Do conservatives not understand how important it is to protect pre-existing conditions?

Insurance is for the unexpected...You don't wreck your car, then go to your insurance agent demanding collision coverage for your "pre-existing condition"... Either socialists won't understand this, or are just plain stupid.

That's the GIBSMEDAT! culture for you.

You are the one who is plain stupid. Someone should be able to get affordable health insurance. I would call a pre-existing condition unexpected. No one expects to be born sick or develop a sickness that will not go away. When the compassion was passed out you must have been out to lunch.

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10s of millions Americans would be affected by this. Either conservatives do not even understand this subject, or they believe it won’t affect them personally. That’s their “I got mine - fuck everyone else philosophy”. Of course once they realize it will affect them, only then would they support the protections.

That’s America for you.

Bull shit outright lie. Tell you what, instead of listening to panic merchants on TV, how bout you crack your insurance book your job gave you. I have never been turned down for a pre existing condition. Before token negro care came along, all one had to do is cover the cost of the condition for sis months UNLESS they were undergoing treatment for the condition for six months PRYOR to getting a new policy. After token negro care came along that remained the same except for two things. One, token negro got to grandstand and two, the out of pocket costs were doubled and then tripled under token negro care. What you are parroting from TV just isn’t true when you dig into it.

I had a health insurance license and I have seen people denied because of preexisting conditions. I have also seen people rated up so high they couldn't afford the insurance
I don't understand this questioning of the GOP's positions on healthcare. Makes no sense.
It's clear their position is let them die. We don't care so don't bother us. We have needy billionaires to protect and take care of.
Fuck pre existing conditions. That is nothing more than welfare to have a government mandate to require that insurance companies accept somebody that didn't pay into the insurance pool.

Liberals don't understand the concept of what insurance is all about. It is not welfare. It is pooling. You pay in when you are well and take out when you are sick. If you don't pay in then you shouldn't be allowed to take out.

All filthy Liberals want is for somebody else to pay their bills. Despicable!

Isn't that the point of the mandate? Everyone pays into the system, or pays a tax/penalty. Of course the mandate is gone now.

Are you really that confused?

No everybody pays in but everybody gets their medical bills paid. That is what "single payer" is really all about and that is not a good thing.

We need to stop all welfare in this country. A single payer socialized medicine program is nothing more than institutionalized entitlement for free health care.

You are not entitled to have somebody else pay your bills just because you are alive.

I'll take care of paying my health care bills and you take care of paying yours, OK?
Fuck pre existing conditions. That is nothing more than welfare to have a government mandate to require that insurance companies accept somebody that didn't pay into the insurance pool.

Liberals don't understand the concept of what insurance is all about. It is not welfare. It is pooling. You pay in when you are well and take out when you are sick. If you don't pay in then you shouldn't be allowed to take out.

All filthy Liberals want is for somebody else to pay their bills. Despicable!

Isn't that the point of the mandate? Everyone pays into the system, or pays a tax/penalty. Of course the mandate is gone now.

Are you really that confused?

No everybody pays in but everybody gets their medical bills paid. That is what "single payer" is really all about and that is not a good thing.

We need to stop all welfare in this country. A single payer socialized medicine program is nothing more than institutionalized entitlement for free health care.

You are not entitled to have somebody else pay your bills just because you are alive.

I'll take care of paying my health care bills and you take care of paying yours, OK?

This is a stupid and selfish way of thinking.
There was a study conducted on the brains of conservatives vs the brains of liberals.
Conservatives are missing the part of the brain that allows people to have compassion for others.
In fact they got a "high" when being showed examples of people in distress - whether it be physically, emotionally or economically.
It really does explain the idiot in the Oval Office.

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Insurance is for the unexpected...You don't wreck your car, then go to your insurance agent demanding collision coverage for your "pre-existing condition"... Either socialists won't understand this, or are just plain stupid.

That's the GIBSMEDAT! culture for you.
You idiot. The point is that healthcare shouldn’t be treated like it’s insurance. You equating car insurance as justification for rejecting healthcare coverage is ridiculous

It's the same thing, not responsible for you stuffing your fat face with junk food and not working out

There are plenty of people who are born with pre-existing conditions. How did they stuff themselves.

I am not talking about being born with them, I have no problem helping them, it's the people who abuse themselves and want me to take care of them..

And how would your 12 cent's help them?
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Fuck pre existing conditions. That is nothing more than welfare to have a government mandate to require that insurance companies accept somebody that didn't pay into the insurance pool.

Liberals don't understand the concept of what insurance is all about. It is not welfare. It is pooling. You pay in when you are well and take out when you are sick. If you don't pay in then you shouldn't be allowed to take out.

All filthy Liberals want is for somebody else to pay their bills. Despicable!

Isn't that the point of the mandate? Everyone pays into the system, or pays a tax/penalty. Of course the mandate is gone now.

Are you really that confused?

No everybody pays in but everybody gets their medical bills paid. That is what "single payer" is really all about and that is not a good thing.

We need to stop all welfare in this country. A single payer socialized medicine program is nothing more than institutionalized entitlement for free health care.

You are not entitled to have somebody else pay your bills just because you are alive.

I'll take care of paying my health care bills and you take care of paying yours, OK?

I was stating a fact. That was the point of the mandate. Everyone pays into the system or faces a penalty. You take out when you need medical care. Is that not correct? Which one of us is confused.

I pay all my bills myself. I'm a Trump supporter. But truth be told, I'm fine if they took out a little more to go to someone who has cancer so they can get treatment.
Anybody demanding that they get preexisting conditions covered when they didn't pay insurance is also demanding that somebody else pay their bills.

Disgusting, in't it?

What they are asking for is reasonable rates. They are not saying they should pay nothing. Quit lying.
What's "reasonable" if you have cancer?

Insurance premium cost consist of risk rates for the pool plus adminstrative costs and a profit for the company administering the funds.

We have pretty good estimates of the number of people in pool that could get cancer or other high cost diseases and can reasonably estimate the cost to the pool.

When you have somebody come into be the pool with high cost that haven't paid in because of government mandated acceptance of pre existing conditions that drives up the cost for everybody else.

I AGREE with your statement 100% ! Now the dumb asses will complain about the "profit" issue !
These dummies don't seem to realize that the insurance companies have to have reserves for future claims otherwise the states' insurance regulators won't let them sell!
Now these reserves against future claims come from those NASTY profits...i.e. what is left after paying claims, administration,etc. profit!
I hope these dummies also understand that the so called "non-profit" insurance don't have to pay taxes! So again those evil profit making companies HAVE to pay taxes which is
deducted first from profits and then what is left is for "reserves".

I know YOU know this but these "hate capitalists" "evil profits" idiots don't seem to understand what "profits" really are used especially for building reserves!

Things just aren't this simple.
Sad, but that's exactly what many parents end up doing because they have to.
The USA is the ONLY country where you can lose everything & go bankrupt because of medical debt.
Fuck MAGA & the fat fuck who rode in on it.
Isn't he currently on blood pressure meds (& propecia)? Isn't that a pre-existing condition (caused by a diet consisting of 90% McDonald's) & why are "we the people" paying for a bald fuckers hair to grow back?

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Insulin For Life | Insulin Donations
Insulin for Life USA is a not-for-profit with a mission to rescue unused diabetes supplies here in the United States and deliver them to people across the world who have no access to these life saving necessities. Please consider how you can support IFL USA and donate your supplies or cash contribution tod

Rating 5 Popular Diabetes Non-Profits
2. Children’s Diabetes Foundation
Charity Navigator Star Rating – 3 out of 4
Overall Charity Navigator Score – 80.28 (out of 100)
Financial Score – 73.01 (out of 100)
Accountability and Transparency – 93 (out of 100)

2012 Total Revenue – $3,240,914
2012 Total Expenses – $4,006,306

Expenses Breakdown (Fiscal Year ending 12/2012)
Program Expenses – 60%
Fundraising – 30%
Administrative – 10%

Donating Unused Insulin to charity?

I mean seriously people bitching and moaning about 132,000 kids with diabetes and they can't use the INTERNET and find the above????

So, what happens to those children when the become adults and this charity no longer helps them?

Do you have any clue how expensive of a disease Type-1 is to control and the massive health issue that can arise if it is not controlled?

Hey I use the Internet to find answers to your dumb ass questions! Why don't YOU????

Treating Type 1 diabetes without Insurance - The #OverTheCounterT1DChallenge
check out the above and then calculate the below and you will see less than $100/month...

Here are the products I used on the #overthecounterT1Dchallenge:
  • Novolin R Insulin – $25 per vial (I used 1 full vial in the 30 days)
  • Novolin N Insulin – $25 per vial (I used 1 full vial in the 30 days)
  • Test Strips from One Drop today – $39 per month for unlimited strips (I used over 250 in the 30 days, because R and NPH require more attention due to bouncing between highs and lows)
  • ReliOn Syringes – $12 per box of 100 (I used ~150)

Diabetes is not something that is expensive to keep in check. However insurers charged people with diabetes much higher rates as if it were expensive to treat. That means people with diabetes may find insurance too expensive to afford.

I went in for a check up a couple of years ago and the doctor told me that I was pre diabetes.

He gave me a list of things I should do . He said Type II diabetes is a self inflicted disease.

I took personal responsibility and did what he told me. It was not easy but not all that hard either.

I am not diabetic now .

Other people should also take responsibility for their health and not expect me to pay their bills for them just because they are alive.

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Fuck pre existing conditions. That is nothing more than welfare to have a government mandate to require that insurance companies accept somebody that didn't pay into the insurance pool.

Liberals don't understand the concept of what insurance is all about. It is not welfare. It is pooling. You pay in when you are well and take out when you are sick. If you don't pay in then you shouldn't be allowed to take out.

All filthy Liberals want is for somebody else to pay their bills. Despicable!

Isn't that the point of the mandate? Everyone pays into the system, or pays a tax/penalty. Of course the mandate is gone now.

Are you really that confused?

No everybody pays in but everybody gets their medical bills paid. That is what "single payer" is really all about and that is not a good thing.

We need to stop all welfare in this country. A single payer socialized medicine program is nothing more than institutionalized entitlement for free health care.

You are not entitled to have somebody else pay your bills just because you are alive.

I'll take care of paying my health care bills and you take care of paying yours, OK?

This is a stupid and selfish way of thinking.

Personal responsibility is never stupid. However, what is selfish is expecting somebody else to pay your bills for you, which is exactly what a single payer system entitles.

I'll take care of paying my health care bills and you take care of paying yours, OK?

What about the 6.1 million kids under the age of 18 that have asthma and will be denied insurance? Is there a charity for them as well?

Their parents need to buy the medication.

It is wrong for the government to make somebody else pay for it.

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I am sorry Moon Bat but your needs are not my problem. They are your problem. It is oppressive for the filthy ass government to take my money by force and use it to pay your bills.

You are not entitled to my money just because you are alive.

I'll take care of paying my health care bills and you take care of paying yours, OK?
I thought Republicans promised to give us better healthcare than Obamacare
10s of millions Americans would be affected by this. Either conservatives do not even understand this subject, or they believe it won’t affect them personally. That’s their “I got mine - fuck everyone else philosophy”. Of course once they realize it will affect them, only then would they support the protections.

That’s America for you.

Dear Billy000
Do Liberals who believe in universal health care
understand if you want to provide and pay for everyone's access
then you should do the work to set up provisions and make sure they are not abused?

If I want everyone to have free transportation then I should take on the responsibility for
provisions that would make this accessible, affordable and sustainable for all the people I want to serve.

so why not hold liberals and conservatives to their own approaches to health care
A. if Liberals believe in universal coverage, then by all means, set up a system
that Liberals pay for so Preexisting conditions can be covered under that policy.
Not to meantion coverage for abortion, recreational drug use, or added conditions
AGAINST high sugar diets, meat consumption, or anything liberals DON'T believe in supporting either
in terms of health care costs and medical conditions caused by adverse factors.

B. if conservatives believe in free market provisions WITHOUT govt regulating the business conditions
(except for medical professional licensing, health and safety regulations on drugs and services provided)
then require conservatives to go through private programs and not access public institution unless they pay their costs of services used.

So if Christians/Conservatives want to fund health care through charity, and do NOT believe in
paying for abortions, birth control, drug addiction or abuse, smoking or alcohol effects, sex changes etc.
then those believers can fund programs under the terms of their choice as well.

Do liberals not understand the concept of free choice?
and not wanting govt to dictate what can and cannot be paid for through public systems?

Do liberals not understand there are not enough public hospitals to accommodate
the populations, especially given the growing immigrant populations that Liberals
believe in including and providing services and education for.

Do liberals not understand that working citizens and taxpayers that
pay for these services and institutions have EQUAL RIGHT to be represented in policies?
And if there is disagreement, then taxpayers should have equal right to separate
funding so they are NOT forced to fund policies they don't believe in?

Do liberals understand the difference in service quality and efficiency between
nonprofit groups, free market businesses, and govt run bureaucracies that
require voting on legislation before policies can be changed, corrected or improved?

Billy000 if you ask any Harvey survivor like me the difference between
getting help from nonprofits vs. getting help from a govt agency like FEMA
trying to serve several cities and states at once with one centralized program,
you would know that health care cannot be managed collectively through federal govt.

We had to wait in line, miss work, and wait for months, going back and forth
to answer appeals and claims through a bureaucratic user-unfriendly system.

You would understand why conservatives are saying not to rely on federal govt
to manage benefits. It all needs tob be localized.
and the nonprofits that worked locally fared much better.

That's what conservatives mean. it's not about denying services
but not tying them up in govt bureaucracy that can't provide individualized attention
to the masses from the top down.

Maybe we don't compare national disasters to heath care. We have a government run healthcare system called Medicare. It works. Liberals pay taxes also. Conservatives have been wrong about every Issue that's important and you are wrong about healthcare.
There is a reason. A damn good reason.

The reason that if you don't pay into an insurance pool then you are getting welfare and all welfare is wrong.

You should not demand that other people pay your bills for you. It is your responsibility to pay your own. If you have not been paying into an insurance pool when you were not sick then that means somebody else must pay for you. You don't want to be greedy and have somebody else have to work to make money to give to you, do you? Because that is exactly what a stupid preexisting condition requirement means and that is despicable.

Be responsible for your own well being. Stop demanding that other people be forced to pay you bills. You don't want to be one of these filthy ass welfare queens, do you? That would be shitty, wouldn't it?

Dear Flash and busybee01
Yes and no.
If liberal Democrats/progressive Greens want collective discounts as a group,
then by all means, "health care cooperatives" can be set up where members
DO agree to pool their resources together and pay for each other's services on a sustainable basis.

I recommend this be set up through medical education and training programs to ensure there
are enough service providers to meet the needs of local populations.
I even recommend converting prison facilities and budgets into health care
screening, treatment and rehab/recovery programs so the resources can come from there.

The way the Christian health share ministries work is by sharing costs among
the members who agree to the same cost-cutting policies (such as no smoking, drinking or drug use).

If liberals believe in a more lax policy, including sex that could lead to abortion
and smoking or drug use that could lead to lung and brain damage,
the terms of membership in that collective pool would be different to cover these costs
that other groups may not agree to pay for!

Instead of saying NO to the progressive ideal of health care for all,
we should encourage advocates to set up their own health care cooperatives,
train enough workers and build enough facilities/schools, in order to meet this lofty goal and get to YES.

Give them what they want.
If they want that responsibility, then spell it out.
And require them to write up sustainable business plans
and apply for loans and grants like any other business or nonprofit seeking donations, investors and support.

The government needs to get out of the business of taking money from a person that earns it and giving it to somebody else.

That should never be a function of government. No welfare, no subsidies, no entitlements and no bailouts.

Then we need to reduce taxes. Then everybody would have more money to spend on what they chose to spend it on. That includes charity. Americans are generous for those really in need.

Liberals are only generous with using other people's money to buy voting blocks and that is not right.

Dear Flash the best way to learn to be more effective with money and resources
is to train people to run programs themselves so they learn from experience
what conservatives mean by being fiscally responsible in cutting costs.

Since liberals believe in govt run health care,
why not hold them to fund this themselves through their own party membership and platform?

Why not require them to apply for business loans, investment and MENTORSHIP
so that business people with experience (in either nonprofit, education or businesses providing medical services)
can still help teach people "through experience" the process involved in running and maintaining such programs.

give people tax break incentives for investing in developing medical school/service programs,
including how to convert prison facilities into screening, treatment and rehab centers.

It's one thing to keep preaching to liberals that these programs need to be run responsibly
like businesses that pay for themselves.

It's another thing to set up actual programs for training people how to run them responsibly so they work!

It is not my responsibility to pay your health care bills. It is your responsibility.

It is not my responsibility to train you to be fiscally responsible. That is your responsibility.

It is not my responsibility to loan you money.

I am for considerably less government expenditures and corresponding less taxes for everybody. You spend your money on what you want and I'll spend mine on what I want.

Yes Flash it is a free choice whether to invest or mentor other people or groups to learn and run on this basic premise.

What I am saying is that "in reality" if we REALLY want liberals to learn to run their own coops and pay for their own costs themselves,
realistically, this is still going to take FREE MARKET support
to organize the mentors and lenders to help walk others through
the process of setting up teaching hospitals and converting prisons
into more cost effective programs for screening and curing mental
and social ills.

the liberals are pointing out where are these services going to come from?

the govt can set up secure facilities similar to the prisons we have no trouble funding with state budgets.

but after the sites are set up, why can't the programs be modeled after nonprofits that provide services the most cost effectively?

With Habitat for Humanity, the program works by teaching people in teams how to organize the resources and labor to build houses. this is ALL VOLUNTARY, both the donations of capital and the labor. So why not apply the same toward setting up health care coops to serve every district?

all VOLUNTARY where the costs have to be covered if the services and sites are going to be provided for the applicants in need who are require to participate as well.

this is why it works. people are TAUGHT by hands on experience and the program is replicated, where each person helped then helps the next person.

busybee01 if you can understand and appreciate Carter's habitat for humanity model, and how this can be applied to setting up medical school internship programs to serve each district, I'm happy to help you pitch this idea to your local party precinct chairs, state and federal reps from the Democrat and Green parties. If you live in a state like TX or CA that has massive prison budget funding problems we can address the campaign of converting prisons into medical treatment programs for earlier diagnosis, cure and rehab. so the money the state already spends on failed prison and mental health programs can be redirected to cover universal health care without raising taxes.

what do you think of these ideas?

There is a reason. A damn good reason.

The reason that if you don't pay into an insurance pool then you are getting welfare and all welfare is wrong.

You should not demand that other people pay your bills for you. It is your responsibility to pay your own. If you have not been paying into an insurance pool when you were not sick then that means somebody else must pay for you. You don't want to be greedy and have somebody else have to work to make money to give to you, do you? Because that is exactly what a stupid preexisting condition requirement means and that is despicable.

Be responsible for your own well being. Stop demanding that other people be forced to pay you bills. You don't want to be one of these filthy ass welfare queens, do you? That would be shitty, wouldn't it?

Dear Flash and busybee01
Yes and no.
If liberal Democrats/progressive Greens want collective discounts as a group,
then by all means, "health care cooperatives" can be set up where members
DO agree to pool their resources together and pay for each other's services on a sustainable basis.

I recommend this be set up through medical education and training programs to ensure there
are enough service providers to meet the needs of local populations.
I even recommend converting prison facilities and budgets into health care
screening, treatment and rehab/recovery programs so the resources can come from there.

The way the Christian health share ministries work is by sharing costs among
the members who agree to the same cost-cutting policies (such as no smoking, drinking or drug use).

If liberals believe in a more lax policy, including sex that could lead to abortion
and smoking or drug use that could lead to lung and brain damage,
the terms of membership in that collective pool would be different to cover these costs
that other groups may not agree to pay for!

Instead of saying NO to the progressive ideal of health care for all,
we should encourage advocates to set up their own health care cooperatives,
train enough workers and build enough facilities/schools, in order to meet this lofty goal and get to YES.

Give them what they want.
If they want that responsibility, then spell it out.
And require them to write up sustainable business plans
and apply for loans and grants like any other business or nonprofit seeking donations, investors and support.

The government needs to get out of the business of taking money from a person that earns it and giving it to somebody else.

That should never be a function of government. No welfare, no subsidies, no entitlements and no bailouts.

Then we need to reduce taxes. Then everybody would have more money to spend on what they chose to spend it on. That includes charity. Americans are generous for those really in need.

Liberals are only generous with using other people's money to buy voting blocks and that is not right.

Dear Flash the best way to learn to be more effective with money and resources
is to train people to run programs themselves so they learn from experience
what conservatives mean by being fiscally responsible in cutting costs.

Since liberals believe in govt run health care,
why not hold them to fund this themselves through their own party membership and platform?

Why not require them to apply for business loans, investment and MENTORSHIP
so that business people with experience (in either nonprofit, education or businesses providing medical services)
can still help teach people "through experience" the process involved in running and maintaining such programs.

give people tax break incentives for investing in developing medical school/service programs,
including how to convert prison facilities into screening, treatment and rehab centers.

It's one thing to keep preaching to liberals that these programs need to be run responsibly
like businesses that pay for themselves.

It's another thing to set up actual programs for training people how to run them responsibly so they work!

It is not my responsibility to pay your health care bills. It is your responsibility.

It is not my responsibility to train you to be fiscally responsible. That is your responsibility.

It is not my responsibility to loan you money.

I am for considerably less government expenditures and corresponding less taxes for everybody. You spend your money on what you want and I'll spend mine on what I want.

and Flash I repeat
yes, it should be by FREE CHOICE that anyone wants to choose to invest either capital or donations into any such business or nonprofit plan to provide health care services.

where govt could be involved is giving people tax breaks for investing so it is a free choice and it is deducted from taxes not added to them!

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Fuck pre existing conditions. That is nothing more than welfare to have a government mandate to require that insurance companies accept somebody that didn't pay into the insurance pool.

Liberals don't understand the concept of what insurance is all about. It is not welfare. It is pooling. You pay in when you are well and take out when you are sick. If you don't pay in then you shouldn't be allowed to take out.

All filthy Liberals want is for somebody else to pay their bills. Despicable!

Isn't that the point of the mandate? Everyone pays into the system, or pays a tax/penalty. Of course the mandate is gone now.

Are you really that confused?

No everybody pays in but everybody gets their medical bills paid. That is what "single payer" is really all about and that is not a good thing.

We need to stop all welfare in this country. A single payer socialized medicine program is nothing more than institutionalized entitlement for free health care.

You are not entitled to have somebody else pay your bills just because you are alive.

I'll take care of paying my health care bills and you take care of paying yours, OK?

I was stating a fact. That was the point of the mandate. Everyone pays into the system or faces a penalty. You take out when you need medical care. Is that not correct? Which one of us is confused.

I pay all my bills myself. I'm a Trump supporter. But truth be told, I'm fine if they took out a little more to go to someone who has cancer so they can get treatment.

What you don't seem to understand is that there are tens of millions that will not pay into the system but yet will receive benefits from it making it nothing more than another stupid budget breaking poorly run welfare system.

If you are a Trump supporter then you should understand what is wrong with that.

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