DNC: Ann Romney 'never worked a day in her life'

In a normal world where normal people had normal discussions, what Rosen said could be talked out, and debated, and discussed.

But in the circus that is modern day American politics, she has to eat the pipe.

btw, nice job of the Right turning into a gay bash. lolol.

Thats rich coming from a liberal
Maybe you need to go "bhack" to school and learn some English, genius.

You know, only someone truly desperate tries to criticize someone over a typo instead of addressing the content of the post. Is that really all that you have to offer?? How sad.

Thanks again for nothing.

You know, only someone ashamed of his shortcomings tries to pretend a lack of facility with the English language is merely a "typo" no matter how often it reveals itself.

like I said, you are really desperate. The "h" key is right above the "b" key and I hit both by accident.

For you to try and use that to claim that I have a lack of understanding of the english language only serves to expose you as desperate to try and change the subject instead of debating the content of what I actually said.

thanks again for nothing. lol
A woman

who has never had to work

and never had to pinch pennies

to feed and cloth her children


really does not know

what its like

to have lived under those circumstances.

Anybody here reallly doubt that?

What the hell is your point?

Yep..he needs to Define KNOW.

What does Ann Romney need to "know" anyway...?

She can never BE someone else but she certainly can COMPREHEND the circumstances of her fellow Americans...........
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Who told you those things only affect women? You have been mislead.

Do you have anything more than substanceless one-liners??

I didn't think so. Thanks for nothing.

Is there a reason why you are trying to ignore what I wrote? Yes, there is.

What did you write?? You failed to answer my questions and responded with a question. So, Is there a reason why you are trying to ignore what I wrote? Yes, there is.

It's hilarious how you try to demand that I respond to your rhetorical questions and baseless accusations even as you omit sections of my post and cherry pick what you want to respond to and ignore the rest.

Oh well it's just another example of your hypocrisy.

BTW how does forcing a woman to have a transvaginal ultrasound affect men??
18 point gender gap :lol::lol::lol: Good luck in 2012 :thup:

Election is November it is only April and with the Republican primary basically over now Romney can focus his full attention on Obama and no longer be divided between Obama, Santorum, and to a lesser degree Gingrich, and Paul. If you think that gap will hold or expand between now and November I own a bridge in Brooklyn I would like to sell you.

Afterall, he has a whole new group of people to pander to now.
In a normal world where normal people had normal discussions, what Rosen said could be talked out, and debated, and discussed.

But in the circus that is modern day American politics, she has to eat the pipe.

btw, nice job of the Right turning into a gay bash. lolol.

Thats rich coming from a liberal

What is sad about you and your spin is that the "liberals" are the one's trying to debate the topic while the rightwingers are the ones avoiding facts that they can't counter and spewing out nothing but unsubstantiated nonsense as they dishonestly try to attribute the words of one woman to both obama and the DNC as a whole.
18 point gender gap :lol::lol::lol: Good luck in 2012 :thup:

All he needs is 40%. Seems a lot of working males will make up the difference.

We don't need luck in 2012. We've got someone better than Obama (and that could be about 1000 different people).
Now we have Obama claiming his wife had to work, when he was in the Senate, he only made 169k a year and they struggled. Talk about out of touch! She had her job that paid 121k the first year and got bumped to over 300k the next! Seems to me our President is a 1%, just like his opponent Romney!

You ever wonder how much bailout money was spent on those Romney run companies? In fact with all the money being given to like Solyndra and other now bankrupt companies, maybe Obama should have given it to Romney, at least the people would get a an ROI!
Now we have Obama claiming his wife had to work, when he was in the Senate, he only made 169k a year and they struggled. Talk about out of touch! She had her job that paid 121k the first year and got bumped to over 300k the next! Seems to me our President is a 1%, just like his opponent Romney!

You ever wonder how much bailout money was spent on those Romney run companies? In fact with all the money being given to like Solyndra and other now bankrupt companies, maybe Obama should have given it to Romney, at least the people would get a an ROI!

You do realize that romney paid more in taxes last year than obama has made his entire politcal career don't you?

Furthermore obama does admit that he makes a decent amount of money and says that he should be taxed at a higher rate. based on that alone your argument is beyond absurd.
A woman who has never had to work and never had to pinch pennies to feed and cloth her children probably really does not know what its like to have lived under those circumstances.

Anybody here reallly doubt that?
Since when is a woman who raised five children a woman "who has never had to work"?

What sort of sexism is this?

So you think the Romney kids were raised by Ann or by the Romney household staff?

Somehow, I don't picture Mrs. Romney on her knees scrubbing a floor.

I believe it's been pointed out they did not start out as millionaires.

Why don't you get over your hate.

Who really cares what you picture (expecially when it suites the need you have to seeth at people you really don't understand).
Now we have Obama claiming his wife had to work, when he was in the Senate, he only made 169k a year and they struggled. Talk about out of touch! She had her job that paid 121k the first year and got bumped to over 300k the next! Seems to me our President is a 1%, just like his opponent Romney!

You ever wonder how much bailout money was spent on those Romney run companies? In fact with all the money being given to like Solyndra and other now bankrupt companies, maybe Obama should have given it to Romney, at least the people would get a an ROI!

You do realize that romney paid more in taxes last year than obama has made his entire politcal career don't you?

Furthermore obama does admit that he makes a decent amount of money and says that he should be taxed at a higher rate. based on that alone your argument is beyond absurd.

You do realize he said his wife had to work because they were struggling, at 169k, would you be struggling? What percentage of Americans would love to make 169k a year?
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18 point gender gap :lol::lol::lol: Good luck in 2012 :thup:

Election is November it is only April and with the Republican primary basically over now Romney can focus his full attention on Obama and no longer be divided between Obama, Santorum, and to a lesser degree Gingrich, and Paul. If you think that gap will hold or expand between now and November I own a bridge in Brooklyn I would like to sell you.

Afterall, he has a whole new group of people to pander to now.

Yeah, they're called Americans and he wants to LEAD them toward National prosperity.
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In a normal world where normal people had normal discussions, what Rosen said could be talked out, and debated, and discussed.

But in the circus that is modern day American politics, she has to eat the pipe.

btw, nice job of the Right turning into a gay bash. lolol.

Thats rich coming from a liberal

What is sad about you and your spin is that the "liberals" are the one's trying to debate the topic while the rightwingers are the ones avoiding facts that they can't counter and spewing out nothing but unsubstantiated nonsense as they dishonestly try to attribute the words of one woman to both obama and the DNC as a whole.

What comes around goes around. We had one single male ego maniac commentator make a foul (statement) toward a woman--and the DNC took that and ran with it in their war on women campaign.

What--did you think the GOP would do with this statement--sit back and take it--:badgrin::badgrin:

Let's just hope the "war on women" is over--and we can now move on to the REAL issues that effect both women and men.
Now we have Obama claiming his wife had to work, when he was in the Senate, he only made 169k a year and they struggled. Talk about out of touch! She had her job that paid 121k the first year and got bumped to over 300k the next! Seems to me our President is a 1%, just like his opponent Romney!

You ever wonder how much bailout money was spent on those Romney run companies? In fact with all the money being given to like Solyndra and other now bankrupt companies, maybe Obama should have given it to Romney, at least the people would get a an ROI!

You do realize that romney paid more in taxes last year than obama has made his entire politcal career don't you?

Furthermore obama does admit that he makes a decent amount of money and says that he should be taxed at a higher rate. based on that alone your argument is beyond absurd.

You do realize he said his wife had to work because they were struggling, at 169k, would you be struggling? What percentage of Americans would love to make 169k a year?

You raised a good pont about MO's salary. Who else can start at 120 K and jump to 300 K.

However, 169 isn't that much for two households which is what is needed when these guys live at home and in D.C....

Or so it has been explained to me.
18 point gender gap :lol::lol::lol: Good luck in 2012 :thup:

Election is November it is only April and with the Republican primary basically over now Romney can focus his full attention on Obama and no longer be divided between Obama, Santorum, and to a lesser degree Gingrich, and Paul. If you think that gap will hold or expand between now and November I own a bridge in Brooklyn I would like to sell you.

They wanted to put THAT poll in cement for sure... :lol:

Of course it is just some small number of people in a random sample at a certain point in time...Yet watch the point get HAMMERED over and over like a wishful self fulfilling prophecy they HOPE will come true in the public consciousness...

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