Do Conservatives Believe In Social Darwinism?

how do you support the poor?

"I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer."

Benjamin Franklin, On the Price of Corn and Management of the Poor, November 1766
The short answer here is no. Mainly because there is no such thing as social darwinism, outside of progressive fantasies about what conservatives believe. In fact no conservative ever used the term, unless referring to charges made by progressives.
Another myth blown up.

Oh wow that was really clever.
Do you have any actual evidence that I am wrong here? Or is knee jerk the best reaction you can come up with?


You should first try posting something that makes actual sense, as opposed to some self righteous God-complex decree about what ideas and concepts exist. So there's no such thing as social darwinism, eh? The entire concept just doesn't exist, is that right? Well, while we're at it why don't we decree that pink doesn't exist either? Let's just scrub out hot too while we're tapping your Godly powers. There's no such thing as hot, it's really just a high level of absence of cold and "hot" was made up by people who wanted to pretend they know how Eskimos think.

If you want to debate the merits, or lack thereof, of social darwinism, or whether one or another group of people can accurately be described as such, then well enough. But it's absolutely ridiculous to base any argument on the insane notion that social darwinism doesn't exist. Even if you wan to argue that the class of social darwinists is an empty class with not a single person fitting that definition, such a claim would still be the equivalent of saying that the number zero doesn't exist.

Do you have any evidence anyone believes in social darwinism other than liberals claiming people do? You seem unable to rise to any challenge here.

It doesn't take a big leap here little bunny:

"Social Darwinism
is a modern name given to various theories of society that emerged in the United Kingdom, the United States, and Western Europe in the 1870s, and which sought to apply biological concepts of natural selection and survival of the fittest to sociology and politics."
Do you have any evidence anyone believes in social darwinism other than liberals claiming people do? You seem unable to rise to any challenge here.

Didn't even bother paying attention, did you? I'm not going to sit here and debate the existence of the number zero.
You are absurd. I challenge you to show where any conservative ever believed in social darwinism, something liberals swear is the gospel truth, and you deflect time and again.
Just admit I am right and move on. And dont accuse conservatives of being social darwinists because it plain isnt true.
how do you support the poor?

"I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer."

Benjamin Franklin, On the Price of Corn and Management of the Poor, November 1766

thanks, but just the same PMS needs to answer the question
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And dont accuse conservatives of being social darwinists because it plain isnt true.

it really is. Liberals want to keep adding to the population of least able to survive while conservatives want to add to the population of most able to survive. Its not strict Darwin but it's related.
how do you support the poor?

"I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer."

Benjamin Franklin, On the Price of Corn and Management of the Poor, November 1766
The only problem was he never figured out the chicken versus the egg? We didn't start welfare here just for the fun of it. We had a problem and that was the attempt at fixing it.

The way forward is not to go back to the past but into the future. You have to spend money to make money and in this case you cheap selfish bastards won't, you'd rather fight wars you don't need to because that makes you feel like real men...
how do you support the poor?

"I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer."

Benjamin Franklin, On the Price of Corn and Management of the Poor, November 1766
The only problem was he never figured out the chicken versus the egg? We didn't start welfare here just for the fun of it. We had a problem and that was the attempt at fixing it.

The way forward is not to go back to the past but into the future. You have to spend money to make money and in this case you cheap selfish bastards won't, you'd rather fight wars you don't need to because that makes you feel like real men...

1) I doubt Obama is staying in Afghanistan or droning to feel like a man
2) the more we spend on welfare the more we need to spend.

Franklin had it right. He a little smarter than you. Sorry
how do you support the poor?

"I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer."

Benjamin Franklin, On the Price of Corn and Management of the Poor, November 1766
The only problem was he never figured out the chicken versus the egg? We didn't start welfare here just for the fun of it. We had a problem and that was the attempt at fixing it.

The way forward is not to go back to the past but into the future. You have to spend money to make money and in this case you cheap selfish bastards won't, you'd rather fight wars you don't need to because that makes you feel like real men...

how much do you give to the poor?

what % of your income?
how do you support the poor?

"I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer."

Benjamin Franklin, On the Price of Corn and Management of the Poor, November 1766
The only problem was he never figured out the chicken versus the egg? We didn't start welfare here just for the fun of it. We had a problem and that was the attempt at fixing it.

The way forward is not to go back to the past but into the future. You have to spend money to make money and in this case you cheap selfish bastards won't, you'd rather fight wars you don't need to because that makes you feel like real men...

1) I doubt Obama is staying in Afghanistan or droning to feel like a man
2) the more we spend on welfare the more we need to spend.

Franklin had it right. He a little smarter than you. Sorry
Franklin didn't live in a modern age. I know what he could never have imagined. He was smart for his day, 200 years ago.
They believe in Inequality, which they are just fine with accept for bitching night and day about the government, while happily cashing the checks it sends them.

First post replying to the OP your typical Marxist rhetorical crap. In other words, a normal thread.

I don't even know what that means, believing in inequality. Do you or you just reach into your bag of empty talking points and pick a random one to go with?
They believe in Inequality, which they are just fine with accept for bitching night and day about the government, while happily cashing the checks it sends them.

First post replying to the OP your typical Marxist rhetorical crap. In other words, a normal thread.

I don't even know what that means, believing in inequality. Do you or you just reach into your bag of empty talking points and pick a random one to go with?
It means you don't care that a very large percentage of the population gets fucked, through no fault of their own, as long as you are much better off than they are. It means your thought is it is what it is and I'm not going to pay an extra buck or lift a finger to fix it as long as I Got Mine.
how do you support the poor?

"I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer."

Benjamin Franklin, On the Price of Corn and Management of the Poor, November 1766
The only problem was he never figured out the chicken versus the egg? We didn't start welfare here just for the fun of it. We had a problem and that was the attempt at fixing it.

The way forward is not to go back to the past but into the future. You have to spend money to make money and in this case you cheap selfish bastards won't, you'd rather fight wars you don't need to because that makes you feel like real men...

1) I doubt Obama is staying in Afghanistan or droning to feel like a man
2) the more we spend on welfare the more we need to spend.

Franklin had it right. He a little smarter than you. Sorry
Franklin didn't live in a modern age. I know what he could never have imagined. He was smart for his day, 200 years ago.

No, he probably could never of conceived of the idea of the massive numbers of people who vote themselves a living and the politicians who derive endless power over all our lives because of it. He's spinning in his grave.
White privelege and institutional injustice are preventing equality
Fo shaw.

seriously, black progress ground to a halt in the 1960's when they became very very liberal.
Yeah, nothing has change except we have a black President of the US, and blacks are way ahead of where they used to be.

way ahead like 74% of kids born into broken homes or never formed homes up from 20%, prisons filled to capacity with blacks, hip hop culture thriving!!.

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance!!
They believe in Inequality, which they are just fine with accept for bitching night and day about the government, while happily cashing the checks it sends them.

First post replying to the OP your typical Marxist rhetorical crap. In other words, a normal thread.

I don't even know what that means, believing in inequality. Do you or you just reach into your bag of empty talking points and pick a random one to go with?
It means you don't care that a very large percentage of the population gets fucked, through no fault of their own, as long as you are much better off than they are.

So first they believed in it, now they just don't are about it. When you make up your mind, let me know.

Also, fiscal conservatives, of which I am one, believe in equal opportunity, you believe in equal results. They are entirely different things. It's not government's job to fix the latter.

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