Do conservatives ever wonder WHY liberalism is prevalent in higher education?

So the girl in a sorority, who say graduates with a C average in marketing or communications, is intelligent in your eyes? I mean, she has the degree.

So will you go the next step and say Sarah Palin is intelligent? I would like to hear this.

To an extent, yes she is. Not everyone who goes to college is of the same level of intelligence.

If you knew anything about intelligence, you would know that there are several types of intelligence. While Palin lacks common sense and terribly misinformed, she is still smart enough to complete higher academics.

Even a retard has some intelligence. This is obvious. You said everyone that graduates from college is intelligent, you didn't say they have intelligence. Being "smart enough" and being intelligent are two separate things, being a brilliant enlightened liberal you should know this. Surely you should know something about this being a psych major. I am sure you had to take a class on human intelligence, but shit, I don't know for sure.

So what's your definition of intelligent then, and how does everyone that gets a college degree qualify under that definition?

Obviously if we are describing someone as "intelligent", we are obviously referring to a person with an above average intelligence.

You are such an idiot. I already told you that there are different types of intelligence. There is not some simple, broad definition to it. Why are people who achieve degrees intelligent? Because it requires an above average IQ. Are you picking up on things now?
He is not a necessary part of any educated person's elemental knowledge base. [/B] That's BS. These people have axes to grind, are bullies, and have little in the way of an expansive, broad world view to go on. They nit pick at minutia and pretend it is important in some overall reality. Not true. It is in their own narrow realities these things have magnitude.

This is why the Constitution has been shit on by Liberals.

Natural Rights --> Bill of Rights
Social Contract --> Constitution
Property Rights --> Capitalism
Intellectual Rights --> Copyright and Patent (Article I, Section 8 in US Constitution)

Oh Jesus Christ, this explains it all.


And before you think I'm right-wing, or Republican:

Most Republicans are also Modern Liberals (Progressives), that are pursuing an alternate Progressive Agenda to the Democrats, and they often intersect.

You can all go fuck yourselves, Repugnant-cans AND Despot-crats alike.
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Perhaps its because liberalism represents intellectual ideas? Perhaps something can be said why political scientists tend to be liberal.

Would these be the same people who tell me that my choice of political beliefs is programmed into my genes? Maybe the reason political scientists tend to be liberals is because they don't think, not because they do.

Are you just making shit up? Who the hell would postulate something like that? No one in the scientific community would believe something that stupid.

You do understand that political scientists are not scientists, don't you?

By the way, I don't have to make up the stupidity level of liberals in education, they do things I can't possibly think of.

“Politics” is an elusive phenomenon, with popular perception focusing on the importance of factors that do not seem subject to scientific inquiry; perhaps this is why National Science Foundation funding of the discipline has been under attack in Congress. However, even the founding figures of the United States viewed politics as if they were governed by logical processes. This panel focuses on emerging approaches within the discipline, with a focus on methods and ideas that have crossed over from other sciences, from molecular (genetic) analyses to international institutional determinants of political outcomes. The modern science of politics has revealed the substantial structure of political behavior and how institutions are shaped by and shape political behavior. The methods presented include field experimental work on political behavior, game theoretic approaches to politics, genetic foundations for political behavior, and network science–based approaches to political science.

Session: The Science of Politics (2013 AAAS Annual Meeting (14-18 February 2013))

Remember this the next time you try to tell me that liberals are natural thinkers.
Do conservatives ever wonder WHY liberalism is prevalent in higher education

It goes back to that old saying:
People who can do
People who can't teach

Most of the people who are developing new technology and ideas are research scientists and professors in universities. Some do work for private corporations, but their focus is on developing something to provide money for the corporation, not to simply understand and create. The majority of those who are 'doing' are simply people who are following the ideas or using the technology developed by researchers, most of whom come from university faculties.

Google is going to be upset to find out they had little or nothing to do with all the tech they invented.
And you're a conservative then? A conservative that earned good enough marks to graduate? Did your liberal classmates achieve more than you? Is that what you are trying to say?

He's tying to say that you're a fucking moron without being as blunt and direct as I am.

Actually that isn't what he is trying to say. It's very possible he does think I am a fucking moron, but what he is talking about has nothing to do with me. I think you need to work on your reading comprehension skills.

This from a guy that couldn't even handle the fake science of psychology.
Lol you're a riot, dude. You do realize that having a lot of student debt is a common thing right? Some doctors and lawyers spend the rest of their lives paying off their student debt. So your parents paid for your education. Is that supposed to make your situation better? Paying off student debt is something I earned thank you very much. I take pride in it.

A college degree does determine intelligence. Is it the only thing? No. I never said it was.

I have a question, look at what I highlighted in Bold. Don't you think there's something seriously fucking wrong in this country if people are in Debt their entire lives because they obtained Knowledge?

Don't you think there's something seriously wrong with that?

Meant to highlight another sentence.
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Would these be the same people who tell me that my choice of political beliefs is programmed into my genes? Maybe the reason political scientists tend to be liberals is because they don't think, not because they do.

Are you just making shit up? Who the hell would postulate something like that? No one in the scientific community would believe something that stupid.

You do understand that political scientists are not scientists, don't you?

By the way, I don't have to make up the stupidity level of liberals in education, they do things I can't possibly think of.

“Politics” is an elusive phenomenon, with popular perception focusing on the importance of factors that do not seem subject to scientific inquiry; perhaps this is why National Science Foundation funding of the discipline has been under attack in Congress. However, even the founding figures of the United States viewed politics as if they were governed by logical processes. This panel focuses on emerging approaches within the discipline, with a focus on methods and ideas that have crossed over from other sciences, from molecular (genetic) analyses to international institutional determinants of political outcomes. The modern science of politics has revealed the substantial structure of political behavior and how institutions are shaped by and shape political behavior. The methods presented include field experimental work on political behavior, game theoretic approaches to politics, genetic foundations for political behavior, and network science–based approaches to political science.

Session: The Science of Politics (2013 AAAS Annual Meeting (14-18 February 2013))

Remember this the next time you try to tell me that liberals are natural thinkers.

I never said they were. A theory like that would come from neuroscientists which are actual scientists. If you were smart, you would know that.
I think you are just making excuses as to why you were not smart enough to achieve anything in higher education.

I have a BS in Mechanical Engineering, asshole.

Then why are you even bitching about it? clearly you didn't develop any critical thinking skills while you were in Uni because its completley retarded to suggest modern higher education is completley about brainwashing from the left.

That was funny.
Lol you're a riot, dude. You do realize that having a lot of student debt is a common thing right? Some doctors and lawyers spend the rest of their lives paying off their student debt. So your parents paid for your education. Is that supposed to make your situation better? Paying off student debt is something I earned thank you very much. I take pride in it.

A college degree does determine intelligence. Is it the only thing? No. I never said it was.

I have a question, look at what I highlighted in Bold. Don't you think there's something seriously fucking wrong in this country if people are in Debt their entire lives because they obtained Knowledge?

Don't you think there's something seriously wrong with that?

No one said it isn't a burden, but for a lot of grads, it is worth it. It is worth getting the career they want.
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What is your degree in?

I have a BA in psychology.

A Bachelor of the Arts in psychology? Couldn't even handle the fake science behind psychology, and had to settle for a BA degree.

How is this different than our conservative friend above who has, apparently, a 'BA' in mechanical engineering? I looked it up and such a degree does exist, but it is easier than a BS in mechanical engineering.

The avalanche of abuse being heaped on the OP: all this does is prove how limited are those heaping the abuse.
I have no idea. I really don't know much about him.

Then how can you claim to be a liberal?

Are you really this stupid?

How abut this, how can you claim to be educated and not know much about the man who almost everyone considers to be the founder of Liberalism, and the one of the most influential thinkers of the enlightenment? You do now, that, without the enlightenment, we would not have a Constitution, don't you, or did you skip history altogether when getting your art degree in fake science?
Lol you're a riot, dude. You do realize that having a lot of student debt is a common thing right? Some doctors and lawyers spend the rest of their lives paying off their student debt. So your parents paid for your education. Is that supposed to make your situation better? Paying off student debt is something I earned thank you very much. I take pride in it.

A college degree does determine intelligence. Is it the only thing? No. I never said it was.

I have a question, look at what I highlighted in Bold. Don't you think there's something seriously fucking wrong in this country if people are in Debt their entire lives because they obtained Knowledge?

Don't you think there's something seriously wrong with that?

No one said it isn't a burden, but for a lot of grads, it is worth it. It is worth getting the career they want.

I meant to highlight the next sentence, about people paying off debt for the rest of their lives.
LOL You actually expect someone to say their job and salary on here? Get real and stop being a bully. Do you tell complete strangers your salary, what your personal debt is? I don't even tell my friends those things, much less a forum of complete strangers. And if he doesn't want to share with this forum what his job is, that is his business; it is not something for you to bully anyone about.

I am in the commodities industry, right now I make about 5k a month, and my parents paid for my school, so I have no debt. Jesus, that wasn't so hard.

I am trying to get a profile of the guy to see where his comments are coming from. How the fuck am I bullying him?

You are being a bully. Whether or not it is true, what you make, it is still none of your business what others make. Have the decency to respect others' right to privacy. An intelligent person realizes that other people have differing views on what is comfortable for them. Just because you, hypothetically, have no problems saying your salary on here, that does not mean others have to feel the same way.

Billy is the guy who started a thread attacking everyone who disagrees with him as not being educated.

Come to think of it, didn't you accuse me of that just a few days ago? Did you already forget the lesson I gave you?
I am in the commodities industry, right now I make about 5k a month, and my parents paid for my school, so I have no debt. Jesus, that wasn't so hard.

I am trying to get a profile of the guy to see where his comments are coming from. How the fuck am I bullying him?

You are being a bully. Whether or not it is true, what you make, it is still none of your business what others make. Have the decency to respect others' right to privacy. An intelligent person realizes that other people have differing views on what is comfortable for them. Just because you, hypothetically, have no problems saying your salary on here, that does not mean others have to feel the same way.

Billy is the guy who started a thread attacking everyone who disagrees with him as not being educated.

Come to think of it, didn't you accuse me of that just a few days ago? Did you already forget the lesson I gave you?

The lesson you gave me? LMAO You live in an alternative reality.

Based on that thread and others, my impression is that you were considered an object of ridicule on here, that your thinking processes are a joke. That's how I see it. I quit engaging with you on that thread because it was so damned tiresome. You are tiresome.
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I have a BA in psychology.

A Bachelor of the Arts in psychology? Couldn't even handle the fake science behind psychology, and had to settle for a BA degree.

How is this different than our conservative friend above who has, apparently, a 'BA' in mechanical engineering? I looked it up and such a degree does exist, but it is easier than a BS in mechanical engineering.

The avalanche of abuse being heaped on the OP: all this does is prove how limited are those heaping the abuse.

Either the others will continue to abuse you and the OP via personal attacks, or they can join me in focusing our attacks on your disregard for John Locke, which would you prefer?

I would ask people to chill out on the OP though, unlike Esmeralda, he may not be hopeless. He doesn't' seem to have a firm grasp on Constitutional history, which is the deliberate fault of the Public Education system and the Liberal University process (the very subject of this thread). Perhaps we can Enlighten him, just like our ancestors were Enlightened.

Esmerdla apparently knows about John Locke already, and vehemently denounces his philosophy, so she is an admitted Progress, Communist and Authoritarian (and well aware of it), she is not only hopeless, but she (and others like her), are the enemy.
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Then how can you claim to be a liberal?

Are you really this stupid?

How abut this, how can you claim to be educated and not know much about the man who almost everyone considers to be the founder of Liberalism, and the one of the most influential thinkers of the enlightenment? You do now, that, without the enlightenment, we would not have a Constitution, don't you, or did you skip history altogether when getting your art degree in fake science?

My degree is not in philosophy nor in political science, if it were, you would have a point. Instead, you are an idiot.

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