Do conservatives ever wonder WHY liberalism is prevalent in higher education?

the right spews hate on our kids

they spew hate on our teachers

they spew hate on higher education.

they hate anything to do with education.

They praise ONLY the colletion of money as an honorable pursuit.

money money money money
so ONLY making MONEY is honorable?

Yep. To a conservative, all lying/cheating/stealing is honorable, so long as it either makes money, or helps them hate liberals. It's that relative morality thing they're known for. The ends always justify the means for a conservative.

Why do conservatives hate intelligence and education? That's pretty obvious. You'd have to be a raging 'tard to start chanting the lies of the conservative cult. If people are educated, they won't fall for the lies. Hence, conservatives hate education. It's simple self-preservation instinct on their part, the lashing out of a cult facing extinction.


To a LOLberal stealing is MO #1. Then they claim that those who wish not to be stolen from are greedy, while they extract the money from his wallet.
the wealthy are controling the idiot tea party faction.

they arfe so uneducated they dont even knpow they are being controled.

The right wing wealthy liked how that worked so they are looking to make everyone less educated

controling, arfe, dont, knpow, controled... And you're talking about others being uneducated? You are absolutely priceless. :clap2:
now the wealthy got their bought assholes in congress to vote against what 90% of Americans wanted.

It has been proven your the bought party
They hate giving money to sshools but love giging money to our war machine

They want it all torn down so the wealthy can run ruffshod over the people.

They want us all about profit and nohting else
when yiou have a party that hates education as much as the republican party does its starts getting suspecious.

they call any funding for our kids education "throwing money at the problem".

They hate higher education and trash anyone with an education.

then they start their very own crazy town higher education.

They deny sceince on a daily basis.

they deny the very definitions of words.

The right in this country wants peopel stupid.


No one hates education more than you do. You can't spell for shit. If you cared about education you would get one.

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