DNC Chair Freaks Out After Andrea Mitchell Actually Fact-Checks Hillary


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
I don't know how the democrats got this far with that moron Schultz...

DNC Chair Freaks Out After Andrea Mitchell Actually Fact-Checks Hillary

By Kyle Drennen | November 13, 2015

On Friday, MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell actually fact-checked Hillary Clinton’s suspicious tale of trying to join the Marines in 1975: “Those comments are being mocked by Republicans today and they’re getting two Pinocchios from Washington Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler....Why on earth would she go to a Marine recruiter in 1975?...It doesn't make sense.” Her guest, Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz was so taken aback that the Florida congresswoman attacked Mitchell for asking questions: “With all due respect, Andrea, why on earth are we talking about this?” Mitchell hit back: “Because she brought it up in New Hampshire the other day. If she hadn't brought it up, it would not be an issue in this campaign.”


Schultz whined: “I just find it really unreasonable, Andrea....this is a personal story that Hillary Clinton has told, and it's not the first time she told it. It didn't come out of the blue.” The head of the DNC talked herself into such a corner that she actually wound up defending Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson: Do we need every single experience in a person's life to be written in stone and blood and verifiable? There are things that happen to people all across America that can't be verified. And I know your next question's going to be about Ben Carson. And I think quite frankly, the same goes for stories about Ben Carson. - See more at: DNC Chair Freaks Out After Andrea Mitchell Actually Fact-Checks Hillary


Here is a full transcript of the November 13 interview:

See more at: DNC Chair Freaks Out After Andrea Mitchell Actually Fact-Checks Hillary
Schultz: Hillary lies okay, everybody knows she lies can't we just stop discussing her many lies she's a liar has been for years its not like her lying is something new so she lied about trying to join the marines and landing under sniper fire she's a liar, at least she's good at lying what does it matter if she's a liar.
Schultz tried to give Mitchell a hard time for even questioning Hillary. How dare you question our queen!!! :(
Schultz: Hillary lies okay, everybody knows she lies can't we just stop discussing her many lies she's a liar has been for years its not like her lying is something new so she lied about trying to join the marines and landing under sniper fire she's a liar, at least she's good at lying what does it matter if she's a liar.

Maybe thats how Hill and Bill got together in the first place, they lied to each other, the perfect match.
Anyway, the way I heard it, was in 1975 she was trying to join the NASA program as the first woman astronaut. Don't know where that Marine thing came from.
Schultz: Hillary lies okay, everybody knows she lies can't we just stop discussing her many lies she's a liar has been for years its not like her lying is something new so she lied about trying to join the marines and landing under sniper fire she's a liar, at least she's good at lying what does it matter if she's a liar.

Maybe thats how Hill and Bill got together in the first place, they lied to each other, the perfect match.
Anyway, the way I heard it, was in 1975 she was trying to join the NASA program as the first woman astronaut. Don't know where that Marine thing came from.

She was trying to be the first women astronaut marine fighter pilot to land on the moon under sniper fire.
Seeing as how most of the women in armed forces are lesbians, she probably DID try to join.
What is truly amazing is Democrats ability to block out her obvious lies, corruption, lack of integrity because she is the power Liberal. Throw back the Koolaid, hold your nose and vote for the Hildebeast like the good little Liberals you are.
Schultz: Hillary lies okay, everybody knows she lies can't we just stop discussing her many lies she's a liar has been for years its not like her lying is something new so she lied about trying to join the marines and landing under sniper fire she's a liar, at least she's good at lying what does it matter if she's a liar.

Maybe thats how Hill and Bill got together in the first place, they lied to each other, the perfect match.
Anyway, the way I heard it, was in 1975 she was trying to join the NASA program as the first woman astronaut. Don't know where that Marine thing came from.

She was trying to be the first women astronaut marine fighter pilot to land on the moon under sniper fire.


Was that because the Democrats discovered there might be Nazi's on the moon?



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