Do conservatives ever wonder WHY liberalism is prevalent in higher education?

Do conservatives ever wonder WHY liberalism is prevalent in higher education?

It's not. It's not prevalent any where anymore. The reason why higher "education" is generally chock full of LOLberals, is because it is mostly state sponsored in one form or another.
Thomas Sowell wrote an entire book on Intellectuals and Society and examines why Intellectualism is so toxic.

Thomas Sowell on Intellectuals and Society - YouTube

LOLOL, Thomas Sowell IS an intellectual who attended Howard University,

got his Masters from the ultra-liberal Columbia University,

and his doctorate from the University of Chicago, where he shares alumni status with the likes of Sol Alinsky.

too funny, retard.

Who better to write about "toxic" intellectualism? Forrest Gump?
Thomas Sowell wrote an entire book on Intellectuals and Society and examines why Intellectualism is so toxic.

Thomas Sowell on Intellectuals and Society - YouTube

LOLOL, Thomas Sowell IS an intellectual who attended Howard University,

got his Masters from the ultra-liberal Columbia University,

and his doctorate from the University of Chicago, where he shares alumni status with the likes of Sol Alinsky.

too funny, retard.

You didn't pay a bit of attention to what he said did you?
Do conservatives ever wonder WHY liberalism is prevalent in higher education?

It's not. It's not prevalent any where anymore. The reason why higher "education" is generally chock full of LOLberals, is because it is mostly state sponsored in one form or another.

Did you just say liberalism is not prevalent any where anymore and then explain why it is?
do conservatives ever wonder why liberalism is prevalent in higher education?

it's not. It's not prevalent any where anymore. The reason why higher "education" is generally chock full of lolberals, is because it is mostly state sponsored in one form or another.

did you just say liberalism is not prevalent any where anymore and then explain why it is?

think of what actors in history have disparaged education and educators.

those people were NOT good actors in history.
Do conservatives ever wonder WHY liberalism is prevalent in higher education?

It's not. It's not prevalent any where anymore. The reason why higher "education" is generally chock full of LOLberals, is because it is mostly state sponsored in one form or another.

Did you just say liberalism is not prevalent any where anymore and then explain why it is?

No. Liberalism is very different from LOLberalism.
Thomas Sowell wrote an entire book on Intellectuals and Society and examines why Intellectualism is so toxic.

Thomas Sowell on Intellectuals and Society - YouTube

LOLOL, Thomas Sowell IS an intellectual who attended Howard University,

got his Masters from the ultra-liberal Columbia University,

and his doctorate from the University of Chicago, where he shares alumni status with the likes of Sol Alinsky.

too funny, retard.

Yep, and he used to be a Marxist until he started working for the department of labor and saw stuff that made him wake up.
think of what actors in history have disparaged education and educators.

those people were NOT good actors in history.

The ones who praised them are far worse: people like Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. They were all great exponents of public education.

BTW, could you list a few of these "bad actors" who disparaged education and educators?
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Has the world had spasms of liberalism and conservatism? For example, did liberalism begin with the Age of Enlightenment or even earlier, say with the ancient Greeks? Was the Medieval period a period of conservatism? Do civilizations progress in steps, some liberal changes, stop and digest the liberal changes, and then move ahead again? Is liberalism a form of progressive change?
Of course, no one seems able to define liberalism or conservatism in an acceptable manner so we wallow.
If I were to try and explain the difference I would begin with one's attitude toward mankind; how do we perceive our fellow man?
when yiou have a party that hates education as much as the republican party does its starts getting suspecious.

they call any funding for our kids education "throwing money at the problem".

They hate higher education and trash anyone with an education.

then they start their very own crazy town higher education.

They deny sceince on a daily basis.

they deny the very definitions of words.

The right in this country wants peopel stupid.

when yiou have a party that hates education as much as the republican party does its starts getting suspecious.

they call any funding for our kids education "throwing money at the problem".

They hate higher education and trash anyone with an education.

then they start their very own crazy town higher education.

They deny sceince on a daily basis.

they deny the very definitions of words.

The right in this country wants peopel stupid.


Yep.. and there ya go...


Oh, the irony.
Do conservatives ever wonder WHY liberalism is prevalent in higher education?

Nope. Not even a little bit.

[ame=]I like the university - YouTube[/ame]

Perhaps its because liberalism represents intellectual ideas? Perhaps something can be said why political scientists tend to be liberal.

No, it's because liberalism represents intolerance and intimidation. If you diagree explain to us why that liberal professor made the kid stomp on a picture of Jesus! We'll wait.

A professor as in a college professor? A professor can not make a student do anything. And even if he did, it is one example of some nut job. It doesn't reflect an entire ideology.

A member got beat up by conservatives at a rally one year. Are all conservatives assholes?
No one is willing to end Social Security or Medicare, instead they want to privatize them, knowing it will be a money maker for the Banksters. It will mark the end as we know them.

Oh please.
You people live in fear.
Without the hand of government ,you see disaster. You see a threat to your comfort zone.
why does the right in this country want people to turn away from education?

That is about as anti democracy as you can get
why does the right in this country want people to turn away from education?

That is about as anti democracy as you can get

why does the left in this country want to indoctrinate our young people instead of educating them with all viewpoints and letting them make their own decisions?

Because when people know the truth of both sides, they choose conservatism. The truth is the enemy of liberalism, always has been.

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