DNC: Ann Romney 'never worked a day in her life'

there is no basis to call her a slut....so why would she have?

Bottom line...Rush is a commentator...Rosen is a Presidential advisor.

I know...I know....The GOP sees Rush as an ICON...He speaks for them....sure he does.

How many times over 8 years did he visit the White House?

There was no basis to call Ms Fluke a slut and yet the honorary Congressman, Rush Limbaugh did just that.

Hillary Rosen did not go on a three day attack of Ann Romney. She immediately clarified her comments AND apologized to Mrs. Reversible Mittens.

yeah..yeah...I know...I know...

Anyone who says something inappropriate oin the left....they misspoke and didnt mean anything derogatory by it and their apology is sincere.

Anyone who says soemthing inappropriate on the right? Bad evil people that meant exactly what they said and their apologies are phony.

I get it....dont worry...I get it.

Of course you don't get it. You see a three day attack on a woman, calling her a prostitute, asking to see the sex tapes, disparaging her parents, etc as the EXACT SAME as saying someone has never worked for a living.
There was no basis to call Ms Fluke a slut and yet the honorary Congressman, Rush Limbaugh did just that.

Hillary Rosen did not go on a three day attack of Ann Romney. She immediately clarified her comments AND apologized to Mrs. Reversible Mittens.

yeah..yeah...I know...I know...

Anyone who says something inappropriate oin the left....they misspoke and didnt mean anything derogatory by it and their apology is sincere.

Anyone who says soemthing inappropriate on the right? Bad evil people that meant exactly what they said and their apologies are phony.

I get it....dont worry...I get it.
How can an apology for what was said even BE an apology, if one claims that they stand by what they said?

"I'm sorry I said that, but I stand by what I said"?

I really dont care if she apoloigized or not.

To be honest, through the spin, I knew exactly what she meant and really dont hold it against her...she was saying that Ann Romney hasnt felt the pressures of those that struggle to get by...and I agreee with Rosen. But neither has Michelle Obama for the same reason.....or Nancy Pelosi...or Barak Obama for that matter.

However, that, by no means supports the reason Ross said it....which was to saY that Ann Romney has no place "advising" Romeny.

Number one...I like a politician that gets the opinion of others.
Number two...As a first lady of a state she was MORE in tuned to the struggles of her state residents than most anyone else in the state.
Number three...as a campaign partner of Mitt, she has been speaking with thousands of Americans across the country.
Number four....She is no less qualified to recognize and commenrt on the plight of the American People that are struggling than our current First Lady.
Numbner five...offering an opinion when asked, is not "advising"

So that being said, Rosens premise was completely off base and unfounded....so it WAS an attack on Ann Romney...albeit not an attack based on her staying home anf being a mom....

So she deserves the backlash she got.
There was no basis to call Ms Fluke a slut and yet the honorary Congressman, Rush Limbaugh did just that.

Hillary Rosen did not go on a three day attack of Ann Romney. She immediately clarified her comments AND apologized to Mrs. Reversible Mittens.

yeah..yeah...I know...I know...

Anyone who says something inappropriate oin the left....they misspoke and didnt mean anything derogatory by it and their apology is sincere.

Anyone who says soemthing inappropriate on the right? Bad evil people that meant exactly what they said and their apologies are phony.

I get it....dont worry...I get it.

Of course you don't get it. You see a three day attack on a woman, calling her a prostitute, asking to see the sex tapes, disparaging her parents, etc as the EXACT SAME as saying someone has never worked for a living.

I said that?

There was no basis to call Ms Fluke a slut and yet the honorary Congressman, Rush Limbaugh did just that.

Hillary Rosen did not go on a three day attack of Ann Romney. She immediately clarified her comments AND apologized to Mrs. Reversible Mittens.
She did NOT apologize. She said she stands by her statement that Ann Ronmey "never worked a day in her life".

Less than 24 hours after Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen mocked Ann Romney for having "never worked a day in her life," Rosen apologized to Romney this afternoon for her "poorly chosen" words and aimed to "put the faux 'war against stay at home moms' to rest once and for all."

"I apologize to Ann Romney and anyone else who was offended," Rosen said in a statement. "Let's declare peace in this phony war and go back to focus on the substance."

Former first lady Barbara Bush commended her apology, echoing Rosen's plea and saying people should "forget it."​

Hilary Rosen Apologizes For Attacking Ann Romney As a Stay-At-Home Mom
And, less than 24 hours after her statement, Rosen said she stands by the statement.

I gave you the link.

Im sure she has worked many days in her life. Do they think stay at home moms sit around all day doing nothing?

It's fascinating that in this political atmosphere you nor anyone else in the partisan right can accept that she clearly meant

never worked in a job outside the home in addition to raising a family.

My mother raised 4 kids and never worked a day in her life (after marriage) -outside the home-

I've referenced that before and made the 'outside the home' part clear. Rosen should have asked me for advice before she spoke.
Why is the DNC referenced in the thread title?

Oh, I know. To affirm one of my top ten rules of Rightwing Propaganda:

They will always turn the truth into some sort of a lie, even when they don't need to.
Im sure she has worked many days in her life. Do they think stay at home moms sit around all day doing nothing?

It's fascinating that in this political atmosphere you nor anyone else in the partisan right can accept that she clearly meant

never worked in a job outside the home in addition to raising a family.

My mother raised 4 kids and never worked a day in her life (after marriage) -outside the home-

I've referenced that before and made the 'outside the home' part clear. Rosen should have asked me for advice before she spoke.

See post 242...I knew exactly what she meant and I also point out where she was wrong....in my opinion.
yeah..yeah...I know...I know...

Anyone who says something inappropriate oin the left....they misspoke and didnt mean anything derogatory by it and their apology is sincere.

Anyone who says soemthing inappropriate on the right? Bad evil people that meant exactly what they said and their apologies are phony.

I get it....dont worry...I get it.
How can an apology for what was said even BE an apology, if one claims that they stand by what they said?

"I'm sorry I said that, but I stand by what I said"?

I really dont care if she apoloigized or not.

To be honest, through the spin, I knew exactly what she meant and really dont hold it against her...she was saying that Ann Romney hasnt felt the pressures of those that struggle to get by...and I agreee with Rosen. But neither has Michelle Obama for the same reason.....or Nancy Pelosi...or Barak Obama for that matter.

However, that, by no means supports the reason Ross said it....which was to saY that Ann Romney has no place "advising" Romeny.

Number one...I like a politician that gets the opinion of others.
Number two...As a first lady of a state she was MORE in tuned to the struggles of her state residents than most anyone else in the state.
Number three...as a campaign partner of Mitt, she has been speaking with thousands of Americans across the country.
Number four....She is no less qualified to recognize and commenrt on the plight of the American People that are struggling than our current First Lady.
Numbner five...offering an opinion when asked, is not "advising"

So that being said, Rosens premise was completely off base and unfounded....so it WAS an attack on Ann Romney...albeit not an attack based on her staying home anf being a mom....

So she deserves the backlash she got.
I agree. I'm all for giving any hack and hypocrite the flack they deserve.
Peel back the layer on a Liberal and find amazing hypocrisy.

Suppose the Left likes 'em barefoot and pregnant.

Obama and DNC advisor Hilary Rosen Attacks Ann Romney - YouTube

The hypocracy is all on the cons on this one. The Dem advisor no more criticized Mrs. Mittens for being a stay at home mom than mittens "loves to fire people" Twisting her words into a different meaning or taking them out of context, because she was talking about Mr. Mittens taking ecomonic advice from someone who is simple out of touch with common everyday working women. Nothing to do whatsoever about the work involved in being a stay at home mom.

But of course the pussies in the democratic party get all freaked out when they hear the head lines and throw her under the bus like they did when BratPhart attacked Sherod. They show their true colors once again.
Peel back the layer on a Liberal and find amazing hypocrisy.

Suppose the Left likes 'em barefoot and pregnant.

Obama and DNC advisor Hilary Rosen Attacks Ann Romney - YouTube

The hypocracy is all on the cons on this one. The Dem advisor no more criticized Mrs. Mittens for being a stay at home mom than mittens "loves to fire people" Twisting her words into a different meaning or taking them out of context, because she was talking about Mr. Mittens taking ecomonic advice from someone who is simple out of touch with common everyday working women. Nothing to do whatsoever about the work involved in being a stay at home mom.

But of course the pussies in the democratic party get all freaked out when they hear the head lines and throw her under the bus like they did when BratPhart attacked Sherod. They show their true colors once again.
So, now Rosen never said that "Ann Romney never worked a day in her life"?

You have any evidence that all the quotes and videos of her saying that are fabricated?
yeah..yeah...I know...I know...

Anyone who says something inappropriate oin the left....they misspoke and didnt mean anything derogatory by it and their apology is sincere.

Anyone who says soemthing inappropriate on the right? Bad evil people that meant exactly what they said and their apologies are phony.

I get it....dont worry...I get it.
How can an apology for what was said even BE an apology, if one claims that they stand by what they said?

"I'm sorry I said that, but I stand by what I said"?

I really dont care if she apoloigized or not.

To be honest, through the spin, I knew exactly what she meant and really dont hold it against her...she was saying that Ann Romney hasnt felt the pressures of those that struggle to get by...and I agreee with Rosen. But neither has Michelle Obama for the same reason.....or Nancy Pelosi...or Barak Obama for that matter.

However, that, by no means supports the reason Ross said it....which was to saY that Ann Romney has no place "advising" Romeny.

Number one...I like a politician that gets the opinion of others.
Number two...As a first lady of a state she was MORE in tuned to the struggles of her state residents than most anyone else in the state.
Number three...as a campaign partner of Mitt, she has been speaking with thousands of Americans across the country.
Number four....She is no less qualified to recognize and commenrt on the plight of the American People that are struggling than our current First Lady.
Numbner five...offering an opinion when asked, is not "advising"

So that being said, Rosens premise was completely off base and unfounded....so it WAS an attack on Ann Romney...albeit not an attack based on her staying home anf being a mom....

So she deserves the backlash she got.

She deserves some of the backlash for failing to compose her argument in a sufficiently precise manner that would have left no opening for such backlash.
How can an apology for what was said even BE an apology, if one claims that they stand by what they said?

"I'm sorry I said that, but I stand by what I said"?

I really dont care if she apoloigized or not.

To be honest, through the spin, I knew exactly what she meant and really dont hold it against her...she was saying that Ann Romney hasnt felt the pressures of those that struggle to get by...and I agreee with Rosen. But neither has Michelle Obama for the same reason.....or Nancy Pelosi...or Barak Obama for that matter.

However, that, by no means supports the reason Ross said it....which was to saY that Ann Romney has no place "advising" Romeny.

Number one...I like a politician that gets the opinion of others.
Number two...As a first lady of a state she was MORE in tuned to the struggles of her state residents than most anyone else in the state.
Number three...as a campaign partner of Mitt, she has been speaking with thousands of Americans across the country.
Number four....She is no less qualified to recognize and commenrt on the plight of the American People that are struggling than our current First Lady.
Numbner five...offering an opinion when asked, is not "advising"

So that being said, Rosens premise was completely off base and unfounded....so it WAS an attack on Ann Romney...albeit not an attack based on her staying home anf being a mom....

So she deserves the backlash she got.

She deserves some of the backlash for failing to compose her argument in a sufficiently precise manner that would have left no opening for such backlash.


Please offer me your opinion as to why Ann Romeny's opinion is worthless as it pertains to Americans that are struggling, yet Michelle Obamas opinion is valuable?

How about Nancy Pelosi...

why does she have the "insight" to write law that affects the struggling American people but Anne Romney does not have the insight to offer her opinion when asked?
I really dont care if she apoloigized or not.

To be honest, through the spin, I knew exactly what she meant and really dont hold it against her...she was saying that Ann Romney hasnt felt the pressures of those that struggle to get by...and I agreee with Rosen. But neither has Michelle Obama for the same reason.....or Nancy Pelosi...or Barak Obama for that matter.

However, that, by no means supports the reason Ross said it....which was to saY that Ann Romney has no place "advising" Romeny.

Number one...I like a politician that gets the opinion of others.
Number two...As a first lady of a state she was MORE in tuned to the struggles of her state residents than most anyone else in the state.
Number three...as a campaign partner of Mitt, she has been speaking with thousands of Americans across the country.
Number four....She is no less qualified to recognize and commenrt on the plight of the American People that are struggling than our current First Lady.
Numbner five...offering an opinion when asked, is not "advising"

So that being said, Rosens premise was completely off base and unfounded....so it WAS an attack on Ann Romney...albeit not an attack based on her staying home anf being a mom....

So she deserves the backlash she got.

She deserves some of the backlash for failing to compose her argument in a sufficiently precise manner that would have left no opening for such backlash.


Please offer me your opinion as to why Ann Romeny's opinion is worthless as it pertains to Americans that are struggling, yet Michelle Obamas opinion is valuable?

How about Nancy Pelosi...

why does she have the "insight" to write law that affects the struggling American people but Anne Romney does not have the insight to offer her opinion when asked?

I didn't assert any of that.

The topic is Ann Romney and Hilary Rosen.

If a rightwinger had said this, the lefties would be jumping all over it with both feet. There would be "Stop the GOP's War On Women" marches in the freakin' streets. You'd see "Republicans Hate Women" T-shirts in Hollywood. It would be wall-to-wall news on most of the major networks. Obama would be talking about it. Come on.

Good gawd, the denials and spin just keep getting more silly.

She deserves some of the backlash for failing to compose her argument in a sufficiently precise manner that would have left no opening for such backlash.


Please offer me your opinion as to why Ann Romeny's opinion is worthless as it pertains to Americans that are struggling, yet Michelle Obamas opinion is valuable?

How about Nancy Pelosi...

why does she have the "insight" to write law that affects the struggling American people but Anne Romney does not have the insight to offer her opinion when asked?

I didn't assert any of that.

The topic is Ann Romney and Hilary Rosen.

you said this....

"She deserves some of the backlash for failing to compose her argument in a sufficiently precise manner that would have left no opening for such backlash"

You specifically said she did not compose her argument in a sufficiently precise manner.

I said earlier that her argument was that Ann Romney was not qualified to "advise" as it pertains to strruggling families....and I demonstrated why thayt WAS NOT a sound argument.

So you seem to agree with her argument but admit she didnt articulate it properly.

So I am asking you to please offer me your opinion as to why her argument was sound and just poorly arrticulated.

I used Nancy Pelosi becuase she does more than advise...she writes law that is designed to affect those same struggling Americans.

Why is she qualified "knowledge wise" but Anne Romeny is not.

Please offer me your opinion.
There was no basis to call Ms Fluke a slut and yet the honorary Congressman, Rush Limbaugh did just that.

Hillary Rosen did not go on a three day attack of Ann Romney. She immediately clarified her comments AND apologized to Mrs. Reversible Mittens.

yeah..yeah...I know...I know...

Anyone who says something inappropriate oin the left....they misspoke and didnt mean anything derogatory by it and their apology is sincere.

Anyone who says soemthing inappropriate on the right? Bad evil people that meant exactly what they said and their apologies are phony.

I get it....dont worry...I get it.

Of course you don't get it. You see a three day attack on a woman, calling her a prostitute, asking to see the sex tapes, disparaging her parents, etc as the EXACT SAME as saying someone has never worked for a living.

Rush was bad-mouthing one woman who got in front of the cameras under false pretenses, and spun a web of lies about how much she and her imaginary friends spend on BC.

Hilary Rosen bad-mouthed every stay-at-home-mom in America. She said what is on the minds of most of the left. Utter stupidity on her part.

I think you need to get a clue.
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If I had Romney's money my woman wouldn't work either.

This is pointless to even be talking about.

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