Do Conservatives Believe In Social Darwinism?

They believe in Inequality, which they are just fine with accept for bitching night and day about the government, while happily cashing the checks it sends them.

Everyone believes in inequality, except perhaps utopian communists.
What does that mean. Toro? Everyone believes in inequality?


Unless you believe in equality of outcomes, you believe in inequality. The only debate amongst most people is degree. Except amongst utopian communists.
how do you support the poor?

"I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer."

Benjamin Franklin, On the Price of Corn and Management of the Poor, November 1766
The only problem was he never figured out the chicken versus the egg? We didn't start welfare here just for the fun of it. We had a problem and that was the attempt at fixing it.

The way forward is not to go back to the past but into the future. You have to spend money to make money and in this case you cheap selfish bastards won't, you'd rather fight wars you don't need to because that makes you feel like real men...

No one is ever going to make a dime giving money to people who aren't competent or responsible enough to support themselves.

Welfare was started to buy the votes of those who receive it. The people who conceived it had no intention of ever getting rid of poverty.
how do you support the poor?

"I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer."

Benjamin Franklin, On the Price of Corn and Management of the Poor, November 1766
The only problem was he never figured out the chicken versus the egg? We didn't start welfare here just for the fun of it. We had a problem and that was the attempt at fixing it.

The way forward is not to go back to the past but into the future. You have to spend money to make money and in this case you cheap selfish bastards won't, you'd rather fight wars you don't need to because that makes you feel like real men...

No one is ever going to make a dime giving money to people who aren't competent or responsible enough to support themselves.

Welfare was started to buy the votes of those who receive it. The people who conceived it had no intention of ever getting rid of poverty.

all the entitlements cripple people and make them more and more dependent on liberal govt. This is subversion of our democracy
seriously, black progress ground to a halt in the 1960's when they became very very liberal.
Yeah, nothing has change except we have a black President of the US, and blacks are way ahead of where they used to be.

way ahead like 74% of kids born into broken homes or never formed homes up from 20%, prisons filled to capacity with blacks, hip hop culture thriving!!.

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance!!
Learn what Economics is. That isn't it.

I'll help. How much did the ******* make in 1960? Now, adjusted for inflation, how much the the ******* make in 2014? Go.

are you talking about the ones in prison and on welfare too??
Include them all. You will still find out that they are way ahead of where they once were.

dear, how is being in prison or being a criminal being better off?
"Do Conservatives Believe In Social Darwinism?"

Social Darwinism is a fundamental component of conservative dogma, the driving force behind the right's opposition to necessary and proper regulatory policy, Commerce Clause jurisprudence authorizing that regulatory policy, and efforts to eliminate important, successful programs such as Social Security and Medicare.

We can add that to the huge pile of idiotic claims you have posted that are totally untrue.
It doesnt exist as a belief among conservatives, contrary to what liberals say.
As for your claim of being a conservative, :eek-52:

Unlike the typical USMB Cino, I'm a true conservative. I want the government out of people's personal lives, lower taxes, lower spending. And I'm actually willing to see it put into action, unlike fake pieces of shit like you who bloviate but then back down when shit hits the fan.

And I'm intelligent. I don't go around making dumbass claims about things not existing just because I don't agree with the invention I've made in my own mind about how they allegedly exist.
Bullshit. You're a narco-libertarian at best. Who has backed down and when has shit hit the fan? You're fantasizing, Slambo.
And it isnt that I dont agree with social darwinism, it is that no one holds that position, at least among conservatives.
I believe in a Level Playing Field, which we still do not have. And I believe in Regulated Capitalism because when it isn't it fucks just about everybody and destroys itself in no time at all.

Right, because of course politicians are all about fairness, that's what they live for. They are like priests, they just care about the people who elect them.

Wow, you're all over the realities of life, aren't you Opie?
The reality of life is money talks and bullshit walks. And Pols need money. They do what the person paying wants and you don't pay up. Pay to play. Got it?
I believe in a Level Playing Field, which we still do not have. And I believe in Regulated Capitalism because when it isn't it fucks just about everybody and destroys itself in no time at all.

Right, because of course politicians are all about fairness, that's what they live for. They are like priests, they just care about the people who elect them.

Wow, you're all over the realities of life, aren't you Opie?
The reality of life is money talks and bullshit walks. And Pols need money. They do what the person paying wants and you don't pay up. Pay to play. Got it?

Yes, if a lawyer tells you that they're a virgin, you believe them. Even after you met their eight kids. You know what you have in common with an all day sucker? Everything.

I don't even know what you're talking about. Anyone in this country can do anything they want. It's only losers like you who don't even try and need someone to blame it on who don't know that.
It depends person to person, but many do. Typically they don't believe in evolution, so they just call it "fiscal conservatism"
The short answer here is no. Mainly because there is no such thing as social darwinism, outside of progressive fantasies about what conservatives believe. In fact no conservative ever used the term, unless referring to charges made by progressives.
Another myth blown up.
What lies and bullshit you spout, Rabid! What else is the philosophy of Ayn Rand but Social Darwinism. And Paul Ryan required his aides to read her works, and Rand Paul is even named after her. The stench of her filthy philosophy pervades your posts.
Central planning and social justice programs.... For economic growth !!!!

Civil servants to the rescue !
It depends person to person, but many do. Typically they don't believe in evolution, so they just call it "fiscal conservatism"
Most progressives believe in eugenics.

I've never met one who did. Eugenics is a pseudoscience.
Hardly. Healthy people make healthy babies. Bad genetics makes for bad babies. It's not complicated.

That is an oversimplification. For instance there can be two seemingly healthy people who share the same mutation and thus produce unhealthy offspring. Genetic diversity helps avoid this, but eugenicists did not agree with genetic diversity.
It depends person to person, but many do. Typically they don't believe in evolution, so they just call it "fiscal conservatism"
Most progressives believe in eugenics.

I've never met one who did. Eugenics is a pseudoscience.
Hardly. Healthy people make healthy babies. Bad genetics makes for bad babies. It's not complicated.

That is an oversimplification.
Yep, but the concept is still sound. Don't let the weak and the sick reproduce, and therefore let them die off young, and you will have a healthier population.

And genetic diversity means not fucking the girl next door or your cousin Beth. You don't have to mix up the races to get a healthy population.

And can two very healthy people produce a bad product? Absolutely, and you let that be the end of it. Life unworthy of life. Brutal but true.

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