Divided States of America

anyone feel as if we went back to the 1860's when we were divided between north and south? even rush brought this up, he said that if we split the country in half,,"How long would it be before those on the blue side start digging tunnels to go to the red side?"

In the 1860s we were divided on very few issues. We were still basically one people. We aren't one people any more. We don't share any values. We can't even agree on right and wrong.
its like where we live in a world where almost half of us don't want to go to work. just expect their monthly 4 digit check a month, stay home and watch TV and stay on the internet. right?
anyone feel as if we went back to the 1860's when we were divided between north and south? even rush brought this up, he said that if we split the country in half,,"How long would it be before those on the blue side start digging tunnels to go to the red side?"

In the 1860s we were divided on very few issues. We were still basically one people. We aren't one people any more. We don't share any values. We can't even agree on right and wrong.

You are so ignorant it's painful to watch you make a fool of yourself like this over and over again.
The nation is irrevocably divided to the point where it is not possible to coexist. The more peaceful solution would be to sit down and fashion a reasoned divorce. The current option of each side trying to drag the other into compliance isn't working.

I pretty much agree there. The bed wetters are devoted to their statism and authortarian ruling class. They're consumed with hatred and envy. Hatred for those of us who want to own guns and be left alone, and envy for certain types of rich people. Namely the rich who don't pander to them or regurgitate or promote bed wetter propaganda. They're not just willfully ignorant, they're zealots of blithering idiocy.

For all the debates I've seen here, the great majority of the liberals post nothing but painfully stupid drivel. Anytime they're defeated in an arguement (which happens most of the time) they either skulk off in a huff, or regurgitate some convoluted arguement about Bush.

I can't co-exist with people that stupid. I can't tolerate people determined to take what I have, or what anyone else has for that matter, and use it for programs that do more harm to society than good. I would be happy if all the moonbat blue states cut themselves off from the red states. They can have their "Democratic People's Republic of Obamastan", put up big fences to keep people in, and starve to death for all I care.
anyone feel as if we went back to the 1860's when we were divided between north and south? even rush brought this up, he said that if we split the country in half,,"How long would it be before those on the blue side start digging tunnels to go to the red side?"

In the 1860s we were divided on very few issues. We were still basically one people. We aren't one people any more. We don't share any values. We can't even agree on right and wrong.

You are so ignorant it's painful to watch you make a fool of yourself like this over and over again.

No substantive argument right?

I expected as much.
The nation is irrevocably divided to the point where it is not possible to coexist. The more peaceful solution would be to sit down and fashion a reasoned divorce. The current option of each side trying to drag the other into compliance isn't working.

I pretty much agree there. The bed wetters are devoted to their statism and authortarian ruling class. They're consumed with hatred and envy. Hatred for those of us who want to own guns and be left alone, and envy for certain types of rich people. Namely the rich who don't pander to them or regurgitate or promote bed wetter propaganda. They're not just willfully ignorant, they're zealots of blithering idiocy.

For all the debates I've seen here, the great majority of the liberals post nothing but painfully stupid drivel. Anytime they're defeated in an arguement (which happens most of the time) they either skulk off in a huff, or regurgitate some convoluted arguement about Bush.

I can't co-exist with people that stupid. I can't tolerate people determined to take what I have, or what anyone else has for that matter, and use it for programs that do more harm to society than good. I would be happy if all the moonbat blue states cut themselves off from the red states. They can have their "Democratic People's Republic of Obamastan", put up big fences to keep people in, and starve to death for all I care.

Good thing you're not given to ridiculous hyperbole... :eusa_whistle:
Much like it was during the Civil War.

We are much, much more divided now than we were during the civil war. Today there is no point of compromise and nothing upon which we can agree. During the civil war there were no issues like abortion, same sex marriage, the place religion has in public life, the legalization of millions of invading criminals, support and maintenance of the chronically lazy, support and care of substance abusers, tax funded birth control for hookers, the list goes on and on.

Neither republicans nor democrats will accept governance by the other side. The divisions are getting deeper and wider. There are three ways this can end. A peaceful division, a bloody division or a third party interposing itself.

I will continue to support a UNITED States of America. Mainstream America is better off without the extremists and special interests spreading their hatred and discontent. Don't get me wrong, I love a good debate, maybe more than the average bear, but in the end I believe that a divided nation is easier to destroy than a united one. No matter how you slice it, to actually embrace a divided America is to embrace it's destruction. Maybe that's what extremists really want.

Not me.

The entire nation is currently in decline. I would rather save the larger part of it, by cutting off the malignancy that democrook controlled states are. Let the blue states decend in a hellish soviet nightmare. They'll bankrupt themselves on their side of the fence and still insist it's our fault.

Maybe after a generation or two, if there's any independent thinking going on at all, they'll embrace free markets again, and possibly even personal freedom and private property.
In the 1860s we were divided on very few issues. We were still basically one people. We aren't one people any more. We don't share any values. We can't even agree on right and wrong.

You are so ignorant it's painful to watch you make a fool of yourself like this over and over again.

No substantive argument right?

I expected as much.

What "substantive argument" were you expecting to such a patently ridiculous statement?
In the 1860s we were divided on very few issues. We were still basically one people. We aren't one people any more. We don't share any values. We can't even agree on right and wrong.
You are so ignorant it's painful to watch you make a fool of yourself like this over and over again.
No substantive argument right?

I expected as much.
Unkotare never has substantive arguments; his brain contains only insults.

I think the divisions in 1860 were more substantive and more divisive than today, but I would never expect others to take my opinions as fact without coherent argument on my side, and I certainly would not attempt to browbeat others to my views, as Unkotare consistently does.
So, are you prepared to abandon your principles and ideology to acquiesce to the will of you political opponents?

Your question suggests that you are ready to see the ship go down. I oppose that, and will absolutely not acquiesce in that opposition, so the answer to your question would be "no."

My question does no such thing...

In order to not be divided, something has to give.

My question is, are you willing to abandon your principles and ideology to acquiesce to the will of you political opponents to achieve unity?

Given that acquiesce means to accept, comply, or submit tacitly or passively, no. But I already answered that.

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