Diversity makes the US stronger ????????

archangel said:
I will be here when the big flash occurs....denial is a gift for the uniformed...I tried so have fun in the "Big Apple" while it lasts...adios amigo...I will be happy and safe in the desert...not as artistically preferred from your point of view...but oh well...better hot and sweaty than stuck up and having what you call fun.. ;) :bye1: :terror:

He's losing me here. Does anyone have any idea what he's talking about? I didn't know Bud Lite packed that kind of kick.
Kathianne said:
If the 'adios' meant forever, I would raise a glass.

however death is forever....so enjoy the glass....to think that I was referring to leaving this board is absurd...I will stick around to see all of you professional students....disappear with the big flash...cause ya just don't seem to get it...have a nice day in the "Big Apple" kathianne...let me know how it works out...your PHD and all! :sleep:
archangel said:
however death is forever....so enjoy the glass....to think that I was referring to leaving this board is absurd...I will stick around to see all of you professional students....disappear with the big flash...cause ya just don't seem to get it...have a nice day in the "Big Apple" kathianne...let me know how it works out...your PHD and all! :sleep:

Soirry, I don't hold a Phd. Your insecurities are showing for all to see, Captain.
archangel said:
The Irish in America were kept on because of the Irish"Cop" syndrome...we were in a need of control from dissent...Irish for the most part were large in stature and therfore made "Great" "Cops"..this was the time...get a grip on US history!

Dude, that is just about as ignorant a statement as I've seen in awhile. The Irish were treated like trash by whites for decades.

nucular said:
OK suppose someone agrees with this (and even most of the self proclaimed right wingers on this list don't) what do you intend to do about it? How do you achieve your goal? Either personally or as a society? I'd really like to know.

Because if you can't answer that you are just an impotent racist sitting around whining about not liking blacks and wishing they didn't exist. Are you blowing hot air, or do you have specific ideas about this?

Fair enough.

For starters, we could drop affirmative action. We could drop all laws and regulations that command unwanted togetherness. We could restore full rights of association --- whoever you want to be with is fine, whoever you DON'T want to be with is also fine.

We could cut welfare programs that serve as wealth transfers from one racial group to another.

We could stop immigration. We could deport the illegals.

We could increase law enforcement to protect our folks. Let it be known that killing whitey for fun and games won't be tolerated. You'll be jailed or executed.

That's the government side.

On the cultural/social side, we could stop promoting the idea that whites are evil people responsible for all the world's ills. We could teach our children that Geo. Washington, Thomas Jefferson and John Calhoun were heroes, not bad guys. We could stop the commercials that make white males look like bad guys or boring guys.

We could stop cheering the fact that we're headed for minority status. We could simply start by deciding for ourselves that WE WILL SURIVIVE. What is so evil about that? What's evil is that whites have it in their heads that simply by saying we should survive, we're being evil racists.
nucular said:
He's losing me here. Does anyone have any idea what he's talking about? I didn't know Bud Lite packed that kind of kick.

I was distracted by a phone call...........Bud lite no...haven't had any today...but for the record...experience in the real world does in fact "Pack a punch"...something actors are lacking!...so in closing I suppose it is time for a "Bud Lite" cause y'all are really funny! and I need the distraction! :beer:
GunnyL said:
Dude, that is just about as ignorant a statement as I've seen in awhile. The Irish were treated like trash by whites for decades.


Thanks for that Gunney. My grandparents, who were all dead by the time I was born, dealt with the prejudice especially of German Lutherans in our area. My dad's dad, my grandfather was beaten while on his route as a RR fireman on Illinois Central. He died when my dad was 3. He had come off one ship from Ireland, to avoid starvation, and put on another for Cuba, in Spanish American War. He returned, with citizenship, to Illinois Central.

No immigrant groups have had it easy. The only reason the Irish got such a foothold in police and fire was the language, thanks to the friken Brits.
GunnyL said:
Dude, that is just about as ignorant a statement as I've seen in awhile. The Irish were treated like trash by whites for decades.


I never said they along with the Italians were never treated like "Trash"...I just stated a little history on "Law Enforcement' requirements for the time...whether you like history or not it is a fact!
archangel said:
I never said they along with the Italians were never treated like "Trash"...I just stated a little history on "Law Enforcement' requirements for the time...whether you like history or not it is a fact!

the more I read ya, the less I believe ya.
Kathianne said:
I agree and disagree, as is my wont. Diversity is our strength, part of the infusion that keeps us from the stagnacy of most of the planet earth. We don't just 'take in' immigrants, we embrace them and assimilate them-something Europe could learn from, though Turkey comes close.

Many of 'us' got 9/11, though we are of the same ilk that saw USS Cole and African explosions as Acts of War.

You cannot verify that diversity is strength simply by saying it over and over. I can't believe that you of all people have bought into this liberal mantra. We are doing everything BUT assimilating anyone into our culture ( that many say we don't even have). I'm speaking of the immigrants that refuse to assimilate. We dont even expect them to know the language anymore and assist them to remain UN-assimilated. They go so far as to sue any agency that requires them to commit an act of assimilation that they don't believe in.
Exactly what do we do that encourages assimilation and again
where is any evidence that diversity makes us any stronger as a nation?

n?( Paul Williams, the author of the Al Quaeda Connection, is who I think Arch was referring to--although he has been debunked by many there are still many who believe that another attack will happen. The last poll I saw only 9% of Americans think there will be another attack on American soil. A much larger percentage didn't think that Katrina would cause this much damage either, including those who lived in LA. )
archangel said:
I never said they along with the Italians were never treated like "Trash"...I just stated a little history on "Law Enforcement' requirements for the time...whether you like history or not it is a fact!

Well, I guess you could be right so long as you are willing to ignore about 5 decades of being treated more like slaves than freemen before they managed to entrench themselves into US society.
William Joyce said:
Fair enough.

For starters, we could drop affirmative action. We could drop all laws and regulations that command unwanted togetherness. We could restore full rights of association --- whoever you want to be with is fine, whoever you DON'T want to be with is also fine.

We could cut welfare programs that serve as wealth transfers from one racial group to another.

We could stop immigration. We could deport the illegals.

We could increase law enforcement to protect our folks. Let it be known that killing whitey for fun and games won't be tolerated. You'll be jailed or executed.

That's the government side.

On the cultural/social side, we could stop promoting the idea that whites are evil people responsible for all the world's ills. We could teach our children that Geo. Washington, Thomas Jefferson and John Calhoun were heroes, not bad guys. We could stop the commercials that make white males look like bad guys or boring guys.

We could stop cheering the fact that we're headed for minority status. We could simply start by deciding for ourselves that WE WILL SURIVIVE. What is so evil about that? What's evil is that whites have it in their heads that simply by saying we should survive, we're being evil racists.

OK dropping affirmative action would be fine with me. If we have an even playing field I hope you realize that in academia and in medical, engineering and medical fields this means Asians will take over. So you still won't have your beloved monoculture.

Stopping welfare sounds good too, what about the whites who are on welfare? That's not a transfer of wealth between races.

We could stop immigration? Should we tear down the Statue of Liberty while we're at it? Pat Buchanon ran for president with this concept and he was rebuked at the polls by the electorate.

Increasing law enforcement to protect "our folk" is a great idea, but is there a reason law enforcement should specifically protect white people? Last I checked other races are citizens and taxpayers. Isn't this theory of yours akin to affirmative action?

How are we going to stop the commercials that make white men look stupid? Corporations are going to do whatever they want to sell their products. The reason they make white men look stupid is because they want to sell their crap to white women, not because of race.

You seem to be bothered by the fact that you are headed for minority status, but short of genocide, this seems unstoppable. The cat's out of the bag.
dilloduck said:
You cannot verify that diversity is strength simply by saying it over and over. I can't believe that you of all people have bought into this liberal mantra. We are doing everything BUT assimilating anyone into our culture ( that many say we don't even have). I'm speaking of the immigrants that refuse to assimilate. We dont even expect them to know the language anymore and assist them to remain UN-assimilated. They go so far as to sue any agency that requires them to commit an act of assimilation that they don't believe in.
Exactly what do we do that encourages assimilation and again
where is any evidence that diversity makes us any stronger as a nation?

n?( Paul Williams, the author of the Al Quaeda Connection, is who I think Arch was referring to--although he has been debunked by many there are still many who believe that another attack will happen. The last poll I saw only 9% of Americans think there will be another attack on American soil. A much larger percentage didn't think that Katrina would cause this much damage either, including those who lived in LA. )

he holds a PHD and was "a consultant to the Pentagon"...he was debuked(so called) by some and praised by those who actually worked in intelligence...so to dismiss him based on political whim is disingenious...he also predicted the 911...for what it is worth in here!
GunnyL said:
Japanese or Okinawan?

I only asked because I have practiced one of the Okinawan martial arts for 20+ years. There was no duplicity involved. I thought it might lead to a discussion at some point in time.

Sorry Gun, I didn't answer this earlier. Not martial arts, music.
archangel said:
he holds a PHD and was "a consultant to the Pentagon"...he was debuked(so called) by some and praised by those who actually worked in intelligence...so to dismiss him based on political whim is disingenious...he also predicted the 911...for what it is worth in here!

I'm getting real curious now if there Is ANYONE people will believe.
dilloduck said:
You cannot verify that diversity is strength simply by saying it over and over. I can't believe that you of all people have bought into this liberal mantra. We are doing everything BUT assimilating anyone into our culture ( that many say we don't even have). I'm speaking of the immigrants that refuse to assimilate. We dont even expect them to know the language anymore and assist them to remain UN-assimilated. They go so far as to sue any agency that requires them to commit an act of assimilation that they don't believe in.
Exactly what do we do that encourages assimilation and again
where is any evidence that diversity makes us any stronger as a nation?

n?( Paul Williams, the author of the Al Quaeda Connection, is who I think Arch was referring to--although he has been debunked by many there are still many who believe that another attack will happen. The last poll I saw only 9% of Americans think there will be another attack on American soil. A much larger percentage didn't think that Katrina would cause this much damage either, including those who lived in LA. )

Dillo, you are surprised that 'I' buy into this? Give me a break. I've always been pro-immigration, anti-illegals. I personally think the Mexicans are just what we need, legally.
GunnyL said:
Well, I guess you could be right so long as you are willing to ignore about 5 decades of being treated more like slaves than freemen before they managed to entrench themselves into US society.

this applies to every ethinic group that shares our US history...I for one do not buy into the mantra of politically correct history....I study history as a interest and as a guide to not making the same mistake twice....as tought in all military acadamies and schools! To argue for the sake of political argument is not in the best interest of our countries best interest! :crutch:
Kathianne said:
Dillo, you are surprised that 'I' buy into this? Give me a break. I've always been pro-immigration, anti-illegals. I personally think the Mexicans are just what we need, legally.

NO--I'm surprised that you believe that there is any strength in multi-culturaism. There is a big difference that you seem to refuse to acknowlege
oh ya---how about this guy do you believe him?
The Next Terrorist Attack May Be More Severe
Col. Stanislav Lunev
Monday, June 10, 2002

Last week, President Bush announced his intention to create a Department of Homeland Security, but that's what the present Department of Defense should be. The announcement came at a time when more and more U.S. politicians are recognizing the threat of a possible nuclear terrorist attack against America.

As NewsMax.com reported on Sept. 24, the possibility that terrorists had a chance to obtain nuclear devices and could use them against America is real and increases with each passing day. U.S. intelligence has found no evidence to confirm this possibility, but unfortunately, it has disclosed new evidence confirming terrorists' intentions to obtain weapons of mass destruction and use them against America
dilloduck said:
I'm getting real curious now if there Is ANYONE people will believe.

this has been the case of late...they only believe after the fact...and then it is short lived...ie:911...what can I say...every time I give my analogy in here I am attacked 'cause I just have experience in the real world rather than Hollywood or University failings...go figure...note...I do live in a area that is not on Usamas hit list the top ten areas of the suitcase flash...I moved here on retirement...based on the findings of intelligence...if some want to count this as bogus so be it...not my problem...I just gave my opinion based on real life work! :usa:
archangel said:
this has been the case of late...they only believe after the fact...and then it is short lived...ie:911...what can I say...every time I give my analogy in here I am attacked 'cause I just have experience in the real world rather than Hollywood or University failings...go figure...note...I do live in a area that is not on Usamas hit list the top ten areas of the suitcase flash...I moved here on retiement...based on the findings of intelligence...if some want to count this as bogus so be it...not my problem...I just gave my opinion based on real life work! :usa:

If ya get a rep here it doesn't matter what you say or know.

Let's see---I got Houston and the border of mexico about equi-distant from me------ahhhh nothings gonna happen.

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