Diversity is Stupidity

Do you agree that Muslms have sufficiently assimilated in the US?
Yet another vivid example of how the Regressive Left operates.

Remember, their three primary tactics re: Islam are -
  1. Equating modern day Islam to modern day Christianity
  2. Deflecting to another topic
  3. Going straight to personal insults and name-calling
In this case, we see tactic #2, deflection. I specifically referred to Europe, and USMB's King of the Obtuse question deflects in a clumsy and transparent attempt to make his "argument" easier.

They are genetically incapable of intellectual honesty, and I remain curious: Is this about payback to the West for them, or are they simply blinded by their ideology?

Ooooohhhhhhhh! You wee speaking exclusively of European regressives and how they feel about Muslims! That's different.

Weak and sad.
Europe, some time ago, rejected Christianity. What they maybe didn't realize or care about is that they were also rejecting all the Western values and cultures that were inextricably connected to it. That's not "multiculturalism," it's creating a vacuum. When you create a vacuum...
The tragic thing is that attacks will surely continue and escalate, and these people are so committed to their ideology that they'll keep spinning & deflecting. Right in the face of it.
White racist Democrats 50 years ago warned about what would happen if the tables were turned. Instead of getting their positions by earning them, blacks are getting them by race-baiting and causing fear and hatred. When they get the upper-hand they will be no better than the people they hate. Now the Democrat Party is filled with Socialist Progressives who want to destroy economies. Quickest way to do that is flood the country with refugees from poor countries overloading the system. Nothing good can come from all of this injustice and corruption. A common refrain among blacks is that the founding of this nation was by whites and they don't respect the institutions it created. This is the transformation Obama spoke of. He just didn't mention that he would replace white America with blacks who hate America.

Guy, how did you survive in the army showering with all those scary black men?
Look, my wife is black. We've been together since 1977. She tells me that the last person she would trust is another black. The front they put on is what was leftover from the days when white Democrats were lynching them. They had to stick together to survive. But these days they seem to have a sense of entitlement and they are the first to stab each other in the back. Many of them grew up with only one parent and poor roll-models. For the most part whites would never think of doing the kind of crap they have done. It's rare that you find a black person who wants to earn everything he gets. Most just want it given to them. When it comes to renters, blacks are dis-proportionally dishonest. The reason so many are involved in violent crime is because of a lack of respect for authority. This is a tool that our enemies use. Communists have been targeting blacks for decades. Muslims have been doing the same in our prisons. When it comes to corruption, nobody can hold a candle to a Democrat. It's why many blacks vote for them.
Do you agree that Muslms have sufficiently assimilated in the US?
Yet another vivid example of how the Regressive Left operates.

Remember, their three primary tactics re: Islam are -
  1. Equating modern day Islam to modern day Christianity
  2. Deflecting to another topic
  3. Going straight to personal insults and name-calling
In this case, we see tactic #2, deflection. I specifically referred to Europe, and USMB's King of the Obtuse question deflects in a clumsy and transparent attempt to make his "argument" easier.

They are genetically incapable of intellectual honesty, and I remain curious: Is this about payback to the West for them, or are they simply blinded by their ideology?
IMO many on the Left truly believe there is no culture better than another. If one says Western values are better, one is automatically condemned by the Left. Yet one would have to be a total idiot to think the intolerant and murderous values practiced in parts of the Muslim world, are equal to practices in the West.

IMO the radical Left hates the West and its values more than all other things. They have purposely denigrated all things Western.
Look, my wife is black. We've been together since 1977. She tells me that the last person she would trust is another black. The front they put on is what was leftover from the days when white Democrats were lynching them. They had to stick together to survive. But these days they seem to have a sense of entitlement and they are the first to stab each other in the back. Many of them grew up with only one parent and poor roll-models. For the most part whites would never think of doing the kind of crap they have done. It's rare that you find a black person who wants to earn everything he gets. Most just want it given to them. When it comes to renters, blacks are dis-proportionally dishonest. The reason so many are involved in violent crime is because of a lack of respect for authority. This is a tool that our enemies use. Communists have been targeting blacks for decades. Muslims have been doing the same in our prisons. When it comes to corruption, nobody can hold a candle to a Democrat. It's why many blacks vote for them.

Wow, guy, you sound awfully defensive. How is it when one of you wingnuts is called on your racist shit, you suddenly claim to "my neighbor/spouse/girlfriend/best friend is black" And then proceed to say more racist shit?

The question at the very core of all this.

They're supporting the spread of an intolerant religion throughout Europe that refuses to assimilate, directly in the face of what's happening. Every day.

Is it because they want some kind of payback to the West, or is it that they're so consumed by their ideology that they don't see?

Uh, guy, the reason why there are Muslims in Europe is because there are shitty jobs that White Europeans won't do.

Boot out the invaders and dissolve the welfare state and watch how fast they will do them.

Same over here.
There's nothing skeevier than a bunch of misogynists complaining about other misogynists.
You are a fool if you assume those on the right of misogynists. And by insulting us, you managed to avoid addressing the point of the thread. Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.
It's how the Regressive Left rolls.

It is incredible to me that people think that coming into a conversation and just insulting people, is making some type of valid point.

I cannot wrap my mind around what their self image must be.

Don't they realize their actions are the actions of an asshole?
There's nothing skeevier than a bunch of misogynists complaining about other misogynists.
You are a fool if you assume those on the right of misogynists. And by insulting us, you managed to avoid addressing the point of the thread. Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.
It's how the Regressive Left rolls.

It is incredible to me that people think that coming into a conversation and just insulting people, is making some type of valid point.

I cannot wrap my mind around what their self image must be.

Don't they realize their actions are the actions of an asshole?
It's kind of insulting, because they appear to think we won't notice.

On the other hand, it may just be that THEY don't notice.

Does who feel what is deserved? Be specific please.
And USMB's King of the Obtuse Question is in fine form!


You've not answered the question. Here is another.

Do you agree that Muslms have sufficiently assimilated in the US?

What do you consider "sufficient"?

White racist Democrats 50 years ago warned about what would happen if the tables were turned. Instead of getting their positions by earning them, blacks are getting them by race-baiting and causing fear and hatred. When they get the upper-hand they will be no better than the people they hate. Now the Democrat Party is filled with Socialist Progressives who want to destroy economies. Quickest way to do that is flood the country with refugees from poor countries overloading the system. Nothing good can come from all of this injustice and corruption. A common refrain among blacks is that the founding of this nation was by whites and they don't respect the institutions it created. This is the transformation Obama spoke of. He just didn't mention that he would replace white America with blacks who hate America.

Guy, how did you survive in the army showering with all those scary black men?

The question at the very core of all this.

They're supporting the spread of an intolerant religion throughout Europe that refuses to assimilate, directly in the face of what's happening. Every day.

Is it because they want some kind of payback to the West, or is it that they're so consumed by their ideology that they don't see?

Uh, guy, the reason why there are Muslims in Europe is because there are shitty jobs that White Europeans won't do.

Boot out the invaders and dissolve the welfare state and watch how fast they will do them.

Same over here.

You don't even half to end welfare.

People will work, if the job pays more than Jack Shit.
There's nothing skeevier than a bunch of misogynists complaining about other misogynists.
You are a fool if you assume those on the right of misogynists. And by insulting us, you managed to avoid addressing the point of the thread. Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.
It's how the Regressive Left rolls.

It is incredible to me that people think that coming into a conversation and just insulting people, is making some type of valid point.

I cannot wrap my mind around what their self image must be.

Don't they realize their actions are the actions of an asshole?

Reference Obama. He insults people everywhere he goes.
The question at the very core of all this.

They're supporting the spread of an intolerant religion throughout Europe that refuses to assimilate, directly in the face of what's happening. Every day.

Is it because they want some kind of payback to the West, or is it that they're so consumed by their ideology that they don't see?

Uh, guy, the reason why there are Muslims in Europe is because there are shitty jobs that White Europeans won't do.

Boot out the invaders and dissolve the welfare state and watch how fast they will do them.

Same over here.

You don't even half to end welfare.

People will work, if the job pays more than Jack Shit.

If the job is not worth more than Jack Shit, Jack Shit is what it pays.
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There's nothing skeevier than a bunch of misogynists complaining about other misogynists.
You are a fool if you assume those on the right of misogynists. And by insulting us, you managed to avoid addressing the point of the thread. Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.
It's how the Regressive Left rolls.

It is incredible to me that people think that coming into a conversation and just insulting people, is making some type of valid point.

I cannot wrap my mind around what their self image must be.

Don't they realize their actions are the actions of an asshole?
It's kind of insulting, because they appear to think we won't notice.

On the other hand, it may just be that THEY don't notice.


That is what really pisses me off.

The disrespect of being told obvious bullshit, and being lied to, with lies that only a complete moron would fall for.
The question at the very core of all this.

They're supporting the spread of an intolerant religion throughout Europe that refuses to assimilate, directly in the face of what's happening. Every day.

Is it because they want some kind of payback to the West, or is it that they're so consumed by their ideology that they don't see?

Uh, guy, the reason why there are Muslims in Europe is because there are shitty jobs that White Europeans won't do.

Boot out the invaders and dissolve the welfare state and watch how fast they will do them.

Same over here.

You don't even half to end welfare.

People will work, if the job pays more than Jack Shit.

If the job is not worth more then Jack Shit, Jack Shit is what it pays.


My mother in law worked in a small city as a Nurse's aide and made twice what nurse's aides, made in the larger city I live in with it's higher poor and immigrant population(s).

"shit" jobs still need to be done. If employers don't have CHeap Third World Labor available to do it for shit, they will raise wages until they can fill those slots.

And a difference of 4 or 6 dollars an hour in a wage, can make all the difference in the life of a worker AND his or her family.
Look, my wife is black. We've been together since 1977. She tells me that the last person she would trust is another black. The front they put on is what was leftover from the days when white Democrats were lynching them. They had to stick together to survive. But these days they seem to have a sense of entitlement and they are the first to stab each other in the back. Many of them grew up with only one parent and poor roll-models. For the most part whites would never think of doing the kind of crap they have done. It's rare that you find a black person who wants to earn everything he gets. Most just want it given to them. When it comes to renters, blacks are dis-proportionally dishonest. The reason so many are involved in violent crime is because of a lack of respect for authority. This is a tool that our enemies use. Communists have been targeting blacks for decades. Muslims have been doing the same in our prisons. When it comes to corruption, nobody can hold a candle to a Democrat. It's why many blacks vote for them.

Wow, guy, you sound awfully defensive. How is it when one of you wingnuts is called on your racist shit, you suddenly claim to "my neighbor/spouse/girlfriend/best friend is black" And then proceed to say more racist shit?

It's only racist if it's untrue.
Only a pc idiot refuses to admit it.
Marrying her opened my eyes, because I remember when I was as ignorant as you are. Some day blacks will take responsibility for themselves rather than blaming whites for all of their problems, but I'm not holding my breath.

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