Diversity program??!!!!!

So one commits a crime we punish thousands of people. Should we use the same measure for whites and mass shootings and rapes?
. You're "one" analogy or inference is unfair and misleading. You know good and well that these things aren't built up off of one incident. When patterns begin, and the same acts along with the same characters end up being involved over and over again, then Houston we have a freaking problem. All mosque should be investigated now, and closed if radicalism or racism is found.
So one commits a crime we punish thousands of people. Should we use the same measure for whites and mass shootings and rapes?

All illegal immigrants have committed a crime.
Wannabe immigrants not allowed to immigrate here are not being punished; they are simply not being given a privilege.
I know thousands of immigrants none ever commuted a crime. They work hard ....criminals can be white, black, ect...immigrant and non immigrant....most crimes, rapes, gangs, thieves, mass shooters are US born. What do u say about that?
So one commits a crime we punish thousands of people. Should we use the same measure for whites and mass shootings and rapes?
. You're "one" analogy or inference is unfair and misleading. You know good and well that these things aren't built up off of one incident. When patterns begin, and the same acts along with the same characters end up being involved over and over again, then Houston we have a freaking problem. All mosque should be investigated now, and closed if radicalism or racism is found.
Let's do the same with gang activity, sexual harassment, all the thousands that get killed by gun violence that Muslims have none to do with it. Vegas shooter was a white, Sandy hook shooter was white, did we take any measure to find out why white males go on shooting sprees?
So one commits a crime we punish thousands of people. Should we use the same measure for whites and mass shootings and rapes?

All illegal immigrants have committed a crime.
Wannabe immigrants not allowed to immigrate here are not being punished; they are simply not being given a privilege.
I know thousands of immigrants none ever commuted a crime. They work hard ....criminals can be white, black, ect...immigrant and non immigrant....most crimes, rapes, gangs, thieves, mass shooters are US born. What do u say about that?

I say that you obviously don't know the definition of the term "illegal".
I'd vote for deporting repeat criminals from the nation. It'd get rid of the gangs and crap, make the nation safer, hopefully pull the next generation(s) out of the "thug culture" trap they're getting sucked into.

Side question - Constitutionality of exile for repeat offenders?
What - are they nuts?

State Dept. to Uzbeks: Apply Now for Next Diversity Visa Lottery
November 1, 2017 - The State Department is now accepting applications for the 2019 Diversity Immigrant Visa Program, letting people from Uzbekistan and hundreds of other countries--including all of the countries listed on President Trump's most recent travel ban--that they have three more weeks to apply.
Each year, millions of foreign nationals submit entries for the Diversity Visa lottery program, and 50,000 are selected. In the past, one of them was the man from Uzbekistan who mowed down and killed eight people with a truck in New York City on Tuesday afternoon. That terrorist came here in 2010, at age 22, through the luck of the draw. The period for applying to participate in the next Diversity Visa lottery is open now and the State Department is letting potential applicants know. "The 2019 entry period will run from 12:00 pm (noon), Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) (GMT-4), Wednesday, October 18, 2017, until 12:00 pm (noon), Eastern Standard Time (EST)(GMT-5), Wednesday, November 22, 2017," the State Department says on the website instructing foreigners how to apply for the 2019 lottery. "We cannot accept (2019) entries after noon EST on Tuesday, November 22, 2017." Only 21 days left.

Section 203(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act directs the State Department to accept 50,000 "diversity immigrants" annually from countries with low rates of immigration to the United States. Those selected for the program must meet "simple but strict eligibility requirements" to qualify for a Diversity Visa, the website says. Selectees must have "either a minimum high school education or its equivalent; OR two years of work experience within the past five years in an occupation that requires at least two years of training or experience to perform. (The terrorist from Uzbekistan reportedly has listed his occupation as truck driver.) Those selected to apply for Diversity Visas are chosen through a "randomized computer drawing," and the visas are distributed among six geographic regions -- Africa, Asia, Europe, North America (Bahamas only), Oceana (Australia, New Zealand, various islands), and South/Central America and the Caribbean.

No single country within those regions may receive more than 7 percent of the available diversity visas in any one year. The list of countries is long: Among others, it includes Chad, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Syria, Venezuela and Yemen, the eight countries listed on President Trump's most recent travel ban, which is now being challenged in the courts. Natives of Uzbekistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Mali, and Niger are also welcome to apply for Diversity Visas. For 2019, natives of the following countries are NOT eligible to apply because more than 50,000 natives of those countries immigrated to the United States in the previous five years: Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, China (mainland-born), Colombia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Haiti, India, Jamaica, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, South Korea, United Kingdom (except Northern Ireland) and its dependent territories, and Vietnam.

There is no fee to submit an electronic application. However, those who are selected in the lottery and then go on to apply for a Diversity Visa must pay all required visa application fees at the time of their visa application and interview at a U.S. embassy or consulate. President Trump tweeted Wednesday morning: "I have just ordered Homeland Security to step up our already Extreme Vetting Program. Being politically correct is fine, but not for this! The terrorist came into our country through what is called the 'Diversity Visa Lottery Program,' a Chuck Schumer beauty. I want merit based. We are fighting hard for Merit Based immigration, no more Democrat Lottery Systems. We must get MUCH tougher (and smarter)."

State Dept. to Uzbeks: Apply Now for Next Diversity Visa Lottery

See also:

Terrorist Came Here Legally From Uzbekistan as a Diversity Visa Immigrant
November 1, 2017 - Hours after a terror attack that killed eight people in lower Manhattan, Americans flocked to New York City's annual Halloween parade in Greenwich Village. "NYers are resilient and won't be deterred," New York City Police Department Commissioner James O'Neill tweeted Tuesday night. "Great to see large crowd at annual Halloween parade in Village. Thx for showing world who we are."
Eight people, including five Argentinians and one Belgian tourist, were killed when 29-year-old Sayfullo Saipov, who came here legally from Uzbekistan, rammed a rented Home Depot truck into bicyclists and pedestrians enjoying a sunny autumn day on a bike path near the World Trade Center site. Press reports said Saipov shouted "Allahu akbar" when he emerged from his truck, brandishing a paintball gun and a pellet gun. Police shot him in the abdomen, but he's expected to survive. His rampage ended almost a mile after it started, when he crashed into a school bus. Among the 13 people he injured are the two students and two adults on the school bus. Press reports say Saiov left noted pledging loyalty to the Islamic State in and around his truck.

The suspect came to the U.S. in 2010 on a Diversity Immigrant Visa and had a green card. He reportedly was an Uber driver, who passed a background check done by the company. Section 203(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act provides for a class of immigrants known as “diversity immigrants,” from countries with historically low rates of immigration to the United States. A limited number of visas are available each fiscal year, the State Department says on its website. So Saipov was among the few who won the visa lottery.

President Trump, a native New Yorker, tweeted several times about the attack Tuesday night, saying: "In NYC, looks like another attack by a very sick and deranged person. Law enforcement is following this closely. NOT IN THE U.S.A.!" "We must not allow ISIS to return, or enter, our country after defeating them in the Middle East and elsewhere. Enough!" "My thoughts, condolences and prayers to the victims and families of the New York City terrorist attack. God and your country are with you!"

And finally: "I have just ordered Homeland Security to step up our already Extreme Vetting Program. Being politically correct is fine, but not for this!" The suspect reportedly had a wife and two children and was living in Paterson, N.J., although he had a Florida driver's license.

Terrorist Came Here Legally From Uzbekistan as a Diversity Visa Immigrant


White House Says It Hasn’t Ruled Out Putting Uzbekistan on Travel Ban List
November 1, 2017 - The man who plowed into bicyclists and pedestrians in lower Manhattan, killing eight people, immigrated to the U.S. legally from Uzbekistan, a country that has increasingly become a source of terrorist recruits for ISIS.
As CNSNews.com reported, former Soviet republics now account for the largest number of foreign fighters who have flowed into Syria and Iraq to fight for ISIS and other violent groups in recent years, according to a report last week by the Washington-based security consultancy Soufan Group. Despite this, the country is not listed on the administration’s travel ban list.

When asked Wednesday why, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said, “As we've outlined multiple times before, those were determinations made by several factors. In large part, Congress helped play a role in determining a lot of those factors, in placing specific priorities on different countries, and that would be the reason that they weren't a part of that.”

Sanders indicated Wednesday that adding the country to the travel ban list “may be something that’s looked at, but that isn’t something that we have called for at this time, but certainly haven’t ruled it out.” “Again, there are a lot of different criteria that we use to determine which country should be on there, and they haven't been determined as one of the countries yet, but I'm saying that hasn't been ruled out either,” Sanders added.

The president amended the initial travel ban in September to include the following countries: Venezuela, Chad, Libya, Syria, Iran, Yemen, Somalia, and North Korea. North Korea and Venezuela were not included in the original travel ban.

White House Says It Hasn’t Ruled Out Putting Uzbekistan on Travel Ban List
So one commits a crime we punish thousands of people. Should we use the same measure for whites and mass shootings and rapes?
San Bernadino
Ft Hood
Shoe Bomber
Boston Bombers
NY truck attack
all Muslim/Middle Eastern heritage
these are just from the US.....
you don't see too many Swedish, Swiss, etc terror attacks
Those who got "diversity visa" are let in solely because of the color of their skin and not because of the content of their character.

MLK would be proud.
So one commits a crime we punish thousands of people. Should we use the same measure for whites and mass shootings and rapes?
San Bernadino
Ft Hood
Shoe Bomber
Boston Bombers
NY truck attack
all Muslim/Middle Eastern heritage
these are just from the US.....
you don't see too many Swedish, Swiss, etc terror attacks
I was referring to diversity lottery programme. And while at it you should reverse the question, why other countries don' have a terrorism issue although they have a sizeable Muslim community.
So one commits a crime we punish thousands of people. Should we use the same measure for whites and mass shootings and rapes?
San Bernadino
Ft Hood
Shoe Bomber
Boston Bombers
NY truck attack
all Muslim/Middle Eastern heritage
these are just from the US.....
you don't see too many Swedish, Swiss, etc terror attacks
I was referring to diversity lottery programme. And while at it you should reverse the question, why other countries don' have a terrorism issue although they have a sizeable Muslim community.
punishing?? how so?
So one commits a crime we punish thousands of people. Should we use the same measure for whites and mass shootings and rapes?
San Bernadino
Ft Hood
Shoe Bomber
Boston Bombers
NY truck attack
all Muslim/Middle Eastern heritage
these are just from the US.....
you don't see too many Swedish, Swiss, etc terror attacks
I was referring to diversity lottery programme. And while at it you should reverse the question, why other countries don' have a terrorism issue although they have a sizeable Muslim community.
. Easy, Muslims don't attack other Muslims unless tribal warfare breaks out amongst them in their countries of origin. In countries they immigrate to it is that the story can be quite different and more volital if they decide to make war within the host country they take refuge in or immigrate to. Europe has been catching hell with the immigration and/or refugee movement of to many unvetted foriegners/refugees as of late. These people who are of middle eastern decent, need to remain in their countries, and to fight for their countries. Enough of this mass Exodus all over the world. Enough is enough.
Last edited:
So one commits a crime we punish thousands of people. Should we use the same measure for whites and mass shootings and rapes?
San Bernadino
Ft Hood
Shoe Bomber
Boston Bombers
NY truck attack
all Muslim/Middle Eastern heritage
these are just from the US.....
you don't see too many Swedish, Swiss, etc terror attacks
I was referring to diversity lottery programme. And while at it you should reverse the question, why other countries don' have a terrorism issue although they have a sizeable Muslim community.
. Easy, Muslims don't attack other Muslims unless tribal warfare breaks out amongst them in their countries of origin. In countries they immigrate to it is that the story can be quite different and more volital if they decide to make war within the host country they take refuge in or immigrate to. Europe has been catching hell with the immigration and/or refugee movement of to many unvetted foriegners/refugees as of late. These people who are of middle eastern decent, need to remain in their countries, and to fight for their countries. Enough of this mass Exodus all over the world. Enough is enough.
Whites migrated to the US started a war within the US, used to kill each other since forever, why can' they go back to Europe?
So one commits a crime we punish thousands of people. Should we use the same measure for whites and mass shootings and rapes?
San Bernadino
Ft Hood
Shoe Bomber
Boston Bombers
NY truck attack
all Muslim/Middle Eastern heritage
these are just from the US.....
you don't see too many Swedish, Swiss, etc terror attacks
I was referring to diversity lottery programme. And while at it you should reverse the question, why other countries don' have a terrorism issue although they have a sizeable Muslim community.
. Easy, Muslims don't attack other Muslims unless tribal warfare breaks out amongst them in their countries of origin. In countries they immigrate to it is that the story can be quite different and more volital if they decide to make war within the host country they take refuge in or immigrate to. Europe has been catching hell with the immigration and/or refugee movement of to many unvetted foriegners/refugees as of late. These people who are of middle eastern decent, need to remain in their countries, and to fight for their countries. Enough of this mass Exodus all over the world. Enough is enough.
Whites migrated to the US started a war within the US, used to kill each other since forever, why can' they go back to Europe?
please use a more recent analogy
...that's outdated making the argument incomparable
what idiots think this STUPID crap up???
this is 2017! not 1850..not 1950
we have ENOUGH immigration
they should be CUTTING legal immigration
Diversity visa program: What you need to know
Actually, efforts to end the program were killed by the Republican-led House in 2013 who wouldn’t even put the Senate bill to a vote...

What is the diversity visa lottery? - CNNPolitics

Has Congress tried to change the program?

In 2013, Schumer helped author the Gang of Eight bill that passed the Senate by a wide margin, which would have replaced the program.

The Gang of Eight measure was the result of a bipartisan effort to secure comprehensive immigration reform and had included senators such as Florida Republican Marco Rubio and South Carolina Republican Lindsey Graham. The bill died in the House.
So one commits a crime we punish thousands of people. Should we use the same measure for whites and mass shootings and rapes?

All illegal immigrants have committed a crime.
Wannabe immigrants not allowed to immigrate here are not being punished; they are simply not being given a privilege.
WTF does that have to do with immigrants who are here legally on a visa?? :cuckoo:

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