Divisions Didn't Begin With Trump

1a Agreed
2a Agreed
3a Agreed, but with these caveats:
  • not every citizen is a responsible gun owner
  • gun owners do not have a use of force policy
  • not all gun owners are sober nor are all gun owners sane
  • not all gun owners are capable of making good judgments
  • some gun owners seek an opportunity to be a vigilante
  • with a gun in their possession pesons feel enabled to do things they might not otherwise do
  • all of these apply to LE Officers, which is why range and classroom are both part of continuous training.
Common sense leaves the room when gun control is debated for the reasons in my initial post. We can argue all day on the meaning of "shall", but common sense suggests some form of gun control makes sense. I posted a direct quote on the word from a legal dictionary.

First convince us murderers and rapists will obey gun control laws, otherwise there's nothing to discuss.

Just astounding how stupid these Liberals are....

...hard to imagine the amount of ignorance necessary behind putting up "Gun Free Zone" signs.

Don't fall for their lies PC, they know gun control laws don't work on criminals they are not 'that' stupid. But they will pretend they do to attack the rights of law abiding gun owners.
Many criminals go back to prison for firearm violations

Sure after they rape and murder unarmed citizens OH SNAP!

No, just walking down the street or MV stops
1a Agreed
2a Agreed
3a Agreed, but with these caveats:
  • not every citizen is a responsible gun owner
  • gun owners do not have a use of force policy
  • not all gun owners are sober nor are all gun owners sane
  • not all gun owners are capable of making good judgments
  • some gun owners seek an opportunity to be a vigilante
  • with a gun in their possession pesons feel enabled to do things they might not otherwise do
  • all of these apply to LE Officers, which is why range and classroom are both part of continuous training.
Common sense leaves the room when gun control is debated for the reasons in my initial post. We can argue all day on the meaning of "shall", but common sense suggests some form of gun control makes sense. I posted a direct quote on the word from a legal dictionary.

First convince us murderers and rapists will obey gun control laws, otherwise there's nothing to discuss.

Just astounding how stupid these Liberals are....

...hard to imagine the amount of ignorance necessary behind putting up "Gun Free Zone" signs.

Don't fall for their lies PC, they know gun control laws don't work on criminals they are not 'that' stupid. But they will pretend they do to attack the rights of law abiding gun owners.
Doesn't that depend on just who you say are law biding? People with mental issues allowed ??? Really?

Mentally ill people will obey your gun control laws? Okay, give us an example of a gun control law that will work on mentally ill people.
The one that bars them from buying guns
First convince us murderers and rapists will obey gun control laws, otherwise there's nothing to discuss.

Just astounding how stupid these Liberals are....

...hard to imagine the amount of ignorance necessary behind putting up "Gun Free Zone" signs.

Don't fall for their lies PC, they know gun control laws don't work on criminals they are not 'that' stupid. But they will pretend they do to attack the rights of law abiding gun owners.
Doesn't that depend on just who you say are law biding? People with mental issues allowed ??? Really?

Mentally ill people will obey your gun control laws? Okay, give us an example of a gun control law that will work on mentally ill people.
The one that bars them from buying guns

This should be good for a laugh, okay draft of your fantasy gun control law that mentally ill people will obey?
1. I never lie
4. BTW....I never lie, you dunce.

Then this will come as a surprise.

"they leave foreign government tracks when they hack to make it appear as if someone else did it.. "
Exactly.....which is why there was never any proof of Russians hacking.
And this will come as a surprise.

Soooo.....Trump was correct as far as indicating that the Obama administration surveilled and gathered information from his headquarters....but not correct as to the extent of that surveillance.
Trump was correct with respect to his being surveilled by the Obama administration.
And that is the full story, and the truth.

Those are just two of your many lies. with the third and forth being you don't lie.
1. I never lie
4. BTW....I never lie, you dunce.

Then this will come as a surprise.

"they leave foreign government tracks when they hack to make it appear as if someone else did it.. "
Exactly.....which is why there was never any proof of Russians hacking.
And this will come as a surprise.

Soooo.....Trump was correct as far as indicating that the Obama administration surveilled and gathered information from his headquarters....but not correct as to the extent of that surveillance.
Trump was correct with respect to his being surveilled by the Obama administration.
And that is the full story, and the truth.

Those are just two of your many lies. with the third and forth being you don't lie.

How could they be lies.....

They're both correct.

1. "The FBI investigated a Trump server in its Russia probe, but no charges are expected by John Solomon and Sara Carter

The months-long [Obama] FBI counterintelligence investigation into Russian efforts to influence the 2016 presidential campaign briefly investigated a computer server tied to Donald Trump's businesses near the end of the election but has not gathered evidence of election tampering to date that would warrant criminal charges against any of the president’s associates, Circa has learned." FBI probe of Donald Trump and Russia during election yielded no evidence of crimes

Get that???

"....the [Obama] FBI ... briefly investigated a computer server tied to Donald Trump's businesses near the end of the election..."

2. sur·veil

past tense: surveilled; past participle: surveilled
keep (a person or place) under surveillance.
as in "he deployed FBI agents to surveil the offices of those companies"

Trump was correct with respect to his being surveilled by the Obama administration.

3. . Nunes has said he has seen proof that the Obama White House surveilled the incoming administration—on subjects that had nothing to do with Russia—and that it further unmasked (identified by name) transition officials. This goes far beyond a mere scandal. It’s a potential crime.

4. We’ve known since early February that a call by former national security adviser Mike Flynn to the Russian ambassador was monitored by U.S. intelligence. There’s nothing improper in tapping foreign officials. But it was improper that Mr. Flynn’s name was revealed and leaked to the press, along with the substance of his conversation. The media nonetheless excused all this by claiming one piece of Mr. Flynn’s conversation... was relevant to the continuing investigation into Trump-Russia ties.

... Nunes’s own intelligence sources informed him that documents showed further collection of information about, and unmasking of, Trump transition officials.

Here are the relevant details:

First, there were dozens of documents with information about Trump officials.
Second, the information these documents contained was not related to Russia.
Third, ... they were written in ways that made clear which Trump officials were being discussed.
Fourth, in at least one instance, a Trump official other than Mr. Flynn was outright unmasked.
Finally, these documents were circulated at the highest levels of government.

To sum up, Team Obama was spying broadly on the incoming administration." What Devin Nunes Knows

Game, Set, Match.

I never lie.....


I'm never wrong.
1a Agreed
2a Agreed
3a Agreed, but with these caveats:
  • not every citizen is a responsible gun owner
  • gun owners do not have a use of force policy
  • not all gun owners are sober nor are all gun owners sane
  • not all gun owners are capable of making good judgments
  • some gun owners seek an opportunity to be a vigilante
  • with a gun in their possession pesons feel enabled to do things they might not otherwise do
  • all of these apply to LE Officers, which is why range and classroom are both part of continuous training.
Common sense leaves the room when gun control is debated for the reasons in my initial post. We can argue all day on the meaning of "shall", but common sense suggests some form of gun control makes sense. I posted a direct quote on the word from a legal dictionary.

First convince us murderers and rapists will obey gun control laws, otherwise there's nothing to discuss.

Just astounding how stupid these Liberals are....

...hard to imagine the amount of ignorance necessary behind putting up "Gun Free Zone" signs.

Don't fall for their lies PC, they know gun control laws don't work on criminals they are not 'that' stupid. But they will pretend they do to attack the rights of law abiding gun owners.
Doesn't that depend on just who you say are law biding? People with mental issues allowed ??? Really?

Mentally ill people will obey your gun control laws? Okay, give us an example of a gun control law that will work on mentally ill people.
I'm not gonna argue with you blues Let every sick F have a gun Every republican
First convince us murderers and rapists will obey gun control laws, otherwise there's nothing to discuss.

Just astounding how stupid these Liberals are....

...hard to imagine the amount of ignorance necessary behind putting up "Gun Free Zone" signs.

Don't fall for their lies PC, they know gun control laws don't work on criminals they are not 'that' stupid. But they will pretend they do to attack the rights of law abiding gun owners.
Doesn't that depend on just who you say are law biding? People with mental issues allowed ??? Really?

Mentally ill people will obey your gun control laws? Okay, give us an example of a gun control law that will work on mentally ill people.
I'm not gonna argue with you blues Let every sick F have a gun Every republican

That is wise.
1. I never lie
4. BTW....I never lie, you dunce.
Then this will come as a surprise.
"they leave foreign government tracks when they hack to make it appear as if someone else did it.. "
Exactly.....which is why there was never any proof of Russians hacking.
And this will come as a surprise.
Soooo.....Trump was correct as far as indicating that the Obama administration surveilled and gathered information from his headquarters....but not correct as to the extent of that surveillance.
Trump was correct with respect to his being surveilled by the Obama administration.
And that is the full story, and the truth.
Those are just two of your many lies. with the third and forth being you don't lie.

How could they be lies.....

They're both correct.

Liar. There is proof Russia hacked the DNC server , and tried to hack 23 state election systems.

And it's been proved that Trump wasn't under Obama surveilance. Your'e confusing the wiretaps of Manafort and Kislyak/

That's two proven lies, that your pre-Mueller quotes mean nothing, the truth that has come out under senate and house investigations proves you lied.
1. I never lie
4. BTW....I never lie, you dunce.
Then this will come as a surprise.
"they leave foreign government tracks when they hack to make it appear as if someone else did it.. "
Exactly.....which is why there was never any proof of Russians hacking.
And this will come as a surprise.
Soooo.....Trump was correct as far as indicating that the Obama administration surveilled and gathered information from his headquarters....but not correct as to the extent of that surveillance.
Trump was correct with respect to his being surveilled by the Obama administration.
And that is the full story, and the truth.
Those are just two of your many lies. with the third and forth being you don't lie.

How could they be lies.....

They're both correct.

Liar. There is proof Russia hacked the DNC server , and tried to hack 23 state election systems.

And it's been proved that Trump wasn't under Obama surveilance. Your'e confusing the wiretaps of Manafort and Kislyak/

That's two proven lies, that your pre-Mueller quotes mean nothing, the truth that has come out under senate and house investigations proves you lied.
PC is having a bad day
Exactly.....which is why there was never any proof of Russians hacking.

Trump was correct with respect to his being surveilled by the Obama administration.
And that is the full story, and the truth.

Those are just two of your many lies. with the third and forth being you don't lie.

How could they be lies.....

They're both correct.

Liar. There is proof Russia hacked the DNC server , and tried to hack 23 state election systems.

And it's been proved that Trump wasn't under Obama surveilance. Your'e confusing the wiretaps of Manafort and Kislyak/

That's two proven lies, that your pre-Mueller quotes mean nothing, the truth that has come out under senate and house investigations proves you lied.

And then you lied twice more, claiming you never lie.
1. I never lie
4. BTW....I never lie, you dunce.
Then this will come as a surprise.
"they leave foreign government tracks when they hack to make it appear as if someone else did it.. "
Exactly.....which is why there was never any proof of Russians hacking.
And this will come as a surprise.
Soooo.....Trump was correct as far as indicating that the Obama administration surveilled and gathered information from his headquarters....but not correct as to the extent of that surveillance.
Trump was correct with respect to his being surveilled by the Obama administration.
And that is the full story, and the truth.
Those are just two of your many lies. with the third and forth being you don't lie.

How could they be lies.....

They're both correct.

Liar. There is proof Russia hacked the DNC server , and tried to hack 23 state election systems.

And it's been proved that Trump wasn't under Obama surveilance. Your'e confusing the wiretaps of Manafort and Kislyak/

That's two proven lies, that your pre-Mueller quotes mean nothing, the truth that has come out under senate and house investigations proves you lied.

Is it so easy to prove you're a liar because you're so darn stupid???

Silly me....of course that's why....after all, you're a Liberal and a government school grad....

Now watch this:


Now, say 'duuuhhhhhhhh....'
1. I never lie
4. BTW....I never lie, you dunce.
Then this will come as a surprise.
"they leave foreign government tracks when they hack to make it appear as if someone else did it.. "
Exactly.....which is why there was never any proof of Russians hacking.
And this will come as a surprise.
Soooo.....Trump was correct as far as indicating that the Obama administration surveilled and gathered information from his headquarters....but not correct as to the extent of that surveillance.
Trump was correct with respect to his being surveilled by the Obama administration.
And that is the full story, and the truth.
Those are just two of your many lies. with the third and forth being you don't lie.

How could they be lies.....

They're both correct.

Liar. There is proof Russia hacked the DNC server , and tried to hack 23 state election systems.

And it's been proved that Trump wasn't under Obama surveilance. Your'e confusing the wiretaps of Manafort and Kislyak/

That's two proven lies, that your pre-Mueller quotes mean nothing, the truth that has come out under senate and house investigations proves you lied.
PC is having a bad day

I wiped up the floor with you.....and the Yankees got Stanton....

How's that a bad day????
1. I never lie
4. BTW....I never lie, you dunce.
Then this will come as a surprise.
"they leave foreign government tracks when they hack to make it appear as if someone else did it.. "
Exactly.....which is why there was never any proof of Russians hacking.
And this will come as a surprise.
Soooo.....Trump was correct as far as indicating that the Obama administration surveilled and gathered information from his headquarters....but not correct as to the extent of that surveillance.
Trump was correct with respect to his being surveilled by the Obama administration.
And that is the full story, and the truth.
Those are just two of your many lies. with the third and forth being you don't lie.

How could they be lies.....

They're both correct.

Liar. There is proof Russia hacked the DNC server , and tried to hack 23 state election systems.

And it's been proved that Trump wasn't under Obama surveilance. Your'e confusing the wiretaps of Manafort and Kislyak/

That's two proven lies, that your pre-Mueller quotes mean nothing, the truth that has come out under senate and house investigations proves you lied.
PC is having a bad day

I wiped up the floor with you.....and the Yankees got Stanton....

How's that a bad day????
He strikes out a lot too and no more poker tables for you
1. I never lie
4. BTW....I never lie, you dunce.
Then this will come as a surprise.
"they leave foreign government tracks when they hack to make it appear as if someone else did it.. "
Exactly.....which is why there was never any proof of Russians hacking.
And this will come as a surprise.
Soooo.....Trump was correct as far as indicating that the Obama administration surveilled and gathered information from his headquarters....but not correct as to the extent of that surveillance.
Trump was correct with respect to his being surveilled by the Obama administration.
And that is the full story, and the truth.
Those are just two of your many lies. with the third and forth being you don't lie.

How could they be lies.....

They're both correct.

Liar. There is proof Russia hacked the DNC server , and tried to hack 23 state election systems.

And it's been proved that Trump wasn't under Obama surveilance. Your'e confusing the wiretaps of Manafort and Kislyak/

That's two proven lies, that your pre-Mueller quotes mean nothing, the truth that has come out under senate and house investigations proves you lied.

Is it so easy to prove you're a liar because you're so darn stupid???

Silly me....of course that's why....after all, you're a Liberal and a government school grad....

Now watch this:


Now, say 'duuuhhhhhhhh....'
Data NOT taken from tap on DUMP
1. I never lie
4. BTW....I never lie, you dunce.
Then this will come as a surprise.
"they leave foreign government tracks when they hack to make it appear as if someone else did it.. "
Exactly.....which is why there was never any proof of Russians hacking.
And this will come as a surprise.
Soooo.....Trump was correct as far as indicating that the Obama administration surveilled and gathered information from his headquarters....but not correct as to the extent of that surveillance.
Trump was correct with respect to his being surveilled by the Obama administration.
And that is the full story, and the truth.
Those are just two of your many lies. with the third and forth being you don't lie.

How could they be lies.....

They're both correct.

Liar. There is proof Russia hacked the DNC server , and tried to hack 23 state election systems.

And it's been proved that Trump wasn't under Obama surveilance. Your'e confusing the wiretaps of Manafort and Kislyak/

That's two proven lies, that your pre-Mueller quotes mean nothing, the truth that has come out under senate and house investigations proves you lied.

Is it so easy to prove you're a liar because you're so darn stupid???

Silly me....of course that's why....after all, you're a Liberal and a government school grad....

Now watch this:


Now, say 'duuuhhhhhhhh....'
Didn't read it did ya?

Does nothing to show that Trump was being wiretapped
1. I never lie
4. BTW....I never lie, you dunce.
Then this will come as a surprise.
"they leave foreign government tracks when they hack to make it appear as if someone else did it.. "
Exactly.....which is why there was never any proof of Russians hacking.
And this will come as a surprise.
Soooo.....Trump was correct as far as indicating that the Obama administration surveilled and gathered information from his headquarters....but not correct as to the extent of that surveillance.
Trump was correct with respect to his being surveilled by the Obama administration.
And that is the full story, and the truth.
Those are just two of your many lies. with the third and forth being you don't lie.

How could they be lies.....

They're both correct.

Liar. There is proof Russia hacked the DNC server , and tried to hack 23 state election systems.

And it's been proved that Trump wasn't under Obama surveilance. Your'e confusing the wiretaps of Manafort and Kislyak/

That's two proven lies, that your pre-Mueller quotes mean nothing, the truth that has come out under senate and house investigations proves you lied.

Is it so easy to prove you're a liar because you're so darn stupid???

Silly me....of course that's why....after all, you're a Liberal and a government school grad....

Now watch this:


Now, say 'duuuhhhhhhhh....'
Didn't read it did ya?

Does nothing to show that Trump was being wiretapped
You know what's really sad?? It's when some one like PC is wrong so often and like trump,refuses to admit it
1. I never lie
4. BTW....I never lie, you dunce.
Then this will come as a surprise.
"they leave foreign government tracks when they hack to make it appear as if someone else did it.. "
Exactly.....which is why there was never any proof of Russians hacking.
And this will come as a surprise.
Soooo.....Trump was correct as far as indicating that the Obama administration surveilled and gathered information from his headquarters....but not correct as to the extent of that surveillance.
Trump was correct with respect to his being surveilled by the Obama administration.
And that is the full story, and the truth.
Those are just two of your many lies. with the third and forth being you don't lie.

How could they be lies.....

They're both correct.

Liar. There is proof Russia hacked the DNC server , and tried to hack 23 state election systems.

And it's been proved that Trump wasn't under Obama surveilance. Your'e confusing the wiretaps of Manafort and Kislyak/

That's two proven lies, that your pre-Mueller quotes mean nothing, the truth that has come out under senate and house investigations proves you lied.

Is it so easy to prove you're a liar because you're so darn stupid???

Silly me....of course that's why....after all, you're a Liberal and a government school grad....

Now watch this:


Now, say 'duuuhhhhhhhh....'
Didn't read it did ya?

Does nothing to show that Trump was being wiretapped
You know what's really sad?? It's when some one like PC is wrong so often and like trump,refuses to admit it

OK....a one question IQ test......lot of pressure here....

Who is the better President for Americans, Obama or Trump?

1. Obama is the first President never to have had a year of 3% or better economic growth: "... annual growth during Obama’s “recovery” has never topped 3%. By comparison, it never fell below 3% during the Reagan recovery. And in the nine years following the 1990-91 recession, GDP grew faster than 3% in all but two. Heck, even Jimmy Carter had some strong growth years." President Obama's Growth Gap Hits $1.31 Trillion | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

a. "The years since 2007 have been a macroeconomic disaster for the United States of a magnitude unprecedented since the Great Depression." Obama: Always Wrong, Never In Doubt

b. ".... first president since Hoover to never have a single year above 3% GDP growth."Obama economy is 'amazing,' says hedge fund billionaire

Now....we have this:

2. "Trump Jobs Numbers Out: Unemployment at 17 year Low, 2.2 Million New Jobs Since Election, More Americans Working than Ever!
President Trump’s Economy is Simply “On Fire”.
Job numbers released today through the end of November show an increase of 2.2 million jobs since last years election and an unemployment rate of 4.1 percent. After the same period under Obama, (4.8) million jobs were lost and unemployment skyrocketed to 9.9 percent!" Trump Jobs Numbers Out: Unemployment at 17 year Low, 2.2 Million New Jobs Since Election, More Americans Working than Ever!
1. I never lie
4. BTW....I never lie, you dunce.
Then this will come as a surprise.
"they leave foreign government tracks when they hack to make it appear as if someone else did it.. "
Exactly.....which is why there was never any proof of Russians hacking.
And this will come as a surprise.
Soooo.....Trump was correct as far as indicating that the Obama administration surveilled and gathered information from his headquarters....but not correct as to the extent of that surveillance.
Trump was correct with respect to his being surveilled by the Obama administration.
And that is the full story, and the truth.
Those are just two of your many lies. with the third and forth being you don't lie.

How could they be lies.....

They're both correct.

Liar. There is proof Russia hacked the DNC server , and tried to hack 23 state election systems.

And it's been proved that Trump wasn't under Obama surveilance. Your'e confusing the wiretaps of Manafort and Kislyak/

That's two proven lies, that your pre-Mueller quotes mean nothing, the truth that has come out under senate and house investigations proves you lied.

Is it so easy to prove you're a liar because you're so darn stupid???

Silly me....of course that's why....after all, you're a Liberal and a government school grad....

Now watch this:


Now, say 'duuuhhhhhhhh....'
Didn't read it did ya?

Does nothing to show that Trump was being wiretapped
You know what's really sad?? It's when some one like PC is wrong so often and like trump,refuses to admit it
When caught in a lie

Keep lying
Then this will come as a surprise.
And this will come as a surprise.
Those are just two of your many lies. with the third and forth being you don't lie.

How could they be lies.....

They're both correct.

Liar. There is proof Russia hacked the DNC server , and tried to hack 23 state election systems.

And it's been proved that Trump wasn't under Obama surveilance. Your'e confusing the wiretaps of Manafort and Kislyak/

That's two proven lies, that your pre-Mueller quotes mean nothing, the truth that has come out under senate and house investigations proves you lied.

Is it so easy to prove you're a liar because you're so darn stupid???

Silly me....of course that's why....after all, you're a Liberal and a government school grad....

Now watch this:


Now, say 'duuuhhhhhhhh....'
Didn't read it did ya?

Does nothing to show that Trump was being wiretapped
You know what's really sad?? It's when some one like PC is wrong so often and like trump,refuses to admit it

OK....a one question IQ test......lot of pressure here....

Who is the better President for Americans, Obama or Trump?

1. Obama is the first President never to have had a year of 3% or better economic growth: "... annual growth during Obama’s “recovery” has never topped 3%. By comparison, it never fell below 3% during the Reagan recovery. And in the nine years following the 1990-91 recession, GDP grew faster than 3% in all but two. Heck, even Jimmy Carter had some strong growth years." President Obama's Growth Gap Hits $1.31 Trillion | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

a. "The years since 2007 have been a macroeconomic disaster for the United States of a magnitude unprecedented since the Great Depression." Obama: Always Wrong, Never In Doubt

b. ".... first president since Hoover to never have a single year above 3% GDP growth."Obama economy is 'amazing,' says hedge fund billionaire

Now....we have this:

2. "Trump Jobs Numbers Out: Unemployment at 17 year Low, 2.2 Million New Jobs Since Election, More Americans Working than Ever!
President Trump’s Economy is Simply “On Fire”.
Job numbers released today through the end of November show an increase of 2.2 million jobs since last years election and an unemployment rate of 4.1 percent. After the same period under Obama, (4.8) million jobs were lost and unemployment skyrocketed to 9.9 percent!" Trump Jobs Numbers Out: Unemployment at 17 year Low, 2.2 Million New Jobs Since Election, More Americans Working than Ever!
He had 8 quarters of 3% and Obama brought the repub unemployment of 9+ % down to 4+ Trump is riding Obamas coat tails
Liar. There is proof Russia hacked the DNC server , and tried to hack 23 state election systems.

And it's been proved that Trump wasn't under Obama surveilance. Your'e confusing the wiretaps of Manafort and Kislyak/

That's two proven lies, that your pre-Mueller quotes mean nothing, the truth that has come out under senate and house investigations proves you lied.

Is it so easy to prove you're a liar because you're so darn stupid???

Silly me....of course that's why....after all, you're a Liberal and a government school grad....

Now watch this:


Now, say 'duuuhhhhhhhh....'
Didn't read it did ya?

Does nothing to show that Trump was being wiretapped
You know what's really sad?? It's when some one like PC is wrong so often and like trump,refuses to admit it

OK....a one question IQ test......lot of pressure here....

Who is the better President for Americans, Obama or Trump?

1. Obama is the first President never to have had a year of 3% or better economic growth: "... annual growth during Obama’s “recovery” has never topped 3%. By comparison, it never fell below 3% during the Reagan recovery. And in the nine years following the 1990-91 recession, GDP grew faster than 3% in all but two. Heck, even Jimmy Carter had some strong growth years." President Obama's Growth Gap Hits $1.31 Trillion | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

a. "The years since 2007 have been a macroeconomic disaster for the United States of a magnitude unprecedented since the Great Depression." Obama: Always Wrong, Never In Doubt

b. ".... first president since Hoover to never have a single year above 3% GDP growth."Obama economy is 'amazing,' says hedge fund billionaire

Now....we have this:

2. "Trump Jobs Numbers Out: Unemployment at 17 year Low, 2.2 Million New Jobs Since Election, More Americans Working than Ever!
President Trump’s Economy is Simply “On Fire”.
Job numbers released today through the end of November show an increase of 2.2 million jobs since last years election and an unemployment rate of 4.1 percent. After the same period under Obama, (4.8) million jobs were lost and unemployment skyrocketed to 9.9 percent!" Trump Jobs Numbers Out: Unemployment at 17 year Low, 2.2 Million New Jobs Since Election, More Americans Working than Ever!
He had 8 quarters of 3% and Obama brought the repub unemployment of 9+ % down to 4+ Trump is riding Obamas coat tails

I understand why you fear answering that question.

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