comes from Egypt and the Middle East. You're taught to turn a blind eye to the Egyptian roots of Greek civilization: the columns, the paper, the science and mathematics all came straight out of Egypt.

Even before Alexandria became the centre of Greek learning, people like Plato, Pythagoras, Solon and Thales all studied in Egypt.

The glory that was Greece was built not on some kind of amazing Greek grey matter but sailing times to Egypt.

It's also funny that ancient Greeks are seen as universal not ethnic” and you play up what they have in common with the Ancient Greeks but you do not apply that kind of thinking to the Greeks of the past 1500 years, who many whites look down on as unimportant, even the Byzantine Empire.
The Greeks did not believe themselves to be white.

The human genome project proved them wrong.

Benjamin Franklin didn't believe that some Europeans were white either.

The human genome project proved him wrong as well.

Native European = white

Genetic PCA plots say it all.


I remember my first Etch-a-Sketch

Not Kvetch-a-Sketch, in your case?

Odd autocorrect you have there.

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