Do conservatives ever wonder WHY liberalism is prevalent in higher education?

It is kind of like the levels of intelligence we were talking about earlier eh?

You are retarded when it comes to political theory.

But you are smart when it comes to...shit I'm not sure.

Well maybe you shouldn't create threads on Liberalism and how brilliant you are in the future if you don't know who Locke is. Maybe you can learn a lesson from this down the road and learn to think before you post.

You are so dense. I never "waived around my degree". You asked what it was. I also never claimed to be brilliant.

OK, Brilliant was an over-exaggeration, my bad, you claimed you were intelligent because of your degree, not brilliant. alright, I will reformat my comment:

It is kind of like the levels of intelligence we were talking about earlier eh?

You are retarded when it comes to political theory.

But you are intelligent when it comes to...shit I'm not sure.

Well maybe you shouldn't create threads on Liberalism and how intelligent you are in the future if you don't know who Locke is. Maybe you can learn a lesson from this down the road and learn to think before you post.

Lol seriously man give it a rest. You are trying way too hard.
I do hate it when discussions about issue turn into personal pissing matches.

All thinking about the topic at hand ceases and those interested in discussion abandon the thread leaving behind only people who feel they must attack the other or defend themselves from the childish attacks on their character.

Here's a thought...when personally attacked, let the attack lay there unanswered.

Then when people with intelligence read it, the only person who look like a CHUMP is the loser who decided to attack the messenger rather than the message.

Oh I know, its hard not to respond in kind.

But in the longer run, you win, and they lose.
I do hate it when discussions about issue turn into personal pissing matches.

All thinking about the topic at hand ceases and those interested in discussion abandon the thread leaving behind only people who feel they must attack the other or defend themselves from the childish attacks on their character.

Here's a thought...when personally attacked, let the attack lay there unanswered.

Then when people with intelligence read it, the only person who look like a CHUMP is the loser who decided to attack the messenger rather than the message.

Oh I know, its hard not to respond in kind.

But in the longer run, you win, and they lose.

You're kidding me right?

In my last thread you said "you can't possibly be this stupid"

If that's not a personal attack, I don't know what is. You're no better.
It's easy to figure why liberals infect academe.

Because they are insulated inside their little "intellectual" circles, away from the real world.

That's why "intellectuals" are the ones to come up with the most disastrous ideas that have infected society.

Some ideas are so stupid, only intellectuals could believe them -- George Orwell

There is some disagreement on the internet, on who said that first, but the validity of the saying, is not diminished even in that light.
Perhaps its because liberalism represents intellectual ideas? Perhaps something can be said why political scientists tend to be liberal.

Or maybe it is because they produce nothing and expect to be heralded and highly compensated... fits right in with most of the left wing ilk
It's easy to figure why liberals infect academe.

Because they are insulated inside their little "intellectual" circles, away from the real world.

That's why "intellectuals" are the ones to come up with the most disastrous ideas that have infected society.

Some ideas are so stupid, only intellectuals could believe them -- George Orwell

There is some disagreement on the internet, on who said that first, but the validity of the saying, is not diminished even in that light.

George Orwell did not write that. I know his 'voice' as a writer. He does not term things in such a manner; he does not use language as it is used in that quotation. It is not his writing style or his voice, and the utter inanity of the way the idea is expressed is not his intellectually.

If you can prove he wrote this, please site the exact source, i.e., the text in which this can be found.
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Modern radical liberalism started in colleges in the 60s. The liberals lost, so they went into academia and journalism to shape opinion among the young. Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dorn, Kathy Boudin, Ward Churchill, were all 60s radicals who went on to become college professors.
It's easy to figure why liberals infect academe.

Because they are insulated inside their little "intellectual" circles, away from the real world.

That's why "intellectuals" are the ones to come up with the most disastrous ideas that have infected society.

Some ideas are so stupid, only intellectuals could believe them -- George Orwell

There is some disagreement on the internet, on who said that first, but the validity of the saying, is not diminished even in that light.

George Orwell did not write that. I know his 'voice' as a writer. He does not term things in such a manner; he does not use language as it is used in that quotation. It is not his writing style or his voice, and the utter inanity of the way the idea is expressed is not his intellectually.

If you can prove he wrote this, please site the exact source; i.e., the text in which this can be found.

Context would also be important.
why are higher educators liberal? because they do not live in the real world. they live in the world of theory and imagination and naivete.
It's easy to figure why liberals infect academe.

Because they are insulated inside their little "intellectual" circles, away from the real world.

That's why "intellectuals" are the ones to come up with the most disastrous ideas that have infected society.

Some ideas are so stupid, only intellectuals could believe them -- George Orwell
There is some disagreement on the internet, on who said that first, but the validity of the saying, is not diminished even in that light.

George Orwell did not write that. I know his 'voice' as a writer. He does not term things in such a manner; he does not use language as it is used in that quotation. It is not his writing style or his voice, and the utter inanity of the way the idea is expressed is not his intellectually.

If you can prove he wrote this, please site the exact source, i.e., the text in which this can be found.

AS I SAID, there is SOME DISAGREEMENT on who said it first. That was phrased badly. I meant, on who said it.

Some say Mark Levin.

The point being, it doesn't matter who said it. It's dead on accurate.

Communism, socialism, and Yes FASCISM were all started by intellectuals.

If you think I'm wrong, listen to the lyrics of Cole Porter song from 1930, in which Mussolini is considered the height of intellectualism.

You?re the Top! You?re Mussolini! |

Winston Churchill once called Mussolini, "The Roman Genius."

The point being, today's intellectuals, easily become tomorrow's monsters.

Stalin was touted by the left for years until the Soviet Union fell and it was no longer possible to deny the atrocities.
Who are the great minds in America today who graduated from conservative universities?

Who can name some?
Perhaps its because liberalism represents intellectual ideas? Perhaps something can be said why political scientists tend to be liberal.

No, it's because liberalism represents intolerance and intimidation. If you diagree explain to us why that liberal professor made the kid stomp on a picture of Jesus! We'll wait.
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Thomas Sowell wrote an entire book on Intellectuals and Society and examines why Intellectualism is so toxic.

[ame=]Thomas Sowell on Intellectuals and Society - YouTube[/ame]
Who are the great minds in America today who graduated from conservative universities?

Who can name some?

a better question might be: who are the great conservative minds in america who graduated from liberal universities and overcame the left wing indoctrination.
It's easy to figure why liberals infect academe.

Because they are insulated inside their little "intellectual" circles, away from the real world.

That's why "intellectuals" are the ones to come up with the most disastrous ideas that have infected society.

There is some disagreement on the internet, on who said that first, but the validity of the saying, is not diminished even in that light.

George Orwell did not write that. I know his 'voice' as a writer. He does not term things in such a manner; he does not use language as it is used in that quotation. It is not his writing style or his voice, and the utter inanity of the way the idea is expressed is not his intellectually.

If you can prove he wrote this, please site the exact source, i.e., the text in which this can be found.

AS I SAID, there is SOME DISAGREEMENT on who said it first. That was phrased badly. I meant, on who said it.

Some say Mark Levin.

The point being, it doesn't matter who said it. It's dead on accurate.

Communism, socialism, and Yes FASCISM were all started by intellectuals.

If you think I'm wrong, listen to the lyrics of Cole Porter song from 1930, in which Mussolini is considered the height of intellectualism.

You?re the Top! You?re Mussolini! |

Winston Churchill once called Mussolini, "The Roman Genius."

The point being, today's intellectuals, easily become tomorrow's monsters.

Stalin was touted by the left for years until the Soviet Union fell and it was no longer possible to deny the atrocities.

Whether or not anyone believes the statement to be accurate, it is simply not cool to misquote someone or to attribute a quotation to someone who did not make the statement. It does indeed matter very much who said it in the sense that it is wrong to attritube to someone something they did not say. How would you like it if someone did that to you?

By the time the Soviet Union fell, Stalin and his brand of communism had been dead for a few decades. People who had believed in him had lost faith in him long, long before the Soviet Union fell.

If you believe 'intellectuals' created fascism, communism, socialism and every other 'ill' of the world, every other philosophy, that would suggest to me that you believe anyone who reads, writes, thinks, and is educated is part of some evil entity in this world that falls under the umbrella of the term, as you define it "intellectual." Jesus would, therefore, also be an intellectual. In fact, Jesus was a socialist and an intellectual. Hmmmm.....

I imagine Churchill used the term genius, when he spoke of Mussolini, in a political sense. It is not the same thing as being an intellectual.

Porter did not write his song about Mussolini.
P. G. Wodehouse anglicised it for the British version of Anything Goes. Amongst other changes, he altered two lines from "You’re an O’Neill drama / You’re Whistler’s mama!" to "You’re Mussolini / You’re Mrs Sweeny")
P.G. Wodehouse was a satirist, which means he was being satirical in changing the language in the song to include Mussolini.
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If liberals are so damned intellectual how is it they've managed to fuck up great Cities and States such as Detroit and California
Thomas Sowell wrote an entire book on Intellectuals and Society and examines why Intellectualism is so toxic.

Thomas Sowell on Intellectuals and Society - YouTube

LOLOL, Thomas Sowell IS an intellectual who attended Howard University,

got his Masters from the ultra-liberal Columbia University,

and his doctorate from the University of Chicago, where he shares alumni status with the likes of Sol Alinsky.

too funny, retard.

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