Do conservatives ever wonder WHY liberalism is prevalent in higher education?

you keep asking questions but you never answer ours, you are not to be taken seriously, your conversation is one sided, without insight, and definitely without intellect.

Lol okay Willow, what questions am I not answering? Lay them on me. I will answer every single one.

You will find these people will lie non stop and never really answer your questions.

Its OK as long as you prove their lies lies anyone reading will know they are liars anyway

still waiting for you to back up your claim that 90% of americans want gun controll

or are you ready to admit that you LIED about that?
You are an indication that conservatives lack basic critical thinking skills.

With all due respect, "Billy"'ve got TruthMatters on your team and I've got a Pet Rock with a higher IQ than her!

You're going to have a hard time convincing me that liberals have basic critical thinking skills when they pass so much legislation that simply won't do the job it's intended to do. That's not "thinking"...that's adhering to an agenda as you disregard reality.

did robmoney win by 5% like the right was telling us he would?

but you are wrong. Rob Money did win, Obama did win. hope you are enjoying your higher taxes. hope your kids enjoy paying off your messiah's debt.
Perhaps its because liberalism represents intellectual ideas? Perhaps something can be said why political scientists tend to be liberal.

Intellectualism means reasoning and thinking rather than emotions.
Liberals use emotions and feelings. Liberals do not think or have common sense.
If you did you would not continue to vote for Dems.
Dems always promise equality, prosperity and security. It never ever happens.
All it does is bring misery, poverty and always ends up 100% of the time in tyranny.

I think that the Author and Historian Paul Johnson said it the best;

"It is not the formulation of ideas, however misguided, but the desire to impose them on others that is the deadly sin of the intellectual. That is why they so incline by temperament to the left. For capitalism merely occurs, if no one does anything to stop it. It is socialism that has to be constructed, and as a rule, forcibly imposed, thus providing a far bigger role for intellectuals in its genesis. The progressive intellectual habitually entertains Walter Mitty visions of exercising power".

Every single bill that Dems pass has been forced upon Americans.

We are forced to pay for Social Security, forced to pay for Medicare & Medicaid.
The New Health Care Bill was not liked by a majority of Americans, but because they had the numbers in the House and the Senate it was forced upon us.

You are an indication that conservatives lack basic critical thinking skills.

crit·i·cal think·ing

1.type of critical analysis: disciplined intellectual criticism that combines research, knowledge of historical context, and balanced judgment

This is exactly what I did.
Lol okay Willow, what questions am I not answering? Lay them on me. I will answer every single one.

You will find these people will lie non stop and never really answer your questions.

Its OK as long as you prove their lies lies anyone reading will know they are liars anyway

still waiting for you to back up your claim that 90% of americans want gun controll

or are you ready to admit that you LIED about that?

IDK they are just repeating what Obama and a few others said. I have no idea where they get the 90% # from.
Whether or not anyone believes the statement to be accurate, it is simply not cool to misquote someone or to attribute a quotation to someone who did not make the statement. It does indeed matter very much who said it in the sense that it is wrong to attritube to someone something they did not say. How would you like it if someone did that to you?

By the time the Soviet Union fell, Stalin and his brand of communism had been dead for a few decades. People who had believed in him had lost faith in him long, long before the Soviet Union fell.

If you believe 'intellectuals' created fascism, communism, socialism and every other 'ill' of the world, every other philosophy, that would suggest to me that you believe anyone who reads, writes, thinks, and is educated is part of some evil entity in this world that falls under the umbrella of the term, as you define it "intellectual." Jesus would, therefore, also be an intellectual. In fact, Jesus was a socialist and an intellectual. Hmmmm.....

I imagine Churchill used the term genius, when he spoke of Mussolini, in a political sense. It is not the same thing as being an intellectual.

Porter did not write his song about Mussolini. P.G. Wodehouse was a satirist, which means he was being satirical in changing the language in the song to include Mussolini.

Ahh, so you now make excuses for the fall of the USSR.
Well it's fact time. The USSR as with any communist country is set up for failure.
It is impossible to sustain a socialist/communist political reign for an extended time. Eventually, as the general public is robbed of their wealth, it falls into the hands of the political elite. The people are left equal in their misery.

I made excuses for the fall of the USSR? Where did I do that, and where did I support the USSR or Stalin???? You think 'liberals' support the USSR or any other communist country? How funny. They don't.

I was simply making the point, Stalin died in 1953. The Soviet Union ended in 1989. In the meantime, people around the world, including people and leaders in the Soviet Union, realized Stalin had been responsible for genocide and famine throughout the Soviet Union. He is not admired by Western liberals and not by most of the people in the Russian Federation today or the former Soviet Satellite states.

You stated the people of the USSR lost faith in the government after Stalin passed.
And that is on which I focused.
Using progressive logic, you appear to maintain that if someone of Stalin's ilk had come along the USSR would still be in business.
I disagree. The country had fallen into disrepair. The military was in a shambles.
Looking at modern history, this was inevitable.
Look, if socialism is your thing, may not be, there's the door.
And a vast majority of Americans also thinks armed guards in schools is a good idea, TM...why isn't THAT being pushed by liberals in Congress?

Oh wait...I forgot...public polling only matters if it supports YOUR agenda...
you keep asking questions but you never answer ours, you are not to be taken seriously, your conversation is one sided, without insight, and definitely without intellect.

Lol okay Willow, what questions am I not answering? Lay them on me. I will answer every single one.

You will find these people will lie non stop and never really answer your questions.

Its OK as long as you prove their lies lies anyone reading will know they are liars anyway

You're so caught up in your own little reality that you do not know where the truth is. In fact, you wouldn't know a fact unless it bit you in your Iowa sized ass.
does the republican party have a decades long record of cheating American voters out of their vote?

Is it court documented?
What's sad is that it's quite obvious that we DO have a problem with violence in this country. Criminals and the mentally unstable are making our streets unsafe. But rather than do something to actually address the root causes of that, liberals have decided to do their best Rahm Emanuel "don't let a crisis go to waste" thing and try to take guns away from law abiding citizens who want to protect themselves from those very same criminals and crazies.
You deny facts at every turn.

your the stupid and doishonest party that votes AGAINST what the American people want to the tune of 90%.

voters are not going to trust your party about anything anymore.

You proved your the bought party
And a vast majority of Americans also thinks armed guards in schools is a good idea, TM...why isn't THAT being pushed by liberals in Congress?

Oh wait...I forgot...public polling only matters if it supports YOUR agenda...

I am curious if you know increases in funding for school security was in that bill that failed yesterday????
You deny facts at every turn.

your the stupid and doishonest party that votes AGAINST what the American people want to the tune of 90%.

voters are not going to trust your party about anything anymore.

You proved your the bought party

Once again. You make up your own reality and expect the rest of us to simply accept it at face value.
Go fire up your Suzy Homemaker E-Z bake oven.
does the republican party have a decades long record of cheating American voters out of their vote?

Is it court documented?

Did the Democrats steal the 1960 Presidential election? That's OK with you I assume, TM but elected officials following established voting laws is not? As usual you've got your progressive head so far up the nether regions of your progressive tush that you can't see that BOTH parties are doing everything they can to get THEIR voters to the polls while limiting the access of the other side's voters. Or does ACORN not ring a bell with you?
Ahh, so you now make excuses for the fall of the USSR.
Well it's fact time. The USSR as with any communist country is set up for failure.
It is impossible to sustain a socialist/communist political reign for an extended time. Eventually, as the general public is robbed of their wealth, it falls into the hands of the political elite. The people are left equal in their misery.

I made excuses for the fall of the USSR? Where did I do that, and where did I support the USSR or Stalin???? You think 'liberals' support the USSR or any other communist country? How funny. They don't.

I was simply making the point, Stalin died in 1953. The Soviet Union ended in 1989. In the meantime, people around the world, including people and leaders in the Soviet Union, realized Stalin had been responsible for genocide and famine throughout the Soviet Union. He is not admired by Western liberals and not by most of the people in the Russian Federation today or the former Soviet Satellite states.

You stated the people of the USSR lost faith in the government after Stalin passed.
And that is on which I focused.
Using progressive logic, you appear to maintain that if someone of Stalin's ilk had come along the USSR would still be in business.
I disagree. The country had fallen into disrepair. The military was in a shambles.
Looking at modern history, this was inevitable.
Look, if socialism is your thing, may not be, there's the door.

No, I didn't say people in the USSR lost faith in the government after Stalin died. I said people around the world, including in the USSR did not value him as they had because after he died, they were aware he had done terrible things. And I didn't say all people in the USSR; however, Khrushchev essentially said that Stalin had done some terrible disservice to the Soviet Union and its people. As far as Western liberals, I think pretty much all of them realized he had been a vicious, murderous dictator.

Your conclusion, "Using progressive logic, you appear to maintain that if someone of Stalin's ilk had come along the USSR would still be in business" is totally without merit based on anything I said. I actually think you are very unintelligent, unable to think clearly, or something. The ideas you express don't make any sense, are not a logical or appropriate response to what I posted, and are not based in historical accuracy. Bye.....
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And a vast majority of Americans also thinks armed guards in schools is a good idea, TM...why isn't THAT being pushed by liberals in Congress?

Oh wait...I forgot...public polling only matters if it supports YOUR agenda...

I am curious if you know increases in funding for school security was in that bill that failed yesterday????

That bill was chock full of pork and poison pills. It was set up for failure.
Note. I think the gun show loophole must be closed. I also think that if we must register our vehicles, we can certainly live with registering our firearms.
These items would pass if on a standalone bill.
I made excuses for the fall of the USSR? Where did I do that, and where did I support the USSR or Stalin???? You think 'liberals' support the USSR or any other communist country? How funny. They don't.

I was simply making the point, Stalin died in 1953. The Soviet Union ended in 1989. In the meantime, people around the world, including people and leaders in the Soviet Union, realized Stalin had been responsible for genocide and famine throughout the Soviet Union. He is not admired by Western liberals and not by most of the people in the Russian Federation today or the former Soviet Satellite states.

You stated the people of the USSR lost faith in the government after Stalin passed.
And that is on which I focused.
Using progressive logic, you appear to maintain that if someone of Stalin's ilk had come along the USSR would still be in business.
I disagree. The country had fallen into disrepair. The military was in a shambles.
Looking at modern history, this was inevitable.
Look, if socialism is your thing, may not be, there's the door.

No, I didn't say people in the USSR lost faith in the government after Stalin died. I said people around the world, including in the USSR did not value him as they had because after he died, they were aware he had done terrible things. And I didn't say all people in the USSR; however, Kruschef essentially said that Stalin had done some terrible disserived to the Soviety Union and it's people. As far as Western liberals, I think pretty much all of them realized he had been a viscious, murderous dictator.

Your conclusion, "Using progressive logic, you appear to maintain that if someone of Stalin's ilk had come along the USSR would still be in business" is totally without merit based on anything I said. I actually think you are very unintelligent, unable to think clearly, or something. The ideas you express don't make any sense, are not a logical or appropriate response to what I posted, and are not based in historical accuracy. Bye.....:cuckoo:

Yes. Obfuscate all you like..
We're done.
What's sad is that it's quite obvious that we DO have a problem with violence in this country. Criminals and the mentally unstable are making our streets unsafe. But rather than do something to actually address the root causes of that, liberals have decided to do their best Rahm Emanuel "don't let a crisis go to waste" thing and try to take guns away from law abiding citizens who want to protect themselves from those very same criminals and crazies.

Are you saying the root causes of violence and unsafe streets is because law abiding citizens are not allowed to have guns?

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