Do any of you remember your kindergarten or preeschool days ?

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Thinking about it I actually can
I remember they wanted to see if you could already count ,read ,taught the alphabet ,basic writing ,play time nap time, kids shittin dey bloomers and so on blah blah

I remember the teachers name even some of the kids


Can't leave the kiddies alone can yas .
We deserve what is coming ...especially some of the teachers

IF this is real and she's not, um, "joking" (as far as liberals can "joke")....then she must teach in one heck of a liberal enclave. Cause in any normal slice of America she'd get thrown on her ear for teaching this to any age kids, let alone 2 year olds.

But I don't think it's real. 2 year olds? Nah

This was my first school.

500 community volunteers built it out of rocks from the beaver creek. They used horses and mules to haul the rocks from the creek. My first teacher was my dad's old teacher. That woman used to tell me "I don't care if you burn a hole through the paper, fix it and don't bring it back to me until you get it right"





That creek runs through our property, we still have 144 acres there, complete with a spring a hundred yards off the front porch of the old home place.

It's full of trout. We lived off em. It's beautiful, the boulders in the creek are huge. And the waterfalls? Pft. Majestic...
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This was my first school.

500 community volunteers built it out of rocks from the beaver creek. The used horses and mules to haul the rocks from the creek. My first teacher was my dad's old teacher. That woman used to tell me "I don't care if you burn a hole through the paper, fix it and don't bring it back to me until you get it right"





That creek runs through our property, we still have 144 acres there, complete with a spring a hundred yards off the front porch of the old home place.

It's full of trout. We lived off em. It's beautiful, the boulders in the creek are huge. And the waterfalls? Pft. Majestic...

My gosh the building and the setting are beautiful.

Children, btw, deserve this. They deserve not to learn in industrial looking, prison like spaces.

This is glorious
Vaguely a little bit. Some memory pieces. I was 4 and in Serbia. I remember I liked a little girl. Weird for a 4 year old? I was shy, and didnt played on the playground with others, because I was too shy.
My gosh the building and the setting are beautiful.

Children, btw, deserve this. They deserve not to learn in industrial looking, prison like spaces.

This is glorious

Yeah, it's a nice area. That's in Damascus, Va. In Washington County. Named after George Washington, who was then commander-in-chief of the Continental Army.

My ancestors on the European side occupied that area as far back as 1626. Though my native American roots are eternal. I've actually got more of those. Ha.

Damascus was the only town around there. Still is.

We used to walk into town from the other side of the mountain where we lived.

This is pretty much all there is to the town. It's smaller than Mayberry. Heh heh. But we had a five and dime. A soda shop. Ice cream parlor. Candy store.



I liked to play in the woods a lot. And I had the Cherokee National Forest, so that was a bonus. I remember being like four or five and walking up the steps to backbone rock and hanging out on top of it. It was only a short walk through the woods to get there.

This river ran right through the property and was only like 50 yards from the front porch. All we ever heard was water flowing. Constantly. It was great. Loud, too, because of all of the rocks and falls.




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IF this is real and she's not, um, "joking" (as far as liberals can "joke")....then she must teach in one heck of a liberal enclave. Cause in any normal slice of America she'd get thrown on her ear for teaching this to any age kids, let alone 2 year olds.

But I don't think it's real. 2 year olds? Nah
It's real
They Id her on another site

This was my first school.

500 community volunteers built it out of rocks from the beaver creek. They used horses and mules to haul the rocks from the creek. My first teacher was my dad's old teacher. That woman used to tell me "I don't care if you burn a hole through the paper, fix it and don't bring it back to me until you get it right"





That creek runs through our property, we still have 144 acres there, complete with a spring a hundred yards off the front porch of the old home place.

It's full of trout. We lived off em. It's beautiful, the boulders in the creek are huge. And the waterfalls? Pft. Majestic...
Built by systemic racism !

Indeed what a treasure ....I went to what Sue said " looked like a prison "
I have fond memories of my childhood to ...everyone so miserable today ...its a friggin shame
Ah, the good old days. I'll never forget my first school.


Gym class was a real bitch.
I can still remember certain significant events from back then. Like my first day of kindergarten, probably because I met several kids who are still close friends 50 years later.
Child: Hey guess what Mommy I learned the alphabet today in kindergarten.
Mom: Really? Let's hear it. :)
Child: *Sings on top of their lungs* LGBTQIA!!!
Mom: :oops:
Once I got into middle school I hated school I was more mature than those around me once I graduated high school I didn't even care to walk across that stage to receive my diploma I had no interest in going to prom either I'm glad those days are over I am naturally beautiful with a great personality this played a role in segregated sections of who was popular and an outcast throughout the years
Yeah, it's a nice area. That's in Damascus, Va. In Washington County. Named after George Washington, who was then commander-in-chief of the Continental Army.

My ancestors on the European side occupied that area as far back as 1626. Though my native American roots are eternal. I've actually got more of those. Ha.

Damascus was the only town around there. Still is.

We used to walk into town from the other side of the mountain where we lived.

This is pretty much all there is to the town. It's smaller than Mayberry. Heh heh. But we had a five and dime. A soda shop. Ice cream parlor. Candy store.



I liked to play in the woods a lot. And I had the Cherokee National Forest, so that was a bonus. I remember being like four or five and walking up the steps to backbone rock and hanging out on top of it. It was only a short walk through the woods to get there.

This river ran right through the property and was only like 50 yards from the front porch. All we ever heard was water flowing. Constantly. It was great. Loud, too, because of all of the rocks and falls.




Wow NC, did you take those most professional looking pictures? What a gorgeous landscape and talk about plenty of running leg room for kids to grow up! And here I thought the gully in the woods across from where I grew up was awesome lol no comparison but I’ll always keep dirt bike memories near the top of my own list.
Wow NC, did you take those most professional looking pictures? What a gorgeous landscape and talk about plenty of running leg room for kids to grow up! And here I thought the gully in the woods across from where I grew up was awesome lol no comparison but I’ll always keep dirt bike memories near the top of my own list.

Oh, no, I didn't take those picture, Claire. Those are just some that I copped off the web.

But those places are engrained into my memory just like the pictures, though. like I said, it was basically my back yard.

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