DNC representative and DWS ally resigns over anti-Israel tirade...

interesting when your party has ron paul...
Ron Paul is hardly a Republican. The man even ran for President in the Libertarian party and he supports Johnson this year.

the kkk, skinheads and neonazis.
Interesting you mention the KKK, because they started out as all Democrats. There first target was not black rather it was "radical" Republicans. Who defeated the KKK during Reconstruction? The white Republicans!!!

The KKK, Skinheads and NeoNazis do not support the GOP! Heck they had morons as much as the hate the Jews! They aren't voting for Romney!

Democrats on the other hand have a base that BBBBOOOO'ED Israel during the Democratic convention. They have a base that REGULARLY supports antisemitism!

Rabbi ignores the antisemitism within the Republican party, because there is NONE. Yet the Democratic party is swimming within it!
Brave woman. Doesn't surprise me to see all the israel firsters here...its amusing.
Interesting you mention the KKK, because they started out as all Democrats.
Ya know, when I first saw your comment, I thought you were full of shit. So I went and did a little research on their history and I'm going to have to take back the FOS comment. You're fucking right!

In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic party, the planter class, and all those who desired restoration of white supremacy. Its purposes were political, but political in the broadest sense, for it sought to affect power relations, both public and private, throughout Southern society. It aimed to reverse the interlocking changes sweeping over the South during Reconstruction: to destroy the Republican party's infrastructure, undermine the Reconstruction state, reestablish control of the black labor force, and restore racial subordination in every aspect of Southern life.
Thanks for the info, I learned something new.
you are lying, again and being rather bold in these lies Rabbi.

The tea party holds seats in our government. The word Party is in the title.
No i think you do remember and are just trying to make it look like it never happened to fit your narrative.

these are not even good lies Rabbi.

The Rabbi never lies

LOL shut up, hahahahhaa

made you laugh


I love you plas. I really do admire you. You are one of the few. You are so beyond so many.
This is a disturbing trend in the Democratic Party. Their Left nutters are now openly and proudly Antisemitic. Just look at their bizarre Convention for proof. I just don't understand why so many American Jews support the Democratic Party. It's time for them to wake up and realize their Party has dumped them.
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This is a disturbing trend in the Democratic Party. Their Left nutters are now openly and proudly Antisemitic. Just look at their bizarre Convention for proof. I just don't understand why so many American Jews support the Democratic Party. It's time for them to wake up and realize their Party has dumped them.

One always has to remember that just because a person might be circumcised and have worn a kippa as a child does not make that person a person of faith.

American Jews are a strange lot for true. If one wants to get hard core about it, well Democrat and faith should never go hand in hand.

So although they are classed as American Jews you always have to remember that they are as Jewish by biblical law as Larry Flynt is when he is claiming he is Catholic.

Chuckie is a fabulous example. :D as that wonderful man Mark continually points out.
Dnc = ows

Funniest thing ever was a canuck version of ows.

My daughters kept giving me links to the fools in TO. :lmao: And I had the best of time watching the morons in the peg try to stay warm in November.

Even funnier was sending a Cabela's gift certificate to the organizer. Pink realtree. :D
Dnc = ows

Funniest thing ever was a canuck version of ows.

My daughters kept giving me links to the fools in TO. :lmao: And I had the best of time watching the morons in the peg try to stay warm in November.

Even funnier was sending a Cabela's gift certificate to the organizer. Pink realtree. :D

Yeah, what did happen to that OWS? Boy, they sure disappeared. They were supposed to make so much noise and really shake this Election up. Where'd they all go? It looks like they were a Media/Democrat-invented 'Movement' after all.
The Democratic Party is rapidly becoming the go-to place for extreme left-wing views, including racist and anti-semitic ones.

interesting when your party has ron paul... the kkk, skinheads and neonazis.

but you can pretend anti-semitism only exists among the left.

Ron Paul is a good man.

I've never tried to take on his wingers. Are we really trying to have a political conversation here?

I like this man. He is real. Now maybe this man can't be President. But I like him because he is real.

Well said.
This is a disturbing trend in the Democratic Party. Their Left nutters are now openly and proudly Antisemitic. Just look at their bizarre Convention for proof. I just don't understand why so many American Jews support the Democratic Party. It's time for them to wake up and realize their Party has dumped them.

What about Ron Paul? The media accused of him of being anti Semitic and anti Israel. Yet you claim to be a paulitician, that's funny :cool:
The Democratic Party is rapidly becoming the go-to place for extreme left-wing views, including racist and anti-semitic ones.

interesting when your party has ron paul... the kkk, skinheads and neonazis.

but you can pretend anti-semitism only exists among the left.

The KKK was started by democrats. sorry hon. but you iz wrong.

they are told that a lot and dont believe it, than its proven, than they spin it. I have an easier time educating a lamp post better than a democrat.
This is a disturbing trend in the Democratic Party. Their Left nutters are now openly and proudly Antisemitic. Just look at their bizarre Convention for proof. I just don't understand why so many American Jews support the Democratic Party. It's time for them to wake up and realize their Party has dumped them.

What about Ron Paul? The media accused of him of being anti Semitic and anti Israel. Yet you claim to be a paulitician, that's funny :cool:

Well what makes him antisemetic?
This is a disturbing trend in the Democratic Party. Their Left nutters are now openly and proudly Antisemitic. Just look at their bizarre Convention for proof. I just don't understand why so many American Jews support the Democratic Party. It's time for them to wake up and realize their Party has dumped them.

What about Ron Paul? The media accused of him of being anti Semitic and anti Israel. Yet you claim to be a paulitician, that's funny :cool:

Well what makes him antisemetic?

Like I said the media made those allegations. I liked Ron Paul and I know he doesn't support Israel like "Paulitician" does
You always crack me up. No matter what board, no matter what time. you always make me laugh.

How do you hit "high intense" all the time though?
90% of the things I post, are usually the first thing that pops into my head after reading someone else's.
The Democratic Party is rapidly becoming the go-to place for extreme left-wing views, including racist and anti-semitic ones.

interesting when your party has ron paul... the kkk, skinheads and neonazis.

but you can pretend anti-semitism only exists among the left.

Interesting, we have a President that has and still is trying to take us forward to European Socialism and continues to use Keynesian Economics. Both are failed government and economic theories. Keynesian Economics has never had a positive long term effect.

European countries employing Socialism and the Keynesian Economics are on the verge of bankruptcy.

Why would any rational person favor a political and economic policies that have failed in the past and are failing right now?

Only stupid people would support such insanity!

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