Diversity makes the US stronger ????????

Isaac Brock said:
You almost had it! You just added the word "politically" in front of it for some reason. Politics board, I can see how it could happen. No harm, no foul.

Ya missed my point...professor....I for one served in the foxholes...I just used the "Political" word to bring home the point...it is very easy to sit at home and make comments based on college courses....to get down and dirty....gives one the proper perspective on life.... :poke:
Isaac Brock said:
Very, apparently we're taught two very different version of US history.

psst, I think he has his own version, based on his own history.
archangel said:
Ya missed my point...professor....I for one served in the foxholes...I just used the "Political" word to bring home the point...it is very easy to sit at home and make comments based on college courses....to get down and dirty....gives one the proper perspective on life.... :poke:
So you have the 'proper' perspective?
archangel said:
Ya missed my point...professor....I for one served in the foxholes...I just used the "Political" word to bring home the point...it is very easy to sit at home and make comments based on college courses....to get down and dirty....gives one the proper perspective on life.... :poke:

While I certainly appreciate your service, I assume it was not done in early 19th century, unless I am grossly underestimating your age. I cannot see how serving and understanding the Irish immigration to the US can be remotely relevant.

The fact is that, Irish weren't allowed to be police in significant numbers in either US or Canada till later in the 19th century do to widespread racism. Their roots were in construction of the Eastern railways, canals and bridges of which their cheap labour founded the basis of American infrastructure. Women were often employed as servants, cooks (ironically) if unmarried.

During the next wave of immigration as a result of the potato famine in the early 20th century, immgrants were largely disposed to farming and generally skilled as such.

Suggesting that their major role, was that of policemen, is with all due respect, absurd.
Kathianne said:
psst, I think he has his own version, based on his own history.

and you kathianne...have your own version based on college courses...never got dirty? eh girl....must be nice! a PHD is a joke in todays world....a HS diploma of old was worth much more....opinions based on professors opinions...is like saying 'gee' I prescribe to what my 'sensei' says rather than take a bruise or two! :p:
archangel said:
and you kathianne...have your own version based on college courses...never got dirty? eh girl....must be nice! a PHD is a joke in todays world....a HS diploma of old was worth much more....opinions based on professors opinions...is like saying 'gee' I prescribe to what my 'sensei' says rather than take a bruise or two! :p:

Sorry Arch, I watched what my wife had to do to get her PhD. and it was massive. Me, I barely got out of High School! It's not as easy as you think.
nucular said:
Sorry Arch, I watched what my wife had to do to get her PhD. and it was massive. Me, I barely got out of High School! It's not as easy as you think.

Sorry truth, too much of what is coming out of universities is based on la la data and land. On that we agree Arch. As for me, I've not been PC since 1975.
Isaac Brock said:
While I certainly appreciate your service, I assume it was not done in early 19th century, unless I am grossly underestimating your age. I cannot see how serving and understanding the Irish immigration to the US can be remotely relevant.

The fact is that, Irish weren't allowed to be police in significant numbers in either US or Canada till later in the 19th century do to widespread racism. Their roots were in construction of the Eastern railways, canals and bridges of which their cheap labour founded the basis of American infrastructure. Women were often employed as servants, cooks (ironically) if unmarried.

During the next wave of immigration as a result of the potato famine in the early 20th century, immgrants were largely disposed to farming and generally skilled as such.

Suggesting that their major role, was that of policemen, is with all due respect, absurd.

I was a law enforcement officer...I... neither did you live in the 1800's...but the fact remains the requirements for height and weight were based on historical fact...not to say it applies in todays world...but one cannot change history....just to try to make a silly point! If changing history is a political prerequesite for a PHD then you and kathianne are in good company...I will pass...thank you!...and bye the way have a nice life in lala land!
archangel said:
I was a law enforcement officer...I... neither did you live in the 1800's...but the fact remains the requirements for height and weight were based on historical fact...not to say it applies in todays world...but one cannot change history....just to try to make a silly point! If changing history is a political prerequesite for a PHD then you and kathianne are in good company...I will pass...thank you!...and bye the way have a nice life in lala land!

The lala land is all yours Arch! Enjoy. Legend in your own mind.
Kathianne said:
Sorry truth, too much of what is coming out of universities is based on la la data and land. On that we agree Arch. As for me, I've not been PC since 1975.

on this point of argument...I for one have "never" been politically correct...always a fighter and dissenter...must be a Italian thingee!
Kathianne said:
The lala land is all yours Arch! Enjoy. Legend in your own mind.

and what brusies in life can you attest to besides being a "professional student"? must be nice to stay safe and secure in a college environment! :clap1:
archangel said:
on this point of argument...I for one have "never" been politically correct...always a fighter and dissenter...must be a Italian thingee!
Could be, problem is, have you ever figured out the problem, before it bit you in the ass?
nucular said:
Sorry Arch, I watched what my wife had to do to get her PhD. and it was massive. Me, I barely got out of High School! It's not as easy as you think.

i'm sure you will make some points on this one...go for it! :puke3:
Kathianne said:
Could be, problem is, have you ever figured out the problem, before it bit you in the ass?

until you get your prissy hands dirty in the fight...keep on in denial! I'm sure you will receive a A+ for effort...again I am glad to not be living in a target zone!
archangel said:
until you get your prissy hands dirty in the fight...keep on in denial! I'm sure you will receive a A+ for effort...again I am glad to not be living in a target zone!

I wish my hands were 'prissy' if that means smooth. In any case, you are blinded by your own prejudices. I don't think you enjoy the pic, but can't break out of it.
nucular said:
You like to talk from experience, but you don't want me to? I'm not making this stuff up.
:wank: :wank: :wank: :wank:

I will be here when the big flash occurs....denial is a gift for the uniformed...I tried so have fun in the "Big Apple" while it lasts...adios amigo...I will be happy and safe in the desert...not as artistically preferred from your point of view...but oh well...better hot and sweaty than stuck up and having what you call fun.. ;) :bye1: :terror:
Kathianne said:
I wish my hands were 'prissy' if that means smooth. In any case, you are blinded by your own prejudices. I don't think you enjoy the pic, but can't break out of it.

we will wait and see who is left standing when the big flash occurs...adios! :beer:
archangel said:
we will wait and see who is left standing when the big flash occurs...adios! :beer:
If the 'adios' meant forever, I would raise a glass.

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