Dixie Chicks Perform with Background Portraying Donald Trump as the Devil

The DC's apparently know libs are stupid sheep.

Raise an anti Trump banner and they will come...
Libs never met a leftist anti American whiner they didn't like.
Depicting temper tantrum serial liar racist Donald the scam artist fraudster as an evil asshole is pro-American and patriotic.
So buy a ticket mr patriotic and stop whining that conservatives don't want to.

The attention whore chicks made their bed...
The only ones whining are the temper tantrum Trump serial liar fraudster followers who are butt hurt because America's record holding female band is mocking their cult leader to the cheers of loyal fans at full venue concerts, made fuller by castigating your cult master.
I mock the Dixie Chicks because they are stupid.

Has nothing to do with Trump.
How do these dingbats make a living when they insist on pissing off their customers?

The Dixie Chicks kicked off their DCX MMXVI World Tour Friday in Cincinnati by performing in front of a massive backdrop showing Republican presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump with devil horns on his head and a satanic mustache and goatee.

Last night’s politically-charged performance wasn’t the first time the Texas-based country music band used their celebrity status to take shots at a major Republican party leader.

During a performance in London in 2003, Dixie Chicks lead singer Natalie Maines told the crowd that she was “ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas.” Maines’ attack on President George W. Bush led to music stations across the United States pulling the Chicks from their radio playlists.

Nearly 10 years after attacking Bush, Maines doubled down, saying, “I was right from the beginning.”

She later tweeted that she was right to attack Bush, calling her detractors “#dummies.”

The 41-year-old has bashed Trump before Friday’s night concert. The singer took to Twitter back in January and tossed out a recycled joke about Donald Trump’s hair.

Who was offended?


Most people who listen to country music are Republicans.
Oh Gawd, more irrelevants desperately trying to be relevant again. When i see stories like this, i actually feel bad for these folks. It's like that aging Mother dressing up in her young daughter's clothes. So desperately starved for attention. It just plain sad and pathetic.
How do these dingbats make a living when they insist on pissing off their customers?

The Dixie Chicks kicked off their DCX MMXVI World Tour Friday in Cincinnati by performing in front of a massive backdrop showing Republican presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump with devil horns on his head and a satanic mustache and goatee.

Last night’s politically-charged performance wasn’t the first time the Texas-based country music band used their celebrity status to take shots at a major Republican party leader.

During a performance in London in 2003, Dixie Chicks lead singer Natalie Maines told the crowd that she was “ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas.” Maines’ attack on President George W. Bush led to music stations across the United States pulling the Chicks from their radio playlists.

Nearly 10 years after attacking Bush, Maines doubled down, saying, “I was right from the beginning.”

She later tweeted that she was right to attack Bush, calling her detractors “#dummies.”

The 41-year-old has bashed Trump before Friday’s night concert. The singer took to Twitter back in January and tossed out a recycled joke about Donald Trump’s hair.

Who was offended?


Most people who listen to country music are Republicans.
So are most of the people on welfare.
Libs never met a leftist anti American whiner they didn't like.
Depicting temper tantrum serial liar racist Donald the scam artist fraudster as an evil asshole is pro-American and patriotic.
So buy a ticket mr patriotic and stop whining that conservatives don't want to.

The attention whore chicks made their bed...
The only ones whining are the temper tantrum Trump serial liar fraudster followers who are butt hurt because America's record holding female band is mocking their cult leader to the cheers of loyal fans at full venue concerts, made fuller by castigating your cult master.
I mock the Dixie Chicks because they are stupid.

Has nothing to do with Trump.
You wouldn't care at all about the Dixie Chics if they weren't contributing to Donnie's upcoming campaign flame out and rejection of him being anywhere near the White House. It may even help contribute to some states abstaining in a first ballot vote at the convention that will result in a no holds barred second ballot vote that will seal his fate to becoming a footnote in history.
How do these dingbats make a living when they insist on pissing off their customers?

The Dixie Chicks kicked off their DCX MMXVI World Tour Friday in Cincinnati by performing in front of a massive backdrop showing Republican presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump with devil horns on his head and a satanic mustache and goatee.

Last night’s politically-charged performance wasn’t the first time the Texas-based country music band used their celebrity status to take shots at a major Republican party leader.

During a performance in London in 2003, Dixie Chicks lead singer Natalie Maines told the crowd that she was “ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas.” Maines’ attack on President George W. Bush led to music stations across the United States pulling the Chicks from their radio playlists.

Nearly 10 years after attacking Bush, Maines doubled down, saying, “I was right from the beginning.”

She later tweeted that she was right to attack Bush, calling her detractors “#dummies.”

The 41-year-old has bashed Trump before Friday’s night concert. The singer took to Twitter back in January and tossed out a recycled joke about Donald Trump’s hair.

Who was offended?


Most people who listen to country music are Republicans.

Sad, but true. I grew up listening to country music until I realized they were not only Republicans - they were narrow-minded NaziCons. That's why I find the Dixie Chicks so refreshing - and sane. Go Chicks!!!!!
Talk about trashing a promising career....lol I thought they had walked off the planet. I don't think even our local Indian casino would put them on stage. lmao
Libs never met a leftist anti American whiner they didn't like.
Depicting temper tantrum serial liar racist Donald the scam artist fraudster as an evil asshole is pro-American and patriotic.
So buy a ticket mr patriotic and stop whining that conservatives don't want to.

The attention whore chicks made their bed...
The only ones whining are the temper tantrum Trump serial liar fraudster followers who are butt hurt because America's record holding female band is mocking their cult leader to the cheers of loyal fans at full venue concerts, made fuller by castigating your cult master.
I mock the Dixie Chicks because they are stupid.

Has nothing to do with Trump.
You wouldn't care at all about the Dixie Chics if they weren't contributing to Donnie's upcoming campaign flame out and rejection of him being anywhere near the White House. It may even help contribute to some states abstaining in a first ballot vote at the convention that will result in a no holds barred second ballot vote that will seal his fate to becoming a footnote in history.
I don't care about them now. See me not buying a ticket to watch them whine?

However ...I mocked them the last time they were being whiny twats too...

Boo hoo.
13 years ago the DixiTwits tried this political nonsense & fell from success as a result. This is their first major tour after a long struggle to regain their former glory and this was their FIRST SHOW on that tour. In addition to this stupidity they have to realize that more than half of their fanbase leans republican and thats probably lowballing the %.
It just makes no sense from a business standpoint. NONE
How do these dingbats make a living when they insist on pissing off their customers?

The Dixie Chicks kicked off their DCX MMXVI World Tour Friday in Cincinnati by performing in front of a massive backdrop showing Republican presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump with devil horns on his head and a satanic mustache and goatee.

Last night’s politically-charged performance wasn’t the first time the Texas-based country music band used their celebrity status to take shots at a major Republican party leader.

During a performance in London in 2003, Dixie Chicks lead singer Natalie Maines told the crowd that she was “ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas.” Maines’ attack on President George W. Bush led to music stations across the United States pulling the Chicks from their radio playlists.

Nearly 10 years after attacking Bush, Maines doubled down, saying, “I was right from the beginning.”

She later tweeted that she was right to attack Bush, calling her detractors “#dummies.”

The 41-year-old has bashed Trump before Friday’s night concert. The singer took to Twitter back in January and tossed out a recycled joke about Donald Trump’s hair.

Who was offended?


Most people who listen to country music are Republicans.

Sad, but true. I grew up listening to country music until I realized they were not only Republicans - they were narrow-minded NaziCons. That's why I find the Dixie Chicks so refreshing - and sane. Go Chicks!!!!!
^^^ LOL at the sock thinking everyone believes they go to concerts.
So, if I decide to not sell your product you are being censored? That's idiotic.
I know you arent very bright but its a little more involved than that. If I have a #1 record you were previously playing and selling and you pull it because you dont like my views then thats censorship. If you decide you dont want to buy my record thats boycotting. Does that make sense to you now?

Not it isn't dummy. Weren't you libs cheering the other Day over Cadillac pulling their support of the PGA tour because of Donald Trump? Is that censorship?
Trump is on the PGA tour? If so thats censorship depending on the relationship.

His course hosted the tour... Cadillac sponsored the tour. And no, it isn't censorship. It was business decision, pure and simple.
I agree even though I am wondering why you used that as an example. If Trump was speaking at the tour and they cancelled it that would be censorship. BTW pulling a #1 record is not good business. Its the opposite of good business.

Well, that may be.... I'm not a fan of them. Not because of politics, just not my genre... I'm a punk rock guy. I went and saw Keith Morris and he yammered on about politics. Saw Henry Rollins, same thing. Just play your fucking music!
13 years ago the DixiTwits tried this political nonsense & fell from success as a result. This is their first major tour after a long struggle to regain their former glory and this was their FIRST SHOW on that tour. In addition to this stupidity they have to realize that more than half of their fanbase leans republican and thats probably lowballing the %.
It just makes no sense from a business standpoint. NONE

I have to agree with the grammar fag, I have not heard of the Dixie chicks since yesterday when an old girlfriend posted she went to a concert at tinley park yesterday, I thought they broke up or something..

That is hilarious. I like how it's drawn on, kind of tongue in cheek, though they are obviously not supporters of Trump. OP and Breitbart at large need to clean the sand out of their vaginas.

13 years ago the DixiTwits tried this political nonsense & fell from success as a result. This is their first major tour after a long struggle to regain their former glory and this was their FIRST SHOW on that tour. In addition to this stupidity they have to realize that more than half of their fanbase leans republican and thats probably lowballing the %.
It just makes no sense from a business standpoint. NONE
They have been selling music and touring. Not sure what you consider a major tour. They have had sell out concerts year after year, but most of them in Canada and Europe. Money is the same.
Not that I expect Liberals to be honest or unbiased here, but can you imagine if Conservatives put up a picture of Obama or Hillary looking like a devil like this?! The 'racist' and 'war on women' hate-filled comments would be rampant, there would be violence against the concert-goers, and liberals would do everything they could to destroy the band.
The 'Dixie WHO'?!

Oh yeah, that once-popular country female band that gave their personal political opinion and then had their career nose-dive, the band that obviously hasn't learned it's lesson.


Several years ago Barbara Streisand, in the middle of her concert, went on a political rant about Republicans...and an audience member stood up, told her he had paid to hear her SING, not to give her political opinion, told her to shut up and to sing. She was outraged. People clapped. Of course then the liberal diva had the guy thrown out (to the sound of boos for doing so).

Same thing with Hollywood - just because actors and actresses are famous they think their opinion is suddenly better than everyone else's & they are doing people a favor by giving it out.

EVERYONE has an opinion - your is NOT that special. You're being paid to entertain - shut up and entertain.
Does this go for Ted Shitpants as well? Or toby keith? Or is it only for those that you deem liberals?

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