Do conservatives ever wonder WHY liberalism is prevalent in higher education?

And a vast majority of Americans also thinks armed guards in schools is a good idea, TM...why isn't THAT being pushed by liberals in Congress?

Oh wait...I forgot...public polling only matters if it supports YOUR agenda...

I am curious if you know increases in funding for school security was in that bill that failed yesterday????

Which had liberals screaming bloody murder, Bear! You know as well as I do the funding for school security was in there for only one try and get 60 votes in the Senate for that bill. Liberals don't want guns in schools...PERIOD!!!
Okay, a few things.

1) Why are liberal professors obligated to volunteer? There are plenty of selfish conservatives/libertarians that dont do anything for other people.

2) How many liberal professors have you had this conversation with?

3) Professors have very little free time.

4) How do you know these individuals weren't altruistic before their careers started?

you keep asking questions but you never answer ours, you are not to be taken seriously, your conversation is one sided, without insight, and definitely without intellect.

Lol okay Willow, what questions am I not answering? Lay them on me. I will answer every single one.

go back through the thread. list them and then answer them.
Now Frankie boy, I am not an intellectual, a blue collar millwright on the factory floor. And I currently have over 100 credits toward a degree. Now most of what I have taken is science or math, and I have yet to see anything remotely political in any of the instruction I have had at the university. I am also one of those lazy liberals, I work a minimum of 40 hrs a week, sometimes as much as 45. Down from the 60 to 80 I worked up to five years ago. Oh yeah, and before the year is out, I will be 70.

Just a typical lazy liberal.

A 70 yr old millwright? Still working? Most of the millwrights that worked for me were wore out at 60. They were hardworking millwrights though.
What's sad is that it's quite obvious that we DO have a problem with violence in this country. Criminals and the mentally unstable are making our streets unsafe. But rather than do something to actually address the root causes of that, liberals have decided to do their best Rahm Emanuel "don't let a crisis go to waste" thing and try to take guns away from law abiding citizens who want to protect themselves from those very same criminals and crazies.

Are you saying the root causes of violence and unsafe streets is because law abiding citizens are not allowed to have guns?

No, I'm saying that taking away the right to bear arms from law abiding citizens will not do ANYTHING to stop violence in our streets. Doing so will only make it easier for those who don't care about laws because they ARE criminals or crazy to hurt those who DO obey the law.
dudes your lies aint flying anymore.

90% wanted background checks.

you voted against the countries wishes
And a vast majority of Americans also thinks armed guards in schools is a good idea, TM...why isn't THAT being pushed by liberals in Congress?

Oh wait...I forgot...public polling only matters if it supports YOUR agenda...

I am curious if you know increases in funding for school security was in that bill that failed yesterday????

That bill was chock full of pork and poison pills. It was set up for failure.
Note. I think the gun show loophole must be closed. I also think that if we must register our vehicles, we can certainly live with registering our firearms.
These items would pass if on a standalone bill.

true but they always are, in the political forums I was reading yesterday, people thought a ban on assualt weapons and high cap. magazines was in this bill and it wasnt. alot of misinformation was put out. this bill was bi partisian and good as you could get.. and the NRA still managed to defeat it....
So if you want background checks then put them in a stand alone bill. Why didn't that happen? The obvious answer to that is that progressives want more than just universal background checks.
What's sad is that it's quite obvious that we DO have a problem with violence in this country. Criminals and the mentally unstable are making our streets unsafe. But rather than do something to actually address the root causes of that, liberals have decided to do their best Rahm Emanuel "don't let a crisis go to waste" thing and try to take guns away from law abiding citizens who want to protect themselves from those very same criminals and crazies.

Are you saying the root causes of violence and unsafe streets is because law abiding citizens are not allowed to have guns?
Lets look at this from another prospective.
Liberals say the reasons why crime and violence in the inner cities is rampant because of poverty. They say it is the greed of capitalism that causes people in cities to be poor. That when people have no hope of employment they will turn to crime.
The fact is, a far higher proportion of people on social assistance reside in cities. They are taken care of financially. Those that commit violent gun crimes, are in gangs and other criminals trying to either cut out a piece of turf or to take from another that which does not belong to them.
Bottom line is they ( criminals) are all capitalists. Their businesses are drugs, gambling and prostitution. This is prevalent with street gangs. Other criminals are thieves or extortionists
In the overall crime statistics, non criminals are rarely( as compared to criminals)victims of gun crimes. When law abiding citizens ARE victims of crime, the fact that laws the honest citizen this method of self protection does indeed increase their likelihood of becoming a victim of crime. The answer to your question is 'yes'.
What's happened here is that the Obama Administration decided to use the tragedy in Newtown to push through stricter gun control laws. They made a political calculation that Democrats that are from swing States or rural States and would normally NEVER vote for more gun control laws would be cowed into voting for them now. Unfortunately for progressives, politicians from those places looked at THEIR constituents and decided that voting for that bill was going to get them canned come next election once the furor over the school killings died down and people realized that the laws passed didn't really address the real problems out there.
Who the fuck cares? Since when does knowing who Locke is a measure of intelligence;

It is a measure of general knowledge, which is part of a good education. Your education obviously lacks in some serious areas, which might explain why you think that there is no liberal bias in education. Everyone I know who is involved in academics acknowledges the bias you insist does not exist.

Um no, it is a measure of knowledge. I'm not sure you know what the word general means.

How is it not a measure of knowledge to know who one of the greatest thinkers of a previous era was? It is the functional equivelent of not knowing who Monet and Picasso are, and is almost as bad as not knowing about Leonardo da Vinci was. You might not have read everything he wrote, anymore than you can tell a Renoir from a Ruben, but you should know all of their names, and enough to be able to tell what it is they did. It isn't like we are talking about Cotton Mather or Nikolai Tesla, people I would only expect someone with more specialized knowledge to be familiar with.

That, for the record, is general knowledge. The fact that you think you are excused from knowing who he is because people you disagree with like him only proves how uneducated you are.
Guy waves his psych degree in everyone's face, gets defensive when other guy waves advanced graduate level degrees in his

I think it was the fact that I am actually qualified to counsel people, and certified by at least one state to practice.

I question your qualification to counsel. You have the maturity of a child.

If you knew anything about counseling you would know that only quacks give advice on the internet.

Besides, I keep by life separate from the recreation I get from mocking people who get an art degree in science, especially fake science.
Um no, it is a measure of knowledge. I'm not sure you know what the word general means.

It is kind of like the levels of intelligence we were talking about earlier eh?

You are retarded when it comes to political theory.

But you are smart when it comes to...shit I'm not sure.

Well maybe you shouldn't create threads on Liberalism and how brilliant you are in the future if you don't know who Locke is. Maybe you can learn a lesson from this down the road and learn to think before you post.

You are so dense. I never "waived around my degree". You asked what it was. I also never claimed to be brilliant.

You didn't start this thread by claiming to be an intellectual?
I do hate it when discussions about issue turn into personal pissing matches.

All thinking about the topic at hand ceases and those interested in discussion abandon the thread leaving behind only people who feel they must attack the other or defend themselves from the childish attacks on their character.

Here's a thought...when personally attacked, let the attack lay there unanswered.

Then when people with intelligence read it, the only person who look like a CHUMP is the loser who decided to attack the messenger rather than the message.

Oh I know, its hard not to respond in kind.

But in the longer run, you win, and they lose.

There were no issues in the OP, it was a flame. We fought back, and blew the guy with an art degree in fake science out of the water.
I do hate it when discussions about issue turn into personal pissing matches.

All thinking about the topic at hand ceases and those interested in discussion abandon the thread leaving behind only people who feel they must attack the other or defend themselves from the childish attacks on their character.

Here's a thought...when personally attacked, let the attack lay there unanswered.

Then when people with intelligence read it, the only person who look like a CHUMP is the loser who decided to attack the messenger rather than the message.

Oh I know, its hard not to respond in kind.

But in the longer run, you win, and they lose.

You're kidding me right?

In my last thread you said "you can't possibly be this stupid"

If that's not a personal attack, I don't know what is. You're no better.

He is like you, he wants to pretend that being liberal makes him smart.
Do conservatives ever wonder WHY liberalism is prevalent in higher education?


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