DNC: Ann Romney 'never worked a day in her life'

Now we have Obama claiming his wife had to work, when he was in the Senate, he only made 169k a year and they struggled. Talk about out of touch! She had her job that paid 121k the first year and got bumped to over 300k the next! Seems to me our President is a 1%, just like his opponent Romney!

You ever wonder how much bailout money was spent on those Romney run companies? In fact with all the money being given to like Solyndra and other now bankrupt companies, maybe Obama should have given it to Romney, at least the people would get a an ROI!

You do realize that romney paid more in taxes last year than obama has made his entire politcal career don't you?

Furthermore obama does admit that he makes a decent amount of money and says that he should be taxed at a higher rate. based on that alone your argument is beyond absurd.

Obama was raised by very wealthy grandparents. He never went to a public school in his entire life. Once they died he inherited all of that--and he made several million on his 2 books.
Keep dreaming, clowns. Your Rovian tactics won't close that gender gap.

That's because as a leftwing extremist, you have a low opinion of human beings in the first place -it is a requirement in order to even be a leftwing extremist. But the left doesn't stop there -they truly believe women are mindless bitches willing to sell off the rights and freedoms for as little as $9 a month. The left believes they OWN women, they OWN gays, they OWN Hispanics and they absolutely STILL own blacks -just as they did when it was legal to do so.

The assumption that women are too stupid to see dumb ass ploys in order to distract people from the real issues and in order to get people to talk about ANYTHING except Obama's record -is typical of the left who seriously believes they have an inherent right to RULE and that the rest of us exist as the useful idiots of the left (as several leftwing extremists themselves have identified their own supporters who cheerfully parrot whatever lying bullshit they are told by their handlers. The left believes people are stupid, they are cows who exist to be led around by the nose and to MOO on command. So the useful idiots drag out a very deceptive poll pretending it shows Romney in trouble with women hoping that makes the other dumb bitches go "oh, women don't like Romney, I guess that means I shouldn't like him either! Oh Obama all the way and maybe I can get some of those "free" birth control pills!" Except a couple of problems with that. The poll is from ABC -ranked 17th in accuracy -pretty much on the bottom because they sacrificed accuracy for doing all they can to manipulate the public long ago and with too many examples to back that up to go into here. And the left isn't talking about the poll from the most reliable pollster showing that among likely voters (known to produce far more accurate results), it shows Romney leading Obama. Already. And he hasn't even gotten his bump from the convention when officially given the nomination. Not a good sign for Mr. Poverty Grower at this stage. At this point, Jimmy Carter, the President Obama is most like (in spite of him pretending he compares favorably to every great President in history when he will be at the bottom along with Carter) -was LEADING Reagan in every poll. But Obama knows best, right? And he is positive he can convince Americans to replace the American value of the individual and individualism -with the communist one of greed and envy.

The left and Obama claims to speak for the poor -even as they deliberately pursue poverty creating policies. It is why the only economic class to grow under Obama was those existing in POVERTY -with the highest rate of poverty in over 50 years. THAT is what happens when Democrats are given full control of both houses of Congress and the Presidency -they made MILLIONS more people poor. That is their crowning achievement and do NOT kid yourself that they are THRILLED about it. For real. But it makes total sense, doesn't it? If the left claims THEY represent the interests of the poor -then naturally they would want to INCREASE their ranks and have MORE of them. And with Obama -Democrats got exactly what they were really after with their deliberate decision to grow the number of poor who they believe will be far more likely to vote for them in exchange for promises to increase government handouts in drips and drabs.

The left also claims Republicans represent the interests of the wealthy -and let's pretend that is really true. Then likewise it would stand to reason Republicans would want to grow the ranks of the RICH who would be more likely to vote for them -and have fewer poor who would be less likely to vote for them!

Ignore what Democrats SAY because they are skilled in using touchy-feely words to hide what they are really up to -and pay attention to what they DO. Look at the RESULTS -not the WORDS. And the results are FAR more poverty in this country than we have seen in over 50 years. The economy was far worse under Carter -but poverty is far worse under Obama. He is THAT good at knowing how to grow it, even superior to Carter who was no slouch at it himself. The results are a TRUE unemployment rate of 15% and the results are gas prices more than doubling under this President. There is no gas shortage -the reason prices are rising is because the fed is printing money like wild -making YOUR money worth less every single day. On purpose.

If you think THIS is as good as it gets under a President -then vote to keep this lying ass poverty growing Chicago thug politician in office. Pretty damn simple -because THAT is all this election is about. Not any phony, trumped up pretend "issue" intended to distract people. It is about HIM -and either THIS is as good as it gets under a President or it isn't and it is time to find someone better able to grow something other than poverty. Obama has a proven track record of only being able to grow POVERTY and with every word out of his mouth today while using taxpayer money to campaign against Romney -he promises to double down on that.

However I'm voting for the one with a proven track record of growing wealth.
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What was wrong was Mitt going on about her being his "expert" on women. He should leave her out of politics if he doesn't want her merits challenged.

So, a woman who chooses to be a stay at home mother has no merits?


There really IS a DNC War on Mothers, AND on women.

Ann Romney is an EXPERT on women--she is one of them---:cuckoo::cuckoo: And she has her own experiences in life to share with women.

1. She is a breast cancer survivor
2. She has been diagnosed with MS
3. She has raised 5 children
4. She has 16 grandchildren
You know, only someone truly desperate tries to criticize someone over a typo instead of addressing the content of the post. Is that really all that you have to offer?? How sad.

Thanks again for nothing.

You know, only someone ashamed of his shortcomings tries to pretend a lack of facility with the English language is merely a "typo" no matter how often it reveals itself.

like I said, you are really desperate. The "h" key is right above the "b" key and I hit both by accident.

For you to try and use that to claim that I have a lack of understanding of the english language only serves to expose you as desperate to try and change the subject instead of debating the content of what I actually said.

The English language. You also failed to capitalize the first word of your first sentence.

See what I mean?
Im sure she has worked many days in her life. Do they think stay at home moms sit around all day doing nothing?

When you 100 Mexican maids, yes.

No illegals though, He Running For Office, For Pete's Sake !

How do you know she had any maids?? Mitt Romney has stated repeatedly that he didn't inherit any money from his father--so I would assume they started out like most couples--and did a hand to mouth for a number of years--before Romney became successful in business.

And who cares if she did have maids anyway? The stay at home moms that I know spend a lot of time volunteering at local schools to help children learn. They don't just bake cookies for school activities. This takes some of the pressure off of working moms who really don't have the extra time to do that. Of course, most of you thumb suckers wouldn't understand that.
I recall that Obama was pretty definite about leaving spouses and the family out of the fray back in 2008 and since, right up to and including today. Which is good IMHO, too bad his lib/dems associates didn't get the memo. It was a stupid thing to say; but I'm guessing the MSM would be all up in arms if a repub said that about a dem's wife.
To review- the OP is total BS for the dupes- a bumper sticker argument with no basis in fact- as always....DNC has nothing to do with it, and this never had anything to do with a mother's work. Total Pubcrappe.
Peel back the layer on a Liberal and find amazing hypocrisy.

Suppose the Left likes 'em barefoot and pregnant.

Obama and DNC advisor Hilary Rosen Attacks Ann Romney - YouTube

Someone over at the Huffington Post made a great point. Ann Romney may believe that raising children counts as work, and the majority of Americans may agree with her, but that's not how Republicans see it.

Thanks to welfare reform, recipients of federal benefits must prove to a caseworker that they have performed, over the course of a week, a certain number of hours of work.

The list shows 12 broad categories that are considered work. Raising children is not among them.

So are you righties now saying that mothers on welfare can count raising their kids as work? If not, why not?
Peel back the layer on a Liberal and find amazing hypocrisy.

Suppose the Left likes 'em barefoot and pregnant.

Obama and DNC advisor Hilary Rosen Attacks Ann Romney - YouTube

Someone over at the Huffington Post made a great point. Ann Romney may believe that raising children counts as work, and the majority of Americans may agree with her, but that's not how Republicans see it.

Thanks to welfare reform, recipients of federal benefits must prove to a caseworker that they have performed, over the course of a week, a certain number of hours of work.

The list shows 12 broad categories that are considered work. Raising children is not among them.

So are you righties now saying that mothers on welfare can count raising their kids as work? If not, why not?
Oh? Rosen is a Republican?

Wow, boy the spineless Dems will toss anyone under the bus.
Peel back the layer on a Liberal and find amazing hypocrisy.

Suppose the Left likes 'em barefoot and pregnant.

Obama and DNC advisor Hilary Rosen Attacks Ann Romney - YouTube

Someone over at the Huffington Post made a great point. Ann Romney may believe that raising children counts as work, and the majority of Americans may agree with her, but that's not how Republicans see it.

Thanks to welfare reform, recipients of federal benefits must prove to a caseworker that they have performed, over the course of a week, a certain number of hours of work.

The list shows 12 broad categories that are considered work. Raising children is not among them.

So are you righties now saying that mothers on welfare can count raising their kids as work? If not, why not?
Oh? Rosen is a Republican?

Wow, boy the spineless Dems will toss anyone under the bus.

I knew you wouldn't be able to answer my question. Your reply is the equivilant to I know you are but what am I. Simpleton.
Someone over at the Huffington Post made a great point. Ann Romney may believe that raising children counts as work, and the majority of Americans may agree with her, but that's not how Republicans see it.

Thanks to welfare reform, recipients of federal benefits must prove to a caseworker that they have performed, over the course of a week, a certain number of hours of work.

The list shows 12 broad categories that are considered work. Raising children is not among them.

So are you righties now saying that mothers on welfare can count raising their kids as work? If not, why not?
Oh? Rosen is a Republican?

Wow, boy the spineless Dems will toss anyone under the bus.

I knew you wouldn't be able to answer my question. Your reply is the equivilant to I know you are but what am I. Simpleton.
Well, the thread IS about the DNC's War on Mothers.
Oh? Rosen is a Republican?

Wow, boy the spineless Dems will toss anyone under the bus.

I knew you wouldn't be able to answer my question. Your reply is the equivilant to I know you are but what am I. Simpleton.
Well, the thread IS about the DNC's War on Mothers.

So you admit you are ignoring my question because it exposes the fact that Republicans don't think raising a child is or should be considered "work"

Because if you do then those welfare mothers can stop working 30 hours a week just to get welfare. Stop making them volunteer just to get their benefits. If you really appreciate how much work a stay at home mom does, you won't continue making poor women take 2 steps backward just to get 3 steps ahead.

Debunking your guys shit is just too easy. That's because all you guys ever have is talking points. But after a couple minutes of conversation, or a little bit of research, your hypocricy is easily exposed.
I knew you wouldn't be able to answer my question. Your reply is the equivilant to I know you are but what am I. Simpleton.
Well, the thread IS about the DNC's War on Mothers.

So you admit you are ignoring my question because it exposes the fact that Republicans don't think raising a child is or should be considered "work"

Because if you do then those welfare mothers can stop working 30 hours a week just to get welfare. Stop making them volunteer just to get their benefits. If you really appreciate how much work a stay at home mom does, you won't continue making poor women take 2 steps backward just to get 3 steps ahead.

Debunking your guys shit is just too easy. That's because all you guys ever have is talking points. But after a couple minutes of conversation, or a little bit of research, your hypocricy is easily exposed.
Actually, I admit to staying on topic, the DNC's War on Mothers.

Do try to focus.
Well, the thread IS about the DNC's War on Mothers.

So you admit you are ignoring my question because it exposes the fact that Republicans don't think raising a child is or should be considered "work"

Because if you do then those welfare mothers can stop working 30 hours a week just to get welfare. Stop making them volunteer just to get their benefits. If you really appreciate how much work a stay at home mom does, you won't continue making poor women take 2 steps backward just to get 3 steps ahead.

Debunking your guys shit is just too easy. That's because all you guys ever have is talking points. But after a couple minutes of conversation, or a little bit of research, your hypocricy is easily exposed.
Actually, I admit to staying on topic, the DNC's War on Mothers.

Do try to focus.

You keep repeating that over and over on two or three different threads. Got anything else to add besides that? Then I think you made your point. If I were a mod I'd warn you to stop saying the exact same thing on 3 threads over and over again. Getting old. You must not be that smart.
So you admit you are ignoring my question because it exposes the fact that Republicans don't think raising a child is or should be considered "work"

Because if you do then those welfare mothers can stop working 30 hours a week just to get welfare. Stop making them volunteer just to get their benefits. If you really appreciate how much work a stay at home mom does, you won't continue making poor women take 2 steps backward just to get 3 steps ahead.

Debunking your guys shit is just too easy. That's because all you guys ever have is talking points. But after a couple minutes of conversation, or a little bit of research, your hypocricy is easily exposed.
Actually, I admit to staying on topic, the DNC's War on Mothers.

Do try to focus.

You keep repeating that over and over on two or three different threads. Got anything else to add besides that? Then I think you made your point. If I were a mod I'd warn you to stop saying the exact same thing on 3 threads over and over again. Getting old. You must not be that smart.
Well, you may want actually to READ the thread and know what the topic is.

It's the DNC's War on Mothers.
Actually, I admit to staying on topic, the DNC's War on Mothers.

Do try to focus.

You keep repeating that over and over on two or three different threads. Got anything else to add besides that? Then I think you made your point. If I were a mod I'd warn you to stop saying the exact same thing on 3 threads over and over again. Getting old. You must not be that smart.
Well, you may want actually to READ the thread and know what the topic is.

It's the DNC's War on Mothers.

Only one's who's husbands make over 1 million dollars a year.

The GOP's war is with women who make between zero and $30K a year. Lot more of them than there are Ann Romney's.

You are lying trying to con those women into voting for Romney. Thats all.
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