Diversity is Stupidity

There's a lot more to multiculturalism than genital mutilation. It also means art, music, literature, etc. Walter Williams and the OP can think what they want, but I'm not giving up my pizza Fridays and sushi Saturdays. :eusa_snooty:

It was OBVIOUSLY an extreme example to make the point.

But I like that you admit that sushi is more important to you that standing against genital mutilation.

Are you offended by Native American efforts to maintain their cultural identity in the face of assimilation?
There's a lot more to multiculturalism than genital mutilation. It also means art, music, literature, etc. Walter Williams and the OP can think what they want, but I'm not giving up my pizza Fridays and sushi Saturdays. :eusa_snooty:

It was OBVIOUSLY an extreme example to make the point.

But I like that you admit that sushi is more important to you that standing against genital mutilation.

Are you offended by Native American efforts to maintain their cultural identity in the face of assimilation?
There's a difference between maintaining your native culture and not wanting to fit in to a society.
There's a lot more to multiculturalism than genital mutilation. It also means art, music, literature, etc. Walter Williams and the OP can think what they want, but I'm not giving up my pizza Fridays and sushi Saturdays.
It was OBVIOUSLY an extreme example to make the point. But I like that you admit that sushi is more important to you that standing against genital mutilation. Are you offended by Native American efforts to maintain their cultural identity in the face of assimilation?
I've admitted to nothing of the sort. That's just BULLSHIT. There's a difference between remembering your past and rejecting other cultures.
There's a lot more to multiculturalism than genital mutilation. It also means art, music, literature, etc. Walter Williams and the OP can think what they want, but I'm not giving up my pizza Fridays and sushi Saturdays.
It was OBVIOUSLY an extreme example to make the point. But I like that you admit that sushi is more important to you that standing against genital mutilation. Are you offended by Native American efforts to maintain their cultural identity in the face of assimilation?
There's a difference between maintaining your native culture and not wanting to fit in to a society.
In my experience that's usually just the immigrant generation. The kids born here usually want to fit in. Radicalized Muslim youth, for example, are the exception, not the rule.
There's nothing skeevier than a bunch of misogynists complaining about other misogynists.
You are a fool if you assume those on the right of misogynists. And by insulting us, you managed to avoid addressing the point of the thread. Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.
It's how the Regressive Left rolls.

It is incredible to me that people think that coming into a conversation and just insulting people, is making some type of valid point.

I cannot wrap my mind around what their self image must be.

Don't they realize their actions are the actions of an asshole?
It's kind of insulting, because they appear to think we won't notice.

On the other hand, it may just be that THEY don't notice.


That is what really pisses me off.

The disrespect of being told obvious bullshit, and being lied to, with lies that only a complete moron would fall for.

You're talking about Trump supporters, right?
The question at the very core of all this.

They're supporting the spread of an intolerant religion throughout Europe that refuses to assimilate, directly in the face of what's happening. Every day.

Is it because they want some kind of payback to the West, or is it that they're so consumed by their ideology that they don't see?

Uh, guy, the reason why there are Muslims in Europe is because there are shitty jobs that White Europeans won't do.

Boot out the invaders and dissolve the welfare state and watch how fast they will do them.

Same over here.

You don't even half to end welfare.

People will work, if the job pays more than Jack Shit.

If the job is not worth more then Jack Shit, Jack Shit is what it pays.


My mother in law worked in a small city as a Nurse's aide and made twice what nurse's aides, made in the larger city I live in with it's higher poor and immigrant population(s).

"shit" jobs still need to be done. If employers don't have CHeap Third World Labor available to do it for shit, they will raise wages until they can fill those slots.

And a difference of 4 or 6 dollars an hour in a wage, can make all the difference in the life of a worker AND his or her family.

Nope. Stop the free money, and they will take the jobs.
From the great Walter Williams...

Multiculturalism: A Failed Concept
Leftist diversity advocates and multiculturalists are right to argue that people of all races, religions and cultures should be equal in the eyes of the law. But their argument borders on idiocy when they argue that one set of cultural values cannot be judged superior to another and that to do so is Eurocentrism.

That’s unbridled nonsense. Ask a diversity/multiculturalism advocate: Is forcible female genital mutilation, as practiced in nearly 30 sub-Saharan African and Middle Eastern countries, a morally equivalent cultural value? Slavery is practiced in northern Sudan. In most of the Middle East, there are numerous limits placed on women, such as prohibitions on driving, employment, and education. Under Islamic law, in some countries, female adulterers face death by stoning, and thieves are punished by having their hand severed. In some African and Middle Eastern countries, homosexuality is a crime, in some cases punishable by death. Are all these cultural values morally equivalent to those of the West?

The radical left would answer that question with a YES, which can only mean they have lost their minds.

Walter Williams - Multiculturalism: A Failed Concept

Both in Europe and in the U.S., multiculturalism is a leftist elitist vision with its roots in academia. The intellectual elite, courts and government agencies push an agenda that is anything but a defense of individual rights, freedom from the conformity and a live-and-let-live philosophy. Instead, multiculturalism/diversity is an agenda for all kinds of conformity — conformity in ideas, actions and speech. It calls for re-education programs where diversity managers indoctrinate students, faculty members, employees, managers and executives on what’s politically correct thinking. Part of that lesson is nonjudgmentalism, where one is taught that one lifestyle is just as worthy as another and all cultures and their values are morally equivalent.

Western values are superior to all others. But one need not be a Westerner to hold Western values. A person can be Chinese, Japanese, Jewish, African or Arab and hold Western values. By the way, it is no accident that Western values of reason and individual rights have produced unprecedented health, life expectancy, wealth and comfort for the ordinary person. There’s an indisputable positive relationship between liberty and standards of living. There is also indisputable evidence that we in the West are unwilling to defend ourselves from barbarians. Just look at our response to the recent Orlando massacre, in which we’ve focused our energies on guns rather than on terrorists.

To the radical Left, anyone who says "western values are superior to all others," is automatically labeled a racist and a bigot. The lack of intellectual thought by the Left, is leading us all down a dangerous path. Could this be intentional?

There is actually a lot to agree with from Dr. Williams. It was a dumb title and, I’m certain, there to get effect. On the whole, I’m happy to assign the blue ribbon to the West. We should be mindful that if you’re not prepared to do so; you may assign different weights to the individual categories that make up one’s culture. I wouldn’t think that you’d get an argument that Western cultures are generally, more wasteful than others. If you’re an environmentalist, this would be a serious black mark. If you’re not overly concerned, you don’t give it much weight.

What I think the winning position is would be to adopt the satisfiers from all over the map and not worry too much about what point of longitude or latitude Yoga or Zumba came from if you enjoy doing both.
There's nothing skeevier than a bunch of misogynists complaining about other misogynists.
You are a fool if you assume those on the right of misogynists. And by insulting us, you managed to avoid addressing the point of the thread. Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.
It's how the Regressive Left rolls.

It is incredible to me that people think that coming into a conversation and just insulting people, is making some type of valid point.

I cannot wrap my mind around what their self image must be.

Don't they realize their actions are the actions of an asshole?
It's kind of insulting, because they appear to think we won't notice.

On the other hand, it may just be that THEY don't notice.


That is what really pisses me off.

The disrespect of being told obvious bullshit, and being lied to, with lies that only a complete moron would fall for.
Just consider the possibility of a mind so consumed by an ideology that it convinces itself what they're saying is actually true.

Not always - obviously some of it is clearly just dishonest - but ideology is powerful, whether it's based in politics or religion.
There's a lot more to multiculturalism than genital mutilation. It also means art, music, literature, etc. Walter Williams and the OP can think what they want, but I'm not giving up my pizza Fridays and sushi Saturdays.
It was OBVIOUSLY an extreme example to make the point. But I like that you admit that sushi is more important to you that standing against genital mutilation. Are you offended by Native American efforts to maintain their cultural identity in the face of assimilation?
There's a difference between maintaining your native culture and not wanting to fit in to a society.
In my experience that's usually just the immigrant generation. The kids born here usually want to fit in. Radicalized Muslim youth, for example, are the exception, not the rule.
It only takes a month to radicalize them. The constant back-biting by traditionalists takes it's toll. But heck, they don't have to transplant terrorists anymore. They have plenty of them already living here. Give them enough inspiration and they're libel to do anything.
There's a lot more to multiculturalism than genital mutilation. It also means art, music, literature, etc. Walter Williams and the OP can think what they want, but I'm not giving up my pizza Fridays and sushi Saturdays. :eusa_snooty:

It was OBVIOUSLY an extreme example to make the point.

But I like that you admit that sushi is more important to you that standing against genital mutilation.

Are you offended by Native American efforts to maintain their cultural identity in the face of assimilation?
There's a difference between maintaining your native culture and not wanting to fit in to a society.

Precisely... being an American is a unique culture. Being of _________ heritage is awesome. Everyone should be aware of their heritage. But ignoring that you are an American and wanting to replicate that here which you, or your ancestors sought to escape from, is unacceptable.
You are a fool if you assume those on the right of misogynists. And by insulting us, you managed to avoid addressing the point of the thread. Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.
It's how the Regressive Left rolls.

It is incredible to me that people think that coming into a conversation and just insulting people, is making some type of valid point.

I cannot wrap my mind around what their self image must be.

Don't they realize their actions are the actions of an asshole?
It's kind of insulting, because they appear to think we won't notice.

On the other hand, it may just be that THEY don't notice.


That is what really pisses me off.

The disrespect of being told obvious bullshit, and being lied to, with lies that only a complete moron would fall for.

You're talking about Trump supporters, right?
Nope. HILLARY supporters.
Tell someone who feels discrimination that they deserve special treatment and they dump their common-sense.
There's nothing skeevier than a bunch of misogynists complaining about other misogynists.
You are a fool if you assume those on the right of misogynists. And by insulting us, you managed to avoid addressing the point of the thread. Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.
It's how the Regressive Left rolls.

It is incredible to me that people think that coming into a conversation and just insulting people, is making some type of valid point.

I cannot wrap my mind around what their self image must be.

Don't they realize their actions are the actions of an asshole?

Quit yer whining, mary.
From the great Walter Williams...

Multiculturalism: A Failed Concept
Leftist diversity advocates and multiculturalists are right to argue that people of all races, religions and cultures should be equal in the eyes of the law. But their argument borders on idiocy when they argue that one set of cultural values cannot be judged superior to another and that to do so is Eurocentrism.

That’s unbridled nonsense. Ask a diversity/multiculturalism advocate: Is forcible female genital mutilation, as practiced in nearly 30 sub-Saharan African and Middle Eastern countries, a morally equivalent cultural value? Slavery is practiced in northern Sudan. In most of the Middle East, there are numerous limits placed on women, such as prohibitions on driving, employment, and education. Under Islamic law, in some countries, female adulterers face death by stoning, and thieves are punished by having their hand severed. In some African and Middle Eastern countries, homosexuality is a crime, in some cases punishable by death. Are all these cultural values morally equivalent to those of the West?

The radical left would answer that question with a YES, which can only mean they have lost their minds.

Walter Williams - Multiculturalism: A Failed Concept

Both in Europe and in the U.S., multiculturalism is a leftist elitist vision with its roots in academia. The intellectual elite, courts and government agencies push an agenda that is anything but a defense of individual rights, freedom from the conformity and a live-and-let-live philosophy. Instead, multiculturalism/diversity is an agenda for all kinds of conformity — conformity in ideas, actions and speech. It calls for re-education programs where diversity managers indoctrinate students, faculty members, employees, managers and executives on what’s politically correct thinking. Part of that lesson is nonjudgmentalism, where one is taught that one lifestyle is just as worthy as another and all cultures and their values are morally equivalent.

Western values are superior to all others. But one need not be a Westerner to hold Western values. A person can be Chinese, Japanese, Jewish, African or Arab and hold Western values. By the way, it is no accident that Western values of reason and individual rights have produced unprecedented health, life expectancy, wealth and comfort for the ordinary person. There’s an indisputable positive relationship between liberty and standards of living. There is also indisputable evidence that we in the West are unwilling to defend ourselves from barbarians. Just look at our response to the recent Orlando massacre, in which we’ve focused our energies on guns rather than on terrorists.

To the radical Left, anyone who says "western values are superior to all others," is automatically labeled a racist and a bigot. The lack of intellectual thought by the Left, is leading us all down a dangerous path. Could this be intentional?

There is actually a lot to agree with from Dr. Williams. It was a dumb title and, I’m certain, there to get effect. On the whole, I’m happy to assign the blue ribbon to the West. We should be mindful that if you’re not prepared to do so; you may assign different weights to the individual categories that make up one’s culture. I wouldn’t think that you’d get an argument that Western cultures are generally, more wasteful than others. If you’re an environmentalist, this would be a serious black mark. If you’re not overly concerned, you don’t give it much weight.

What I think the winning position is would be to adopt the satisfiers from all over the map and not worry too much about what point of longitude or latitude Yoga or Zumba came from if you enjoy doing both.
I am certain Candycane you will enjoy doing Yoga in a burka, though you might get a bit stinky and sweaty at times.

"Burka Yoga"...you could do YouTube vids...go for it.


Is that you Candycane?
From the great Walter Williams...

Multiculturalism: A Failed Concept
Leftist diversity advocates and multiculturalists are right to argue that people of all races, religions and cultures should be equal in the eyes of the law. But their argument borders on idiocy when they argue that one set of cultural values cannot be judged superior to another and that to do so is Eurocentrism.

That’s unbridled nonsense. Ask a diversity/multiculturalism advocate: Is forcible female genital mutilation, as practiced in nearly 30 sub-Saharan African and Middle Eastern countries, a morally equivalent cultural value? Slavery is practiced in northern Sudan. In most of the Middle East, there are numerous limits placed on women, such as prohibitions on driving, employment, and education. Under Islamic law, in some countries, female adulterers face death by stoning, and thieves are punished by having their hand severed. In some African and Middle Eastern countries, homosexuality is a crime, in some cases punishable by death. Are all these cultural values morally equivalent to those of the West?

The radical left would answer that question with a YES, which can only mean they have lost their minds.

Walter Williams - Multiculturalism: A Failed Concept

Both in Europe and in the U.S., multiculturalism is a leftist elitist vision with its roots in academia. The intellectual elite, courts and government agencies push an agenda that is anything but a defense of individual rights, freedom from the conformity and a live-and-let-live philosophy. Instead, multiculturalism/diversity is an agenda for all kinds of conformity — conformity in ideas, actions and speech. It calls for re-education programs where diversity managers indoctrinate students, faculty members, employees, managers and executives on what’s politically correct thinking. Part of that lesson is nonjudgmentalism, where one is taught that one lifestyle is just as worthy as another and all cultures and their values are morally equivalent.

Western values are superior to all others. But one need not be a Westerner to hold Western values. A person can be Chinese, Japanese, Jewish, African or Arab and hold Western values. By the way, it is no accident that Western values of reason and individual rights have produced unprecedented health, life expectancy, wealth and comfort for the ordinary person. There’s an indisputable positive relationship between liberty and standards of living. There is also indisputable evidence that we in the West are unwilling to defend ourselves from barbarians. Just look at our response to the recent Orlando massacre, in which we’ve focused our energies on guns rather than on terrorists.

To the radical Left, anyone who says "western values are superior to all others," is automatically labeled a racist and a bigot. The lack of intellectual thought by the Left, is leading us all down a dangerous path. Could this be intentional?

There is actually a lot to agree with from Dr. Williams. It was a dumb title and, I’m certain, there to get effect. On the whole, I’m happy to assign the blue ribbon to the West. We should be mindful that if you’re not prepared to do so; you may assign different weights to the individual categories that make up one’s culture. I wouldn’t think that you’d get an argument that Western cultures are generally, more wasteful than others. If you’re an environmentalist, this would be a serious black mark. If you’re not overly concerned, you don’t give it much weight.

What I think the winning position is would be to adopt the satisfiers from all over the map and not worry too much about what point of longitude or latitude Yoga or Zumba came from if you enjoy doing both.
I am certain Candycane you will enjoy doing Yoga in a burka, though you might get a bit stinky and sweaty at times.

"Burka Yoga"...you could do YouTube vids...go for it.


Is that you Candycane?

Wow, that was stupid; even for you.
Why is diversity a codeword for White genocide?
No anti-Whites say a 100% Black area needs more diversity.

No anti-Whites say a 100% Asian area needs more diversity.

No anti-Whites say a 100% Muslim area needs more diversity.

No anti-Whites say a 100% Indian area needs more diversity.

When it comes to “diversity”, anti-Whites make two distinctions: 1. Anyone non-White is “diverse”, and 2. anyone White is not “diverse”.

“Diverse” simply means a place without any White people in it.

So every time they talk about a “lack of diversity”, they have said what their object is : a place that becomes less and less White – which is genocide.

That’s why diversity is a codeword for White genocide.
From the great Walter Williams...

Multiculturalism: A Failed Concept
Leftist diversity advocates and multiculturalists are right to argue that people of all races, religions and cultures should be equal in the eyes of the law. But their argument borders on idiocy when they argue that one set of cultural values cannot be judged superior to another and that to do so is Eurocentrism.

That’s unbridled nonsense. Ask a diversity/multiculturalism advocate: Is forcible female genital mutilation, as practiced in nearly 30 sub-Saharan African and Middle Eastern countries, a morally equivalent cultural value? Slavery is practiced in northern Sudan. In most of the Middle East, there are numerous limits placed on women, such as prohibitions on driving, employment, and education. Under Islamic law, in some countries, female adulterers face death by stoning, and thieves are punished by having their hand severed. In some African and Middle Eastern countries, homosexuality is a crime, in some cases punishable by death. Are all these cultural values morally equivalent to those of the West?

The radical left would answer that question with a YES, which can only mean they have lost their minds.

Walter Williams - Multiculturalism: A Failed Concept

Both in Europe and in the U.S., multiculturalism is a leftist elitist vision with its roots in academia. The intellectual elite, courts and government agencies push an agenda that is anything but a defense of individual rights, freedom from the conformity and a live-and-let-live philosophy. Instead, multiculturalism/diversity is an agenda for all kinds of conformity — conformity in ideas, actions and speech. It calls for re-education programs where diversity managers indoctrinate students, faculty members, employees, managers and executives on what’s politically correct thinking. Part of that lesson is nonjudgmentalism, where one is taught that one lifestyle is just as worthy as another and all cultures and their values are morally equivalent.

Western values are superior to all others. But one need not be a Westerner to hold Western values. A person can be Chinese, Japanese, Jewish, African or Arab and hold Western values. By the way, it is no accident that Western values of reason and individual rights have produced unprecedented health, life expectancy, wealth and comfort for the ordinary person. There’s an indisputable positive relationship between liberty and standards of living. There is also indisputable evidence that we in the West are unwilling to defend ourselves from barbarians. Just look at our response to the recent Orlando massacre, in which we’ve focused our energies on guns rather than on terrorists.

To the radical Left, anyone who says "western values are superior to all others," is automatically labeled a racist and a bigot. The lack of intellectual thought by the Left, is leading us all down a dangerous path. Could this be intentional?

There is actually a lot to agree with from Dr. Williams. It was a dumb title and, I’m certain, there to get effect. On the whole, I’m happy to assign the blue ribbon to the West. We should be mindful that if you’re not prepared to do so; you may assign different weights to the individual categories that make up one’s culture. I wouldn’t think that you’d get an argument that Western cultures are generally, more wasteful than others. If you’re an environmentalist, this would be a serious black mark. If you’re not overly concerned, you don’t give it much weight.

What I think the winning position is would be to adopt the satisfiers from all over the map and not worry too much about what point of longitude or latitude Yoga or Zumba came from if you enjoy doing both.
I am certain Candycane you will enjoy doing Yoga in a burka, though you might get a bit stinky and sweaty at times.

"Burka Yoga"...you could do YouTube vids...go for it.


Is that you Candycane?

Wow, that was stupid; even for you.
I am sorry Candycane...I was trying to humorous.
Does someone actually think that the regressive left believes in diversity?

Just a look at Islam would confirm this not true. Any other views are not to be tolerated.

Diversity is the code word for acceptance of inferior 3rd world values. The true values these people are all about.

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