Do conservatives not understand how important it is to protect pre-existing conditions?

Any liberal can, at any time, step in and cover somebody’s Preexisting confition. That isn’t the point. The demand that other people pay for it is always the real point of socialism.
And temper tantrums follow.

It is not socialism. You have no clue what you are talking about. Insurance is about sharing costs.

Dear busybee01
1. insurance does not guarantee services will be paid for or that people can afford to pay for their portion.
2. for shared costs, look into health care cooperatives that are about the actual provisions and services made locally accessible. both progressives like the Greens and conservatives like Sean Hannity agree on health care coops as the best solution that eliminates conflicts over govt micromanaging choices.
3. as for socialism, in American politics this term tends to be used to mean govt interference and regulations over programs and not "literal" ownership.
the literal term means govt ownership, but people use the term loosely in America. the main conflict is that liberals see the govt authority as representing the people (while conservatives don't), and conservatives see the people as having the authority of govt (while liberals don't). so when you argue about whether 'govt' should be in control, the conservatives mean the PEOPLE should decide democratically while the liberals keep putting federal govt above the people. We all want "people" to be represented, but once this gets into the hands of "govt" it becomes controlled by politics in Congress and stops representing what the "people" were really asking for in the first place. so neither side gets represented, and both blame the other. the key is to return the decision making to the PEOPLE, and after policies and terms are set up to work properly, THEN model govt after what works -- so the PEOPLE decide on policies and govt represents the PEOPLE. Not giving up control over terms conditions and policies to politicians in DC first, then holding citizens and taxpayers enslaved to whatever comes out of Congress, which tends to be a corrupted compromised mess. that is what conservatives mean by socialism and opposing "govt control" of regulations (not necessarily literal "ownership" of the production or programs as the literal term means).

People who cry socialism often remind me of the boy who cried wolf. Any time you regulate something it becomes socialism. The government has the right to regulate insurance companies and requiring them to cover people with pre-existing conditions and capping rates for certain groups is not socialism. I have advocated that the Obamacare plan be reformed. I think we should get insurers, doctors and nurses together for a conference to find a rational system. I support the refundable tax credits and people choosing a plan that fits them. That is not socialism.

The government has no such right. However, the left has brainwashed people to believe it does.
If he has been paying into an insurance pool the same as the rest of us then he should be able to get his money out.

If not then he needs to find another way to pay.

Just leave me out of it.

Insurance is about more than just a pile of money that people pay into, it is also about shared risk.

Some people pay in money and never come close to using what they paid in, should they get that back when they die? Of course not.

Some people pay in money for 30 years and never come close to paying for what the spend.

Health insurance is not unlike the roads you in your city and state. You pay for them all, but you only drive on a few of them.
No insurance company is going to allow people with preexisting conditions have a policy on the same terms as healthy people. They would go bankrupt if they did.


...and the friggin government should not mandate it.
woe is you. just over half support single payer.

Not if you bought fire insurance BEFORE you burnt down your house.

Do you get how insurance works now?
He doesn't really care. He is intellectually dishonest. He'll say anything that he believes will achieve his agenda.
Insurance is for the unexpected...You don't wreck your car, then go to your insurance agent demanding collision coverage for your "pre-existing condition"... Either socialists won't understand this, or are just plain stupid.

That's the GIBSMEDAT! culture for you.
You idiot. The point is that healthcare shouldn’t be treated like it’s insurance. You equating car insurance as justification for rejecting healthcare coverage is ridiculous

It's the same thing, not responsible for you stuffing your fat face with junk food and not working out

There are plenty of people who are born with pre-existing conditions. How did they stuff themselves.

I am not talking about being born with them, I have no problem helping them, it's the people who abuse themselves and want me to take care of them..

Yeah...according to Obama everyeone has a right to eat like a pig, baloon to 400 lbs and have us pay for hip, knee and ankle replacements. Not to mention pay for their diabetes they won't have to cancel their vacations.
What conservatives don’t understand is that to allow insurance companies to deny coverage for pre-existing conditions means those denied will be forced to seek treatment in emergency rooms, which will be considerably more expensive due to the medical condition having become critical and because the patient has no health insurance to cover the cost of that expensive treatment; a cost that will be passed on to consumers as higher insurance premiums to address hospitals increasing the expense of their services to make up for the losses incurred treating the uninsured.

Unless the GOP ‘plan’ is to have hospitals and their emergency rooms refuse to treat those uninsured and relegate those uninsured to die in the streets.

Yeah, that's what was happening before Obama came along and saved us (and made insurance so damn costly that the people who buy it still can't afford to use it).

Insurance is for the unexpected...You don't wreck your car, then go to your insurance agent demanding collision coverage for your "pre-existing condition"... Either socialists won't understand this, or are just plain stupid.

That's the GIBSMEDAT! culture for you.


If you car breaks down, you go buy a fucking new one.

What do you do when your body breaks down?

What if you're BORN with a condition?

If you get a condition, does this mean you can no longer change insurance companies, and then they can charge youas much as they like knowing you're a slave to their insurance packages?

Fuck insurance companies and especially fuck insurance companies who profit from other people's health.

Break away from the scam and pay for your own shit - it's better for you (and anyone else that turns their back on them) and it's cheaper too.
10s of millions Americans would be affected by this. Either conservatives do not even understand this subject, or they believe it won’t affect them personally. That’s their “I got mine - fuck everyone else philosophy”. Of course once they realize it will affect them, only then would they support the protections.

That’s America for you.

Of course they do. This is about discouraging NEW O-Care enrollments until there is an alternative in place. It will NOT affect anyone currently insured. Or anyone who can show CONTINUOUS coverage for an exclusion period.

There NEEDS to be some replacement legislation. But until there IS -- the program is BLEEDING money like crazy and can't afford to expand.
No it will definitely effect anyone on private insurance. Things like treatment for cancer or mental health disorders can be dropped from plans if the insurer believes them to be pre-existing. It’s for this reason a for profit healthcare system will never be enough for those most vulnerable.
Do parents not understand the value of teaching their kids to set money aside for their medical needs?

My folks pounded it into me that I needed to have a minimum of $100k set aside for emergencies from day one. They also bitched at me if I didn't immediately put 3-5% of my paycheck into savings/money markets. Different worlds I guess. ~shrug~
Do parents not understand the value of teaching their kids to set money aside for their medical needs?

My folks pounded it into me that I needed to have a minimum of $100k set aside for emergencies from day one. They also bitched at me if I didn't immediately put 3-5% of my paycheck into savings/money markets. Different worlds I guess. ~shrug~
A lot of good hard working people weren't able to amass your $100k before they had an injury or condition that cost more than that, or if they had $100k it was used up quickly on medical expenses.

You really live in an imaginary reality and are likely fake anyways. ~shrug~
Do parents not understand the value of teaching their kids to set money aside for their medical needs?

My folks pounded it into me that I needed to have a minimum of $100k set aside for emergencies from day one. They also bitched at me if I didn't immediately put 3-5% of my paycheck into savings/money markets. Different worlds I guess. ~shrug~
A lot of good hard working people weren't able to amass your $100k before they had an injury or condition that cost more than that, or if they had $100k it was used up quickly on medical expenses.

You really live in an imaginary reality and are likely fake anyways. ~shrug~

Jelly? Its where I'm at in life. I worked my ass off as a kid and made a series of wise investments so I can afford to have that much aside. Regardless, /anyone/ could chose to set aside the 3-5%.

In 2011 my husband broke his neck on a moose ass at 65mph and we paid $10k for the xrays, stitches, and hospital stay (I suppose one could technically count the cost of the car, insurance totaled it and gave us like $8k or some shit. My husband found a manual 1990-something Subaru Legacy for $1750 and he's in love with it ~rolls eyes~) We did later, uhm 2014 I think, have to send him to a chiropractor because his shit healed wrong; that cost us $4k over six months. For the record, I'm in Alaska and we have some of the most prohibitive health care costs in the US.

Whatever, I mean if you want to blow thousands of dollars every single year on insurance that probably /still/ won't cover for your emergency or condition that's on you. Don't ask me to throw my money down the drain for your shit. None of you were there to patch up my husband...
Do parents not understand the value of teaching their kids to set money aside for their medical needs?

My folks pounded it into me that I needed to have a minimum of $100k set aside for emergencies from day one. They also bitched at me if I didn't immediately put 3-5% of my paycheck into savings/money markets. Different worlds I guess. ~shrug~
A lot of good hard working people weren't able to amass your $100k before they had an injury or condition that cost more than that, or if they had $100k it was used up quickly on medical expenses.

You really live in an imaginary reality and are likely fake anyways. ~shrug~

Jelly? Its where I'm at in life. I worked my ass off as a kid and made a series of wise investments so I can afford to have that much aside. Regardless, /anyone/ could chose to set aside the 3-5%.

In 2011 my husband broke his neck on a moose ass at 65mph and we paid $10k for the xrays, stitches, and hospital stay (I suppose one could technically count the cost of the car, insurance totaled it and gave us like $8k or some shit. My husband found a manual 1990-something Subaru Legacy for $1750 and he's in love with it ~rolls eyes~) We did later, uhm 2014 I think, have to send him to a chiropractor because his shit healed wrong; that cost us $4k over six months. For the record, I'm in Alaska and we have some of the most prohibitive health care costs in the US.

Whatever, I mean if you want to blow thousands of dollars every single year on insurance that probably /still/ won't cover for your emergency or condition that's on you. Don't ask me to throw my money down the drain for your shit. None of you were there to patch up my husband...
You have missed the point completely.

I'm sorry your husband broke his neck riding a moose's ass at 65 mph, frankly I'm impressed that is even possible. Not very surprising he was injured. I hope you paid for all of this out of pocket and didn't burden the rest of us with higher insurance rates because of your husband's idiocy.
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Do parents not understand the value of teaching their kids to set money aside for their medical needs?

My folks pounded it into me that I needed to have a minimum of $100k set aside for emergencies from day one. They also bitched at me if I didn't immediately put 3-5% of my paycheck into savings/money markets. Different worlds I guess. ~shrug~
A lot of good hard working people weren't able to amass your $100k before they had an injury or condition that cost more than that, or if they had $100k it was used up quickly on medical expenses.

You really live in an imaginary reality and are likely fake anyways. ~shrug~

Jelly? Its where I'm at in life. I worked my ass off as a kid and made a series of wise investments so I can afford to have that much aside. Regardless, /anyone/ could chose to set aside the 3-5%.

In 2011 my husband broke his neck on a moose ass at 65mph and we paid $10k for the xrays, stitches, and hospital stay (I suppose one could technically count the cost of the car, insurance totaled it and gave us like $8k or some shit. My husband found a manual 1990-something Subaru Legacy for $1750 and he's in love with it ~rolls eyes~) We did later, uhm 2014 I think, have to send him to a chiropractor because his shit healed wrong; that cost us $4k over six months. For the record, I'm in Alaska and we have some of the most prohibitive health care costs in the US.

Whatever, I mean if you want to blow thousands of dollars every single year on insurance that probably /still/ won't cover for your emergency or condition that's on you. Don't ask me to throw my money down the drain for your shit. None of you were there to patch up my husband...
You have missed the point completely.

I'm sorry your husband broke his neck riding a moose's ass at 65 mph, frankly I'm impressed and also not surprised he was injured at the same time. I hope you paid for all of this out of pocket and didn't burden the rest of us with higher insurance rates because of your husband's idiocy.

You're clearly an idiot/troll. Not surprised since USMB is overrun with them. That said, we paid out of pocket as we always have and always will. Health insurance is a scam I refuse to buy into.
Do parents not understand the value of teaching their kids to set money aside for their medical needs?

My folks pounded it into me that I needed to have a minimum of $100k set aside for emergencies from day one. They also bitched at me if I didn't immediately put 3-5% of my paycheck into savings/money markets. Different worlds I guess. ~shrug~
A lot of good hard working people weren't able to amass your $100k before they had an injury or condition that cost more than that, or if they had $100k it was used up quickly on medical expenses.

You really live in an imaginary reality and are likely fake anyways. ~shrug~

Jelly? Its where I'm at in life. I worked my ass off as a kid and made a series of wise investments so I can afford to have that much aside. Regardless, /anyone/ could chose to set aside the 3-5%.

In 2011 my husband broke his neck on a moose ass at 65mph and we paid $10k for the xrays, stitches, and hospital stay (I suppose one could technically count the cost of the car, insurance totaled it and gave us like $8k or some shit. My husband found a manual 1990-something Subaru Legacy for $1750 and he's in love with it ~rolls eyes~) We did later, uhm 2014 I think, have to send him to a chiropractor because his shit healed wrong; that cost us $4k over six months. For the record, I'm in Alaska and we have some of the most prohibitive health care costs in the US.

Whatever, I mean if you want to blow thousands of dollars every single year on insurance that probably /still/ won't cover for your emergency or condition that's on you. Don't ask me to throw my money down the drain for your shit. None of you were there to patch up my husband...
You have missed the point completely.

I'm sorry your husband broke his neck riding a moose's ass at 65 mph, frankly I'm impressed and also not surprised he was injured at the same time. I hope you paid for all of this out of pocket and didn't burden the rest of us with higher insurance rates because of your husband's idiocy.

You're clearly an idiot/troll. Not surprised since USMB is overrun with them. That said, we paid out of pocket as we always have and always will. Health insurance is a scam I refuse to buy into.
Yet you let us all pay for part of your idiot moose ass riding husbands care. Are you telling me you paid all the bills with a broken neck?
What is the solution for those who have a condition prior to getting insurance but cannot afford to pay for the treatments and cannot get insurance either?

Do we just let them die?

Do we have the Govt pay for them?


They spend all that they have saving their own bloody life, and when they've done that the Gov takes care of it. That's the FACT in America for the uninsured and frankly there isn't a better system.

For those paying attention, evercurious is clearly foreign and likely a russian troll. The slip up mistranslation of "moose ass" instead of motorcycle is a dead giveaway. Of course maybe it is true "her" husband was riding a moose ass at 65 mph.
Do parents not understand the value of teaching their kids to set money aside for their medical needs?

My folks pounded it into me that I needed to have a minimum of $100k set aside for emergencies from day one. They also bitched at me if I didn't immediately put 3-5% of my paycheck into savings/money markets. Different worlds I guess. ~shrug~
A lot of good hard working people weren't able to amass your $100k before they had an injury or condition that cost more than that, or if they had $100k it was used up quickly on medical expenses.

You really live in an imaginary reality and are likely fake anyways. ~shrug~

Jelly? Its where I'm at in life. I worked my ass off as a kid and made a series of wise investments so I can afford to have that much aside. Regardless, /anyone/ could chose to set aside the 3-5%.

In 2011 my husband broke his neck on a moose ass at 65mph and we paid $10k for the xrays, stitches, and hospital stay (I suppose one could technically count the cost of the car, insurance totaled it and gave us like $8k or some shit. My husband found a manual 1990-something Subaru Legacy for $1750 and he's in love with it ~rolls eyes~) We did later, uhm 2014 I think, have to send him to a chiropractor because his shit healed wrong; that cost us $4k over six months. For the record, I'm in Alaska and we have some of the most prohibitive health care costs in the US.

Whatever, I mean if you want to blow thousands of dollars every single year on insurance that probably /still/ won't cover for your emergency or condition that's on you. Don't ask me to throw my money down the drain for your shit. None of you were there to patch up my husband...
You have missed the point completely.

I'm sorry your husband broke his neck riding a moose's ass at 65 mph, frankly I'm impressed that is even possible. Not very surprising he was injured. I hope you paid for all of this out of pocket and didn't burden the rest of us with higher insurance rates because of your husband's idiocy.
Since when do snowflakes care about placing their burdens on others?
10s of millions Americans would be affected by this. Either conservatives do not even understand this subject, or they believe it won’t affect them personally. That’s their “I got mine - fuck everyone else philosophy”. Of course once they realize it will affect them, only then would they support the protections.

That’s America for you.

Bull shit outright lie. Tell you what, instead of listening to panic merchants on TV, how bout you crack your insurance book your job gave you. I have never been turned down for a pre existing condition. Before token negro care came along, all one had to do is cover the cost of the condition for sis months UNLESS they were undergoing treatment for the condition for six months PRYOR to getting a new policy. After token negro care came along that remained the same except for two things. One, token negro got to grandstand and two, the out of pocket costs were doubled and then tripled under token negro care. What you are parroting from TV just isn’t true when you dig into it.

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