Divided States of America

The nation is irrevocably divided to the point where it is not possible to coexist. The more peaceful solution would be to sit down and fashion a reasoned divorce. The current option of each side trying to drag the other into compliance isn't working.

Oh boy, here we go again. We lost the election and we are just going to take our marbles and go home. What bullshit.

You idiots were not allowed to secede last time, there will be no second seccession. And all your silly present issues will segue into even sillier differant issues to threaton to seccede over in the future.

One Nation, Indivisable.

Fuck your "one nation indivisible." We realize parasites want to remain united with their hosts, but the hosts have other ideas.
Igor Panarin predicted the breakup of the Soviet Union and its causes. He has predicted the break up of the US into seven parts. He is probably the most correct.

Anything is preferable to liberalism.

I've heard other predictions of the U.S. breaking up into the 5 Regional parts.

"Predictions" :rolleyes:

If you want "predictions" go see Madam Zola and have your palm read. This is not political science; this is self-indulgence, hysteria, fear, and good old-fashioned lunacy. This kind of nonsense should be on the conspiracy forum - if anywhere.

If the Soviet Union split up, then so can the United States. We realize all the goose-steppers don't want that to happen, but the idea grows more appealing every time Obama signs an executive order.
It must grind your ass that you can't do anything about it.

Suppose the next president is a republican. He refuses to engage in these witch hunt prosecutions, reinstates don't ask don't tell in the military, stops funding planned parenthood, increases oil production, fires up the closed coal fired energy plants and generally dismantles everything obama did including the repeal of obamacare.

All you democrats are just going along with it? If you're going to keep the counntry together you had better.

Of course they will whine and cry and scream about totalitarianism and start planning the revolution.
Let's all vote for moderates...Sounds like a good idea. ;)

Let's remain a first world industrial nation. Thank you!
I would like for some of these pessimists to show me when the US has been united, besides in a time of war with a foreign nation.
Let's all vote for moderates...Sounds like a good idea. ;)

Let's remain a first world industrial nation. Thank you!

Moderates got us into this fix in the first place. Imbeciles like John McCain are always helping the left pass its agenda.

The American Experiment functioned too well. Its astonishing material successes ultimately created a crass, shallow, incurious, egotistical population that has to have things its way. Cooperation is seen as abject capitulation. Modesty is weakness. We're all so full of ourselves that no one wants to give in on a goddamned thing.

Maybe some kind of real, geographical division is inevitable. But it will be a self-inflicted wound.

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20% are ignorant brainwashed loudmouth racist Rush Beckbots, a disgrace and way too powerful- "No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP"- TIME. Ruined the GOP, a scary disgrace, now fading. Thank God.

Dude, you must be slipping.. Forgot the 'hater dupes'


I would be a citizen of Ecotopia, the best part of North America.

So go ahead, divide away, fine by me.

And, an inestimable advantage, I could then regard Texans as Undesirable Aliens.


I have a love-hate relationship with Texas. However, in such a scenario, Texas would have a much stronger economy, so I would be resigned to move there, and in general be okay with the decision. Besides, as much as I may give fundamentalist reactionaries a hard time, they tend to have communities that I would be happier living in.

However, the central point of the OP is that a Divided States of America is NOT what is in our best interest.

Can you defend that statement?

My Great-Grandfather did just that, all the way from Fort Donaldson, Shiloh, to New Orleans. And I am quite willing to do the same. One Nation, Indivisable. Those who try to create something else are traitors, and deserve a traitors fate.
It must grind your ass that you can't do anything about it.

Suppose the next president is a republican. He refuses to engage in these witch hunt prosecutions, reinstates don't ask don't tell in the military, stops funding planned parenthood, increases oil production, fires up the closed coal fired energy plants and generally dismantles everything obama did including the repeal of obamacare.

All you democrats are just going along with it? If you're going to keep the counntry together you had better.

Of course they will whine and cry and scream about totalitarianism and start planning the revolution.

Bullshit. We will do exactly what we did in answer to "W". Elect someone with a better agenda for all Americans in the next elections. And that is why your tail is in a knot. It is not we liberals that are talking violent revolution and seccession, it is you 'Conservatives'. You constantly flaunt you 'patriotism', then in the next breath, express your desire to destroy the United States of America. What a bunch of asses you people have turned into.
The people calling for the breakup of the REPUBLIC are the same folks (with pretty much the same mindset) as the traitors who formed the Confederate State of America.

The USA has been in this COLD CIVIL WAR ever since 1865.

Although few here actually have the balls to admit it openly, basically these people are SLAVERS at heart.
Whether Washington warned of parties or not that is our system and it won't be changed by any of the almost 100 that we have. The two major parties represent diametrically opposed political ideologies with the many many third parties falling somewhere along the lines of the two major parties.

The people no longer accept the decisions of the opposing party. Bush was castigated. obama despised. Whoever comes next will be treated worse than Bush or obama. The strain of contention will increase until there is a break. It is inevitable. No one is going to come along and unite a people who disagree on something so trivial as a rodeo clown.

We have been disputatious since our inception. It's our nature, and to a large degree it was built into the plan (for good reason). Today is nothing new in our country's history. There has always been debate and discord - often a hell of a lot more vitriolic than today. And there have always been hysterical idiots like you predicting the end of the world next Tuesday. Calm down, have a drink, and STFU already. America will endure.
I've heard other predictions of the U.S. breaking up into the 5 Regional parts.

"Predictions" :rolleyes:

If you want "predictions" go see Madam Zola and have your palm read. This is not political science; this is self-indulgence, hysteria, fear, and good old-fashioned lunacy. This kind of nonsense should be on the conspiracy forum - if anywhere.

If the Soviet Union split up, then so can the United States. We realize all the goose-steppers don't want that to happen, but the idea grows more appealing every time Obama signs an executive order.

Anything can happen, but that doesn't mean it will. The US is not comparable to the Soviet Union, nor our current condition to what ended the USSR. If the breakup of the Union is "appealing" to you, then GTFO now; we don't need you. Have the courage of your convictions. Be a man, stand on your own two feet as an individual and GTFO. Quitters like you just get in the way. The rest of us - from both parties - have a country to run.
The whole concept of liberals saying "get out now" is one of those concepts that will lead to the eventual, and unavoidable, breakup of the country. The forces driving such a division isn't only those who want a divorce from liberals. It includes those forces driving them away.

When you have a country in which each side of the political ideology despises the other and wants them GONE, you have a country that cannot remain intact. That's just realism. Once the situation has reached the point where people are telling one another to leave, we don't want to live with you any more, the dissolution has already happened. The foundation of unity is already dissolved, it's gone. The eventual collapse of the remaining shell is only a matter of time.
The people no longer accept the decisions of the opposing party. Bush was castigated. obama despised. Whoever comes next will be treated worse than Bush or obama. The strain of contention will increase until there is a break. It is inevitable. No one is going to come along and unite a people who disagree on something so trivial as a rodeo clown.
Or, at least, where the Monopoly Mass Media blow up trivia to gigantic proportions to confuse the people and to hide the important matters which are being decided behind the media smokescreen.

Great historical problems are never solved -- they are merely replaced by more pressing problems.
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In the present circumstances there is no point on which compromise is possible.

If one throws out the extreme right and left there's plenty of interest for compromise.
Personally, I think the extent of the polarization is greatly exaggerated. Several polls have shown that a vast majority of Americans want compromise. The problem is those who control the left's and right's dialog are those who scream the loudest and the most frequently and they command all the attention. Both of these political groups don't represent a majority of Americans.
The USA can't allow these factions to control this country's destiny. If they do, this country continues to sink downwards because neither one of these groups are interested in the rest of the country, their interest only appeases the minority.
We don't need a divided country, we need a united country.
Much like it was during the Civil War.
We are much, much more divided now than we were during the civil war. Today there is no point of compromise and nothing upon which we can agree. During the civil war there were no issues like abortion, same sex marriage, the place religion has in public life, the legalization of millions of invading criminals, support and maintenance of the chronically lazy, support and care of substance abusers, tax funded birth control for hookers, the list goes on and on.

Neither republicans nor democrats will accept governance by the other side. The divisions are getting deeper and wider. There are three ways this can end. A peaceful division, a bloody division or a third party interposing itself.
Oh, you are much too pessimistic!!

Whoever has control over the Mass Media and Entertainment Industry can easily mold the Hive Mind of present-day America into whatever shape they want!!

You mindless zombies will fall right into line.


it will be you first - as it happens ALWAYS :lol:
In the present circumstances there is no point on which compromise is possible.

If one throws out the extreme right and left there's plenty of interest for compromise.
Personally, I think the extent of the polarization is greatly exaggerated. Several polls have shown that a vast majority of Americans want compromise. The problem is those who control the left's and right's dialog are those who scream the loudest and the most frequently and they command all the attention. Both of these political groups don't represent a majority of Americans.
The USA can't allow these factions to control this country's destiny. If they do, this country continues to sink downwards because neither one of these groups are interested in the rest of the country, their interest only appeases the minority.
We don't need a divided country, we need a united country.

polls can show anything the pollster wants - depending on how the question is asked.

The problem is the lobbying of the Washington by interest groups - so everybody else is getting a stick they can brawl over ( a.k.a. gay marriage, race issue, war on women and global warming bullshit, etc), while the mighty ones and the payed for ones divide the pie.

until the term limits do not exist and lobbying is not reformed - we will be where we are.

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