Diversity makes the US stronger ????????

Hey guys, meaning Dillo and Arch. Do you really think the rest of us do not understand you are a tag team? We are not as stupid as you assume, and you are not as bright as you think.

Best guess, you were both at least 24 hours after the curve of anything since 9/11. Arch has been cradeling his Nam stories and Dillo well we won't go there, though he would.
Kathianne said:
Hey guys, meaning Dillo and Arch. Do you really think the rest of us do not understand you are a tag team? We are not as stupid as you assume, and you are not as bright as you think.

Best guess, you were both at least 24 hours after the curve of anything since 9/11. Arch has been cradeling his Nam stories and Dillo well we won't go there, though he would.

Shh! We're the ones that are the tag team, remember?
Kathianne said:
Hey guys, meaning Dillo and Arch. Do you really think the rest of us do not understand you are a tag team? We are not as stupid as you assume, and you are not as bright as you think.

Best guess, you were both at least 24 hours after the curve of anything since 9/11. Arch has been cradeling his Nam stories and Dillo well we won't go there, though he would.

If we happen to agree on this issue so be it---Like we are the first 2 people who ever ended up debating on the same side of an issue on this board. :rotflmao: No one said you were stupid but I see you have reverted to making it a personal issue as opposed to debating the topic at hand.
dilloduck said:
If we happen to agree on this issue so be it---Like we are the first 2 people who ever ended up debating on the same side of an issue on this board. :rotflmao: No one said you were stupid but I see you have reverted to making it a personal issue as opposed to debating the topic at hand.

Not going there Dillo. None of this is personal, as you are less than worth that.
Kathianne said:
Not going there Dillo. None of this is personal, as you are less than worth that.

Bull--we were discussing diversity and another terrorist attack.

Then you post that Arch and I are acting as a tag team? I see you even managed to sneak in an insult on this one.

None of this is personal, as you are less than worth that.

gotta love mods who insult posters.
dilloduck said:
Bull--we were discussing diversity and another terrorist attack.

Then you post that Arch and I are acting as a tag team? I see you even managed to sneak in an insult on this one.

None of this is personal, as you are less than worth that.

gotta love mods who insult posters.

I'm going to go and get some dinner...I can see the writing on the wall...kathianne is going for the usual lock....leaving before she completes the action...adios!
nucular said:
OK dropping affirmative action would be fine with me. If we have an even playing field I hope you realize that in academia and in medical, engineering and medical fields this means Asians will take over. So you still won't have your beloved monoculture.

Stopping welfare sounds good too, what about the whites who are on welfare? That's not a transfer of wealth between races.

We could stop immigration? Should we tear down the Statue of Liberty while we're at it? Pat Buchanon ran for president with this concept and he was rebuked at the polls by the electorate.

Increasing law enforcement to protect "our folk" is a great idea, but is there a reason law enforcement should specifically protect white people? Last I checked other races are citizens and taxpayers. Isn't this theory of yours akin to affirmative action?

How are we going to stop the commercials that make white men look stupid? Corporations are going to do whatever they want to sell their products. The reason they make white men look stupid is because they want to sell their crap to white women, not because of race.

You seem to be bothered by the fact that you are headed for minority status, but short of genocide, this seems unstoppable. The cat's out of the bag.

If it is, it is. All the more reason for whites to protect themselves as a group. I cannot fathom why our existence as a race is a controversial point even among so-called 'conservatives.' What the fuck are you conserving, "conservatives"? Your "respectability" with the liberal media? Good for you, you goddamn cowards. If your goal in life is to avoid controversy, to avoid offending anyone, you do not deserve the title of conservative. You do not even deserve the title of "human." You are a little cowardly robots. The men who founded our nation were made of sterner stuff.

The right of a people to direct their own destiny could not be more basic. Whites, as much as any other group, have this right, period. Can you imagine explaining to the Jews, "yes, you see, you're becoming the minority, so you can't have a country. Your people will die. That's just how it's going, ya know? It's inevitable. The cat's out of the bag."

What would the reaction be??? ANSWER ME!!! You know the truth.

My challenge is for anyone on this board to explain why whites should lay down to be killed, displaced, pushed around or dominated by ANY OTHER GROUP, and back it up. Because the PC GOP seems inclined to this view, and I really, really want to challenge its adherents.
archangel said:
I'm going to go and get some dinner...I can see the writing on the wall...kathianne is going for the usual lock....leaving before she completes the action...adios!

Fu Arch. Where did I call in the mod status. You are the loser posting in envy. Sorry no one else other than Dillo discernes your brilliance. Tell me, was it different in the days gone bye?
William Joyce said:
If it is, it is. All the more reason for whites to protect themselves as a group. I cannot fathom why our existence as a race is a controversial point even among so-called 'conservatives.' What the fuck are you conserving, "conservatives"? Your "respectability" with the liberal media? Good for you, you goddamn cowards. If your goal in life is to avoid controversy, to avoid offending anyone, you do not deserve the title of conservative. You do not even deserve the title of "human." You are a little cowardly robots. The men who founded our nation were made of sterner stuff.

The right of a people to direct their own destiny could not be more basic. Whites, as much as any other group, have this right, period. Can you imagine explaining to the Jews, "yes, you see, you're becoming the minority, so you can't have a country. Your people will die. That's just how it's going, ya know? It's inevitable. The cat's out of the bag."

What would the reaction be??? ANSWER ME!!! You know the truth.

My challenge is for anyone on this board to explain why whites should lay down to be killed, displaced, pushed around or dominated by ANY OTHER GROUP, and back it up. Because the PC GOP seems inclined to this view, and I really, really want to challenge its adherents.

I've been living with blacks and Hispanics all my life and aside from a few childhood scuffles I've never been pushed around, displaced or dominated by them. Believe it or not none have ever tried to kill me either. Have they tried to kill you, or are you once again whining about your fantasies? What a ridiculous milquetoast you are! I hope you're not part of the "hate fags" brigade, because you don't seem to have a gram of testosterone in your sac. Displaced, pushed around, dominated? Tell me about it!
:spank3: :poke: :dev2: :fu2:
nucular said:
I've been living with blacks and Hispanics all my life and aside from a few childhood scuffles I've never been pushed around, displaced or dominated by them. Believe it or not none have ever tried to kill me either. Have they tried to kill you, or are you once again whining about your fantasies? What a ridiculous milquetoast you are! I hope you're not part of the "hate fags" brigade, because you don't seem to have an ounce of testosterone in your sac. Displaced, pushed around, dominated? Tell me about it!
:spank3: :poke: :dev2: :fu2:

C'mon, the gangs of Blacks, Jews didn't get you and stuff your head in a toilet? No one knifed you?
Kathianne said:
C'mon, the gangs of Blacks, Jews didn't get you and stuff your head in a toilet? No one knifed you?

You and Nuc are invited down to good ole liberal Austin and I'll find ya a good "safe" black neighborhood. I'll give you each $20 if you will stand on the corner I pick for you for 1 hour.
Kathianne said:
Fu Arch. Where did I call in the mod status. You are the loser posting in envy. Sorry no one else other than Dillo discernes your brilliance. Tell me, was it different in the days gone bye?
I NEVER called him brilliant and I think he just left because of what he himself stated.
dilloduck said:
You and Nuc are invited down to good ole liberal Austin and I'll find ya a good "safe" black neighborhood. I'll give you each $20 if you will stand on the corner I pick for you for 1 hour.

Thanks, but no thanks. There are enough bad neighborhoods around here, which is what you are getting at. In those neighborhoods are good people, trapped by economics. Their children however have a chance.
dilloduck said:
You and Nuc are invited down to good ole liberal Austin and I'll find ya a good "safe" black neighborhood. I'll give you each $20 if you will stand on the corner I pick for you for 1 hour.

Don't need your challenge. I lived in Brooklyn for 10 years. That's no Beverly Hills!

If on the other hand you want to invite me to Threadgills, then I might visit you.
Kathianne said:
Thanks, but no thanks. There are enough bad neighborhoods around here, which is what you are getting at. In those neighborhoods are good people, trapped by economics. Their children however have a chance.

Oh ya--all people who are poor rob, rape, steal and kill. That's societies fault.
When i'm down to my last dime, I always have this little voice that says" go kill someone". And if I ever get flooded the very first thing that I'm gonna do is steal everything that I can get my hands on.
Kathianne said:
Fu Arch. Where did I call in the mod status. You are the loser posting in envy. Sorry no one else other than Dillo discernes your brilliance. Tell me, was it different in the days gone bye?

dinner was refreshing...sooo I will not dignify this diatribe with a answer!
dilloduck said:
I NEVER called him brilliant and I think he just left because of what he himself stated.

called myself brilliant either! But I really needed 'f' dinner...LOL
archangel said:
dinner was refreshing...sooo I will not dignify this diatribe with a answer!
Of course. You and Dillo have a 'special relationship' that precludes the rest of us. We get it. :wank: :wank:
Kathianne said:
Of course. You and Dillo have a 'special relationship' that precludes the rest of us. We get it. :wank: :wank:

oh my Arch---we've been "owned" :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

The next time I tell ya that your full of shit, she will think I'm only pretending dammit. :sausage:
Kathianne said:
Of course. You and Dillo have a 'special relationship' that precludes the rest of us. We get it. :wank: :wank:

classy lady here folks...I think there is a song out there addressing this issue!
I suppose I will now be accused of going off topic and the dreaded lock will kick in...even though I just responded to oh oh the dreaded attack!

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