DNC: Ann Romney 'never worked a day in her life'

Actually, I admit to staying on topic, the DNC's War on Mothers.

Do try to focus.

You keep repeating that over and over on two or three different threads. Got anything else to add besides that? Then I think you made your point. If I were a mod I'd warn you to stop saying the exact same thing on 3 threads over and over again. Getting old. You must not be that smart.
Well, you may want actually to READ the thread and know what the topic is.

It's the DNC's War on Mothers.

And I keep trying trying to explain to you that this thread is a lie. But without thought or reason, you keep repeating the lie over and over again.

The GOP want to cost women an extra $800 a year for birth control so the insurance companies can make even more profits. We will take all the women who mind paying that extra $800 and you can have all the women who feel sorry for and can relate to 200 million dollar Ann Romney.
You keep repeating that over and over on two or three different threads. Got anything else to add besides that? Then I think you made your point. If I were a mod I'd warn you to stop saying the exact same thing on 3 threads over and over again. Getting old. You must not be that smart.
Well, you may want actually to READ the thread and know what the topic is.

It's the DNC's War on Mothers.

And I keep trying trying to explain to you that this thread is a lie. But without thought or reason, you keep repeating the lie over and over again.

The GOP want to cost women an extra $800 a year for birth control so the insurance companies can make even more profits. We will take all the women who mind paying that extra $800 and you can have all the women who feel sorry for and can relate to 200 million dollar Ann Romney.
Oh? So now Rosen never said that Ann Romney "never worked a day in her life"?

Hmmm, the Democrat Rosen not only said it, she says she stands by it.

As I said, I strongly encourage the Democrats to stick with that line until at least the second week of November.

In a normal world where normal people had normal discussions, what Rosen said could be talked out, and debated, and discussed.

But in the circus that is modern day American politics, she has to eat the pipe.

btw, nice job of the Right turning into a gay bash. lolol.

Not to mention the Catholic League's adoption bash. :D
Well, the thread IS about the DNC's War on Mothers.

So you admit you are ignoring my question because it exposes the fact that Republicans don't think raising a child is or should be considered "work"

Because if you do then those welfare mothers can stop working 30 hours a week just to get welfare. Stop making them volunteer just to get their benefits. If you really appreciate how much work a stay at home mom does, you won't continue making poor women take 2 steps backward just to get 3 steps ahead.

Debunking your guys shit is just too easy. That's because all you guys ever have is talking points. But after a couple minutes of conversation, or a little bit of research, your hypocricy is easily exposed.
Actually, I admit to staying on topic, the DNC's War on Mothers.

Do try to focus.


Oh goody.

Another war.

Peel back the layer on a Liberal and find amazing hypocrisy.

Suppose the Left likes 'em barefoot and pregnant.

Obama and DNC advisor Hilary Rosen Attacks Ann Romney - YouTube

Someone over at the Huffington Post made a great point. Ann Romney may believe that raising children counts as work, and the majority of Americans may agree with her, but that's not how Republicans see it.

Thanks to welfare reform, recipients of federal benefits must prove to a caseworker that they have performed, over the course of a week, a certain number of hours of work.

The list shows 12 broad categories that are considered work. Raising children is not among them.

So are you righties now saying that mothers on welfare can count raising their kids as work? If not, why not?

Another irrelevant point, you are good at this. The left has for decades claimed that women that stay at home work harder and reward less than many in the work force. Because the GOP has a disabled woman that has been a stay at home mom, they abandon their decades long principles for the sake of political gain. It seems you and your party have no real principles.
Peel back the layer on a Liberal and find amazing hypocrisy.

Suppose the Left likes 'em barefoot and pregnant.

Obama and DNC advisor Hilary Rosen Attacks Ann Romney - YouTube

Someone over at the Huffington Post made a great point. Ann Romney may believe that raising children counts as work, and the majority of Americans may agree with her, but that's not how Republicans see it.

Thanks to welfare reform, recipients of federal benefits must prove to a caseworker that they have performed, over the course of a week, a certain number of hours of work.

The list shows 12 broad categories that are considered work. Raising children is not among them.

So are you righties now saying that mothers on welfare can count raising their kids as work? If not, why not?

Another irrelevant point, you are good at this. The left has for decades claimed that women that stay at home work harder and reward less than many in the work force. Because the GOP has a disabled woman that has been a stay at home mom, they abandon their decades long principles for the sake of political gain. It seems you and your party have no real principles.

Not "irrelevant" at all.

Republicans have this "your on your own" meme for the poor..and a "how can we help you" meme for the rich.

There are tax breaks a plenty for:
-Plane trips.

It's very likely that the guy you passed in first class, sipping champange, on your last airplane trip was going on the government dole.
ONE person made a statement about ann romney. not democrats as a whole and yet here you are trying to hold the whole accountable for the words of ONE.

You mean like when ONE radio host made a comment that lefty extremists like you attributed to all conservatives? Like that?

You mean the one radio host who none of the Republican contenders felt needed to be condemned? (Because they don't want to offend the 20 million retards who listen to him.)
Peel back the layer on a Liberal and find amazing hypocrisy.

Suppose the Left likes 'em barefoot and pregnant.

Obama and DNC advisor Hilary Rosen Attacks Ann Romney - YouTube

Someone over at the Huffington Post made a great point. Ann Romney may believe that raising children counts as work, and the majority of Americans may agree with her, but that's not how Republicans see it.

Thanks to welfare reform, recipients of federal benefits must prove to a caseworker that they have performed, over the course of a week, a certain number of hours of work.

The list shows 12 broad categories that are considered work. Raising children is not among them.

So are you righties now saying that mothers on welfare can count raising their kids as work? If not, why not?

Good Points, especially that last.
ONE person made a statement about ann romney. not democrats as a whole and yet here you are trying to hold the whole accountable for the words of ONE.

You mean like when ONE radio host made a comment that lefty extremists like you attributed to all conservatives? Like that?

You mean the one radio host who none of the Republican contenders felt needed to be condemned? (Because they don't want to offend the 20 million retards who listen to him.)

Condemnation has nothing to do with it. Did Obama condemn Bill Maher, or did his PAC just grab his million bucks and ignore the outrages?
Who is Hilary Rosen and who pays her to represent them?

The DNC?

Will she ever be heard from again after this fake story has died down? Or,,,is her claim to fame also her last hoorah?
You mean like when ONE radio host made a comment that lefty extremists like you attributed to all conservatives? Like that?

You mean the one radio host who none of the Republican contenders felt needed to be condemned? (Because they don't want to offend the 20 million retards who listen to him.)

Condemnation has nothing to do with it. Did Obama condemn Bill Maher, or did his PAC just grab his million bucks and ignore the outrages?

Bill Maher made comments about public figures, Limpballs attacked a private citizen.
Here's a bit of common sense about this whole Rosen/Stepford Ann debate.

Ann Romney should apologize! - Salon.com

And the fact is, Ann Romney’s experiences are not the average woman’s. She is a woman of great privilege. Most mothers don’t have the “choice” to stay home full time with their kids; they need a paycheck. Meanwhile, her husband supports the Paul Ryan budget, which cuts nutrition programs for pregnant women and new moms and their kids. It cuts Medicaid for poor women and children. It slashes food stamp funding, when women and children make up two-thirds of the people who get food stamps. He wants to get rid of Planned Parenthood, which provides not just contraception but breast cancer and cervical cancer screenings for millions of low-income women.
You mean the one radio host who none of the Republican contenders felt needed to be condemned? (Because they don't want to offend the 20 million retards who listen to him.)

Condemnation has nothing to do with it. Did Obama condemn Bill Maher, or did his PAC just grab his million bucks and ignore the outrages?

Bill Maher made comments about public figures, Limpballs attacked a private citizen.

Wrong. Flukes is a self-described professional Pro-Abortion Activist.

Stop being willfully ignorant.
Condemnation has nothing to do with it. Did Obama condemn Bill Maher, or did his PAC just grab his million bucks and ignore the outrages?

Bill Maher made comments about public figures, Limpballs attacked a private citizen.

Wrong. Flukes is a self-described professional Pro-Abortion Activist.

Stop being willfully ignorant.

But she doesn't hold a public office or any position of authority. She actually is a private citizen who told someoen what she thought on a subject.
ONE person made a statement about ann romney. not democrats as a whole and yet here you are trying to hold the whole accountable for the words of ONE.

You mean like when ONE radio host made a comment that lefty extremists like you attributed to all conservatives? Like that?

You mean the one radio host who none of the Republican contenders felt needed to be condemned? (Because they don't want to offend the 20 million retards who listen to him.)

We only have his word that the retards number in the millions. He won't make the numbers public. It's probably more like 10% of that figure.
Condemnation has nothing to do with it. Did Obama condemn Bill Maher, or did his PAC just grab his million bucks and ignore the outrages?

Bill Maher made comments about public figures, Limpballs attacked a private citizen.

Wrong. Flukes is a self-described professional Pro-Abortion Activist.

Stop being willfully ignorant.

Link please. I can find all manner of right-wing nutjob websites saying that's what she says, but none of her actually saying so.
Bill Maher made comments about public figures, Limpballs attacked a private citizen.

Wrong. Flukes is a self-described professional Pro-Abortion Activist.

Stop being willfully ignorant.

Link please. I can find all manner of right-wing nutjob websites saying that's what she says, but none of her actually saying so.

Just a few of her quite PUBLIC activist affiliations:

Women in Public Policy
Students Acting for Gender Equality
Take Back the Night
Sexual Assault and Violence Educators
The Vagina Monologues
Wrong. Flukes is a self-described professional Pro-Abortion Activist.

Stop being willfully ignorant.

Link please. I can find all manner of right-wing nutjob websites saying that's what she says, but none of her actually saying so.

Just a few of her quite PUBLIC activist affiliations:

Women in Public Policy
Students Acting for Gender Equality
Take Back the Night
Sexual Assault and Violence Educators
The Vagina Monologues

Wow? Really? This was the best you could come up with without a link?

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