Divine Mercy

Cougarbear Okay. You sound pretty happy and if my boyfriend wants to leave me he can. I am very Todd Rundgren Hello it's me about it.

I don't have to justify myself to Catholics who love me without these conditions.
Cougarbear Okay. You sound pretty happy and if my boyfriend wants to leave me he can. I am very Todd Rundgren Hello it's me about it.

I don't have to justify myself to Catholics who love me without these conditions.
Is it love though? I always wonder that. Keeping people from progressing in their eternal progression doesn't seem to be love. By the way, because we keep the commandments doesn't mean we don't love those who don't. Nor does it mean we don't have patience as well. But, sometimes, people are ready and just need a swift kick in the butt.
So, you quashed his opportunity for exaltation because you...........
I was born Jewish and wasn't baptized until I was 24 years old. I married at age 20 to an LDS girl who was 20 also. I never stopped her from going to Church. In fact, I encouraged her too. Also, I had spiritual experiences since I was age 10 that made me know Jesus Christ is the Son of the Father. So, 4 years after we were married, we moved away from family to Provo, Utah, where I enrolled at BYU. After seeing and hearing the Prophet of God speak, Spencer W. Kimball, I went back to our apartment and told my neighbor I wanted to be baptized. Your boyfriend has received influence by the Holy Ghost and wants to be baptized. Marry him so you can support him. You don't have to be baptized too until you receive the influence from the Holy Ghost. Right now, you have a double mind. Just like I had for a while. James 1:5-8
Shut the fuck up. Or don't you trust that God has everything under control.
Perhaps one of the most disappointing things about Jesus' message is how simple clarity can be so muddled, mixed, and misused.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
Shut the fuck up. Or don't you trust that God has everything under control.
Why would you be ordering me around about God when you don't believe in God? Typical arrogance.
No, God doesn't control everything. He gives us a place to grow and learn from our experiences. He doesn't remove problems, he can give us a way to navigate our problems if we have faith in Him. You don't, your boyfriend does and so get out of his way so he can have eternal life instead of the eternal nightmare with you...
What will people do if they get to heaven only to find that Hitler, Stalin and all the rest are also there? Will they reproach "God", or will they understand?
What will people do if they get to heaven only to find that Hitler, Stalin and all the rest are also there? Will they reproach "God", or will they understand?
Didn't Hitler have a venereal disease that some suggest might be the reason for some of his freakish actions and directions? We are told God judges our heart, as opposed to a sick brain. Catholics also believe there is a purification process (purgatory). What if all evil is burned away and there was actually some good in the people we regard as evil?

No, I would not reproach God, but I would be interested in speaking with Hitler and asking him about his life, death, and recovery.

I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault; therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God.
Why would you be ordering me around about God when you don't believe in God? Typical arrogance.
No, God doesn't control everything. He gives us a place to grow and learn from our experiences. He doesn't remove problems, he can give us a way to navigate our problems if we have faith in Him. You don't, your boyfriend does and so get out of his way so he can have eternal life instead of the eternal nightmare with you...
What makes you believe I don't believe in God?

If anyone wants your advice I'm sure they will ask for it.
What makes you believe I don't believe in God?

If anyone wants your advice I'm sure they will ask for it.
Because no one would actively destroy another's faith and belief if they love them as you do is they believe in the True God.
Because no one would actively destroy another's faith and belief if they love them as you do is they believe in the True God.
Aren't you trying to destroy my faith in the Catholic church? Also I know visiting teachers and people in the ward I live in would never behave the way you are. But for folks not familiar with Utah lds people this is the shit they do constantly even Mormons who move to Utah leave because of the clannish and judgy behavior of Utah Mormons. You have hijacked my worship thread enough . I am putting you on ignore. So please make a thread about your own beliefs.
Aren't you trying to destroy my faith in the Catholic church? Also I know visiting teachers and people in the ward I live in would never behave the way you are. But for folks not familiar with Utah lds people this is the shit they do constantly even Mormons who move to Utah leave because of the clannish and judge behavior of Utah Mormons. You have hijacked my worship thread enough . I am putting you on ignore. So please make a thread about your own beliefs.
You should have faith in God. Faith: "Is the Substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. " - Hebrews 11:1
You see the Church and the Church leadership, bible, teachings... If you have faith in a Church, it means you aren't going, learning or doing any good works. You assume it's all true. See, we have the same issue in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as well. We call those people less active members. Most couldn't tell you much of the Doctrine. But, what we have are testimonies of truth based on our studies and influence by the Holy Ghost. So, learning old and new information can build a testimony and therefore build faith in God. So, I'm not destroying anything. I'm giving you new information that may suggest you are fishing in the wrong pond.

I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault; therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God.

I confess to almighty God ... in what I have done -

they have been doing that for centuries ... the desert religions - and keep reading the same books and making the new ones the same as the old ones. lds - cougarbear.

neither mary, the itinerant or mary magdalene were ever married ... why they were chosen.

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