Divided States of America

Remember that those who actively engage in political debate, such as on message boards, blogs, and cable TV constitute a tiny minority of the Nation overall, where the majority of Americans are either apolitical or are not extreme in their politics to the point of manifesting ‘division.’
Jeb Bush, George W. Bush's brother, speaking to retired Naval Intelligence Officer Al Martin:

The truth is useless. You have to understand this right now. You can't deposit the truth in a bank. You can't buy groceries with the truth. You can't pay rent with the truth. The truth is a useless commodity that will hang around your neck like an albatross -- all the way to the homeless shelter. And if you think that the million or so people in this country that are really interested in the truth about their government can support people who would tell them the truth, you got another think coming. Because the million or so people in this country that are truly interested in the truth don't have any money

(cited by Uri Dowbenko in Bushwhacked, Sept. 2002)
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The nation is irrevocably divided to the point where it is not possible to coexist. The more peaceful solution would be to sit down and fashion a reasoned divorce. The current option of each side trying to drag the other into compliance isn't working.

Oh boy, here we go again. We lost the election and we are just going to take our marbles and go home. What bullshit.

You idiots were not allowed to secede last time, there will be no second seccession. And all your silly present issues will segue into even sillier differant issues to threaton to seccede over in the future.

One Nation, Indivisable.

Fuck your "one nation indivisible." .

No, fuck YOU. If this ONE nation doesn't suit you, GTFO. I'm sure there's some hell-hole somewhere you can bitch and moan to no effect without offending the Union.
The whole concept of liberals saying "get out now" is one of those concepts that will lead to the eventual, and unavoidable, breakup of the country. The forces driving such a division isn't only those who want a divorce from liberals. It includes those forces driving them away.

When you have a country in which each side of the political ideology despises the other and wants them GONE, you have a country that cannot remain intact. That's just realism. Once the situation has reached the point where people are telling one another to leave, we don't want to live with you any more, the dissolution has already happened. The foundation of unity is already dissolved, it's gone. The eventual collapse of the remaining shell is only a matter of time.

You are a completely irrelevant idiot. You are utterly ignorant of history and not worthy of US citizenship. Take your little act on the road.
It is our duty to rebel. Many a patriot paid the ultimate price to make America what it used to be.

Time to take it back

In the present circumstances there is no point on which compromise is possible.

If one throws out the extreme right and left there's plenty of interest for compromise.
Personally, I think the extent of the polarization is greatly exaggerated. Several polls have shown that a vast majority of Americans want compromise. The problem is those who control the left's and right's dialog are those who scream the loudest and the most frequently and they command all the attention. Both of these political groups don't represent a majority of Americans.
The USA can't allow these factions to control this country's destiny. If they do, this country continues to sink downwards because neither one of these groups are interested in the rest of the country, their interest only appeases the minority.
We don't need a divided country, we need a united country.

polls can show anything the pollster wants - depending on how the question is asked.

The problem is the lobbying of the Washington by interest groups - so everybody else is getting a stick they can brawl over ( a.k.a. gay marriage, race issue, war on women and global warming bullshit, etc), while the mighty ones and the payed for ones divide the pie.

until the term limits do not exist and lobbying is not reformed - we will be where we are.

There have been various polls that all showed a majority of Americans want something to get done and they want both parties to compromise.
You are absolutely right about term limits and lobbyist. I think it's pretty much an established fact that our elected officials spend more time with lobbyist and raising funds than they do legislating.
Anyway, the bottom-line of my post is that I don't think is as polarized as things are made out to be. You have the extreme elements of the left and right screaming the loudest and most often, so the MSM makes out that this is how it is between all the right and all of the left. I havey friends or business acquaintances who are right or left, not one talks like some people post on these boards or extreme politicians. We get together and current events pop up and a civil discussion ensues. Of course everybody is a grown up in responsible position in various businesses. The only place I've have come across this hate of the other side is places like USMB, talk radio and of course MSNBC/Fox News (stopped watching both about ten years ago). But in real life with real Main Street America folks, they want things done and compromise and there isn't the hate.
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It is our duty to rebel. Many a patriot paid the ultimate price to make America what it used to be.

Time to take it back


Fine, take it back in the 2014 election, or the 2016 election. Try to take it back in any other way, and you are a traitor.
anyone feel as if we went back to the 1860's when we were divided between north and south? even rush brought this up, he said that if we split the country in half,,"How long would it be before those on the blue side start digging tunnels to go to the red side?"
It is our duty to rebel. Many a patriot paid the ultimate price to make America what it used to be.

Time to take it back


Fine, take it back in the 2014 election, or the 2016 election. Try to take it back in any other way, and you are a traitor.

The only traitor I know sits in the oval office imitating POTUS

Yeah, that's right. Keep the doors locked, hide behind the sofa, and tap away with your dainty little fingers about what you 'would do.' :rolleyes: What a "rebel" you are! You're a fucking joke.
Yeah, that's right. Keep the doors locked, hide behind the sofa, and tap away with your dainty little fingers about what you 'would do.' :rolleyes: What a "rebel" you are! You're a fucking joke.



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