Do conservatives ever wonder WHY liberalism is prevalent in higher education?

What's enough? Cmon, this is an anonymous forum. So what is your job and salary?

He's lying about the job part.

Oh yeah? Based on what?

Let's just say you're lying period. What institution did you say you earned that BA at?

You can earn a BA in Psychology. But for the life of me I cannot seem to find anyone who has been employed whilst still taking classes for a BA in Psychology. You cannot get a "job related to the field you're in" when you are still trying for it.
Why do you want to know? What possible relevance does it have to what we are talking about? Are you trying to dick measure? Because that would just be pathetic.

No, I am trying to see the perspective you come from to make your remarks.

Okay well that's all I am going to tell you so draw any conclusions you like.

Also, they are trying to bully you about John Locke, as if simply everyone knows all about him and his philosophy. Most people don't know about Locke, and if they do, most don't care. He is not a necessary part of any educated person's elemental knowledge base. That's BS. These people have axes to grind, are bullies, and have little in the way of an expansive, broad world view to go on. They nit pick at minutia and pretend it is important in some overall reality. Not true. It is in their own narrow realities these things have magnitude.
No, I am trying to see the perspective you come from to make your remarks.

Okay well that's all I am going to tell you so draw any conclusions you like.

Also, they are trying to bully you about John Locke, as if simply everyone knows all about him and his philosophy. Most people don't know about Locke, and if they do, most don't care. He is not a necessary part of any educated person's elemental knowledge base. That's BS. These people have axes to grind, are bullies, and have little in the way of an expansive, broad world view to go on. They nit pick at minutia and pretend it is important in some overall reality. Not true. It is in their own narrow realities these things have magnitude.

Oh please, liberal groups bully everyone, at colleges they wont let speakers speak, spit on people try to get them disinvited....then you have the gaystopo that along with the civil rights community has killed free speech.....dare I say ******......OMG!!!!!!!!!!!

So you know nothing of bullies and are a pos.....and yeah Locke is important, not to a commie like you that reads Sarte and Rousseau....oh and Marx of course......
No, I am trying to see the perspective you come from to make your remarks.

Okay well that's all I am going to tell you so draw any conclusions you like.

So, this is the conclusion I draw, and I am going to be brutally honest. You have a shit ton a student debt, and grad school might not be an option because one, you have so much debt, and two your job right now can barely pay off the debt from college and your costs of living much less get you a grad school education. And in this situation you have the fucking audacity to criticize other people's critical thinking skills and intelligence.

You wanna also know how I know you are stupid? You think a college degree determines intelligence, that tells me all I need to know right there. So enjoy your fucking life, I guess you can hold your degree over the heads of conservatives who make more than you if that makes you feel good.

Lol you're a riot, dude. You do realize that having a lot of student debt is a common thing right? Some doctors and lawyers spend the rest of their lives paying off their student debt. So your parents paid for your education. Is that supposed to make your situation better? Paying off student debt is something I earned thank you very much. I take pride in it.

A college degree does determine intelligence. Is it the only thing? No. I never said it was.
No, I am trying to see the perspective you come from to make your remarks.

Okay well that's all I am going to tell you so draw any conclusions you like.

Also, they are trying to bully you about John Locke, as if simply everyone knows all about him and his philosophy. Most people don't know about Locke, and if they do, most don't care. He is not a necessary part of any educated person's elemental knowledge base. That's BS. These people have axes to grind, are bullies, and have little in the way of an expansive, broad world view to go on. They nit pick at minutia and pretend it is important in some overall reality. Not true. It is in their own narrow realities these things have magnitude.

That's the biggest dodge I have ever seen!

John Locke was a founding father. You would know that if you had paid attention in history class. But people like you make a habit of dismissing facts that are inconvenient to you.
Then why are you even bitching about it? clearly you didn't develop any critical thinking skills while you were in Uni because its completley retarded to suggest modern higher education is completley about brainwashing from the left.

If you had any critical thinking skills you'd know that what I said is the obvious truth. 95% of what they teach in subjects like "political science" and "sociology" is bunk. It's propaganda.

I'm not sure you know what critical thinking is. 95% huh? Where does that statistic come from? Your ass? Yes.

Yes, it's a rough estimate based on the stupid things such people write. The claim that liberals are more intelligent than conservatives is a perfect example.
Back to the original question:

Modern "liberalism" is a mental condition wherein one's emotional needs are elevated to a position of absolute moral superiority (i.e., those who have similar needs are "good" while those who do not are "evil"). This provides a rationale for rewarding concurring opinions and punishing conflicting ones. That is why "liberal" students are given higher grades than "conservative" students and are encouraged to pursue careers in academia so they can perpetuate their common beliefs.

Clearly you have never been to college...

No, I obtained my advanced degrees from a university. But your vapid response indicates a junior high school intellectual level.

jwoodie: here you say you have "advanced degrees." Later you say you have a BA in mechanical engineering. You do realize, don't you, that a BA is not an 'advanced degree'? And you do realize that 'degrees' is a plural noun? If you have more than one degree and they are advanced degrees, how can you then say you have a (singular) BA (undergraduate degree) in mechanical engineering (singular)? Your veracity is now definitely in question. Are you sure you didn't simply complete some 2 year program in engineering?
Clearly you have never been to college...

No, I obtained my advanced degrees from a university. But your vapid response indicates a junior high school intellectual level.

jwoodie: here you say you have "advanced degrees." Later you say you have a BA in mechanical engineering. You do realize, don't you, that a BA is not an 'advanced degree.' And you do realize that 'degrees' is a plural noun. If you have more than one degree and they are advanced degrees, how can you then say you have a (singular) BA (undergraduate degree) in mechanical engineering (singular)? Your veracity is now definitely in question. Are you sure you didn't simply complete some 2 year program in engineering?

Yeah a BA is a Bachelor of Arts.....duh.....and you have a master of bation

ooooh where is the snooty comment now......
Clearly you have never been to college...

No, I obtained my advanced degrees from a university. But your vapid response indicates a junior high school intellectual level.

jwoodie: here you say you have "advanced degrees." Later you say you have a BA in mechanical engineering. You do realize, don't you, that a BA is not an 'advanced degree'? And you do realize that 'degrees' is a plural noun? If you have more than one degree and they are advanced degrees, how can you then say you have a (singular) BA (undergraduate degree) in mechanical engineering (singular)? Your veracity is now definitely in question. Are you sure you didn't simply complete some 2 year program in engineering?

I'm the one who has a BS in engineering, you witless git.
He's lying about the job part.

Oh yeah? Based on what?

Let's just say you're lying period. What institution did you say you earned that BA at?

You can earn a BA in Psychology. But for the life of me I cannot seem to find anyone who has been employed whilst still taking classes for a BA in Psychology. You cannot get a "job related to the field you're in" when you are still trying for it.

I have the degree dumbass. I am not "trying for it."
So, this is the conclusion I draw, and I am going to be brutally honest. You have a shit ton a student debt, and grad school might not be an option because one, you have so much debt, and two your job right now can barely pay off the debt from college and your costs of living much less get you a grad school education. And in this situation you have the fucking audacity to criticize other people's critical thinking skills and intelligence.

You wanna also know how I know you are stupid? You think a college degree determines intelligence, that tells me all I need to know right there. So enjoy your fucking life, I guess you can hold your degree over the heads of conservatives who make more than you if that makes you feel good.

Lol you're a riot, dude. You do realize that having a lot of student debt is a common thing right? Some doctors and lawyers spend the rest of their lives paying off their student debt. So your parents paid for your education. Is that supposed to make your situation better? Paying off student debt is something I earned thank you very much. I take pride in it.

A college degree does determine intelligence. Is it the only thing? No. I never said it was.

You know how I know your stupid? You are proud to have a lot of student debt you wont be able to pay off for years.

Yea, my assessment was dead on I see.

Why should I care about your "assessment"? What difference would it make?
No, I obtained my advanced degrees from a university. But your vapid response indicates a junior high school intellectual level.

jwoodie: here you say you have "advanced degrees." Later you say you have a BA in mechanical engineering. You do realize, don't you, that a BA is not an 'advanced degree.' And you do realize that 'degrees' is a plural noun. If you have more than one degree and they are advanced degrees, how can you then say you have a (singular) BA (undergraduate degree) in mechanical engineering (singular)? Your veracity is now definitely in question. Are you sure you didn't simply complete some 2 year program in engineering?

Yeah a BA is a Bachelor of Arts.....duh.....and you have a master of bation

ooooh where is the snooty comment now......

I do have a master's degree, yes. Advanced degrees are master's degrees and doctorates. Bachelor's degrees are undergraduate degrees, not advanced degrees.

Also I note, if your hypothetical degree is in mechanical engineering, wouldn't it be a bachelor of science degree (BS) not a bachelor or arts degree? Hmmm? 'Arts' in the context of a college degree means the social sciences and humanities, not the hard sciences. Is there such a thing as a BA in engineering?
So, this is the conclusion I draw, and I am going to be brutally honest. You have a shit ton a student debt, and grad school might not be an option because one, you have so much debt, and two your job right now can barely pay off the debt from college and your costs of living much less get you a grad school education. And in this situation you have the fucking audacity to criticize other people's critical thinking skills and intelligence.

You wanna also know how I know you are stupid? You think a college degree determines intelligence, that tells me all I need to know right there. So enjoy your fucking life, I guess you can hold your degree over the heads of conservatives who make more than you if that makes you feel good.

A college degree does determine intelligence.
So everyone with a college degree is intelligent?

Yes actually.
Okay well that's all I am going to tell you so draw any conclusions you like.

Also, they are trying to bully you about John Locke, as if simply everyone knows all about him and his philosophy. Most people don't know about Locke, and if they do, most don't care. He is not a necessary part of any educated person's elemental knowledge base. That's BS. These people have axes to grind, are bullies, and have little in the way of an expansive, broad world view to go on. They nit pick at minutia and pretend it is important in some overall reality. Not true. It is in their own narrow realities these things have magnitude.

Oh please, liberal groups bully everyone, at colleges they wont let speakers speak, spit on people try to get them disinvited....then you have the gaystopo that along with the civil rights community has killed free speech.....dare I say ******......OMG!!!!!!!!!!!

So you know nothing of bullies and are a pos.....and yeah Locke is important, not to a commie like you that reads Sarte and Rousseau....oh and Marx of course......

There you go again with all the name calling. You do realize, or would if you think about it, that constant name calling not only undermines your argumentative position, but it indicates both a lack of intelligence and education. Just sayin'.....
So everyone with a college degree is intelligent?

Yes actually.

So the girl in a sorority, who say graduates with a C average in marketing or communications, is intelligent in your eyes? I mean, she has the degree.

So will you go the next step and say Sarah Palin is intelligent? I would like to hear this.

To an extent, yes she is. Not everyone who goes to college is of the same level of intelligence.

If you knew anything about intelligence, you would know that there are several types of intelligence. While Palin lacks common sense and terribly misinformed, she is still smart enough to complete higher academics.
Yes actually.

So the girl in a sorority, who say graduates with a C average in marketing or communications, is intelligent in your eyes? I mean, she has the degree.

So will you go the next step and say Sarah Palin is intelligent? I would like to hear this.

To an extent, yes she is. Not everyone who goes to college is of the same level of intelligence.

If you knew anything about intelligence, you would know that there are several types of intelligence. While Palin lacks common sense and terribly misinformed, she is still smart enough to complete higher academics.

missing common sense? HAHAHAA you mean not wanting homos to marry? or abortions to happen, dam those are major common sense issues.....

Intellectuals or what you think are intellectuals are just snooty elites that intimidate people with their arrogance and most of them are useless.....
Yes actually.

So the girl in a sorority, who say graduates with a C average in marketing or communications, is intelligent in your eyes? I mean, she has the degree.

So will you go the next step and say Sarah Palin is intelligent? I would like to hear this.

To an extent, yes she is. Not everyone who goes to college is of the same level of intelligence.

If you knew anything about intelligence, you would know that there are several types of intelligence. While Palin lacks common sense and terribly misinformed, she is still smart enough to complete higher academics.

That's bullshit and you know it. Knowledge is the precursor to intelligence.
I'll tell you what isn't intelligent, getting into tens of thousands of dollars of debt for a liberal arts degree with no marketability outside the field. But I guess the definition is subjective eh?

good point...sociology degrees for everyone....wooohooo you can be a waiter paying off student loans....and liberals complain about the little guy getting hammered??

Where is the outrage over education costs....SKYROCKETING!!!!!!!!!
So the girl in a sorority, who say graduates with a C average in marketing or communications, is intelligent in your eyes? I mean, she has the degree.

So will you go the next step and say Sarah Palin is intelligent? I would like to hear this.

To an extent, yes she is. Not everyone who goes to college is of the same level of intelligence.

If you knew anything about intelligence, you would know that there are several types of intelligence. While Palin lacks common sense and terribly misinformed, she is still smart enough to complete higher academics.

missing common sense? HAHAHAA you mean not wanting homos to marry? or abortions to happen, dam those are major common sense issues.....

Intellectuals or what you think are intellectuals are just snooty elites that intimidate people with their arrogance and most of them are useless.....

exhibit A
College Professor Arrested for Profane Rant at Pro-Life Students |

exhibit B

Exhibit C


you cant require the leaders of a christian group to be christians? The left, how retarded can you get.
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