Do conservatives ever wonder WHY liberalism is prevalent in higher education?

Are you just making shit up? Who the hell would postulate something like that? No one in the scientific community would believe something that stupid.

You do understand that political scientists are not scientists, don't you?

By the way, I don't have to make up the stupidity level of liberals in education, they do things I can't possibly think of.

“Politics” is an elusive phenomenon, with popular perception focusing on the importance of factors that do not seem subject to scientific inquiry; perhaps this is why National Science Foundation funding of the discipline has been under attack in Congress. However, even the founding figures of the United States viewed politics as if they were governed by logical processes. This panel focuses on emerging approaches within the discipline, with a focus on methods and ideas that have crossed over from other sciences, from molecular (genetic) analyses to international institutional determinants of political outcomes. The modern science of politics has revealed the substantial structure of political behavior and how institutions are shaped by and shape political behavior. The methods presented include field experimental work on political behavior, game theoretic approaches to politics, genetic foundations for political behavior, and network science–based approaches to political science.
Session: The Science of Politics (2013 AAAS Annual Meeting (14-18 February 2013))

Remember this the next time you try to tell me that liberals are natural thinkers.

I never said they were. A theory like that would come from neuroscientists which are actual scientists. If you were smart, you would know that.

Tell you what, genius, go back and read my post and point out where I said it was a theory.

After you do that, go look up the word theory, and understand that Joe Blow on the street corner can come up with one.

Now that you have thoroughly demonstrated the value of your arts degree in fake science, STFU.
I have a BA in psychology.

A Bachelor of the Arts in psychology? Couldn't even handle the fake science behind psychology, and had to settle for a BA degree.

How is this different than our conservative friend above who has, apparently, a 'BA' in mechanical engineering? I looked it up and such a degree does exist, but it is easier than a BS in mechanical engineering.

The avalanche of abuse being heaped on the OP: all this does is prove how limited are those heaping the abuse.

He said he has a BS, which is a Bachelor of Science. That means he actually had to do real math to graduate, that is how it is different.
You are being a bully. Whether or not it is true, what you make, it is still none of your business what others make. Have the decency to respect others' right to privacy. An intelligent person realizes that other people have differing views on what is comfortable for them. Just because you, hypothetically, have no problems saying your salary on here, that does not mean others have to feel the same way.

Billy is the guy who started a thread attacking everyone who disagrees with him as not being educated.

Come to think of it, didn't you accuse me of that just a few days ago? Did you already forget the lesson I gave you?

The lesson you gave me? LMAO You live in an alternative reality.

Based on that thread and others, my impression is that you were considered an object of ridicule on here, that your thinking processes are a joke. That's how I see it. I quit engaging with you on that thread because it was so damned tiresome. You are tiresome.

Look at my name, do you think I want to be taken seriously?
Also, keep this in mind when you ponder the extremely high costs of the today's education system:

So far we have discussed rights and property which are unalienable, and those that are inalienable; however, does there exist other classes of property? Absolutely! Here is a riddle:

There exists something that must be acquired — and once acquired, can never be forfeit. This entity can be transferred to another whilst retained by the owner.

What can this elusive — thing — be? Knowledge. Knowledge is a property that the individual cannot lose — yet he can impart this knowledge to another, who can in turn, impart this same knowledge to yet another person! Knowledge is a property which can be transferred by replication, where the grantor (teacher) retains the original, and the grantee (student) obtains the copy!

What's beautiful about Knowledge is that it can be used forever, without being exhausted; it can be replicated infinitely, without ever consuming resources. Furthermore, Knowledge can be obtained naturally (through discovery), or obtained at little cost or no cost from another (a teacher), or even obtained while being paid (from a master/apprentice relationship)!

Without Knowledge, a man possessing little means, in the form of commodities or other commercial entities, would only be able to increase his worth by the grace of another man bestowing a gift upon him. In other words, without education, a man will never be able to elevate his status on the social ladder, because he will only be able to trade his possessions (including money or currency) for other possessions of equal value, thus if he is born poor, he remains poor forever.

However, with Knowledge, a man can then market his labor for higher wages or other financial returns. Knowledge, an entity that costs nothing to maintain, and rarely costs anything to obtain, can make even the poorest man wealthy. This is what is beautiful about true Capitalism (which no longer exists in the United States nor anywhere else), every man is born with the same unalienable rights; and although they may not be born with equal commercial value, Education and Knowledge becomes the great equalizer, providing all men with equal opportunity to either succeed or fail. However, we shall digress from the subject of Education, and leave it for another chapter, for now we return to Knowledge.

So, Knowledge is a type of property which must be acquired throughout one's life. No man is born with innate Knowledge, we are born a blank slate, Tabula Rasa, which is the Latin term used by John Locke's An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. Knowledge, once acquired, cannot be lost, and can be transfered to others via replication. So, let us define the general properties of Knowledge:

I. All men are born without Knowledge (Tabula Rasa).
II. It can be discovered naturally, either by experience or reasoning.
III. It can be acquired through replication, either by learning from another man, or any other means of learning.
IV. Once a man acquires Knowledge, it can never lost.

So, what types of rights are assoicated with Knowledge? Our Constitution in Article I, Section 8, makes explicit that Congress may secure the exclusive Right to Authors and Inventors to their respective Writings and Discoveres (and Inventions, etc). The most commonly known types are Copyrights and Patents. Since Knowledge is neither innate nor losable, but it can be acquired and transferred, and is inexhaustible, we shall classify property with these types of characteristics as Immaterial, and the rights associated with them as “Immaterial Rights.” This leads to the Immaterial Axiom: That all men deserve to be recognized of their intellectual contributions, and through their unalienable right to Contract, are at liberty to create Contracts governing the Material Use and Applications of Immaterial Property, so long as that man is the originator of the Immaterial Property in question.

If people are in debt for the REST OF THEIR LIVES in order to obtain Knowledge, then education ceases to be the "Great Equalizer." In fact, a debtor is always in a state of vassalage to the creditor. Not only are you poorer than when you started, but you are bound to Voluntary Servitude as chattel. If you remain in Debt for Life, you are forever chattel. To whom? The Creditor.

These Liberal Masters have done a cruel, but effective job, at omitting history, and creating an Education system that enslaves people to Banks or Government, depending on who loaned you the money.

What would be beautiful is if self-educated men could take a test and prove they are equally knowledge (in a certain subject) as those who paid to be educated, and obtain degrees that way. I believe there are some ways of doing this for SOME subjects, but no where near a majority, not even a handful.

Why should my Knowledge, equal to another's Knowledge in the same subject, be invalidated, simply because I educated myself, instead of paying for it?
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I have a BA in psychology.

A Bachelor of the Arts in psychology? Couldn't even handle the fake science behind psychology, and had to settle for a BA degree.

Hmm, do you even have a degree?

I have three, a BA, a BS, and an M.Div. I also have multiple certifications in various areas, including counseling.

Don't let that scare you though, I pretend to be really stupid to deal with people like you.
Are you really this stupid?

How abut this, how can you claim to be educated and not know much about the man who almost everyone considers to be the founder of Liberalism, and the one of the most influential thinkers of the enlightenment? You do now, that, without the enlightenment, we would not have a Constitution, don't you, or did you skip history altogether when getting your art degree in fake science?

My degree is not in philosophy nor in political science, if it were, you would have a point. Instead, you are an idiot.

Did you miss the part where I said history? I learned about the enlightenment in high school, and actually had to write about Locke as part of my high school civics class.
How abut this, how can you claim to be educated and not know much about the man who almost everyone considers to be the founder of Liberalism, and the one of the most influential thinkers of the enlightenment? You do now, that, without the enlightenment, we would not have a Constitution, don't you, or did you skip history altogether when getting your art degree in fake science?

My degree is not in philosophy nor in political science, if it were, you would have a point. Instead, you are an idiot.

Did you miss the part where I said history? I learned about the enlightenment in high school, and actually had to write about Locke as part of my high school civics class.

Who the fuck cares? Since when does knowing who Locke is a measure of intelligence;
Perhaps its because liberalism represents intellectual ideas? Perhaps something can be said why political scientists tend to be liberal.

I do not think that political science is really liberal. If it is, it is not GOOD Polisci. Polisci is the study of political systems, not the ARBITOR of them.

What I think is happening right now is that the detractors of intellectualism generally (that would the Know nothing wing of the conservative moments) DEFINE any intellectualism as Liberalism.
A Bachelor of the Arts in psychology? Couldn't even handle the fake science behind psychology, and had to settle for a BA degree.

Hmm, do you even have a degree?

I have three, a BA, a BS, and an M.Div. I also have multiple certifications in various areas, including counseling.

Don't let that scare you though, I pretend to be really stupid to deal with people like you.

Okay whatever dude. Your dick is bigger. :cuckoo:
My degree is not in philosophy nor in political science, if it were, you would have a point. Instead, you are an idiot.

Did you miss the part where I said history? I learned about the enlightenment in high school, and actually had to write about Locke as part of my high school civics class.

Who the fuck cares? Since when does knowing who Locke is a measure of intelligence;

It is a measure of general knowledge, which is part of a good education. Your education obviously lacks in some serious areas, which might explain why you think that there is no liberal bias in education. Everyone I know who is involved in academics acknowledges the bias you insist does not exist.
Are you really this stupid?

How abut this, how can you claim to be educated and not know much about the man who almost everyone considers to be the founder of Liberalism, and the one of the most influential thinkers of the enlightenment? You do now, that, without the enlightenment, we would not have a Constitution, don't you, or did you skip history altogether when getting your art degree in fake science?

My degree is not in philosophy nor in political science, if it were, you would have a point. Instead, you are an idiot.

No. You have a degree in BS.
Guy waves his psych degree in everyone's face, gets defensive when other guy waves advanced graduate level degrees in his

I think it was the fact that I am actually qualified to counsel people, and certified by at least one state to practice.
Did you miss the part where I said history? I learned about the enlightenment in high school, and actually had to write about Locke as part of my high school civics class.

Who the fuck cares? Since when does knowing who Locke is a measure of intelligence;

It is a measure of general knowledge, which is part of a good education. Your education obviously lacks in some serious areas, which might explain why you think that there is no liberal bias in education. Everyone I know who is involved in academics acknowledges the bias you insist does not exist.

Um no, it is a measure of knowledge. I'm not sure you know what the word general means.
I have three, a BA, a BS, and an M.Div. I also have multiple certifications in various areas, including counseling.

Don't let that scare you though, I pretend to be really stupid to deal with people like you.

Okay whatever dude. Your dick is bigger. :cuckoo:

You are the one that asked, I was content to mock your art degree in fake science.

Let me ask you this. Is psychology not worth studying simply because it is not a hard science?
Guy waves his psych degree in everyone's face, gets defensive when other guy waves advanced graduate level degrees in his

I think it was the fact that I am actually qualified to counsel people, and certified by at least one state to practice.

I question your qualification to counsel. You have the maturity of a child.
It is a measure of general knowledge, which is part of a good education. Your education obviously lacks in some serious areas, which might explain why you think that there is no liberal bias in education. Everyone I know who is involved in academics acknowledges the bias you insist does not exist.

Um no, it is a measure of knowledge. I'm not sure you know what the word general means.

It is kind of like the levels of intelligence we were talking about earlier eh?

You are retarded when it comes to political theory.

But you are smart when it comes to...shit I'm not sure.

Well maybe you shouldn't create threads on Liberalism and how brilliant you are in the future if you don't know who Locke is. Maybe you can learn a lesson from this down the road and learn to think before you post.

You are so dense. I never "waived around my degree". You asked what it was. I also never claimed to be brilliant.

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