Diversity program??!!!!!

And delete "Bring us your....." from the Statue of Liberty?
So one commits a crime we punish thousands of people. Should we use the same measure for whites and mass shootings and rapes?
So one commits a crime we punish thousands of people. Should we use the same measure for whites and mass shootings and rapes?

All illegal immigrants have committed a crime.
Wannabe immigrants not allowed to immigrate here are not being punished; they are simply not being given a privilege.
So one commits a crime we punish thousands of people. Should we use the same measure for whites and mass shootings and rapes?
great argument---so we have murderers...every country has them
so we should let people into the US because of that? :rolleyes-41::rolleyes-41:
And delete "Bring us your....." from the Statue of Liberty?
the Statue of Liberty is NOT law
if it said ''give every immigrant 1 million dollars'', I guess we'd have to do that?
I guess we should've let Germans and Japanese into the US during WW2?
And delete "Bring us your....." from the Statue of Liberty?
the Statue of Liberty is NOT law
if it said ''give every immigrant 1 million dollars'', I guess we'd have to do that?
I guess we should've let Germans and Japanese into the US during WW2?

Why have the Statue of Liberty still standing, near the largest city in the US? And if anyone tries to erect a statue with your inscription, they will be looked at for a mental health placement. I am all in favor of stronger investigation of immgrants but blanket bans have been found unconstitutional.
And delete "Bring us your....." from the Statue of Liberty?
the Statue of Liberty is NOT law
if it said ''give every immigrant 1 million dollars'', I guess we'd have to do that?
I guess we should've let Germans and Japanese into the US during WW2?

Why have the Statue of Liberty still standing, near the largest city in the US? And if anyone tries to erect a statue with your inscription, they will be looked at for a mental health placement. I am all in favor of stronger investigation of immgrants but blanket bans have been found unconstitutional.
so by your reasoning--even it it makes sense/is logical to cut immigration, we can't?
remember they just didn't let the Italians, Japanese and Germans to come on over during WW2 for security reasons

WHEREAS it is provided by Section 21 of Title 50 of the United States Code [11 F. C. A., tit. 50, § 21] as follows: "Whenever there is a declared war between the United States and any foreign nation or government, or any invasion or predatory incursion is perpetrated, attempted, or threatened against the territory of the United States by any foreign nation or government, and the President makes public proclamation of the event, all natives, citizens, denizens, or subjects of the hostile nation or government, being of the age of fourteen years and upward, who shall be within the United States and not actually naturalized, shall be liable to be apprehended, restrained, secured, and removed as alien enemies..."

FDR Halted German, Japanese Naturalization After Pearl Harbor

lefties/etc say let them in--even if it is a security problem!! bring MORE in!!
the other thing is we are paying people to think this crap up?
we HAVE immigration already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! get it?
STOP instituting totally UNNECESSARY programs that cost US $$$$$$$

the US is in HUGE debt!

it reminds me of the $10,000 deduction for adopting a foreigner !! how freakin insane !!!
but if you have an American get you were getting one-FIFTH of that !!!!!!
now it's less than half...for having an American child you get HALF the deduction you get for adopting a foreigner
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And delete "Bring us your....." from the Statue of Liberty?
the Statue of Liberty is NOT law
if it said ''give every immigrant 1 million dollars'', I guess we'd have to do that?
I guess we should've let Germans and Japanese into the US during WW2?

The immigration Act of 1965 shall be abolished and more whites shall be allowed in.Additionally a 100 % stop for people of color.
And delete "Bring us your....." from the Statue of Liberty?
the Statue of Liberty is NOT law
if it said ''give every immigrant 1 million dollars'', I guess we'd have to do that?
I guess we should've let Germans and Japanese into the US during WW2?

The immigration Act of 1965 shall be abolished and more whites shall be allowed in.Additionally a 100 % stop for people of color.

Not Christian of you, not at all. Also, not good for the nation.
And delete "Bring us your....." from the Statue of Liberty?
the Statue of Liberty is NOT law
if it said ''give every immigrant 1 million dollars'', I guess we'd have to do that?
I guess we should've let Germans and Japanese into the US during WW2?

The immigration Act of 1965 shall be abolished and more whites shall be allowed in.Additionally a 100 % stop for people of color.

Not Christian of you, not at all. Also, not good for the nation.

The national shall stay a white christian one european origin. Otherwise welcome in the turd world.
The Dirty Democrats have alienated educated American Voters so therefore they are attempting to import millions of uneducated third world welfare moocher Voters.
Left Wingers don't care about the Muslim Mass Murder attacks.
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And delete "Bring us your....." from the Statue of Liberty?
the Statue of Liberty is NOT law
if it said ''give every immigrant 1 million dollars'', I guess we'd have to do that?
I guess we should've let Germans and Japanese into the US during WW2?

The immigration Act of 1965 shall be abolished and more whites shall be allowed in.Additionally a 100 % stop for people of color.

Not Christian of you, not at all. Also, not good for the nation.
Bringing in a bunch of broke scrubs isn't good for our nation either. I don't care what color they are; they can go fuck themselves.

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