Diversity is Stupidity

Could this be intentional?
The question at the very core of all this.

They're supporting the spread of an intolerant religion throughout Europe that refuses to assimilate, directly in the face of what's happening. Every day.

Is it because they want some kind of payback to the West, or is it that they're so consumed by their ideology that they don't see?
Diversity is being misused to take over the system. Putting blacks in positions of power so they can discriminate against whites. It's human nature to subjugate those who are different from you. Why else would they sow the seeds of racial hatred if they weren't setting up a government sponsored racist culture against whites.
I remain curious about their motivations regarding my point, though. Either they feel it's deserved or their ideology is blind to it.

There could be another answer too, of course, but getting an honest answer is impossible.

Your point isn't based in reality. The motivation for me is that we are a nation with freedom of religion and we are as great as we are BECAUSE we are diverse. Simple stuff, genius.
They just gotta jump in and illustrate my point for me.

The question remains: Do they feel this is deserved, or are they blinded by ideology?

Does who feel what is deserved? Be specific please.
There's nothing skeevier than a bunch of misogynists complaining about other misogynists.
You are a fool if you assume those on the right of misogynists. And by insulting us, you managed to avoid addressing the point of the thread. Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.
It's how the Regressive Left rolls.
Could this be intentional?
The question at the very core of all this.

They're supporting the spread of an intolerant religion throughout Europe that refuses to assimilate, directly in the face of what's happening. Every day.

Is it because they want some kind of payback to the West, or is it that they're so consumed by their ideology that they don't see?
Diversity is being misused to take over the system. Putting blacks in positions of power so they can discriminate against whites. It's human nature to subjugate those who are different from you. Why else would they sow the seeds of racial hatred if they weren't setting up a government sponsored racist culture against whites.
I remain curious about their motivations regarding my point, though. Either they feel it's deserved or their ideology is blind to it.

There could be another answer too, of course, but getting an honest answer is impossible.
White racist Democrats 50 years ago warned about what would happen if the tables were turned. Instead of getting their positions by earning them, blacks are getting them by race-baiting and causing fear and hatred. When they get the upper-hand they will be no better than the people they hate. Now the Democrat Party is filled with Socialist Progressives who want to destroy economies. Quickest way to do that is flood the country with refugees from poor countries overloading the system. Nothing good can come from all of this injustice and corruption. A common refrain among blacks is that the founding of this nation was by whites and they don't respect the institutions it created. This is the transformation Obama spoke of. He just didn't mention that he would replace white America with blacks who hate America.
The question at the very core of all this.

They're supporting the spread of an intolerant religion throughout Europe that refuses to assimilate, directly in the face of what's happening. Every day.

Is it because they want some kind of payback to the West, or is it that they're so consumed by their ideology that they don't see?
Diversity is being misused to take over the system. Putting blacks in positions of power so they can discriminate against whites. It's human nature to subjugate those who are different from you. Why else would they sow the seeds of racial hatred if they weren't setting up a government sponsored racist culture against whites.
I remain curious about their motivations regarding my point, though. Either they feel it's deserved or their ideology is blind to it.

There could be another answer too, of course, but getting an honest answer is impossible.

Your point isn't based in reality. The motivation for me is that we are a nation with freedom of religion and we are as great as we are BECAUSE we are diverse. Simple stuff, genius.
They just gotta jump in and illustrate my point for me.

The question remains: Do they feel this is deserved, or are they blinded by ideology?

Does who feel what is deserved? Be specific please.
more dumb stuff from LL
Liberal policies at work. The slums were created because they weren't forced to live among native borns. The slums were created because everywhere Muslims live in great numbers they start regressing and then long for Sharia. They want things to be like it was hundreds of years ago. This kind of society cannot function in a modern Western culture.

Guy, you are j ust exposing your racism...

The slums were created for the same reason why slums exist- to marginalize a minority.
Slums are a byproduct of liberal policies.
Multiculturalism is ghey.

Loner social invalid progressives who live in Sratchmyassville USA are never going to care about what the rest of us have to deal with. Those with real life responsibilities btw. For Christsakes, even Jimmy Carter campaigned in 1976 trying to promote segregated communities because duh........they work better.

Places like France are becoming snakes pits with massive urban area's that are slums.......they get bigger and the poverty gets worse. They'll be burning shit down before long.......these gimmegrants come in and say "FUCK YOU!" to the native culture. Europeans are waking up to it but its too late.........they've been duped by the globalist assholes who couldnt care less about public safety.
White racist Democrats 50 years ago warned about what would happen if the tables were turned. Instead of getting their positions by earning them, blacks are getting them by race-baiting and causing fear and hatred. When they get the upper-hand they will be no better than the people they hate. Now the Democrat Party is filled with Socialist Progressives who want to destroy economies. Quickest way to do that is flood the country with refugees from poor countries overloading the system. Nothing good can come from all of this injustice and corruption. A common refrain among blacks is that the founding of this nation was by whites and they don't respect the institutions it created. This is the transformation Obama spoke of. He just didn't mention that he would replace white America with blacks who hate America.

Guy, how did you survive in the army showering with all those scary black men?
To the radical Left, anyone who says "western values are superior to all others," is automatically labeled a racist and a bigot. The lack of intellectual thought by the Left, is leading us all down a dangerous path. Could this be intentional?
It is intentional....
Do you agree that Muslms have sufficiently assimilated in the US?
Yet another vivid example of how the Regressive Left operates.

Remember, their three primary tactics re: Islam are -
  1. Equating modern day Islam to modern day Christianity
  2. Deflecting to another topic
  3. Going straight to personal insults and name-calling
In this case, we see tactic #2, deflection. I specifically referred to Europe, and USMB's King of the Obtuse question deflects in a clumsy and transparent attempt to make his "argument" easier.

They are genetically incapable of intellectual honesty, and I remain curious: Is this about payback to the West for them, or are they simply blinded by their ideology?
Could this be intentional?
The question at the very core of all this.

They're supporting the spread of an intolerant religion throughout Europe that refuses to assimilate, directly in the face of what's happening. Every day.

Is it because they want some kind of payback to the West, or is it that they're so consumed by their ideology that they don't see?

Europe, some time ago, rejected Christianity. What they maybe didn't realize or care about is that they were also rejecting all the Western values and cultures that were inextricably connected to it. That's not "multiculturalism," it's creating a vacuum. When you create a vacuum...
Slums are a byproduct of liberal policies.

So there weren't any slums before liberal policies?

Um. No. There were actually more of them.

Read a history book, about how most people lived prior to 1930. It wasn't pretty.

The ironic thing is that the Irish, Italians, Germans and Poles who used to live in those tenements and slums and ghettos moved out to nicer neighborhoods because of liberal policies. So did a lot of blacks, for that matter.
Europe, some time ago, rejected Christianity. What they maybe didn't realize or care about is that they were also rejecting all the Western values and cultures that were inextricably connected to it. That's not "multiculturalism," it's creating a vacuum. When you create a vacuum...
Yeah, good point. There must be a strong residual hatred of Christianity, though, for this.

Guy, we didn't have a problem with the Islamic World until the Zionists and the Oil Companies started fucking with it.

Shit, guy, there weren't even any "Jihadists" there 40 years ago. Most of the Middle East governments were either decadant monarchies or secular dictatorships. Then someone decided, "We need to arm the Jihadis to fight the Commies!!!"

And look how well that turned out.
There's a lot more to multiculturalism than genital mutilation. It also means art, music, literature, etc. Walter Williams and the OP can think what they want, but I'm not giving up my pizza Fridays and sushi Saturdays. :eusa_snooty:

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