Do Conservatives Believe In Social Darwinism?

White privelege and institutional injustice are preventing equality
Fo shaw.

seriously, black progress ground to a halt in the 1960's when they became very very liberal.
Yeah, nothing has change except we have a black President of the US, and blacks are way ahead of where they used to be.

let it be noted you did not answer my question you fucking hypocrite
Hey dumbshit, I did, so go back a page or two and then I expect an apology, which I'll never get.
It means you don't care that a very large percentage of the population gets fucked, through no fault of their own, .

blacks are solidly liberal always voting for more and more crippling welfare. Conservatives would have solved the problems long ago.
White privelege and institutional injustice are preventing equality
Fo shaw.

seriously, black progress ground to a halt in the 1960's when they became very very liberal.
Yeah, nothing has change except we have a black President of the US, and blacks are way ahead of where they used to be.

way ahead like 74% of kids born into broken homes or never formed homes up from 20%, prisons filled to capacity with blacks, hip hop culture thriving!!.

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance!!
Learn what Economics is. That isn't it.

I'll help. How much did the ******* make in 1960? Now, adjusted for inflation, how much the the ******* make in 2014? Go.
White privelege and institutional injustice are preventing equality
Fo shaw.

seriously, black progress ground to a halt in the 1960's when they became very very liberal.
Yeah, nothing has change except we have a black President of the US, and blacks are way ahead of where they used to be.

way ahead like 74% of kids born into broken homes or never formed homes up from 20%, prisons filled to capacity with blacks, hip hop culture thriving!!.

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance!!
Learn what Economics is. That isn't it.

I'll help. How much did the ******* make in 1960? Now, adjusted for inflation, how much the the ******* make in 2014? Go.

are you talking about the ones in prison and on welfare too??
They believe in Inequality, which they are just fine with accept for bitching night and day about the government, while happily cashing the checks it sends them.

First post replying to the OP your typical Marxist rhetorical crap. In other words, a normal thread.

I don't even know what that means, believing in inequality. Do you or you just reach into your bag of empty talking points and pick a random one to go with?
It means you don't care that a very large percentage of the population gets fucked, through no fault of their own, as long as you are much better off than they are.

So first they believed in it, now they just don't are about it. When you make up your mind, let me know.

Also, fiscal conservatives, of which I am one, believe in equal opportunity, you believe in equal results. They are entirely different things. It's not government's job to fix the latter.
I believe in a Level Playing Field, which we still do not have. And I believe in Regulated Capitalism because when it isn't it fucks just about everybody and destroys itself in no time at all.
White privelege and institutional injustice are preventing equality
Fo shaw.

seriously, black progress ground to a halt in the 1960's when they became very very liberal.
Yeah, nothing has change except we have a black President of the US, and blacks are way ahead of where they used to be.

way ahead like 74% of kids born into broken homes or never formed homes up from 20%, prisons filled to capacity with blacks, hip hop culture thriving!!.

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance!!
Learn what Economics is. That isn't it.

I'll help. How much did the ******* make in 1960? Now, adjusted for inflation, how much the the ******* make in 2014? Go.

are you talking about the ones in prison and on welfare too??
Include them all. You will still find out that they are way ahead of where they once were.
White privelege and institutional injustice are preventing equality
Fo shaw.

seriously, black progress ground to a halt in the 1960's when they became very very liberal.
Yeah, nothing has change except we have a black President of the US, and blacks are way ahead of where they used to be.

let it be noted you did not answer my question you fucking hypocrite
Hey dumbshit, I did, so go back a page or two and then I expect an apology, which I'll never get.

Post #280 little moron.
I believe in a Level Playing Field, which we still do not have. And I believe in Regulated Capitalism because when it isn't it fucks just about everybody and destroys itself in no time at all.

Right, because of course politicians are all about fairness, that's what they live for. They are like priests, they just care about the people who elect them.

Wow, you're all over the realities of life, aren't you Opie?
"From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" Comrades. For the people !!! Lol
You are absurd. I challenge you to show where any conservative ever believed in social darwinism, something liberals swear is the gospel truth, and you deflect time and again.
Just admit I am right and move on. And dont accuse conservatives of being social darwinists because it plain isnt true.

1 - It doesn't matter if any conservative is a social darwinist. That still does not justify your claim that social darwinism does not exist.

2 - Who gives a shit what liberals say?

3 - I am a social darwinist, and a conservative. Social darwinism is a good thing! But I doubt you understand it at all.
the theory that individuals, groups, and peoples are subject to the same Darwinian laws of natural selection as plants and animals. Now largely discredited, social Darwinism was advocated by Herbert Spencer and others in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and was used to justify political conservatism, imperialism, and racism and to discourage intervention and reform.

Sounds pretty darned Conservative to me!

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And once again the far left shows they do not understand any meanings outside their far left programming..

See they have their own definition of a word that usually does not fit reality..
Once again the far right pretends that they did not eagerly grasp onto the findings of Darwinism to rationalize the theory that white man was superior.
Do you have any evidence that is the case? Because it isnt. There is no evidence of conservatives using the term social Darwinism, much less endorsing it.
Yes I do have proof. Its in the dictionary.

Social darwinism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

"The theory was used from the late 19th century to support laissez-faire capitalism and political conservatism. "
Thanks, Asclepias! The timely posting of a succinct definition of the term "Social Darwinism" is as welcome a sight as the North Star was to lost travelers who knew how to navigate by it. The Rabbi(t) has no sense of direction or even a modicum of common courtesy. He is willing to set his leaky ship on a course to nowhere on a sea of ignorance that typifies neo-conservative thought. Any who dare to board are left to fend form themselves... but only the progressives have life jackets.
They believe in Inequality, which they are just fine with accept for bitching night and day about the government, while happily cashing the checks it sends them.
Being opposed to inequality is like being opposed to death. Both are facts of nature. Your feelings about them simply aren't relevant.

Yes, I teach my children right around age 10 that the quest for *fairness* is a futile one, and one they ought not to waste their time on. It's a juvenile obsession, the concept that whatever that person has, this person must also have, and whatever opportunities that person has must be provided to all these people.

What we fight for is a Level Playing Field. After that it's up to you. And you should have learned long ago that the only causes worth fighting for are the lost ones.

There's no such thing as a level playing field.

Immature. And ridiculous. It's always up to me, and I know what causes are worth fighting for. I don't need an anti-Christian, self-absorbed, anti-freedom bigot like you to tell me.
We agree on something. Your stupidity keeps you from being on that field. Even though the constitution says otherwise.
They believe in Inequality, which they are just fine with accept for bitching night and day about the government, while happily cashing the checks it sends them.
Being opposed to inequality is like being opposed to death. Both are facts of nature. Your feelings about them simply aren't relevant.

Yes, I teach my children right around age 10 that the quest for *fairness* is a futile one, and one they ought not to waste their time on. It's a juvenile obsession, the concept that whatever that person has, this person must also have, and whatever opportunities that person has must be provided to all these people.

What we fight for is a Level Playing Field. After that it's up to you. And you should have learned long ago that the only causes worth fighting for are the lost ones.

There's no such thing as a level playing field.

Immature. And ridiculous. It's always up to me, and I know what causes are worth fighting for. I don't need an anti-Christian, self-absorbed, anti-freedom bigot like you to tell me.
We agree on something. Your stupidity keeps you from being on that field. Even though the constitution says otherwise.

Isn't it sort of early to be hitting the gin, ravtard? Do you keep it stashed in the mini van so you can tipple as you're running errands and going to practices and such?
Being opposed to inequality is like being opposed to death. Both are facts of nature. Your feelings about them simply aren't relevant.

Yes, I teach my children right around age 10 that the quest for *fairness* is a futile one, and one they ought not to waste their time on. It's a juvenile obsession, the concept that whatever that person has, this person must also have, and whatever opportunities that person has must be provided to all these people.

What we fight for is a Level Playing Field. After that it's up to you. And you should have learned long ago that the only causes worth fighting for are the lost ones.

There's no such thing as a level playing field.

Immature. And ridiculous. It's always up to me, and I know what causes are worth fighting for. I don't need an anti-Christian, self-absorbed, anti-freedom bigot like you to tell me.
We agree on something. Your stupidity keeps you from being on that field. Even though the constitution says otherwise.

Isn't it sort of early to be hitting the gin, ravtard? Do you keep it stashed in the mini van so you can tipple as you're running errands and going to practices and such?
Do you want me to stop going to your special Olympics practices? Damn, just say the word. I thought my support made your life worthwhile :(
You are absurd. I challenge you to show where any conservative ever believed in social darwinism, something liberals swear is the gospel truth, and you deflect time and again.
Just admit I am right and move on. And dont accuse conservatives of being social darwinists because it plain isnt true.

1 - It doesn't matter if any conservative is a social darwinist. That still does not justify your claim that social darwinism does not exist.

2 - Who gives a shit what liberals say?

3 - I am a social darwinist, and a conservative. Social darwinism is a good thing! But I doubt you understand it at all.
It doesnt exist as a belief among conservatives, contrary to what liberals say.
As for your claim of being a conservative, :eek-52:
"Do Conservatives Believe In Social Darwinism?"

Social Darwinism is a fundamental component of conservative dogma, the driving force behind the right's opposition to necessary and proper regulatory policy, Commerce Clause jurisprudence authorizing that regulatory policy, and efforts to eliminate important, successful programs such as Social Security and Medicare.
"Do Conservatives Believe In Social Darwinism?"

Social Darwinism is a fundamental component of conservative dogma, the driving force behind the right's opposition to necessary and proper regulatory policy, Commerce Clause jurisprudence authorizing that regulatory policy, and efforts to eliminate important, successful programs such as Social Security and Medicare.
Unfortunately none of that is true.
It doesnt exist as a belief among conservatives, contrary to what liberals say.
As for your claim of being a conservative, :eek-52:

Unlike the typical USMB Cino, I'm a true conservative. I want the government out of people's personal lives, lower taxes, lower spending. And I'm actually willing to see it put into action, unlike fake pieces of shit like you who bloviate but then back down when shit hits the fan.

And I'm intelligent. I don't go around making dumbass claims about things not existing just because I don't agree with the invention I've made in my own mind about how they allegedly exist.

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