Diversity Is Not A Strength

As a person of a Polish heritage, I truly say never again to Poland's diversity.

It all came to a head in WW2.

- Ukrainians killing Polish neighbors in the Wolyn Massacre.

- Germans killing Polish neighbors in Operation Tannenberg.

- Lithuanians killing Polish neighbors in the Ponary Massacre.

- The Slovak invasion of Poland.

- The Soviet invasion of Poland, and Katyn Massacre.

- Jews, and Belarussians killing Polish neighbors in the Skidel Revolt, and the Massacre of Brzostowica Mała.
Rather than answer the question; you slink away, and cower behind aspersions. What's the matter. You thought you had a lot to say on the matter...? But when pressed for specifics, and detail; your zeal really loses steam. Why is that? Again...

Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
are you too fucking stupid to realize that i dont speak for others and why they label shit the way they do??? or...

i dont wake up and think about this insecure phony issue cornball shit
Feel free to speak for yourself on the matter. Directly...
Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
i attend italian and irish pride parades and see lots of black people there.

you need to go outside more.

white cultures where im from arent called supremacists for celebrating...

this is only an issue when you DECLARE supremacy as a group....THEN youre called supremacist...is my observation.

cuz i dont see any other groups except self proclaimed supremacists called supremacist

not where im from

you should move
More Democrat anti-white bullshit from your little bubble....

There are plenty supremacists that aren't called such because they aren't white. There is a reason why the SPLC only calls genocidal maniacs like Farrakhan a "black separatist", and even that is just tokenism that most contemporary leftist groups won't dare do.

Irish and Italian parades are either based on the old cultures of Ireland and Italy that are now thought to be long gone, or they are based on the cultures that exist today in those countries, which vaguely resemble what they were because other peoples have now appropriated them.

Celebrating a thriving white people and culture is not allowed.
You are such a fraud. White people celebrate their culture all over the world. Why do you need to lie about this ?

By this you mean Hitler?
Because you certainly suggested that only White culture is Hitler.
Because we are being physically and psychologically threatened every day of our lives

If you are white yourself, then you are literally nothing but a slave when you seek to try to ignore a system actively oppressing you.

Funny. Not feeling oppressed...

Is that an 80s or 90s photo?

This is the year 2017, dipshit.
You are playing the role what Globalists assigned for you in the theater of life. You are duped by them perpetuating racial discord while they are doing their dirty deeds because we are to busy to fight each other instead of keeping an eye on them. Wake up to their machinations.
I don't split white people up into groups

It's all white supremacy

Because a person from Finland, is just like a person from Portugal.... sure...
You are playing the role what Globalists assigned for you in the theater of life. You are duped by them perpetuating racial discord while they are doing their dirty deeds because we are to busy to fight each other instead of keeping an eye on them. Wake up to their machinations.
yeah man, nobody has the internet. everyones asleep to the nwo boogy man except enlightened folks who realize diversity is bad :rolleyes:
So you prefer racial discord. Interesting, while you are displaying a meditating enlightened person filled with the eternal splendor of the limitless light in your avi.
typically, when small minded folks start a sentence with "so" its followed by a lie or a strawman.

and you followed that precedent.
Small minded folks. I like that. Getting personal there? Did you miss me or something? If you are as philosophical as your avi suggests you just threw away all those things you've had your mind training on. Now, let's get back to topic. There are places for being personal in other Zones.
not because you say so, sorry.

you ascribed a sentence to me beginning with "so" and followed by a strawman that i neither said, nor implied.

my conclusion is that you are small minded. its a reasonable conclusion based on the facts in evidence.
Do you think you could at least try to contribute something to the subject of the thread?
This, in spite of the rather overwhelming evidence that many African lands were far more advanced than those of Europe, well into the recently completed millennium.

Oh yeah?
Is that why Europe has evidence of wheels going back nearly 5,000 years, as opposed to many parts of Africa which only have evidence of wheels going back to nearly 500 years?
What follows is a rather simple explaination, as to why the perpetuated lie that "diversity is our strength"; is not a strength at all. But rather a liability.

You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.
Marcus Aurelius

Yes, it is. Hitler merely needed an Army Group in reserve; diversity would have made that possible.

Uh, you are aware that Hitler's SS was majority non-German?
Rather than answer the question; you slink away, and cower behind aspersions. What's the matter. You thought you had a lot to say on the matter...? But when pressed for specifics, and detail; your zeal really loses steam. Why is that? Again...

Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
are you too fucking stupid to realize that i dont speak for others and why they label shit the way they do??? or...

i dont wake up and think about this insecure phony issue cornball shit
Feel free to speak for yourself on the matter. Directly...
Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
i attend italian and irish pride parades and see lots of black people there.

you need to go outside more.

white cultures where im from arent called supremacists for celebrating...

this is only an issue when you DECLARE supremacy as a group....THEN youre called supremacist...is my observation.

cuz i dont see any other groups except self proclaimed supremacists called supremacist

not where im from

you should move
More Democrat anti-white bullshit from your little bubble....

There are plenty supremacists that aren't called such because they aren't white. There is a reason why the SPLC only calls genocidal maniacs like Farrakhan a "black separatist", and even that is just tokenism that most contemporary leftist groups won't dare do.

Irish and Italian parades are either based on the old cultures of Ireland and Italy that are now thought to be long gone, or they are based on the cultures that exist today in those countries, which vaguely resemble what they were because other peoples have now appropriated them.

Celebrating a thriving white people and culture is not allowed.
You are such a fraud. White people celebrate their culture all over the world. Why do you need to lie about this ?

White people celebrate their culture all over the world.
Huh? How do they do that when you categorically insisted THERE IS NO WHITE CULTURE 'you thick f**k?' (my asterisks)
You seem very confused.......AGAIN :uhoh3:
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It doesn't seem that much more or less non-Whites fought Hitler, than fought for Hitler.

The fact of the matter is most of those who defeated Hitler were also White.
Quite to the point. That conflict on the whole was one of intracultural rivalry. Not the product of external cultural attempts at displacement/replacement.

Not a whole lot of non-Whites defeated Hitler....In fact, I don't recall this great non-White nation, which fully got involved in defeating Hitler.
Basically just a few non-White regiments against Hitler.
No, you are wrong.

So, why don't you tell us what's right?

More than a few.

One million Africans
BBC NEWS | Africa | The Africans who fought in WWII

2.6m Indians
How India Bailed Out The West In World War II

4 Million Chinse
China Lost 14 Million People in World War II. Why Is This Forgotten?

2.5m African Americans
African Americans in WWII | Fredericksburg War Museum

250,000 Asian Americans
Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders in the U.S. Army
The "Asian/Pacific-American" designation encompasses more than 50 ethnic or language groups including native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders. There are now more Asian and Pacific Islander groups than in the past - with 28 Asian and 19 Pacific Islander subgroups representing a vast array of languages and cultures. These groups include Chinese-Americans, Filipino-Americans, Japanese-Americans, Korean-Americans, Vietnamese-Americans, Indian-Americans, Laotian-Americans, Cambodian-Americans, Hmong-Americans, Thai-Americans, Pakistani, Samoan, Guamanian and many other language groups.

More like millions of Indians, and Chinese fought Japan, because they were invaded, but how many fought Hitler?
But it is not Eastern Europe that re divided the world but Western Europe did.

What re-divide is this?
Western Europe divided the their World over racism?

France and Britain divided the world in 1945. To keep this division going forever, especially in Eastern Europe, they invented racism. Too bad, their former colonies in Asia and Africa reacted faster, and they had to tune down domestically. But only domestically.

How did racism start in 1945?
Furthermore, what division of the World by French, and English?

They re drew the map of Europe. Only racism can keep that map going to this day.

More like cheap labor profits to the elites, made the elites import in third-World riff-raffs, as justification, they had to brainwash the masses into a tolerant stupor.
Yes, that too.
Foreigners using the foundational success of the native group, or taking advantage of its resources; for the betterment of their own.

Tell me about it ...


You can't very well disparage any group of people for coming to a new place for a better life when your entire culture is based on doing just that.

Well, you can ... but you know what it makes you.
Indeed i do. it makes me a member of a culture that conquered an inferior culture......

YOU haven't conquered anyone, loser, nor could YOU ever. Skin tone gives you NO connection to the accomplishments (good or evil) of others.
Foreigners using the foundational success of the native group, or taking advantage of its resources; for the betterment of their own.

Tell me about it ...


You can't very well disparage any group of people for coming to a new place for a better life when your entire culture is based on doing just that.

Well, you can ... but you know what it makes you.
Indeed i do. it makes me a member of a culture that conquered an inferior culture......

YOU haven't conquered anyone, loser, nor could YOU ever. Skin tone gives you NO connection to the accomplishments (good or evil) of others.

Oh, so now the collective matters, when it comes to conquering, but when it comes to race, they're just individuals, right?
are you too fucking stupid to realize that i dont speak for others and why they label shit the way they do??? or...

i dont wake up and think about this insecure phony issue cornball shit
Feel free to speak for yourself on the matter. Directly...
Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
i attend italian and irish pride parades and see lots of black people there.

you need to go outside more.

white cultures where im from arent called supremacists for celebrating...

this is only an issue when you DECLARE supremacy as a group....THEN youre called supremacist...is my observation.

cuz i dont see any other groups except self proclaimed supremacists called supremacist

not where im from

you should move
More Democrat anti-white bullshit from your little bubble....

There are plenty supremacists that aren't called such because they aren't white. There is a reason why the SPLC only calls genocidal maniacs like Farrakhan a "black separatist", and even that is just tokenism that most contemporary leftist groups won't dare do.

Irish and Italian parades are either based on the old cultures of Ireland and Italy that are now thought to be long gone, or they are based on the cultures that exist today in those countries, which vaguely resemble what they were because other peoples have now appropriated them.

Celebrating a thriving white people and culture is not allowed.
You are such a fraud. White people celebrate their culture all over the world. Why do you need to lie about this ?

White people celebrate their culture all over the world.
Huh? How do they do that when you categorically insisted THERE IS NO WHITE CULTURE 'you thick f**k?' (my asterisks)
You seem very confused.......AGAIN :uhoh3:
There are many separate white cultures. But there isnt an overarching white culture.
We hold an Eisteddfod every year to celebrate Welsh culture and achievements. What we dont do is celebrate any notion of Welsh supremacy or "white supremacy". Many countries do this and there is an Eisteddfod held in Patagonia as well.

Anglesey 2017 | National Eisteddfod

Of course there is a difference between celebrating your language and culture and celebrating your skin colour.
Quite to the point. That conflict on the whole was one of intracultural rivalry. Not the product of external cultural attempts at displacement/replacement.

Not a whole lot of non-Whites defeated Hitler....In fact, I don't recall this great non-White nation, which fully got involved in defeating Hitler.
Basically just a few non-White regiments against Hitler.
No, you are wrong.

So, why don't you tell us what's right?

More than a few.

One million Africans
BBC NEWS | Africa | The Africans who fought in WWII

2.6m Indians
How India Bailed Out The West In World War II

4 Million Chinse
China Lost 14 Million People in World War II. Why Is This Forgotten?

2.5m African Americans
African Americans in WWII | Fredericksburg War Museum

250,000 Asian Americans
Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders in the U.S. Army
The "Asian/Pacific-American" designation encompasses more than 50 ethnic or language groups including native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders. There are now more Asian and Pacific Islander groups than in the past - with 28 Asian and 19 Pacific Islander subgroups representing a vast array of languages and cultures. These groups include Chinese-Americans, Filipino-Americans, Japanese-Americans, Korean-Americans, Vietnamese-Americans, Indian-Americans, Laotian-Americans, Cambodian-Americans, Hmong-Americans, Thai-Americans, Pakistani, Samoan, Guamanian and many other language groups.

More like millions of Indians, and Chinese fought Japan, because they were invaded, but how many fought Hitler?
Millions you dumb fuck.
Feel free to speak for yourself on the matter. Directly...
Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
i attend italian and irish pride parades and see lots of black people there.

you need to go outside more.

white cultures where im from arent called supremacists for celebrating...

this is only an issue when you DECLARE supremacy as a group....THEN youre called supremacist...is my observation.

cuz i dont see any other groups except self proclaimed supremacists called supremacist

not where im from

you should move
More Democrat anti-white bullshit from your little bubble....

There are plenty supremacists that aren't called such because they aren't white. There is a reason why the SPLC only calls genocidal maniacs like Farrakhan a "black separatist", and even that is just tokenism that most contemporary leftist groups won't dare do.

Irish and Italian parades are either based on the old cultures of Ireland and Italy that are now thought to be long gone, or they are based on the cultures that exist today in those countries, which vaguely resemble what they were because other peoples have now appropriated them.

Celebrating a thriving white people and culture is not allowed.
You are such a fraud. White people celebrate their culture all over the world. Why do you need to lie about this ?

White people celebrate their culture all over the world.
Huh? How do they do that when you categorically insisted THERE IS NO WHITE CULTURE 'you thick f**k?' (my asterisks)
You seem very confused.......AGAIN :uhoh3:
There are many separate white cultures. But there isnt an overarching white culture.
We hold an Eisteddfod every year to celebrate Welsh culture and achievements. What we dont do is celebrate any notion of Welsh supremacy or "white supremacy". Many countries do this and there is an Eisteddfod held in Patagonia as well.

Anglesey 2017 | National Eisteddfod

Of course there is a difference between celebrating your language and culture and celebrating your skin colour.
Cultures are heavily influenced by race and skin color.
This, in spite of the rather overwhelming evidence that many African lands were far more advanced than those of Europe, well into the recently completed millennium.

Oh yeah?
Is that why Europe has evidence of wheels going back nearly 5,000 years, as opposed to many parts of Africa which only have evidence of wheels going back to nearly 500 years?
Stupid white people how do they fill water into this thing?

Screen Shot 2017-03-30 at 11.51.23 PM.png
Feel free to speak for yourself on the matter. Directly...
Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
i attend italian and irish pride parades and see lots of black people there.

you need to go outside more.

white cultures where im from arent called supremacists for celebrating...

this is only an issue when you DECLARE supremacy as a group....THEN youre called supremacist...is my observation.

cuz i dont see any other groups except self proclaimed supremacists called supremacist

not where im from

you should move
More Democrat anti-white bullshit from your little bubble....

There are plenty supremacists that aren't called such because they aren't white. There is a reason why the SPLC only calls genocidal maniacs like Farrakhan a "black separatist", and even that is just tokenism that most contemporary leftist groups won't dare do.

Irish and Italian parades are either based on the old cultures of Ireland and Italy that are now thought to be long gone, or they are based on the cultures that exist today in those countries, which vaguely resemble what they were because other peoples have now appropriated them.

Celebrating a thriving white people and culture is not allowed.
You are such a fraud. White people celebrate their culture all over the world. Why do you need to lie about this ?

White people celebrate their culture all over the world.
Huh? How do they do that when you categorically insisted THERE IS NO WHITE CULTURE 'you thick f**k?' (my asterisks)
You seem very confused.......AGAIN :uhoh3:
There are many separate white cultures. But there isnt an overarching white culture.
We hold an Eisteddfod every year to celebrate Welsh culture and achievements. What we dont do is celebrate any notion of Welsh supremacy or "white supremacy". Many countries do this and there is an Eisteddfod held in Patagonia as well.

Anglesey 2017 | National Eisteddfod

Of course there is a difference between celebrating your language and culture and celebrating your skin colour.
Of course there is a difference between celebrating your language and culture and celebrating your skin colour.
So those who celebrate Black Culture - and they do - are black supremacists?

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