DNC: Ann Romney 'never worked a day in her life'

Link please. I can find all manner of right-wing nutjob websites saying that's what she says, but none of her actually saying so.

Just a few of her quite PUBLIC activist affiliations:

Women in Public Policy
Students Acting for Gender Equality
Take Back the Night
Sexual Assault and Violence Educators
The Vagina Monologues

Wow? Really? This was the best you could come up with without a link?

I have the links. I am just punishing you.

Does being an activist make one a public figure whom avails oneself to scrutiny, or not?
Wrong. Flukes is a self-described professional Pro-Abortion Activist.

Stop being willfully ignorant.

But she doesn't hold a public office or any position of authority.

Are you changing your argument now that it has been punked?


Nope. The point just keeps going over your head.

Palin is an elected official, and therefore subject to criticism. Even tasteless criticism on pay television no one actually watches.

Ms. Fluke is a private citizen who was doing what the first Amendment says she has a right to do- petition her government for a redress of greivences. (And the spectacle of men and only men testifying about women's health was just bad form.)
Just a few of her quite PUBLIC activist affiliations:

Women in Public Policy
Students Acting for Gender Equality
Take Back the Night
Sexual Assault and Violence Educators
The Vagina Monologues

Wow? Really? This was the best you could come up with without a link?

I have the links. I am just punishing you.

Does being an activist make one a public figure whom avails oneself to scrutiny, or not?

Scrutiny would be one thing. If Limpballs ( a closeted gay man on his fourth sham marriage) had limited himself to a discussion of the point that it really isn't the school's job to pay for birth control, that'd be a different issue.

Character assassination is quite another. Saying Fluke is a slut for wanting to use birth control implies ALL women are sluts if they use birth control.
But she doesn't hold a public office or any position of authority.

Are you changing your argument now that it has been punked?


Nope. The point just keeps going over your head.

Palin is an elected official, and therefore subject to criticism.

But you first said public figure. Now you are changing your argument. Limbaugh is not an elected official, yet he is subject to criticism, correct?
Who is Hilary Rosen and who pays her to represent them?

The DNC?

Will she ever be heard from again after this fake story has died down? Or,,,is her claim to fame also her last hoorah?

These people always eventually turn up again. Anita Dunn, Van Jones, etc. They all stay in the fold and continue working for the White House. They don't even move their offices. They just don't say anything in public for awhile.

Anita Dunn was exposed as a communist when she said she admired Chairman Mao and Mother Theresa. Turns out she did the PR for Sandra Flucke.

Van Jones was exposed when his signature showed up on a 9/11 Truther petition and it was discovered he was a communist and a racist. Now he's a panelist on MSNBC Up/w Chris Hayes Saturday mornings.

Hilary Rosen works in the same PR firm as Anita Dunn. She's not going anywhere.

In response to question about the kerfuffle over Hilary Rosen's comment that Ann Romney has never worked a day in her life White House Spokesman Jay Carney replied "I know three, personally, women named Hilary Rosen."

Poor Jay Carney. he's sounding as confused as the beleaguered Mr. Esmund, Sr. in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes who saw thousands of Lorelei Lees all around him.

Let us count the Hilary Rosens in Jay Carney's world. There is Hillary Rosen spokesperson for RIAA and lobbyist for SOPA. There is Hilary Rosen the CNN Contributor. There is Hilary Rosen single mother and GLBTG activist. There is Hilary Rosen current partner of Randi Weingarten, President of the American Federartion of Teachers. (That Hilary Rosen was half of the several gay and lesbian power couples at the recent state dinner honoring British PM Davide Cameron.)

That sure is a lot of Hilary Rosens.

Wait! They are all the same Hilary Rosen you say?

Read more: Blog: Too many Hilary Rosens

Obama thinks they can sell not knowing who this woman is to the rest of us. :D

Saying Fluke is a slut for wanting to use birth control implies ALL women are sluts if they use birth control.

He didn't say that, fool. That is what we call a strawman argument. You really suck at this.

Uh, no, what he said was that wanting someone to pay for your birth control made you a slut and a prostittute, and he wanted sex tapes in exchange for his paying for it.

(forgetting the fact that Ms. Fluke was paying for her insurance as part of her 30K tuition, not Mr. Limpballs)

That was an attack on all women, really.
You mean the one radio host who none of the Republican contenders felt needed to be condemned? (Because they don't want to offend the 20 million retards who listen to him.)

Condemnation has nothing to do with it. Did Obama condemn Bill Maher, or did his PAC just grab his million bucks and ignore the outrages?

Bill Maher made comments about public figures, Limpballs attacked a private citizen.

A political activist.
Well, you may want actually to READ the thread and know what the topic is.

It's the DNC's War on Mothers.

And I keep trying trying to explain to you that this thread is a lie. But without thought or reason, you keep repeating the lie over and over again.

The GOP want to cost women an extra $800 a year for birth control so the insurance companies can make even more profits. We will take all the women who mind paying that extra $800 and you can have all the women who feel sorry for and can relate to 200 million dollar Ann Romney.
Oh? So now Rosen never said that Ann Romney "never worked a day in her life"?

Hmmm, the Democrat Rosen not only said it, she says she stands by it.

As I said, I strongly encourage the Democrats to stick with that line until at least the second week of November.


Yes, Hillary Rosen said that Ann Romney has never worked a day in her life...then went on to clarify her comment. Mitt Romney, Ann's gazillionaire husband, said that Ann would be his spokesman for women on jobs and the economy. Hillary Rosen made the accurate assessment that being a stay at home mother does not qualify her as an expert on working women.

This was not an attack on Ann Romney. I'm sure Hillary Rosen does not think that staying at home isn't work...she's a parent for god's sake. She may not have chosen the right words to convey her sentiment, but it was hardly an attack on stay at home mothers.
Trying to conflate Rush Limpballs and Hillary Rosen is beyond pathetic and has delved into the desperate. Hillary Rosen apologized to Ann Romney almost immediately. Hillary Rosen did not take to the airwaves for three solid days of attacking Ann Romney. The worst thing Hillary Rosen did (and that is if you are applying RW hyperbole) is to call her very wealthy and privileged :eek: She didn't call her a slut continuously for three days.
Who is Hilary Rosen and who pays her to represent them?

The DNC?

Will she ever be heard from again after this fake story has died down? Or,,,is her claim to fame also her last hoorah?

These people always eventually turn up again. Anita Dunn, Van Jones, etc. They all stay in the fold and continue working for the White House. They don't even move their offices. They just don't say anything in public for awhile.

Anita Dunn was exposed as a communist when she said she admired Chairman Mao and Mother Theresa. Turns out she did the PR for Sandra Flucke.

Van Jones was exposed when his signature showed up on a 9/11 Truther petition and it was discovered he was a communist and a racist. Now he's a panelist on MSNBC Up/w Chris Hayes Saturday mornings.

Hilary Rosen works in the same PR firm as Anita Dunn. She's not going anywhere.

In response to question about the kerfuffle over Hilary Rosen's comment that Ann Romney has never worked a day in her life White House Spokesman Jay Carney replied "I know three, personally, women named Hilary Rosen."

Poor Jay Carney. he's sounding as confused as the beleaguered Mr. Esmund, Sr. in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes who saw thousands of Lorelei Lees all around him.

Let us count the Hilary Rosens in Jay Carney's world. There is Hillary Rosen spokesperson for RIAA and lobbyist for SOPA. There is Hilary Rosen the CNN Contributor. There is Hilary Rosen single mother and GLBTG activist. There is Hilary Rosen current partner of Randi Weingarten, President of the American Federartion of Teachers. (That Hilary Rosen was half of the several gay and lesbian power couples at the recent state dinner honoring British PM Davide Cameron.)

That sure is a lot of Hilary Rosens.

Wait! They are all the same Hilary Rosen you say?

Read more: Blog: Too many Hilary Rosens

Obama thinks they can sell not knowing who this woman is to the rest of us. :D


Yea, Obamavider has no idea who this woman is. She isn't going anywhere folks, she'll just stay under the radar for a while. Right there with Sandra Fluke and Anita Dunn. Great post Mudwhistle.
Trying to conflate Rush Limpballs and Hillary Rosen is beyond pathetic and has delved into the desperate. Hillary Rosen apologized to Ann Romney almost immediately. Hillary Rosen did not take to the airwaves for three solid days of attacking Ann Romney. The worst thing Hillary Rosen did (and that is if you are applying RW hyperbole) is to call her very wealthy and privileged :eek: She didn't call her a slut continuously for three days.

there is no basis to call her a slut....so why would she have?

Bottom line...Rush is a commentator...Rosen is a Presidential advisor.

I know...I know....The GOP sees Rush as an ICON...He speaks for them....sure he does.

How many times over 8 years did he visit the White House?
Trying to conflate Rush Limpballs and Hillary Rosen is beyond pathetic and has delved into the desperate. Hillary Rosen apologized to Ann Romney almost immediately. Hillary Rosen did not take to the airwaves for three solid days of attacking Ann Romney. The worst thing Hillary Rosen did (and that is if you are applying RW hyperbole) is to call her very wealthy and privileged :eek: She didn't call her a slut continuously for three days.

there is no basis to call her a slut....so why would she have?

Bottom line...Rush is a commentator...Rosen is a Presidential advisor.

I know...I know....The GOP sees Rush as an ICON...He speaks for them....sure he does.

How many times over 8 years did he visit the White House?

There was no basis to call Ms Fluke a slut and yet the honorary Congressman, Rush Limbaugh did just that.

Hillary Rosen did not go on a three day attack of Ann Romney. She immediately clarified her comments AND apologized to Mrs. Reversible Mittens.
Trying to conflate Rush Limpballs and Hillary Rosen is beyond pathetic and has delved into the desperate. Hillary Rosen apologized to Ann Romney almost immediately. Hillary Rosen did not take to the airwaves for three solid days of attacking Ann Romney. The worst thing Hillary Rosen did (and that is if you are applying RW hyperbole) is to call her very wealthy and privileged :eek: She didn't call her a slut continuously for three days.

there is no basis to call her a slut....so why would she have?

Bottom line...Rush is a commentator...Rosen is a Presidential advisor.

I know...I know....The GOP sees Rush as an ICON...He speaks for them....sure he does.

How many times over 8 years did he visit the White House?

There was no basis to call Ms Fluke a slut and yet the honorary Congressman, Rush Limbaugh did just that.

Hillary Rosen did not go on a three day attack of Ann Romney. She immediately clarified her comments AND apologized to Mrs. Reversible Mittens.
She did NOT apologize. She said she stands by her statement that Ann Ronmey "never worked a day in her life".
Trying to conflate Rush Limpballs and Hillary Rosen is beyond pathetic and has delved into the desperate. Hillary Rosen apologized to Ann Romney almost immediately. Hillary Rosen did not take to the airwaves for three solid days of attacking Ann Romney. The worst thing Hillary Rosen did (and that is if you are applying RW hyperbole) is to call her very wealthy and privileged :eek: She didn't call her a slut continuously for three days.

there is no basis to call her a slut....so why would she have?

Bottom line...Rush is a commentator...Rosen is a Presidential advisor.

I know...I know....The GOP sees Rush as an ICON...He speaks for them....sure he does.

How many times over 8 years did he visit the White House?

There was no basis to call Ms Fluke a slut and yet the honorary Congressman, Rush Limbaugh did just that.

Hillary Rosen did not go on a three day attack of Ann Romney. She immediately clarified her comments AND apologized to Mrs. Reversible Mittens.

yeah..yeah...I know...I know...

Anyone who says something inappropriate oin the left....they misspoke and didnt mean anything derogatory by it and their apology is sincere.

Anyone who says soemthing inappropriate on the right? Bad evil people that meant exactly what they said and their apologies are phony.

I get it....dont worry...I get it.
there is no basis to call her a slut....so why would she have?

Bottom line...Rush is a commentator...Rosen is a Presidential advisor.

I know...I know....The GOP sees Rush as an ICON...He speaks for them....sure he does.

HHow many times over 8 years did he visit the White House?

There was no basis to call Ms Fluke a slut and yet the honorary Congressman, Rush Limbaugh did just that.

Hillary Rosen did not go on a three day attack of Ann Romney. She immediately clarified her comments AND apologized to Mrs. Reversible Mittens.

yeah..yeah...I know...I know...

Anyone who says something inappropriate oin the left....they misspoke and didnt mean anything derogatory by it and their apology is sincere.

Anyone who says soemthing inappropriate on the right? Bad evil people that meant exactly what they said and their apologies are phony.

I get it....dont worry...I get it.
How can an apology for what was said even BE an apology, if one claims that they stand by what they said?

"I'm sorry I said that, but I stand by what I said"?
there is no basis to call her a slut....so why would she have?

Bottom line...Rush is a commentator...Rosen is a Presidential advisor.

I know...I know....The GOP sees Rush as an ICON...He speaks for them....sure he does.

How many times over 8 years did he visit the White House?

There was no basis to call Ms Fluke a slut and yet the honorary Congressman, Rush Limbaugh did just that.

Hillary Rosen did not go on a three day attack of Ann Romney. She immediately clarified her comments AND apologized to Mrs. Reversible Mittens.
She did NOT apologize. She said she stands by her statement that Ann Ronmey "never worked a day in her life".

Less than 24 hours after Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen mocked Ann Romney for having "never worked a day in her life," Rosen apologized to Romney this afternoon for her "poorly chosen" words and aimed to "put the faux 'war against stay at home moms' to rest once and for all."

"I apologize to Ann Romney and anyone else who was offended," Rosen said in a statement. "Let's declare peace in this phony war and go back to focus on the substance."

Former first lady Barbara Bush commended her apology, echoing Rosen's plea and saying people should "forget it."​

Hilary Rosen Apologizes For Attacking Ann Romney As a Stay-At-Home Mom

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