Do conservatives ever wonder WHY liberalism is prevalent in higher education?

When was the last time in the history of the senate voted against what 90% of the people wanted?
AS I SAID, there is SOME DISAGREEMENT on who said it first. That was phrased badly. I meant, on who said it.

Some say Mark Levin.

The point being, it doesn't matter who said it. It's dead on accurate.

Communism, socialism, and Yes FASCISM were all started by intellectuals.

If you think I'm wrong, listen to the lyrics of Cole Porter song from 1930, in which Mussolini is considered the height of intellectualism.

You?re the Top! You?re Mussolini! |

Winston Churchill once called Mussolini, "The Roman Genius."

The point being, today's intellectuals, easily become tomorrow's monsters.

Stalin was touted by the left for years until the Soviet Union fell and it was no longer possible to deny the atrocities.

Whether or not anyone believes the statement to be accurate, it is simply not cool to misquote someone or to attribute a quotation to someone who did not make the statement. It does indeed matter very much who said it in the sense that it is wrong to attritube to someone something they did not say. How would you like it if someone did that to you?

By the time the Soviet Union fell, Stalin and his brand of communism had been dead for a few decades. People who had believed in him had lost faith in him long, long before the Soviet Union fell.

If you believe 'intellectuals' created fascism, communism, socialism and every other 'ill' of the world, every other philosophy, that would suggest to me that you believe anyone who reads, writes, thinks, and is educated is part of some evil entity in this world that falls under the umbrella of the term, as you define it "intellectual." Jesus would, therefore, also be an intellectual. In fact, Jesus was a socialist and an intellectual. Hmmmm.....

I imagine Churchill used the term genius, when he spoke of Mussolini, in a political sense. It is not the same thing as being an intellectual.

Porter did not write his song about Mussolini.
P. G. Wodehouse anglicised it for the British version of Anything Goes. Amongst other changes, he altered two lines from "You’re an O’Neill drama / You’re Whistler’s mama!" to "You’re Mussolini / You’re Mrs Sweeny")
P.G. Wodehouse was a satirist, which means he was being satirical in changing the language in the song to include Mussolini.

Ahh, so you now make excuses for the fall of the USSR.
Well it's fact time. The USSR as with any communist country is set up for failure.
It is impossible to sustain a socialist/communist political reign for an extended time. Eventually, as the general public is robbed of their wealth, it falls into the hands of the political elite. The people are left equal in their misery.

I made excuses for the fall of the USSR? Where did I do that, and where did I support the USSR or Stalin???? You think 'liberals' support the USSR or any other communist country? How funny. They don't.

I was simply making the point, Stalin died in 1953. The Soviet Union ended in 1989. In the meantime, people around the world, including people and leaders in the Soviet Union, realized Stalin had been responsible for genocide and famine throughout the Soviet Union. He is not admired by Western liberals and not by most of the people in the Russian Federation today or the former Soviet Satellite states.
For liberals like TruthMatters, the following equation is their mantra:

American = Orwell + big brother X nanny state

The colleges are liberal because now more than ever the following is true. When you can't "do", you teach. Find a liberal college professor and ask them, "How many veteran centers or homeless shelters do you volunteer for? How many are volunteer firemen or reserve police officers?" You know, I've NEVER seen one at the veteran center I volunteer at and it's right across the street from a college. Every year my family volunteers at the John 3:16 mission as do many families and organizations. Nope, have NEVER seen any of the 'educated elite' helping out. And yes, I've asked before. I get a shrug and a dismissive look like I have no reason to even ask.

The amount of money spent on education does not equal results. If it did, our children would be the best educated in the world. They are not and it continues to get worse. Want your child to have a good education, send them to a Christian or a Catholic school. They do far more with less and your children will learn.
now the wealthy got their bought assholes in congress to vote against what 90% of Americans wanted.

It has been proven your the bought party

90% of americans do not want gun control,. only 4% consider it a major issue.

your continual lies only make you look like a fool
Liberal teachers have an audience with students who depend on them for grades, they cannot handle the private sector where they would have to share their viewpoints with the adults.
For liberals like TruthMatters, the following equation is their mantra:

American = Orwell + big brother X nanny state

The colleges are liberal because now more than ever the following is true. When you can't "do", you teach. Find a liberal college professor and ask them, "How many veteran centers or homeless shelters do you volunteer for? How many are volunteer firemen or reserve police officers?" You know, I've NEVER seen one at the veteran center I volunteer at and it's right across the street from a college. Every year my family volunteers at the John 3:16 mission as do many families and organizations. Nope, have NEVER seen any of the 'educated elite' helping out. And yes, I've asked before. I get a shrug and a dismissive look like I have no reason to even ask.

The amount of money spent on education does not equal results. If it did, our children would be the best educated in the world. They are not and it continues to get worse. Want your child to have a good education, send them to a Christian or a Catholic school. They do far more with less and your children will learn.

Okay, a few things.

1) Why are liberal professors obligated to volunteer? There are plenty of selfish conservatives/libertarians that dont do anything for other people.

2) How many liberal professors have you had this conversation with?

3) Professors have very little free time.

4) How do you know these individuals weren't altruistic before their careers started?
Perhaps its because liberalism represents intellectual ideas? Perhaps something can be said why political scientists tend to be liberal.

Intellectualism means reasoning and thinking rather than emotions.
Liberals use emotions and feelings. Liberals do not think or have common sense.
If you did you would not continue to vote for Dems.
Dems always promise equality, prosperity and security. It never ever happens.
All it does is bring misery, poverty and always ends up 100% of the time in tyranny.

I think that the Author and Historian Paul Johnson said it the best;

"It is not the formulation of ideas, however misguided, but the desire to impose them on others that is the deadly sin of the intellectual. That is why they so incline by temperament to the left. For capitalism merely occurs, if no one does anything to stop it. It is socialism that has to be constructed, and as a rule, forcibly imposed, thus providing a far bigger role for intellectuals in its genesis. The progressive intellectual habitually entertains Walter Mitty visions of exercising power".

Every single bill that Dems pass has been forced upon Americans.

We are forced to pay for Social Security, forced to pay for Medicare & Medicaid.
The New Health Care Bill was not liked by a majority of Americans, but because they had the numbers in the House and the Senate it was forced upon us.
Perhaps its because liberalism represents intellectual ideas? Perhaps something can be said why political scientists tend to be liberal.

Intellectualism means reasoning and thinking rather than emotions.
Liberals use emotions and feelings. Liberals do not think or have common sense.
If you did you would not continue to vote for Dems.
Dems always promise equality, prosperity and security. It never ever happens.
All it does is bring misery, poverty and always ends up 100% of the time in tyranny.

I think that the Author and Historian Paul Johnson said it the best;

"It is not the formulation of ideas, however misguided, but the desire to impose them on others that is the deadly sin of the intellectual. That is why they so incline by temperament to the left. For capitalism merely occurs, if no one does anything to stop it. It is socialism that has to be constructed, and as a rule, forcibly imposed, thus providing a far bigger role for intellectuals in its genesis. The progressive intellectual habitually entertains Walter Mitty visions of exercising power".

Every single bill that Dems pass has been forced upon Americans.

We are forced to pay for Social Security, forced to pay for Medicare & Medicaid.
The New Health Care Bill was not liked by a majority of Americans, but because they had the numbers in the House and the Senate it was forced upon us.

You are an indication that conservatives lack basic critical thinking skills.
For liberals like TruthMatters, the following equation is their mantra:

American = Orwell + big brother X nanny state

The colleges are liberal because now more than ever the following is true. When you can't "do", you teach. Find a liberal college professor and ask them, "How many veteran centers or homeless shelters do you volunteer for? How many are volunteer firemen or reserve police officers?" You know, I've NEVER seen one at the veteran center I volunteer at and it's right across the street from a college. Every year my family volunteers at the John 3:16 mission as do many families and organizations. Nope, have NEVER seen any of the 'educated elite' helping out. And yes, I've asked before. I get a shrug and a dismissive look like I have no reason to even ask.

The amount of money spent on education does not equal results. If it did, our children would be the best educated in the world. They are not and it continues to get worse. Want your child to have a good education, send them to a Christian or a Catholic school. They do far more with less and your children will learn.

Okay, a few things.

1) Why are liberal professors obligated to volunteer? There are plenty of selfish conservatives/libertarians that dont do anything for other people.

2) How many liberal professors have you had this conversation with?

3) Professors have very little free time.

4) How do you know these individuals weren't altruistic before their careers started?

you keep asking questions but you never answer ours, you are not to be taken seriously, your conversation is one sided, without insight, and definitely without intellect.
For liberals like TruthMatters, the following equation is their mantra:

American = Orwell + big brother X nanny state

The colleges are liberal because now more than ever the following is true. When you can't "do", you teach. Find a liberal college professor and ask them, "How many veteran centers or homeless shelters do you volunteer for? How many are volunteer firemen or reserve police officers?" You know, I've NEVER seen one at the veteran center I volunteer at and it's right across the street from a college. Every year my family volunteers at the John 3:16 mission as do many families and organizations. Nope, have NEVER seen any of the 'educated elite' helping out. And yes, I've asked before. I get a shrug and a dismissive look like I have no reason to even ask.

The amount of money spent on education does not equal results. If it did, our children would be the best educated in the world. They are not and it continues to get worse. Want your child to have a good education, send them to a Christian or a Catholic school. They do far more with less and your children will learn.

Okay, a few things.

1) Why are liberal professors obligated to volunteer? There are plenty of selfish conservatives/libertarians that dont do anything for other people.

2) How many liberal professors have you had this conversation with?

3) Professors have very little free time.

4) How do you know these individuals weren't altruistic before their careers started?

you keep asking questions but you never answer ours, you are not to be taken seriously, your conversation is one sided, without insight, and definitely without intellect.

Lol okay Willow, what questions am I not answering? Lay them on me. I will answer every single one.
when yiou have a party that hates education as much as the republican party does its starts getting suspecious.

they call any funding for our kids education "throwing money at the problem".

They hate higher education and trash anyone with an education.

then they start their very own crazy town higher education.

They deny sceince on a daily basis.

they deny the very definitions of words.

The right in this country wants peopel stupid.


No one hates education more than you do. You can't spell for shit. If you cared about education you would get one.

lol and truth matters was making fun of my spelling a week ago.....
For liberals like TruthMatters, the following equation is their mantra:

American = Orwell + big brother X nanny state

The colleges are liberal because now more than ever the following is true. When you can't "do", you teach. Find a liberal college professor and ask them, "How many veteran centers or homeless shelters do you volunteer for? How many are volunteer firemen or reserve police officers?" You know, I've NEVER seen one at the veteran center I volunteer at and it's right across the street from a college. Every year my family volunteers at the John 3:16 mission as do many families and organizations. Nope, have NEVER seen any of the 'educated elite' helping out. And yes, I've asked before. I get a shrug and a dismissive look like I have no reason to even ask.

The amount of money spent on education does not equal results. If it did, our children would be the best educated in the world. They are not and it continues to get worse. Want your child to have a good education, send them to a Christian or a Catholic school. They do far more with less and your children will learn.

Okay, a few things.

3) Professors have very little free time.

Yeah, teaching 12 hours a week (or less) for 30 weeks a year is a real bitch. A Ph.D. friend of mine summed up his academic career beautifully: Tell them what they want to hear.

Perhaps its because liberalism represents intellectual ideas? Perhaps something can be said why political scientists tend to be liberal.

Intellectualism means reasoning and thinking rather than emotions.
Liberals use emotions and feelings. Liberals do not think or have common sense.
If you did you would not continue to vote for Dems.
Dems always promise equality, prosperity and security. It never ever happens.
All it does is bring misery, poverty and always ends up 100% of the time in tyranny.

I think that the Author and Historian Paul Johnson said it the best;

"It is not the formulation of ideas, however misguided, but the desire to impose them on others that is the deadly sin of the intellectual. That is why they so incline by temperament to the left. For capitalism merely occurs, if no one does anything to stop it. It is socialism that has to be constructed, and as a rule, forcibly imposed, thus providing a far bigger role for intellectuals in its genesis. The progressive intellectual habitually entertains Walter Mitty visions of exercising power".

Every single bill that Dems pass has been forced upon Americans.

We are forced to pay for Social Security, forced to pay for Medicare & Medicaid.
The New Health Care Bill was not liked by a majority of Americans, but because they had the numbers in the House and the Senate it was forced upon us.

You are an indication that conservatives lack basic critical thinking skills.

With all due respect, "Billy"'ve got TruthMatters on your team and I've got a Pet Rock with a higher IQ than her!

You're going to have a hard time convincing me that liberals have basic critical thinking skills when they pass so much legislation that simply won't do the job it's intended to do. That's not "thinking"...that's adhering to an agenda as you disregard reality.
when yiou have a party that hates education as much as the republican party does its starts getting suspecious.

they call any funding for our kids education "throwing money at the problem".

They hate higher education and trash anyone with an education.

then they start their very own crazy town higher education.

They deny sceince on a daily basis.

they deny the very definitions of words.

The right in this country wants peopel stupid.


No one hates education more than you do. You can't spell for shit. If you cared about education you would get one.

lol and truth matters was making fun of my spelling a week ago.....

go get the post I dont remember that
Intellectualism means reasoning and thinking rather than emotions.
Liberals use emotions and feelings. Liberals do not think or have common sense.
If you did you would not continue to vote for Dems.
Dems always promise equality, prosperity and security. It never ever happens.
All it does is bring misery, poverty and always ends up 100% of the time in tyranny.

I think that the Author and Historian Paul Johnson said it the best;

"It is not the formulation of ideas, however misguided, but the desire to impose them on others that is the deadly sin of the intellectual. That is why they so incline by temperament to the left. For capitalism merely occurs, if no one does anything to stop it. It is socialism that has to be constructed, and as a rule, forcibly imposed, thus providing a far bigger role for intellectuals in its genesis. The progressive intellectual habitually entertains Walter Mitty visions of exercising power".

Every single bill that Dems pass has been forced upon Americans.

We are forced to pay for Social Security, forced to pay for Medicare & Medicaid.
The New Health Care Bill was not liked by a majority of Americans, but because they had the numbers in the House and the Senate it was forced upon us.

You are an indication that conservatives lack basic critical thinking skills.

With all due respect, "Billy"'ve got TruthMatters on your team and I've got a Pet Rock with a higher IQ than her!

You're going to have a hard time convincing me that liberals have basic critical thinking skills when they pass so much legislation that simply won't do the job it's intended to do. That's not "thinking"...that's adhering to an agenda as you disregard reality.

did robmoney win by 5% like the right was telling us he would?
Okay, a few things.

1) Why are liberal professors obligated to volunteer? There are plenty of selfish conservatives/libertarians that dont do anything for other people.

2) How many liberal professors have you had this conversation with?

3) Professors have very little free time.

4) How do you know these individuals weren't altruistic before their careers started?

you keep asking questions but you never answer ours, you are not to be taken seriously, your conversation is one sided, without insight, and definitely without intellect.

Lol okay Willow, what questions am I not answering? Lay them on me. I will answer every single one.

You will find these people will lie non stop and never really answer your questions.

Its OK as long as you prove their lies lies anyone reading will know they are liars anyway

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